Trump Liar in Chief

A politician lied....Stop the goddamn presses!

You moonbats need to grow the hell up.
Trump supporters, apologists, and like sycophants are just as dishonest and reprehensible as Trump.
"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan"...."A video caused the attack at the Libyan consulate"...."Not a smidgen of corruption"...."I only heard of Hillary's illegal private server on the news today"...

You crackpots need to grow the hell up.
Well, how many times have Obama and Hillary lied? The answer is very simple: every time their lips were moving.

Besides, for zombies like OP the truth seems to be lies and visa versa. Good job brainwashing the population, uncle Soros.
Well, how many times have Obama and Hillary lied? The answer is very simple: every time their lips were moving.

Which doesn't make Cheeto's bullshit machine right....But it's a marvelous example of how the same people shitting their pants over every one of his utterances, had their heads shoved up Boiking's and Hildabeest's asses for more than eight years.
Wow! Only 83 times?

Just to remind you that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has lied between 2009 (Whitewater) to 2013 (Benghazi). And still is lying.
So, if Trump has only lied 83 times in one year. That must be some accomplishment. (And yes I am being sarcastic.)

Last, but not least...You do know that CNN lies more than Trump does, right? It's no wonder why you decided to pull a CNN link. To make it appear that your post was actually truthful. Which most people who actually read your post knows it's a LIE.
Seeing as it's a CNN piece, I won't click on the link. But, I am curious as to exactly what the lies were supposed to be. Just a few examples would be nice.
"If you your plan, you can keep your plan"...."A video caused the attack at the Libyan consulate"...."Not a smidgen of corruption"...."I only heard of Hillary's illegal private server on the news today"...

You crackpots need to grow the hell up.
How does your "what about" deflection and excuse compare to the thousands of lies from Trump or even one-day worth of his lies? You should feel ashamed and embarrassed.
How does your "what about" deflection and excuse compare to the thousands of lies from Trump or even one-day worth of his lies? You should feel ashamed and embarrassed.
Whatabout nothing....You fuckwits don't give a shit about serial liars when they're from your team....So it rings totally hollow to be running around clutching your pearls now.

Grow the fuck up.
How does your "what about" deflection and excuse compare to the thousands of lies from Trump or even one-day worth of his lies? You should feel ashamed and embarrassed.
Whatabout nothing....You fuckwits don't give a shit about serial liars when they're from your team....So it rings totally hollow to be running around clutching your pearls now.

Grow the fuck up.
Trump told more lies in one day than Obama did in eight years.
How does your "what about" deflection and excuse compare to the thousands of lies from Trump or even one-day worth of his lies? You should feel ashamed and embarrassed.
Whatabout nothing....You fuckwits don't give a shit about serial liars when they're from your team....So it rings totally hollow to be running around clutching your pearls now.

Grow the fuck up.
Trump told more lies in one day than Obama did in eight years.

Actually, that is incorrect.

Obama has lied more in one day than Trump has.

Do we have to bring back Benghazi and Obamacare again? He has lied on both accounts in one day. Alot more than Trump has even lied.

Get your facts straight! Do your research before you starting mumble jumbling.
Actually, that is incorrect.

Obama has lied more in one day than Trump has.

Do we have to bring back Benghazi and Obamacare again? He has lied on both accounts in one day. Alot more than Trump has even lied.

Get your facts straight! Do your research before you starting mumble jumbling.
Forget comparing....The fact that they're trying to keep score in the first place, just underscores that they don't GAF when the serial liars are from their team.

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