Merriam-Webster Alters Definition Of Sexual “Preference” To Say It’s Offensive After Hirono Attacked Barrett For Using It

I looked up "shitstain" in my super old Funk and Wagnalls and look what came up.....


Kinda weird. Like they were clairvoyant or something.
I'm female and am attracted to males. Is this a preference? Some conscious choice that I made that I don't recall?
Yes, you would prefer to have sex with a man over a woman, right? I mean technically speaking, you could have sex with a woman, but you dont want to, right?

Turning "sexual preference" into a naughty word is fucking stupid. No one is going to get behind this madness. This shit makes you lefties look retarded.

The term "preference" makes it seem like sexual orientation is a choice, when it is not. It is something that we are born with. It's hard-wired.
I guess they have Winston Smith working for them.

Merriam-Webster alters definition of sexual "preference" to say it's offensive after Hirono attacked Barrett for using it

Check the Wayback Machine and you’ll find that Merriam-Webster’s definition of “preference” said nothing about the term being offensive as of September 28, the last time the page was archived. Today the label “offensive” has been attached, with this note about usage:

Usage of Preference
The term preference as used to refer to sexual orientation is widely considered offensive in its implied suggestion that a person can choose who they are sexually or romantically attracted to.
It’s … strange that the alleged offensiveness of the term came to M-W’s attention only recently if it’s “widely considered” to be taboo.

As for when, precisely, the definition was altered, presumably only the editors know. But there is this:


Looks like the page was updated on the very same day that Mazie Hirono went after Barrett for using the term “sexual preference” at her confirmation hearing. Fancy that.

The thing is there is no such thing as a memory hole (yet) when it comes to the internet, things are always archived, by multiple parties, so one can see if things were changed, and usually when they were changed.

Someone needs to tell Merriam-Webster that 1984 wasn't a how to manual.

I just sent an e-mail asking if MW if they had any backbone.
I'm female and am attracted to males. Is this a preference? Some conscious choice that I made that I don't recall?
Yes, you would prefer to have sex with a man over a woman, right? I mean technically speaking, you could have sex with a woman, but you dont want to, right?

Turning "sexual preference" into a naughty word is fucking stupid. No one is going to get behind this madness. This shit makes you lefties look retarded.

The term "preference" makes it seem like sexual orientation is a choice, when it is not. It is something that we are born with. It's hard-wired.

Many preferences are hard wired and we've called them that for centuries.

Now, you want to cowtow to a fringe of the LGBT. Most of my gay friends just cringe at this bullshit and people like you who think it is productive.
I'm female and am attracted to males. Is this a preference? Some conscious choice that I made that I don't recall?
Yes, you would prefer to have sex with a man over a woman, right? I mean technically speaking, you could have sex with a woman, but you dont want to, right?

Turning "sexual preference" into a naughty word is fucking stupid. No one is going to get behind this madness. This shit makes you lefties look retarded.

The term "preference" makes it seem like sexual orientation is a choice, when it is not. It is something that we are born with. It's hard-wired.
Even if it did, who cares? It doesnt bother me if anyone thinks i have a choice.
Wow, and now you go full Orwell.

What about bisexuals?

They increase their chance of getting a date by 100%.

Nothing "Orwellian" about it.

Sexual Preference infers that a gay person has a choice. They really don't. No more than you had a choice about being straight.

We used to call Asian People "Orientals" and black people "Colored", before it was realized that was kind of offensive. Same with this.
Wow, and now you go full Orwell.

What about bisexuals?

They increase their chance of getting a date by 100%.

Nothing "Orwellian" about it.

Sexual Preference infers that a gay person has a choice. They really don't. No more than you had a choice about being straight.

We used to call Asian People "Orientals" and black people "Colored", before it was realized that was kind of offensive. Same with this.

So orientation is non-fluid, but gender is?

Wow, talk about doublethink.

sorry, but kind of offensive is just because some people try to take advantage of situations.

Check your stupidity!
I guess they have Winston Smith working for them.

Merriam-Webster alters definition of sexual "preference" to say it's offensive after Hirono attacked Barrett for using it

Check the Wayback Machine and you’ll find that Merriam-Webster’s definition of “preference” said nothing about the term being offensive as of September 28, the last time the page was archived. Today the label “offensive” has been attached, with this note about usage:

Usage of Preference
The term preference as used to refer to sexual orientation is widely considered offensive in its implied suggestion that a person can choose who they are sexually or romantically attracted to.
It’s … strange that the alleged offensiveness of the term came to M-W’s attention only recently if it’s “widely considered” to be taboo.

As for when, precisely, the definition was altered, presumably only the editors know. But there is this:


Looks like the page was updated on the very same day that Mazie Hirono went after Barrett for using the term “sexual preference” at her confirmation hearing. Fancy that.

The thing is there is no such thing as a memory hole (yet) when it comes to the internet, things are always archived, by multiple parties, so one can see if things were changed, and usually when they were changed.

Someone needs to tell Merriam-Webster that 1984 wasn't a how to manual.
I see Marty is defending bigots as usual.
I guess they have Winston Smith working for them.

Merriam-Webster alters definition of sexual "preference" to say it's offensive after Hirono attacked Barrett for using it

Check the Wayback Machine and you’ll find that Merriam-Webster’s definition of “preference” said nothing about the term being offensive as of September 28, the last time the page was archived. Today the label “offensive” has been attached, with this note about usage:

Usage of Preference
The term preference as used to refer to sexual orientation is widely considered offensive in its implied suggestion that a person can choose who they are sexually or romantically attracted to.
It’s … strange that the alleged offensiveness of the term came to M-W’s attention only recently if it’s “widely considered” to be taboo.

As for when, precisely, the definition was altered, presumably only the editors know. But there is this:


Looks like the page was updated on the very same day that Mazie Hirono went after Barrett for using the term “sexual preference” at her confirmation hearing. Fancy that.

The thing is there is no such thing as a memory hole (yet) when it comes to the internet, things are always archived, by multiple parties, so one can see if things were changed, and usually when they were changed.

Someone needs to tell Merriam-Webster that 1984 wasn't a how to manual.
I see Marty is defending bigots as usual.

The only bigot I see here is you.
So orientation is non-fluid, but gender is?

Wow, talk about doublethink.

Gender is a social construct. Orientation is a biological one.

Take a woman from 1900, and she would be absolutely shocked at what women today do. They hold down jobs? They run companies? They hold Public Office? They can VOTE?

sorry, but kind of offensive is just because some people try to take advantage of situations.

Except it's nothing of the sort. If sexual orientation is a "preference", then there should be no protection for gays because they choose to live that way... But if it's an orientation, they should be protected from discrimination. The fact that Serena Joy uses these outdated terms is not a good sign.

I see Marty is defending bigots as usual.

It's kind of his thing. His definition of "Freedom" is for white, straight males to act like assholes.

Sadly, we all had to suffer through his book in High School.

But here's the thing... words change because we need to describe things more accurately or less offensively.

Sexual Preference is WRONG!!! Nobody chooses to be gay or straight, they just are. We have sexual orientation. If someone who is going to be making important decisions about LGBTQ rights is that piss ignorant, she shouldn't be on the court.

Sadly, we all had to suffer through his book in High School.

But here's the thing... words change because we need to describe things more accurately or less offensively.

Sexual Preference is WRONG!!! Nobody chooses to be gay or straight, they just are. We have sexual orientation. If someone who is going to be making important decisions about LGBTQ rights is that piss ignorant, she shouldn't be on the court.
Unfortunately, you have used the book as a "how to" guide, and not a warning about what it looks like to be a complete fraud.

Not a single one of you addle-minded sock puppets gave one single flying fuck about this innocuous word, until a woman who is literally the most stupid individual in the Senate (prabably of all time) brought this up, because an equally stupid staffer pulled it out of their ass.
Unfortunately, you have used the book as a "how to" guide, and not a warning about what it looks like to be a complete fraud.

Not a single one of you addle-minded sock puppets gave one single flying fuck about this innocuous word, until a woman who is literally the most stupid individual in the Senate (prabably of all time) brought this up, because an equally stupid staffer pulled it out of their ass.

Actually, here's an article from 2013 discussing why Sexual Preference is technically incorrect.

This isn't a new discussion... the problem is, Serena Joy is so piss ignorant, she thinks that sexual orientation is a choice.

Someone should ask her when she decided to be straight and sexually repressed.

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