"Liar" First Word That Comes to Mind When People Think of Hillary

It's nice that after twenty-something years people are finally waking up to who the Clintons really are. Better late than never, I guess.

Daily Beast Editor-in-Chief John Avlon said that it is really troubling that so many voters associate Hillary Clinton with dishonesty, as reported in a new Quinnipiac poll.

“That word was ‘liar’ followed by ‘dishonest’ followed by ‘trustworthy’, ‘experience’, and ‘strong’. So that’s kind of a weird mixed bag, right?” CNN host Carol Costello asked.

Costello was incorrect when she said one of the words was trustworthy.

The poll showed that voters associate the words liar, dishonest, untrustworthy, experience, and strong to Clinton.

CNN: ‘Really Troubling’ for Clinton that So Many Voters Associate Her With Dishonesty

Doesn't surprise me

The rightwing media has been conditioning people how to respond. You will get a set percentage to spout "Liar" anytime they are asked about Hillary
The same people who spout "worst president ever" when asked about Obama

Ah yes.... the "vast right-wing conspiracy" again.


I'm still torn on the worst president. Carter was heroically horrible. It's close. We'll find out after the health care system in a few years, triples in price, and ends up crashing.

If that does NOT happen, then Carter is still in the lead.

If it DOES happen, then Obama has stolen his Crown of poop.

Fox Nation has been well trained

Why don't you ask them who the greatest President of all time is..........could it be Reagan?

I don't even own a TV set, so I wouldn't know what is, or is not said on any cable TV channel.

But if you ask me... all time? I would say... Adam Smith. The greatest president of the last 150 years... Maybe Calvin Coolidge.

Last 50 years? Definitely Reagan. By far.

The worst presidents, FDR, Carter. Not sure where LBJ fits in there yet. Obama's place is yet to be determined. He's not on the winner list for sure.
Hillary would still win by the simple fact that most Americans enjoy our roads, science institutions and police.(Well, that last one may not be enjoy, but it is needed).

Nobody voting for Hillary will be thinking about any of those things. The vast majority of the population isn't stricken with your autism.
It's nice that after twenty-something years people are finally waking up to who the Clintons really are. Better late than never, I guess.

Daily Beast Editor-in-Chief John Avlon said that it is really troubling that so many voters associate Hillary Clinton with dishonesty, as reported in a new Quinnipiac poll.

“That word was ‘liar’ followed by ‘dishonest’ followed by ‘trustworthy’, ‘experience’, and ‘strong’. So that’s kind of a weird mixed bag, right?” CNN host Carol Costello asked.

Costello was incorrect when she said one of the words was trustworthy.

The poll showed that voters associate the words liar, dishonest, untrustworthy, experience, and strong to Clinton.

CNN: ‘Really Troubling’ for Clinton that So Many Voters Associate Her With Dishonesty

Doesn't surprise me

The rightwing media has been conditioning people how to respond. You will get a set percentage to spout "Liar" anytime they are asked about Hillary
The same people who spout "worst president ever" when asked about Obama

Ah yes.... the "vast right-wing conspiracy" again.


I'm still torn on the worst president. Carter was heroically horrible. It's close. We'll find out after the health care system in a few years, triples in price, and ends up crashing.

If that does NOT happen, then Carter is still in the lead.

If it DOES happen, then Obama has stolen his Crown of poop.

Fox Nation has been well trained

Why don't you ask them who the greatest President of all time is..........could it be Reagan?

I don't even own a TV set, so I wouldn't know what is, or is not said on any cable TV channel.

But if you ask me... all time? I would say... Adam Smith. The greatest president of the last 150 years... Maybe Calvin Coolidge.

Last 50 years? Definitely Reagan. By far.

The worst presidents, FDR, Carter. Not sure where LBJ fits in there yet. Obama's place is yet to be determined. He's not on the winner list for sure.
You think FDR and carter were bad presidents? You act like carter had direct control over oil? He was an amazing humanitarian, and his foreign policy was brilliant. FDR won 4 terms because he was a great president, social security, FDIC.. The list goes on..
It's nice that after twenty-something years people are finally waking up to who the Clintons really are. Better late than never, I guess.

Daily Beast Editor-in-Chief John Avlon said that it is really troubling that so many voters associate Hillary Clinton with dishonesty, as reported in a new Quinnipiac poll.

“That word was ‘liar’ followed by ‘dishonest’ followed by ‘trustworthy’, ‘experience’, and ‘strong’. So that’s kind of a weird mixed bag, right?” CNN host Carol Costello asked.

Costello was incorrect when she said one of the words was trustworthy.

The poll showed that voters associate the words liar, dishonest, untrustworthy, experience, and strong to Clinton.

CNN: ‘Really Troubling’ for Clinton that So Many Voters Associate Her With Dishonesty

Of course she's a liar. She's a politician, running for president, isn't she?
Actually, calculating is the first word I think of with the Ice Queen.

She stayed with Bill through all the affairs, and even now, in order to retain her position and POWER.

I always had the feeling that after she had Chelsea, she told Bill to get it where he could but he wasn't going to stick that thing in HER again.
So Bill did as he was told and stuck it where he could.
Wouldn't you?
I bet you would.
I would.

But the Ice Queen has a LUST for POWER and anyone who lusts for power should not have it.
Being ambitious is different than lusting for power.
Reagan was a TRAITOR.

He made a deal with the Iranians to hold the hostages and not negotiate with Carter in order to make Carter look bad and he would sell them weapons.
If Obama did that you would be screaming for Impeachment.

Reagan also eliminated the deduction for most interest.
Before Reagan the peons could deduct 100% of the interest they paid on ANYTHING.
He took that deduction away and wanted to take it away for the interest you pay on your home too.

Under Reagan they also took away the Usery law that made it illegal to charge more than 10% interest. Now you can pay 35% interest and you can thank Reagan for that.

Still think he was so phuckin' great?
You probably didn't live through his time but just repeat the Kool-aid slogans from Fox News.

Reagan increased taxes on PEONS more than 18 times and cut taxes on the wealthy.

Reagan was the biggest POS to ever occupy the White House.

It's nice that after twenty-something years people are finally waking up to who the Clintons really are. Better late than never, I guess.

Daily Beast Editor-in-Chief John Avlon said that it is really troubling that so many voters associate Hillary Clinton with dishonesty, as reported in a new Quinnipiac poll.

“That word was ‘liar’ followed by ‘dishonest’ followed by ‘trustworthy’, ‘experience’, and ‘strong’. So that’s kind of a weird mixed bag, right?” CNN host Carol Costello asked.

Costello was incorrect when she said one of the words was trustworthy.

The poll showed that voters associate the words liar, dishonest, untrustworthy, experience, and strong to Clinton.

CNN: ‘Really Troubling’ for Clinton that So Many Voters Associate Her With Dishonesty

Doesn't surprise me

The rightwing media has been conditioning people how to respond. You will get a set percentage to spout "Liar" anytime they are asked about Hillary
The same people who spout "worst president ever" when asked about Obama

Ah yes.... the "vast right-wing conspiracy" again.


I'm still torn on the worst president. Carter was heroically horrible. It's close. We'll find out after the health care system in a few years, triples in price, and ends up crashing.

If that does NOT happen, then Carter is still in the lead.

If it DOES happen, then Obama has stolen his Crown of poop.

Fox Nation has been well trained

Why don't you ask them who the greatest President of all time is..........could it be Reagan?

I don't even own a TV set, so I wouldn't know what is, or is not said on any cable TV channel.

But if you ask me... all time? I would say... Adam Smith. The greatest president of the last 150 years... Maybe Calvin Coolidge.

Last 50 years? Definitely Reagan. By far.

The worst presidents, FDR, Carter. Not sure where LBJ fits in there yet. Obama's place is yet to be determined. He's not on the winner list for sure.
It's nice that after twenty-something years people are finally waking up to who the Clintons really are. Better late than never, I guess.

Daily Beast Editor-in-Chief John Avlon said that it is really troubling that so many voters associate Hillary Clinton with dishonesty, as reported in a new Quinnipiac poll.

“That word was ‘liar’ followed by ‘dishonest’ followed by ‘trustworthy’, ‘experience’, and ‘strong’. So that’s kind of a weird mixed bag, right?” CNN host Carol Costello asked.

Costello was incorrect when she said one of the words was trustworthy.

The poll showed that voters associate the words liar, dishonest, untrustworthy, experience, and strong to Clinton.

CNN: ‘Really Troubling’ for Clinton that So Many Voters Associate Her With Dishonesty

Doesn't surprise me

The rightwing media has been conditioning people how to respond. You will get a set percentage to spout "Liar" anytime they are asked about Hillary
The same people who spout "worst president ever" when asked about Obama
Please stop defending her. It makes you look foolish.

She is a pathological liar. She lies about things she doesn't even have to lie about like being named after Edmund Hillary.
It's nice that after twenty-something years people are finally waking up to who the Clintons really are. Better late than never, I guess.

Daily Beast Editor-in-Chief John Avlon said that it is really troubling that so many voters associate Hillary Clinton with dishonesty, as reported in a new Quinnipiac poll.

“That word was ‘liar’ followed by ‘dishonest’ followed by ‘trustworthy’, ‘experience’, and ‘strong’. So that’s kind of a weird mixed bag, right?” CNN host Carol Costello asked.

Costello was incorrect when she said one of the words was trustworthy.

The poll showed that voters associate the words liar, dishonest, untrustworthy, experience, and strong to Clinton.

CNN: ‘Really Troubling’ for Clinton that So Many Voters Associate Her With Dishonesty
I believe it's an answer to prayer! I thank Jesus!

Amen to that.
Many and I mean many have been praying for several years for this Nation to wake up.

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