The Iron Grip Of The Left…

You're so demented it's pathetic.

The Quoran and New Testament are loaded with stories of how Muslims and Christians shit gold.
Then, in real life, these Muslims and Christians massacre hundreds of millions of people.

As do atheists, Buhddists and Hindus.... not sure what your point is...

The Torah is full of actual laws and punishments by which to abide and thus Jews don't massacre people across the globe.

No, they just do it in Palestine and wonder why the world hates them.
You're not getting my point?
I wonder why?
Could it be that you're emotionally disturbed and suffering from Mental Illness?

Every other religion paints itself as Mr. Rogers.
The sole religion that is honest about law and order winds up being the most civilized religion in history.
But I know that it kills you because you love Muslim vagina and your current girlfriend is most probably reading your posts.

I got news for you, the Palestinian farce is over and only supported by your 2 favorite Muslim nations...
Iran and Turkey.
The rest of the Arab world has confessed that the whole issue has been a farce from the start.
And you'e not giving the IDF the credit it deserves...
If Israel is murdering Palestinians, why have they multiplied into over 8 million?
Surely the IDF would have exterminated them by now, just as the Arab world expelled 99% of their Jews over the decades.

You know full well can't win this discussion without lying..
No kidding ?
And one more thing; Barrett is in like flint.
Which this post is originally about.
But we all know how you like to sew division.

I'm sure she is. When Biden wins, we'll expand the court to 13 members and stack it with Liberals... Done deal.

After Trump is gone, there will be a great effort by BOTH parties to erase his stain from the country.
Every other religion paints itself as Mr. Rogers.
The sole religion that is honest about law and order winds up being the most civilized religion in history.
But I know that it kills you because you love Muslim vagina and your current girlfriend is most probably reading your posts.

Okay, buddy... Here's the thing. The Old Testament was written by blood thirsty savages.

Yes, the New Testament, the Talmud and the Quran were written by slightly less savage people, so of course, they weren't going to be as harsh.

Unfortunately, all three are based on this source material which was kind of savage. And all three faiths kind of treat the savage laws and stories in the OT like the crazy old uncle who drops the N-word at Thanksgiving.

That's fine... totally their prerogative, but you can't claim that the OT is the inspired word of God and then look at these stories and pick and choose which rules you want to follow. We don't own slaves anymore. We don't burn witches. We don't stone girls for not being virgins, and you can't discriminate against gays anymore.

God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.

I got news for you, the Palestinian farce is over and only supported by your 2 favorite Muslim nations...
Iran and Turkey.
The rest of the Arab world has confessed that the whole issue has been a farce from the start.

When did this happen? Just because the corrupt and undemocratic governments of some of these countries has sold out (before their own people inevitably overthrow them) really doesn't end the issue of what the Zionist Entity is doing to the Palestinians. Let's not forget, the Shah was the Zionists best bud, until the people got sick of his shit.

What we as Americans need to do is disengage from the whole fucking mess. Take all the money we spend defending the region, propping up the Zionist economy and bribing the "Moderate" Arab states to play nice, and invest in clean alternative energy.

Then let the fuckers fight over worthless sand.

And you'e not giving the IDF the credit it deserves...
If Israel is murdering Palestinians, why have they multiplied into over 8 million?
Surely the IDF would have exterminated them by now, just as the Arab world expelled 99% of their Jews over the decades.

I'm giving the IDF exactly the credit it deserves. IN the future, it will be as hated as the Waffen SS.
Every other religion paints itself as Mr. Rogers.
The sole religion that is honest about law and order winds up being the most civilized religion in history.
But I know that it kills you because you love Muslim vagina and your current girlfriend is most probably reading your posts.

Okay, buddy... Here's the thing. The Old Testament was written by blood thirsty savages.

Yes, the New Testament, the Talmud and the Quran were written by slightly less savage people, so of course, they weren't going to be as harsh.

Unfortunately, all three are based on this source material which was kind of savage. And all three faiths kind of treat the savage laws and stories in the OT like the crazy old uncle who drops the N-word at Thanksgiving.

That's fine... totally their prerogative, but you can't claim that the OT is the inspired word of God and then look at these stories and pick and choose which rules you want to follow. We don't own slaves anymore. We don't burn witches. We don't stone girls for not being virgins, and you can't discriminate against gays anymore.

God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.

I got news for you, the Palestinian farce is over and only supported by your 2 favorite Muslim nations...
Iran and Turkey.
The rest of the Arab world has confessed that the whole issue has been a farce from the start.

When did this happen? Just because the corrupt and undemocratic governments of some of these countries has sold out (before their own people inevitably overthrow them) really doesn't end the issue of what the Zionist Entity is doing to the Palestinians. Let's not forget, the Shah was the Zionists best bud, until the people got sick of his shit.

What we as Americans need to do is disengage from the whole fucking mess. Take all the money we spend defending the region, propping up the Zionist economy and bribing the "Moderate" Arab states to play nice, and invest in clean alternative energy.

Then let the fuckers fight over worthless sand.

And you'e not giving the IDF the credit it deserves...
If Israel is murdering Palestinians, why have they multiplied into over 8 million?
Surely the IDF would have exterminated them by now, just as the Arab world expelled 99% of their Jews over the decades.

I'm giving the IDF exactly the credit it deserves. IN the future, it will be as hated as the Waffen SS.
Yawn...Self-hating, Liberal, Honky bull crap is all you have in your arsenal and it’s quite well worn out.

You reveal yourself as a phony every time you find an excuse to overlook real barbarians.
Yawn...Self-hating, Liberal, Honky bull crap is all you have in your arsenal and it’s quite well worn out.

You reveal yourself as a phony every time you find an excuse to overlook real barbarians.

Ah, "Barbarians". Let's look at that, shall we?

The Palestinians are "Barbarians" because they strap bombs onto themselves to blow up Zionists.... Um. Okay.

The Zionists are "Civilized" because they drop an expensive smart bomb out of jet fighter.

Seems the only difference is the level of technical sophistication.

There is a great movie called "The Battle of Algiers", about the liberation of Algeria. The French have captured a rebel leader and are putting him in front of the press. A reporter asks him why they put bombs in women's baskets. He replies, "Why do you drop bombs from planes? We would gladly trade our baskets for your planes?"
Yawn...Self-hating, Liberal, Honky bull crap is all you have in your arsenal and it’s quite well worn out.

You reveal yourself as a phony every time you find an excuse to overlook real barbarians.

Ah, "Barbarians". Let's look at that, shall we?

The Palestinians are "Barbarians" because they strap bombs onto themselves to blow up Zionists.... Um. Okay.

The Zionists are "Civilized" because they drop an expensive smart bomb out of jet fighter.

Seems the only difference is the level of technical sophistication.

There is a great movie called "The Battle of Algiers", about the liberation of Algeria. The French have captured a rebel leader and are putting him in front of the press. A reporter asks him why they put bombs in women's baskets. He replies, "Why do you drop bombs from planes? We would gladly trade our baskets for your planes?"
Of course you have nothing to say about the fact that Jordan won’t allow any of the barbarians into Jordan.
Jordan pays Israel to keep the barbarians out of Jordan and Egypt pays Israel to keep the Gazans out of Egypt.
I realize that all the Arabs in the Middle East are puppets of Israel except the Palis and Gazans.

You must be paid to post this shit.
Of course you have nothing to say about the fact that Jordan won’t allow any of the barbarians into Jordan.
Jordan pays Israel to keep the barbarians out of Jordan and Egypt pays Israel to keep the Gazans out of Egypt.
I realize that all the Arabs in the Middle East are puppets of Israel except the Palis and Gazans.

Actually, the leaders of Jordan and Egypt are puppets... The one time they let the people of Egypt vote, look who the voted for...

But one more time, why is this any of MY problem.
….and why it is near impossible to break free.

1.Just this week we saw how tight a control the totalitarians have on the dissemination of information, of knowledge. They own the definitions of words, and use their allies in the media/publishing to change the very meanings to suit the agenda.

2. At the Barrett hearings, an example writ large (see what I did there..): “Sen. Hirono grills Amy Coney Barrett for describing sexual orientation as a ‘preference’”

It is imperative to have all Americans believe that homosexuality is genetically determined, and not a lifestyle choice. Anyone who says it is must hate gay people, as per political correctness.
Or you will be attacked by the woke folks.

3. As soon as the herd got the message about the term ‘sexual preference,’

“Merriam-Webster Dictionary Adds 'Offensive' to 'Sexual Preference' Definition After Amy Coney Barrett Uses Term in Hearings”

4. First thing to notice is that the Left and its forces behave as one. The second thing, is that every one of the politicians has used that very term, ‘sexual preference’ throughout his and her career.

5. And Third……there is a large body of evidence that homosexuality is a preference, and one that often does not last a lifetime.

“In fact, numbers show huge majorities of those who "ever had same sex sexual contact" do not identify long-term as gay. Among women 18-44, for instance, 12.5% report some form of same sex contact at some point in their lives, but among the older segment of that group (35-44), only 0.7% identify as homosexual and 1.1% as bisexual.

In other words, for the minority who may have experimented with gay relationships at some juncture in their lives, well over 80% explicitly renounced homosexual (or even bisexual) self-identification by age of 35. For the clear majority of males (as well as women) who report gay encounters, homosexual activity appears to represent a passing phase, or even a fleeting episode, rather than an unshakable, genetically pre-determined orientation.”
Column: Does it matter if only 1.4% of people are gay? -

The anodyne is research, study, and an understanding of Rule #1:

Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
We're pretty hard to control. I have confidence in the American People.

These polls could all be crap, after all, with the gains Trump has made among college educated whites, hispanics and blacks, the only way they get to this Biden lead is by shifting White Working Class from Trump to Biden. Do you actually buy that?

Does anyone know any white working class workers that voted for Trump that are voting for Biden? But, if this shift has not occurred, Biden's not leading, he is trailing even where Hillary was at, at this point.

Say, what does this shift in Gallup party identification really mean?
There are actually two shifts in the trends from Gallup’s latest polling on party identification, and both cut against the grain of media narratives of late. They suggest that the fortunes of Donald Trump and the GOP might not be quite as dire as they appear — and that voter modeling might not have caught up to that.
Red Shift
In the partisan split, Republicans took a surprising lead last month — by one point, granted, but it was a +8 shift in the gap since June. . . .
That is a significant shift — not so much as a gain for Republicans since June (+2), but as a drain of Democrats (-6). That’s outside of a margin-of-error shift, meaning that this looks like a significant decline of Democrats’ standing since Joe Biden’s primary win.
Remember, and this is in an electorate that is supposedly turning from Trump to Biden.
What’s more, this took place over a period of time when news was breaking more against Trump and the GOP rather than in their favor. It’s the lowest percentage of Democrats in Gallup’s polling since February of this year, when the party was in the middle of its Biden-Bernie primary fight.
Yes, seems odd that dems are bleeding party registration, yet, rising to a double digit lead in the polls.
Not coincidentally, it’s also the highest percentage of independents since that time as well (actually 45% in January, when Democrats and Republicans tied at 27%). Gallup also polls independents separately on party leaning, and while the trend there is a little more subtle, it also offers hope that the GOP are picking up a little momentum in the gap:
So, it's not that Independents are more Left Leaning.
That’s a tie for the lowest percentage of independents leaning toward the Democrats since April’s even split — when Trump might have been catching the last of a crisis bump in the polls. It matches the split from May, and the Democrats’ 47% in July was matched up against a slightly lower 41% for the GOP. The D+3 gap in September’s data is half of that Gallup found in July and August, and — most importantly — far less than the D+11 in June and D+12 in late May. GOP fortunes among independents have trended up ever since those results, in fact, up six points from that late-May nadir. . . .
Dems have never had a big win when they trailed the GOP in voter registration.
Democrats won a landslide in 2008, narrowly re-elected Barack Obama in 2012, and won the House back with a moderate-sized wave in 2018. In all three years, they had a +5 or better advantage over Republicans in the overall partisan split and at least an eight-point advantage in the indie split. Republicans won relatively big in 2014 with less favorable numbers than we see at the moment in Gallup’s partisan-ID polling in either model.
Trump sweep, may be in the cards.
If these numbers continue to hold up as the election approaches, this looks much more like an electorate ready to re-elect an incumbent and perhaps add seats in Congress for his party than it does to eject him.
Maybe that’s why Democrats are acting scared and talking or rioting in the streets, rather than cruising confidently toward victory.
Of course you have nothing to say about the fact that Jordan won’t allow any of the barbarians into Jordan.
Jordan pays Israel to keep the barbarians out of Jordan and Egypt pays Israel to keep the Gazans out of Egypt.
I realize that all the Arabs in the Middle East are puppets of Israel except the Palis and Gazans.

Actually, the leaders of Jordan and Egypt are puppets... The one time they let the people of Egypt vote, look who the voted for...

But one more time, why is this any of MY problem.
Yeah...everyone's a puppet except the Jews who planned on murdering 6,000,000 Jews.
You are one fucked up idiot.
Yeah...everyone's a puppet except the Jews who planned on murdering 6,000,000 Jews.
You are one fucked up idiot.

Again, let's have a vote, see how the people over there feel about the Zionists...

It won't be pretty for you guys. Bribing dictators and kings to play nice.... well, that only works until the money runs out.
Yeah...everyone's a puppet except the Jews who planned on murdering 6,000,000 Jews.
You are one fucked up idiot.

Again, let's have a vote, see how the people over there feel about the Zionists...

It won't be pretty for you guys. Bribing dictators and kings to play nice.... well, that only works until the money runs out.
You mean the Arab kings who can no longer bribe the US into loving them since Trump gave the US unlimited access to energy sources?

Is every Liberal in Chicago as ignorant of reality as you are?
You mean the Arab kings who can no longer bribe the US into loving them since Trump gave the US unlimited access to energy sources?

Is every Liberal in Chicago as ignorant of reality as you are?

I think you are a little confused on the power relationship, buddy. The Saudis yell Jump, we still say, "How High". They can murder a US Journalist, and the Trump Administration will cover for them.

The problem is, of course, that eventually, folks in the street will get tired of these despots... and they'll all go the way of the Shah.
You mean the Arab kings who can no longer bribe the US into loving them since Trump gave the US unlimited access to energy sources?

Is every Liberal in Chicago as ignorant of reality as you are?

I think you are a little confused on the power relationship, buddy. The Saudis yell Jump, we still say, "How High". They can murder a US Journalist, and the Trump Administration will cover for them.

The problem is, of course, that eventually, folks in the street will get tired of these despots... and they'll all go the way of the Shah.
You have brought up one of my main annoyances with Trump...He seems to be in love with Saudi Arabia.
The entire Muslim world can go haywire and it still wouldn't make a difference to the US or Israel as the entire Muslim world has been haywire for 70 years and has still gotten it's ass kicked into the sand dunes.
You have brought up one of my main annoyances with Trump...He seems to be in love with Saudi Arabia.
The entire Muslim world can go haywire and it still wouldn't make a difference to the US or Israel as the entire Muslim world has been haywire for 70 years and has still gotten it's ass kicked into the sand dunes.

I'm more worried about how Trump is in love with the Zionist entity.

They really don't do shit for us... at least the Saudis keep us hooked up with oil.
You have brought up one of my main annoyances with Trump...He seems to be in love with Saudi Arabia.
The entire Muslim world can go haywire and it still wouldn't make a difference to the US or Israel as the entire Muslim world has been haywire for 70 years and has still gotten it's ass kicked into the sand dunes.

I'm more worried about how Trump is in love with the Zionist entity.

They really don't do shit for us... at least the Saudis keep us hooked up with oil.
I would appreciate you not using all the Israeli technology you are currently using to spout your Jew hatred.
I would appreciate you not using all the Israeli technology you are currently using to spout your Jew hatred.

The Zionists don't contribute anything to the betterment of humanity.
You're right...
The Christians want Israel, which makes them Zionists.
The Muslims want Israel, which makes them Zionists.

I would appreciate you not using all the Israeli technology you are currently using to spout your Jew hatred.
You're right...
The Christians want Israel, which makes them Zionists.
The Muslims want Israel, which makes them Zionists.

I would appreciate you not using all the Israeli technology you are currently using to spout your Jew hatred.

No problem. Most of my technology was made by Chinese.

The Muslims want Palestine. Only some dumb Christians want Zionists to be in Israel so Jesus can come back. Someone needs to explain to them Jesus never existed to start with.

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