Liberal History Of United States

1.) Evil White racist hypocrites found the nation.
2.) Evil White racist steal land from Mexico.
3.) Evil White racist steal and from Indians.
4.) Federal government expands during Great Depression. Good!
5.) United States fights some war in 1940's, but it was an evil , racist, nation so that's all school needs to teach.
6.) THEN THE 1960's HAPPENED! Trumpets from Heaven erupted! MLK becomes a god and Vietnam War shows how evil and racist White people are.
7.) Evil Bush replaced by Obama! Obama! Obama!
This is what the new history of the United States as become. This is liberal Hollywood history. This is Howard Zinn communist history.
A People s History of the United States
Howard showed a side of US History that was regularly neglected in most classrooms and text books:

"Bacon's Rebellion began with conflict over how to deal with the Indians, who were close by, on the western frontier, constantly threatening. Whites who had been ignored when huge land grants around Jamestown were given away had gone west to find land, and there they encountered Indians.

"Were those frontier Virginians resentful that the politicos and landed aristocrats who controlled the colony's government in Jamestown first pushed them westward into Indian territory, and then seemed indecisive in fighting the Indians?

"That might explain the character of their rebellion, not easily classifiable as either anti-aristocrat or anti-Indian, because it was both."

Persons of a Mean and Vile Condition
Howard Zinn was a member of the Communist Party USA and was willing to do anything, write anything, to undermine the true American story of struggle against incredible odds, and strong self-reliance.
Zinn was an anarchist who was determined to reveal the whole truth concerning American Exceptionalism:
"Zinn came to believe that the point of view expressed in traditional history books was often limited. Biographer Martin Duberman noted that when he was asked directly if he was a Marxist, Zinn replied, 'Yes, I'm something of a Marxist.'

"He especially was influenced by the liberating vision of the young Marx in overcoming alienation, and disliked Marx's later dogmatism.

"In later life he moved more toward anarchism.[19]

"He wrote a history textbook, A People's History of the United States, to provide other perspectives on American history. The textbook depicts the struggles of Native Americansagainst European and U.S. conquest and expansion, slaves against slavery, unionists and other workers against capitalists, women against patriarchy, and African-Americans forcivil rights. The book was a finalist for the National Book Award in 1981.[20]

"In the years since the first edition of A People's History was published in 1980, it has been used as an alternative to standard textbooks in many high school and college history courses, and it is one of the most widely known examples of critical pedagogy. The New York Times Book Review stated in 2006 that the book 'routinely sells more than 100,000 copies a year'".[21]

Conservatives are loathe to admit the historical reality that America depended on genocide and slavery to forge its national greatness.

Howard Zinn - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
According to the USMB lefties, the founders were lefties. That is, they tell us flat out that they're racist hypocrites.

They're not dishonest all the way.

Well, all "liberal" means is becoming free from some kind of authority. It does make perfect sense to call the founders "liberals" even if it's not what we'd think of today as liberals...only letting white males vote and all that...
That's not what liberal means. It means to be in favor of change vs. status quo. The basis of all argumentation s " change vs. status quo." Hence Obamas one word mantra from 2008.

No...that would be a "progressive"
Progressives were a movement that existed from 1890's to 1920's. liberal definition on web is biased. Liberals favor less freedom and more government control.

Freedom rest to the right.
1.) Evil White racist hypocrites found the nation.
2.) Evil White racist steal land from Mexico.
3.) Evil White racist steal and from Indians.
4.) Federal government expands during Great Depression. Good!
5.) United States fights some war in 1940's, but it was an evil , racist, nation so that's all school needs to teach.
6.) THEN THE 1960's HAPPENED! Trumpets from Heaven erupted! MLK becomes a god and Vietnam War shows how evil and racist White people are.
7.) Evil Bush replaced by Obama! Obama! Obama!
This is what the new history of the United States as become. This is liberal Hollywood history. This is Howard Zinn communist history.
A People s History of the United States
Howard showed a side of US History that was regularly neglected in most classrooms and text books:

"Bacon's Rebellion began with conflict over how to deal with the Indians, who were close by, on the western frontier, constantly threatening. Whites who had been ignored when huge land grants around Jamestown were given away had gone west to find land, and there they encountered Indians.

"Were those frontier Virginians resentful that the politicos and landed aristocrats who controlled the colony's government in Jamestown first pushed them westward into Indian territory, and then seemed indecisive in fighting the Indians?

"That might explain the character of their rebellion, not easily classifiable as either anti-aristocrat or anti-Indian, because it was both."

Persons of a Mean and Vile Condition
Howard Zinn was a member of the Communist Party USA and was willing to do anything, write anything, to undermine the true American story of struggle against incredible odds, and strong self-reliance.
Zinn was an anarchist who was determined to reveal the whole truth concerning American Exceptionalism:
"Zinn came to believe that the point of view expressed in traditional history books was often limited. Biographer Martin Duberman noted that when he was asked directly if he was a Marxist, Zinn replied, 'Yes, I'm something of a Marxist.'

"He especially was influenced by the liberating vision of the young Marx in overcoming alienation, and disliked Marx's later dogmatism.

"In later life he moved more toward anarchism.[19]

"He wrote a history textbook, A People's History of the United States, to provide other perspectives on American history. The textbook depicts the struggles of Native Americansagainst European and U.S. conquest and expansion, slaves against slavery, unionists and other workers against capitalists, women against patriarchy, and African-Americans forcivil rights. The book was a finalist for the National Book Award in 1981.[20]

"In the years since the first edition of A People's History was published in 1980, it has been used as an alternative to standard textbooks in many high school and college history courses, and it is one of the most widely known examples of critical pedagogy. The New York Times Book Review stated in 2006 that the book 'routinely sells more than 100,000 copies a year'".[21]

Conservatives are loathe to admit the historical reality that America depended on genocide and slavery to forge its national greatness.

Howard Zinn - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Zinn was a communist.
1.) Evil White racist hypocrites found the nation.
2.) Evil White racist steal land from Mexico.
3.) Evil White racist steal and from Indians.
4.) Federal government expands during Great Depression. Good!
5.) United States fights some war in 1940's, but it was an evil , racist, nation so that's all school needs to teach.
6.) THEN THE 1960's HAPPENED! Trumpets from Heaven erupted! MLK becomes a god and Vietnam War shows how evil and racist White people are.
7.) Evil Bush replaced by Obama! Obama! Obama!
This is what the new history of the United States as become. This is liberal Hollywood history. This is Howard Zinn communist history.
A People s History of the United States
Howard showed a side of US History that was regularly neglected in most classrooms and text books:

"Bacon's Rebellion began with conflict over how to deal with the Indians, who were close by, on the western frontier, constantly threatening. Whites who had been ignored when huge land grants around Jamestown were given away had gone west to find land, and there they encountered Indians.

"Were those frontier Virginians resentful that the politicos and landed aristocrats who controlled the colony's government in Jamestown first pushed them westward into Indian territory, and then seemed indecisive in fighting the Indians?

"That might explain the character of their rebellion, not easily classifiable as either anti-aristocrat or anti-Indian, because it was both."

Persons of a Mean and Vile Condition
Howard Zinn was a member of the Communist Party USA and was willing to do anything, write anything, to undermine the true American story of struggle against incredible odds, and strong self-reliance.
Zinn was an anarchist who was determined to reveal the whole truth concerning American Exceptionalism:
"Zinn came to believe that the point of view expressed in traditional history books was often limited. Biographer Martin Duberman noted that when he was asked directly if he was a Marxist, Zinn replied, 'Yes, I'm something of a Marxist.'

"He especially was influenced by the liberating vision of the young Marx in overcoming alienation, and disliked Marx's later dogmatism.

"In later life he moved more toward anarchism.[19]

"He wrote a history textbook, A People's History of the United States, to provide other perspectives on American history. The textbook depicts the struggles of Native Americansagainst European and U.S. conquest and expansion, slaves against slavery, unionists and other workers against capitalists, women against patriarchy, and African-Americans forcivil rights. The book was a finalist for the National Book Award in 1981.[20]

"In the years since the first edition of A People's History was published in 1980, it has been used as an alternative to standard textbooks in many high school and college history courses, and it is one of the most widely known examples of critical pedagogy. The New York Times Book Review stated in 2006 that the book 'routinely sells more than 100,000 copies a year'".[21]

Conservatives are loathe to admit the historical reality that America depended on genocide and slavery to forge its national greatness.

Howard Zinn - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Zinn was a communist.
Do you have any proof of that claim?
Zinn never defined himself as a "communist" to my knowledge:

"Zinn described himself as 'something of an anarchist, something of a socialist. Maybe ademocratic socialist.'[62][63] He suggested looking at socialism in its full historical context as a popular, positive idea that got a bad name from its association with Soviet Communism.

"In Madison, Wisconsin, in 2009, Zinn said:

"'Let's talk about socialism. I think it's very important to bring back the idea of socialism into the national discussion to where it was at the turn of the [last] century before the Soviet Union gave it a bad name.

"'Socialism had a good name in this country.'

"'Socialism had Eugene Debs. It had Clarence Darrow. It had Mother Jones. It had Emma Goldman.'

"'It had several million people reading socialist newspapers around the country. Socialism basically said, hey, let's have a kinder, gentler society. Let's share things. Let's have an economic system that produces things not because they're profitable for some corporation, but produces things that people need.'

"'People should not be retreating from the word socialism because you have to go beyond capitalism.'"[64]

Howard made people aware of how US capitalism depended upon slavery and genocide during its formative years.

Why do conservatives deny that particular historical reality?

Howard Zinn - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
According to the USMB lefties, the founders were lefties. That is, they tell us flat out that they're racist hypocrites.

They're not dishonest all the way.

Well, all "liberal" means is becoming free from some kind of authority. It does make perfect sense to call the founders "liberals" even if it's not what we'd think of today as liberals...only letting white males vote and all that...
That's not what liberal means. It means to be in favor of change vs. status quo. The basis of all argumentation s " change vs. status quo." Hence Obamas one word mantra from 2008.

No...that would be a "progressive"
Progressives were a movement that existed from 1890's to 1920's. liberal definition on web is biased. Liberals favor less freedom and more government control.

Not universally...certainly not with gay marriage and having the government telling you who you can marry. They don't like government restrictions on abortion. They certainly don't like the government having big barriers to people voting.

The only area that seems to restrict "freedom" is with big business and rich people. Who due to their enormous influence and power certainly do need some restrictions on them.

Being a "progressive" is VERY easy to apply to the modern see potential ways to improve the nation that involves changes from traditional ways done in the past and you support the changes. Simple.
1.) Evil White racist hypocrites found the nation.
2.) Evil White racist steal land from Mexico.
3.) Evil White racist steal and from Indians.
4.) Federal government expands during Great Depression. Good!
5.) United States fights some war in 1940's, but it was an evil , racist, nation so that's all school needs to teach.
6.) THEN THE 1960's HAPPENED! Trumpets from Heaven erupted! MLK becomes a god and Vietnam War shows how evil and racist White people are.
7.) Evil Bush replaced by Obama! Obama! Obama!
This is what the new history of the United States as become. This is liberal Hollywood history. This is Howard Zinn communist history.
A People s History of the United States
I think you'll find liberals rarely call anything evil. That's pretty much a Christian conservative thing.
Why are you so obsessed about race?
Everyday the Democrat Party, liberal media and college campuses are a constant shit stream of racist diatribe,and I for one am sick of it. My thread stands lie a rock. It IS the liberal history of the United States.
Not nearly as much as you whining about it
According to the USMB lefties, the founders were lefties. That is, they tell us flat out that they're racist hypocrites.

They're not dishonest all the way.

Well, all "liberal" means is becoming free from some kind of authority. It does make perfect sense to call the founders "liberals" even if it's not what we'd think of today as liberals...only letting white males vote and all that...
Groovy, but if you're going to quote my post, maybe you should answer it. I didn't say liberals; I said lefties, i.e., progressives.
"Though some people may term communism and fascism as the two sides of the same coin, they are different in their ideology and other aspects.

"Communism is a socio economic system that stands for a class less, state less and an egalitarian society.

"Fascism is an ideology that tries to bring together radical and authoritarian nationalism.

F"ascism became popular between 1919 and 1945 and the term has become an epithet for all bad things. Fascism originally referred to the Fascists under Benito Mussolini.

"Communism became popular after the Bolshevik Revolution of Russia in 1917.

"The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels is considered to be the bible of communism.

"The authoritative document of Fascism is 'The Doctrine of Fascism.'"

Difference Between Communism and fascism Difference Between Communism vs fascism
1.) Evil White racist hypocrites found the nation.
2.) Evil White racist steal land from Mexico.
3.) Evil White racist steal and from Indians.
4.) Federal government expands during Great Depression. Good!
5.) United States fights some war in 1940's, but it was an evil , racist, nation so that's all school needs to teach.
6.) THEN THE 1960's HAPPENED! Trumpets from Heaven erupted! MLK becomes a god and Vietnam War shows how evil and racist White people are.
7.) Evil Bush replaced by Obama! Obama! Obama!
This is what the new history of the United States as become. This is liberal Hollywood history. This is Howard Zinn communist history.
A People s History of the United States
I think you'll find liberals rarely call anything evil. That's pretty much a Christian conservative thing.

True liberals have distant themselves from the DNC as it is now far left.

And yes they call things evil, but then again the far left programming wipe of the years 2001 - 2009 has been complete.
1.) Evil White racist hypocrites found the nation.
2.) Evil White racist steal land from Mexico.
3.) Evil White racist steal and from Indians.
4.) Federal government expands during Great Depression. Good!
5.) United States fights some war in 1940's, but it was an evil , racist, nation so that's all school needs to teach.
6.) THEN THE 1960's HAPPENED! Trumpets from Heaven erupted! MLK becomes a god and Vietnam War shows how evil and racist White people are.
7.) Evil Bush replaced by Obama! Obama! Obama!
This is what the new history of the United States as become. This is liberal Hollywood history. This is Howard Zinn communist history.
A People s History of the United States
Howard showed a side of US History that was regularly neglected in most classrooms and text books:

"Bacon's Rebellion began with conflict over how to deal with the Indians, who were close by, on the western frontier, constantly threatening. Whites who had been ignored when huge land grants around Jamestown were given away had gone west to find land, and there they encountered Indians.

"Were those frontier Virginians resentful that the politicos and landed aristocrats who controlled the colony's government in Jamestown first pushed them westward into Indian territory, and then seemed indecisive in fighting the Indians?

"That might explain the character of their rebellion, not easily classifiable as either anti-aristocrat or anti-Indian, because it was both."

Persons of a Mean and Vile Condition
Howard Zinn was a member of the Communist Party USA and was willing to do anything, write anything, to undermine the true American story of struggle against incredible odds, and strong self-reliance.
Zinn was an anarchist who was determined to reveal the whole truth concerning American Exceptionalism:
"Zinn came to believe that the point of view expressed in traditional history books was often limited. Biographer Martin Duberman noted that when he was asked directly if he was a Marxist, Zinn replied, 'Yes, I'm something of a Marxist.'

"He especially was influenced by the liberating vision of the young Marx in overcoming alienation, and disliked Marx's later dogmatism.

"In later life he moved more toward anarchism.[19]

"He wrote a history textbook, A People's History of the United States, to provide other perspectives on American history. The textbook depicts the struggles of Native Americansagainst European and U.S. conquest and expansion, slaves against slavery, unionists and other workers against capitalists, women against patriarchy, and African-Americans forcivil rights. The book was a finalist for the National Book Award in 1981.[20]

"In the years since the first edition of A People's History was published in 1980, it has been used as an alternative to standard textbooks in many high school and college history courses, and it is one of the most widely known examples of critical pedagogy. The New York Times Book Review stated in 2006 that the book 'routinely sells more than 100,000 copies a year'".[21]

Conservatives are loathe to admit the historical reality that America depended on genocide and slavery to forge its national greatness.

Howard Zinn - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Zinn was a communist.
Do you have any proof of that claim?
Zinn never defined himself as a "communist" to my knowledge:

"Zinn described himself as 'something of an anarchist, something of a socialist. Maybe ademocratic socialist.'[62][63] He suggested looking at socialism in its full historical context as a popular, positive idea that got a bad name from its association with Soviet Communism.

"In Madison, Wisconsin, in 2009, Zinn said:

"'Let's talk about socialism. I think it's very important to bring back the idea of socialism into the national discussion to where it was at the turn of the [last] century before the Soviet Union gave it a bad name.

"'Socialism had a good name in this country.'

"'Socialism had Eugene Debs. It had Clarence Darrow. It had Mother Jones. It had Emma Goldman.'

"'It had several million people reading socialist newspapers around the country. Socialism basically said, hey, let's have a kinder, gentler society. Let's share things. Let's have an economic system that produces things not because they're profitable for some corporation, but produces things that people need.'

"'People should not be retreating from the word socialism because you have to go beyond capitalism.'"[64]

Howard made people aware of how US capitalism depended upon slavery and genocide during its formative years.

Why do conservatives deny that particular historical reality?

Howard Zinn - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Zinn was a member of the party.
"Capitalism has always been a failure for the lower classes. It is now beginning to fail for the middle classes."
- Howard Zinn...American Communist.
Howard showed a side of US History that was regularly neglected in most classrooms and text books:

"Bacon's Rebellion began with conflict over how to deal with the Indians, who were close by, on the western frontier, constantly threatening. Whites who had been ignored when huge land grants around Jamestown were given away had gone west to find land, and there they encountered Indians.

"Were those frontier Virginians resentful that the politicos and landed aristocrats who controlled the colony's government in Jamestown first pushed them westward into Indian territory, and then seemed indecisive in fighting the Indians?

"That might explain the character of their rebellion, not easily classifiable as either anti-aristocrat or anti-Indian, because it was both."

Persons of a Mean and Vile Condition
Howard Zinn was a member of the Communist Party USA and was willing to do anything, write anything, to undermine the true American story of struggle against incredible odds, and strong self-reliance.
Zinn was an anarchist who was determined to reveal the whole truth concerning American Exceptionalism:
"Zinn came to believe that the point of view expressed in traditional history books was often limited. Biographer Martin Duberman noted that when he was asked directly if he was a Marxist, Zinn replied, 'Yes, I'm something of a Marxist.'

"He especially was influenced by the liberating vision of the young Marx in overcoming alienation, and disliked Marx's later dogmatism.

"In later life he moved more toward anarchism.[19]

"He wrote a history textbook, A People's History of the United States, to provide other perspectives on American history. The textbook depicts the struggles of Native Americansagainst European and U.S. conquest and expansion, slaves against slavery, unionists and other workers against capitalists, women against patriarchy, and African-Americans forcivil rights. The book was a finalist for the National Book Award in 1981.[20]

"In the years since the first edition of A People's History was published in 1980, it has been used as an alternative to standard textbooks in many high school and college history courses, and it is one of the most widely known examples of critical pedagogy. The New York Times Book Review stated in 2006 that the book 'routinely sells more than 100,000 copies a year'".[21]

Conservatives are loathe to admit the historical reality that America depended on genocide and slavery to forge its national greatness.

Howard Zinn - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Zinn was a communist.
Do you have any proof of that claim?
Zinn never defined himself as a "communist" to my knowledge:

"Zinn described himself as 'something of an anarchist, something of a socialist. Maybe ademocratic socialist.'[62][63] He suggested looking at socialism in its full historical context as a popular, positive idea that got a bad name from its association with Soviet Communism.

"In Madison, Wisconsin, in 2009, Zinn said:

"'Let's talk about socialism. I think it's very important to bring back the idea of socialism into the national discussion to where it was at the turn of the [last] century before the Soviet Union gave it a bad name.

"'Socialism had a good name in this country.'

"'Socialism had Eugene Debs. It had Clarence Darrow. It had Mother Jones. It had Emma Goldman.'

"'It had several million people reading socialist newspapers around the country. Socialism basically said, hey, let's have a kinder, gentler society. Let's share things. Let's have an economic system that produces things not because they're profitable for some corporation, but produces things that people need.'

"'People should not be retreating from the word socialism because you have to go beyond capitalism.'"[64]

Howard made people aware of how US capitalism depended upon slavery and genocide during its formative years.

Why do conservatives deny that particular historical reality?

Howard Zinn - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Zinn was a member of the party.
What's the source of your "proof" that Zinn was a member of the Communist Party? It's possible Howard affiliated with members of the party without being a member, is it not?
"Capitalism has always been a failure for the lower classes. It is now beginning to fail for the middle classes."
- Howard Zinn...American Communist.
Capitalism is failing most Americans, including millions whose middle class jobs were outsourced to China; it is hardly necessary to be a Communist to notice that.

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