Liberal Alan Dershowitz: Obama Lied to Me in the Oval Office

The exact quote by the OP is worded incorrectly
You got that right.
but the meaning is the same as to the whole quote.
You got that wrong. Read it again.

When Obama is referring to the Arabs and Pakistanis he conferred with after 9/11 he is speaking about Muslims.

Not Southern Baptists. Not freaking Lutherans. No way he's talking about Jehovah Witnesses. And sure as hell not Anglicans or Mormons or Hindus or Buddhists. And you can skip Scientology adherents as well.

Muslims. 9/11. The meaning is clear.
Snopes didn't cover the Hillary lie about sniper fire because it's universally accepted that she lied? Is that what you are saying?
Yes. This got a pants-on-fire lie. Click her quote for details.
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Hillary Clinton | PolitiFact

I didn't see it on SNOPES, specifically.

I am not exactly clear on what snopes will and will not cover. it seems very arbitrary. They factcheck MEMES making the rounds, but certainly not all of them.

I do not even see Obama's PROMISE that OBAMACARE would save every family in AMERICA an AVERAGE OF $ is that not on Snopes?

This is why it seems to me that SNOPES has a left wing slant.
The exact quote by the OP is worded incorrectly
You got that right.
but the meaning is the same as to the whole quote.
You got that wrong. Read it again.

When Obama is referring to the Arabs and Pakistanis he conferred with after 9/11 he is speaking about Muslims.

Not Southern Baptists. Not freaking Lutherans. No way he's talking about Jehovah Witnesses. And sure as hell not Anglicans or Mormons or Hindus or Buddhists. And you can skip Scientology adherents as well.

Muslims. 9/11. The meaning is clear.

Maybe he is talking about Amish. Those FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIAN bastards are DANGEROUS! You piss them off and they will raise a barn in a day.
The exact quote by the OP is worded incorrectly
You got that right.
but the meaning is the same as to the whole quote.
You got that wrong. Read it again.

When Obama is referring to the Arabs and Pakistanis he conferred with after 9/11 he is speaking about Muslims.

Not Southern Baptists. Not freaking Lutherans. No way he's talking about Jehovah Witnesses. And sure as hell not Anglicans or Mormons or Hindus or Buddhists. And you can skip Scientology adherents as well.

Muslims. 9/11. The meaning is clear.
Read it again. This is the full quote from Obama's book The Audacity of Hope. He was talking about Americans. The Americans you mention have not had their security threatened in the same way.

In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.

The exact quote by the OP is worded incorrectly
You got that right.
but the meaning is the same as to the whole quote.
You got that wrong. Read it again.

When Obama is referring to the Arabs and Pakistanis he conferred with after 9/11 he is speaking about Muslims.

Not Southern Baptists. Not freaking Lutherans. No way he's talking about Jehovah Witnesses. And sure as hell not Anglicans or Mormons or Hindus or Buddhists. And you can skip Scientology adherents as well.

Muslims. 9/11. The meaning is clear.
Read it again. This is the full quote from Obama's book The Audacity of Hope. He was talking about Americans. The Americans you mention have not had their security threatened in the same way.

In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.

Read the unedited first release...

The exact quote by the OP is worded incorrectly
You got that right.
but the meaning is the same as to the whole quote.
You got that wrong. Read it again.

When Obama is referring to the Arabs and Pakistanis he conferred with after 9/11 he is speaking about Muslims.

Not Southern Baptists. Not freaking Lutherans. No way he's talking about Jehovah Witnesses. And sure as hell not Anglicans or Mormons or Hindus or Buddhists. And you can skip Scientology adherents as well.

Muslims. 9/11. The meaning is clear.
Read it again. This is the full quote from Obama's book The Audacity of Hope. He was talking about Americans. The Americans you mention have not had their security threatened in the same way.

In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.

If your kin are going to commit atrocities that are exclusive to your ethnicity, or course your ethnicity going to receive additional scrutiny from concerned citizens.

Maybe encourage your fellow ethnics to NOT COMMITT ATROCITIES.

TO explain this concept to snowflakes...just pretend that the pool of Muslims are like the pool of Trump supporters. It's impossible to vet them all individually, so snowflakes refer to "TRUMP SUPPORTERS" as a wholly inclusive generality and pejorative. Some people do the same for Muslims and people from those countries who have SWORN to destroy America.


Well, so are "MUSLIMS". It's OK to stereotype, RIGHT?
The exact quote by the OP is worded incorrectly
You got that right.
but the meaning is the same as to the whole quote.
You got that wrong. Read it again.

When Obama is referring to the Arabs and Pakistanis he conferred with after 9/11 he is speaking about Muslims.

Not Southern Baptists. Not freaking Lutherans. No way he's talking about Jehovah Witnesses. And sure as hell not Anglicans or Mormons or Hindus or Buddhists. And you can skip Scientology adherents as well.

Muslims. 9/11. The meaning is clear.
Read it again. This is the full quote from Obama's book The Audacity of Hope. He was talking about Americans. The Americans you mention have not had their security threatened in the same way.

In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.

Where is that $2500/year in savings for every family that Obama promised? Can you fact check that one for us?
I do not even see Obama's PROMISE that OBAMACARE would save every family in AMERICA an AVERAGE OF $ is that not on Snopes?

This is why it seems to me that SNOPES has a left wing slant.
That is not Snopes role. It is the role of politifact. I don't think politifact has a left wing slant. These are Obama's pants on fire lies. There are 10 of them. This of course doesn't include his "false" or "mostly false" ratings - a lot of them.
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact
I do not even see Obama's PROMISE that OBAMACARE would save every family in AMERICA an AVERAGE OF $ is that not on Snopes?

This is why it seems to me that SNOPES has a left wing slant.
That is not Snopes role. It is the role of politifact. I don't think politifact has a left wing slant. These are Obama's pants on fire lies. There are 10 of them. This of course doesn't include his "false" or "mostly false" ratings - a lot of them.
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact

Why was it SNOPES role to comment on her lying about being named after SIR EDMUND HILLARY, but it's not SNOPES role to comment on her lying about landing under sniper fire in Bosnia? What the nuanced difference between the 2 lies that Snopes would report one lie but not the other lie?
Why was it SNOPES role to comment on her lying about being named after SIR EDMUND HILLARY, but it's not SNOPES role to comment on her lying about landing under sniper fire in Bosnia? What the nuanced difference between the 2 lies that Snopes would report one lie but not the other lie?
I thought I was clear. Snopes comments on memes or false news going around. A single person lying is not false news. That is covered for example by politifact. If Fox News said that Hillary was telling the truth, then you would find it in Snopes, that Fox News is lying about Hillary.
Liberal Alan Dershowitz: Obama Lied to Me in the Oval Office

Obama has been waging war on the Christians since he came into power, the Jews didn't mind and they kept right on voting and supporting this muslim not even giving a second thought to any of it. Now all of a sudden Obama betrays Israel and the Jews are pissed?

Alan is not an uneducated man nor are the majority of Jews and I find it hard to believe that he is so shocked and outraged about the UN resolution.. Obama is a muslim and has infiltrated every level of our government with these terrorists and Alan didn't see this coming? Every so called uneducated Trump supporter saw it coming. I guess it's true that someone can be highly educated but have no common sense.

Obama "“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction". It doesn't take a scholar to figure this one out Alan.
President Obama is not a Muslim and Alan Dershowitz is a Zionist.

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