Liberal Alan Dershowitz: Obama Lied to Me in the Oval Office


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
Liberal Alan Dershowitz: Obama Lied to Me in the Oval Office

Obama has been waging war on the Christians since he came into power, the Jews didn't mind and they kept right on voting and supporting this muslim not even giving a second thought to any of it. Now all of a sudden Obama betrays Israel and the Jews are pissed?

Alan is not an uneducated man nor are the majority of Jews and I find it hard to believe that he is so shocked and outraged about the UN resolution.. Obama is a muslim and has infiltrated every level of our government with these terrorists and Alan didn't see this coming? Every so called uneducated Trump supporter saw it coming. I guess it's true that someone can be highly educated but have no common sense.

Obama "“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction". It doesn't take a scholar to figure this one out Alan.
Liberal Alan Dershowitz: Obama Lied to Me in the Oval Office

When you lie down with dogs, soon or later you'll wake up with fleas.
Liberal Alan Dershowitz: Obama Lied to Me in the Oval Office

Obama has been waging war on the Christians since he came into power, the Jews didn't mind and they kept right on voting and supporting this muslim not even giving a second thought to any of it. Now all of a sudden Obama betrays Israel and the Jews are pissed?

Alan is not an uneducated man nor are the majority of Jews and I find it hard to believe that he is so shocked and outraged about the UN resolution.. Obama is a muslim and has infiltrated every level of our government with these terrorists and Alan didn't see this coming? Every so called uneducated Trump supporter saw it coming. I guess it's true that someone can be highly educated but have no common sense.

Obama "“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction". It doesn't take a scholar to figure this one out Alan.

He called me into the Oval Office before the election and he said to me, ‘Alan, I want your support and I have to tell you I will always have Israel’s back.’ I didn’t realize what he meant is that he would have his back to stab them in the back.”


Obama has really been acting like the Muslim Kenyan he was raised to be.

His hatred of Jews is on display. Trump isn't Hitler, apparently Obama is Hitler...or at least Mohammed.

Obama has really been acting like the Muslim Kenyan he was raised to be.

His hatred of Jews is on display. Trump isn't Hitler, apparently Obama is Hitler...or at least Mohammed.
My gosh you must be reading fake news.
Liberal Alan Dershowitz: Obama Lied to Me in the Oval Office

Obama has been waging war on the Christians since he came into power, the Jews didn't mind and they kept right on voting and supporting this muslim not even giving a second thought to any of it. Now all of a sudden Obama betrays Israel and the Jews are pissed?

Alan is not an uneducated man nor are the majority of Jews and I find it hard to believe that he is so shocked and outraged about the UN resolution.. Obama is a muslim and has infiltrated every level of our government with these terrorists and Alan didn't see this coming? Every so called uneducated Trump supporter saw it coming. I guess it's true that someone can be highly educated but have no common sense.

Obama "“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction". It doesn't take a scholar to figure this one out Alan.

Nobody is surprised but the Jews. That is sad. They got fooled by Hitler, and now they got fooled by Obowelmovement. I do not feel sorry for those who backed him. They were warned, and he stuck it up their rearends.
Obama "“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction".
That is a lie. You have been reading fake news.

FALSE: Winds of Change

The exact quote by the OP is worded incorrectly but the meaning is the same as to the whole quote.

So no it is not fake news. You have been reading FAKE SNOPES. David Mikkleson the man who spent thousands of the company's money on prostitutes and now has hooker and porno star fact checkers out and out lies in his interpretation of asshole Obama's words.

Nikkelson states that Obama does not mention Muslims. So he rates it false. Bullshit because The quote includes this very important sentence.....

"In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging."

There is no doubt he is refering to Muslims. Proving one more time that Snopes is a biased piece of shit.

Fact check FALSE? kiss my ass.

FALSE: Winds of Change
I'm perplexed so many American Jews still support the Democratic Party. I don't get it. I consider em 'Uncle Toms.'
Obama "“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction".
That is a lie. You have been reading fake news.

FALSE: Winds of Change
Snopes is fake news....

Snopes is politically slanted.

They don't even have a page about Hillary lying about landing under sniper fire in Bosnia. That says ALOT.
Yep....says a lot about the liberal tools passing it off here too...:lol:
Snopes is politically slanted.

They don't even have a page about Hillary lying about landing under sniper fire in Bosnia. That says ALOT.
You don't understand the role of Snopes. If some organization said that Hillary was telling the truth, then Snopes would take it on. You are confusing the role of Snopes with the role of Politifacts.
Snopes is politically slanted.

They don't even have a page about Hillary lying about landing under sniper fire in Bosnia. That says ALOT.
You don't understand the role of Snopes. If some organization said that Hillary was telling the truth, then Snopes would take it on. You are confusing the role of Snopes with the role of Politifacts.

Snopes didn't cover the Hillary lie about sniper fire because it's universally accepted that she lied? Is that what you are saying?

There are examples of SNOPES using their "FACT CHECKING" on MEMES....not some "ORGANIZATION".


An Internet meme claiming that Hillary Clinton was forced to return $200,000 worth of furniture, china and art she "stole" from the White House is based on a grain of truth.

Claim: The Clintons were forced to return an estimated $200,000 in furniture, china and art they "stole" from the White House.

Mostly False

WHAT'S TRUE: The Clintons voluntarily returned or paid for some gifts due to dispute over whether they had been given to the Clintons personally or to the U.S.

WHAT'S FALSE: The Clintons were not "forced" to return any gifts, they were not found to have "stolen" any items, and the aggregate value of the objects in question was much less than $200,000.

This is a stupid fact check and shows the political slant.


That is the actual truth.

There was nothing illegal about the Clintons keeping personal gifts that had been given to them in the White House, but the $190,027 total price tag of their final year's haul elicited criticism. That is also truth.

All told, the Clintons paid back or returned approximately $136,000 worth of furniture, artwork, china and other household items they had kept upon leaving office, with $86,000 of that total consisting of personal gifts they would presumably have been allowed to retain but decided to pay for to avoid the appearance of impropriety. About $50,000 of the total comprised items they had removed but were later determined to belong to the government.

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