Liberal activists make the term “sexual preference” “offensive” yesterday specifically for Barrett hearing

The fake outrage by the left that Barrett used the term “sexual preference” instead of ”sexual orientation” is utter bullshit.

Joe Biden has even used SEXUAL PREFERENCE during the campaign.

Crazy Mazie Hirono used her fake outrage to call out Barrett yesterday, saying sexuality is not a CHOICE...AND PREFERENCE INFERS CHOICE.

Utter utter utter utter bullshit.

I PREFER BACON TO BEETS. DOES THAT MEAN I MADE A CHOICE? Nope. I was fucking born that way. I am not CHOOSING to like bacon, I just like the taste better.





YESTERDAY! :laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

This allowing the left to hijack the language at their will has got to stop.
The goddamned Lib snowflakes can blow it out their a$$e$.

Rump is a Walking Clusterphukk, but even a broken clock is right twice a day, and Rump is right in nominating Judge Amy Comey Barrett...

She will make an excellent Justice of the Supreme Court.
"Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed, will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten."
- Nineteen Eighty Four
Rather than attribute this nonsensical circus to our most dim-witted Senator, I would place it where it most certainly belongs: with the Gay Mafia.

The Gay Mafia pushes, as a matter of faith, the proposition that one's sexual orientation is immutable, created by "god," and a lifetime trait. This is mandatory for them, because if sexual orientation is a choice, or a "preference," then it could lead to moral culpability. Whether sexual orientation is in fact immutable is unknowable. How could one ascertain the situations where someone with homosexual orientation early in life transitions...or vice versa? It is unknowable.

The sexual-moral obligation of ANY single person is the same, gay or straight. The only moral sexual activity is with one's spouse - period. There is no moral "right" to fornicate (or sodomize) the person of your choosing, simply because s/he cannot legally be your spouse.

The Gay Mafia is incredibly powerful, but the MSM implicitly denies its very existence.
The fake outrage by the left that Barrett used the term “sexual preference” instead of ”sexual orientation” is utter bullshit.

Joe Biden has even used SEXUAL PREFERENCE during the campaign.

Crazy Mazie Hirono used her fake outrage to call out Barrett yesterday, saying sexuality is not a CHOICE...AND PREFERENCE INFERS CHOICE.

Utter utter utter utter bullshit.

I PREFER BACON TO BEETS. DOES THAT MEAN I MADE A CHOICE? Nope. I was fucking born that way. I am not CHOOSING to like bacon, I just like the taste better.





YESTERDAY! :laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

This allowing the left to hijack the language at their will has got to stop.
Good for Websters. Glad this could bring it to their attention. "Sexual preference" has always been offensive.

I knew Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a Homophobe.
Hardly. If someone told her that the term was offensive, I'm sure she'd stop using it. People don't say "sexual preference" anymore. It's not a preference, it's an orientation. So glad ya'll are finally catching up.
I was told the word "queer" was offensive. Then there was a TV show with the word in the title. Then I saw signs with the word in gay pride parades. You lefties are a touchy fickle bunch, not taking y'all seriously anymore.

It is when YOU say it, it's okay when we say it. You say it like an epithet. It's like the N word. Black people can say it although some prefer they did not. Same thing with queer. It's okay when we refer to ourselves that way, not okay when you do it. It's the intent behind it.
I understand that. That's why I don't take queers or niqqers seriously.
The fake outrage by the left that Barrett used the term “sexual preference” instead of ”sexual orientation” is utter bullshit.

Joe Biden has even used SEXUAL PREFERENCE during the campaign.

Crazy Mazie Hirono used her fake outrage to call out Barrett yesterday, saying sexuality is not a CHOICE...AND PREFERENCE INFERS CHOICE.

Utter utter utter utter bullshit.

I PREFER BACON TO BEETS. DOES THAT MEAN I MADE A CHOICE? Nope. I was fucking born that way. I am not CHOOSING to like bacon, I just like the taste better.





YESTERDAY! :laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

This allowing the left to hijack the language at their will has got to stop.
The Left aka the wrong haven't seen outrage yet. When they do half will be dead and the other half in prison.
Your brains are either bacon or beets and I could give a shit less what you think about my sexual ORIENTATION.

If you don't care that everyone knows what a depraved faggot (and worse) you are, then why do you keep waving it around in everyone's faces, demanding that attention be paid to it?
The lexicon changes. It evolves . People become more aware of meaning and the implications of a term, It's about evolution . Many of us have in fact evolved. However, there are those like you who have not or are uable [sic] to do so.

See also: Newspeak — The principle of altering language as a means to control thought.
This is how preferences work:

If you have a preference for cream and sugar in your coffee, then the vendor is free to charge more for coffee with cream and sugar than plain black coffee.

If on the other hand you have exhibited a preference for black coffee, then you may be charged more for black coffee than for coffee with cream and sugar.

People play house, husband and wife, etc., and bargain over sexual positions versus some money or payback or other favors.
"Preference" seems polite enough. Isn't it what the homosexual lobby campaigns for? Would they be more comfortable with some technical term relating to the genetic makeup of DNA? The argument is absurd and desperate.

The fake outrage by the left that Barrett used the term “sexual preference” instead of ”sexual orientation” is utter bullshit.

Joe Biden has even used SEXUAL PREFERENCE during the campaign.

Crazy Mazie Hirono used her fake outrage to call out Barrett yesterday, saying sexuality is not a CHOICE...AND PREFERENCE INFERS CHOICE.

Utter utter utter utter bullshit.

I PREFER BACON TO BEETS. DOES THAT MEAN I MADE A CHOICE? Nope. I was fucking born that way. I am not CHOOSING to like bacon, I just like the taste better.





YESTERDAY! :laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

This allowing the left to hijack the language at their will has got to stop.
Jezzzzus fucking Khrist on a cracker!! Calm the fuck down. Talk about fake outrage. Get a fucking life! The fact is that sexual preference is offensive and implies that it is a choice. What is your sexual preference/ When did you "decide " to be hetrosexual?

My preference is bacon to beets. I didnt make a choice.

Interesting that its offensive now and was fine before yesterday.

You are full of shit. I‘ll just say GAY.
Your brains are either bacon or beets and I could give a shit less what you think about my sexual ORIENTATION.

We don't give a damn about your sexual preferences-----(As long as they don't involve kids or goats.) :)
The Advocate? Really? In what context. Apparently you are to lazy or incompetent to document that. Here is what the Advocate is saying about Barrot now:

Barrett has criticized Obergefell v. Hodges, the 2015 Supreme Court ruling that established marriage equality nationwide. She has said the matter should have been decided by individual states through the legislative process — which would result in a patchwork of laws, with same-sex marriages legal in some states and not others. Two conservative justices on the high court, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, recently said they would like to see Obergefell overturned

All that proves is that you LIbtARdS cannot keep your own lies straight. You'll say one thing at one time, then soon after, say something that contradicts it. It's like you're trying to prove everything that Orwell wrote about; from Doublethink to Newspeak to the memory holes in which you dump previous established “history” in order to document new “history” that contradicts the previous now-discarded “history”.

Does your side really not understand that Nineteen Eighty-Four was intended as a work of fiction, and not as a manual on how your side should actually try to govern a society?
This video shows lots of liberals, including Joe Biden and Ruth Bader Ginsberg, using the phrase “sexual preference.” And no one got upset about liberals using it.

But all of a sudden, now that conservative Amy Coney Barrett has used, it, the left says it’s offensive, and Merriam-Webster has even changed its entry on the phrase to reflect this offensiveness.

Thats fucking AWESOME lol
The fake outrage by the left that Barrett used the term “sexual preference” instead of ”sexual orientation” is utter bullshit.

Joe Biden has even used SEXUAL PREFERENCE during the campaign.

Crazy Mazie Hirono used her fake outrage to call out Barrett yesterday, saying sexuality is not a CHOICE...AND PREFERENCE INFERS CHOICE.

Utter utter utter utter bullshit.

I PREFER BACON TO BEETS. DOES THAT MEAN I MADE A CHOICE? Nope. I was fucking born that way. I am not CHOOSING to like bacon, I just like the taste better.





YESTERDAY! :laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

This allowing the left to hijack the language at their will has got to stop.
Exactly how to Politicians have the POWER to change The Dictionary and the meaning of words on whim and in an instant?
The Advocate? Really? In what context. Apparently you are to lazy or incompetent to document that. Here is what the Advocate is saying about Barrot now:

Barrett has criticized Obergefell v. Hodges, the 2015 Supreme Court ruling that established marriage equality nationwide. She has said the matter should have been decided by individual states through the legislative process — which would result in a patchwork of laws, with same-sex marriages legal in some states and not others. Two conservative justices on the high court, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, recently said they would like to see Obergefell overturned

All that proves is that you LIbtARdS cannot keep your own lies straight. You'll say one thing at one time, then soon after, say something that contradicts it. It's like you're trying to prove everything that Orwell wrote about; from Doublethink to Newspeak to the memory holes in which you dump previous established “history” in order to document new “history” that contradicts the previous now-discarded “history”.

Does your side really not understand that Nineteen Eighty-Four was intended as a work of fiction, and not as a manual on how your side should actually try to govern a society?
1984 though is their Blueprint. It's The UN's too, and that is where The DemNazis get their political platform word for word.
The fake outrage by the left that Barrett used the term “sexual preference” instead of ”sexual orientation” is utter bullshit.

Joe Biden has even used SEXUAL PREFERENCE during the campaign.

Crazy Mazie Hirono used her fake outrage to call out Barrett yesterday, saying sexuality is not a CHOICE...AND PREFERENCE INFERS CHOICE.

Utter utter utter utter bullshit.

I PREFER BACON TO BEETS. DOES THAT MEAN I MADE A CHOICE? Nope. I was fucking born that way. I am not CHOOSING to like bacon, I just like the taste better.





YESTERDAY! :laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

This allowing the left to hijack the language at their will has got to stop.
Jezzzzus fucking Khrist on a cracker!! Calm the fuck down. Talk about fake outrage. Get a fucking life! The fact is that sexual preference is offensive and implies that it is a choice. What is your sexual preference/ When did you "decide " to be hetrosexual?
Dude...that's fucking RIDICULOUS! Sexual preference suddenly becomes "offensive"? Since when? If someone's sexual preference is to hump trees in the forest then it is what it is! It has ZERO to do with being heterosexual or gay! Talk about fake outrage!
The fake outrage by the left that Barrett used the term “sexual preference” instead of ”sexual orientation” is utter bullshit.

Joe Biden has even used SEXUAL PREFERENCE during the campaign.

Crazy Mazie Hirono used her fake outrage to call out Barrett yesterday, saying sexuality is not a CHOICE...AND PREFERENCE INFERS CHOICE.

Utter utter utter utter bullshit.

I PREFER BACON TO BEETS. DOES THAT MEAN I MADE A CHOICE? Nope. I was fucking born that way. I am not CHOOSING to like bacon, I just like the taste better.





YESTERDAY! :laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

This allowing the left to hijack the language at their will has got to stop.
Good for Websters. Glad this could bring it to their attention. "Sexual preference" has always been offensive.

I knew Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a Homophobe.
Hardly. If someone told her that the term was offensive, I'm sure she'd stop using it. People don't say "sexual preference" anymore. It's not a preference, it's an orientation. So glad ya'll are finally catching up.
I was told the word "queer" was offensive. Then there was a TV show with the word in the title. Then I saw signs with the word in gay pride parades. You lefties are a touchy fickle bunch, not taking y'all seriously anymore.

It is when YOU say it, it's okay when we say it. You say it like an epithet. It's like the N word. Black people can say it although some prefer they did not. Same thing with queer. It's okay when we refer to ourselves that way, not okay when you do it. It's the intent behind it.

I blame Reagan
If he had let Aids run it's true and natural course - your numbers would be low enough that you would no longer have a political involvement at all.
Yes, it would be nice to start using "Sexual orientation" instead of "preference."

I am guessing that the word "preference" was first used by kind people who were seeking to show tolerance toward gay people at a time that such love was considered unspeakable.

No doubt in the coming decades, the word "orientation" will also come to be considered offensive.

The English language must really confuse English learners in other countries. E.g., It is OK to say that "X is a person of color," but it is racist to say that "X is a colored person."

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