Liberal Contribution to Lower Unemployment A Success: 'Electronic / Robotic' Unemployment Down 25%

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Liberals thought they could hike taxes, regulations, and the minimum wage indefinitely without any response from these Fortune 500 companies.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Liberals thought they could hike taxes, regulations, and the minimum wage indefinitely without any response from these Fortune 500 companies.
Let's see you post evidence that automation would not advance without higher taxes, regulations, and minimum wage. Automation is as old as the wheel.
1st it Was McDonalds....Now Wendys. After having driven manufacturing jobs overseas, leaving Americans having to support their families on jobs usually reserved for college kids working during summer break, event THOSE jobs are being eliminated thanks to Obama and Liberals...

As predicted, Wendy’s moves to replace workers with kiosks - Hot Air

'Your robot will be along to take your order shortly'

Automation is Liberal??
I know it's early - have some coffee and catch up. Liberals helped drive this automation boom that is taking jobs away from Americas.
1st it Was McDonalds....Now Wendys. After having driven manufacturing jobs overseas, leaving Americans having to support their families on jobs usually reserved for college kids working during summer break, event THOSE jobs are being eliminated thanks to Obama and Liberals...

As predicted, Wendy’s moves to replace workers with kiosks - Hot Air

'Your robot will be along to take your order shortly'

Automation is Liberal??
I know it's early - have some coffee and catch up. Liberals helped drive this automation boom that is taking jobs away from Americas.
Prove it. Prove automation would not advance without higher taxes, regulations, and minimum wage...

you people just need something to bitch about.
1st it Was McDonalds....Now Wendys. After having driven manufacturing jobs overseas, leaving Americans having to support their families on jobs usually reserved for college kids working during summer break, event THOSE jobs are being eliminated thanks to Obama and Liberals...

As predicted, Wendy’s moves to replace workers with kiosks - Hot Air

'Your robot will be along to take your order shortly'

I bet you think it was liberals who cause the pneumatic drill to be invented, along with farm automation and implementation..You really are delusional in your quest for intelligent discussion, but you always have been..
1st it Was McDonalds....Now Wendys. After having driven manufacturing jobs overseas, leaving Americans having to support their families on jobs usually reserved for college kids working during summer break, event THOSE jobs are being eliminated thanks to Obama and Liberals...

As predicted, Wendy’s moves to replace workers with kiosks - Hot Air

'Your robot will be along to take your order shortly'

Automation is Liberal??
I know it's early - have some coffee and catch up. Liberals helped drive this automation boom that is taking jobs away from Americas.
Prove it. Prove automation would not advance without higher taxes, regulations, and minimum wage...

you people just need something to bitch about.
According to the dementia of the OP the industrial era was all due to demands for a higher wage...

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