Liberal Hypocrisy Shines Never so Brightly as When they Whine About Trump Jr's Meeting with Russians


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is just overwhelmingly outrageous hypocrisy and posturing that hurts our country.

Dimms, just shut the hell up and start pitching in rebuilding America why doncha?

Double Standard: Democrats Repeatedly Relied on Foreigners for Trump Dirt

On Jan. 11, Politico reported that Ukrainians were in league with some Americans to sabotage Trump during the 2016 presidential election.

"Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office," according to the Politico story by Kenneth Vogel and David Stern. "They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton's allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found."

After the election, Politico reported Ukrainian officials were scrambling to get back into Trump's good graces after months of trying to boost Clinton.

But it wasn't the Ukrainians who did the real dirt-digging on Trump. That was a retired British spy who was hired by Fusion GPS, a campaign-research firm hired to examine Trump. Initially, the firm worked for a Republican rival of Trump. But then Clinton used the research.

Fusion GPS and Steele ultimately produced the "dossier," a dubious document alleging Trump was compromised by the Russian government and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The document made its way to Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) before the election. Reid accused the FBI of sitting on the document before Election Day.

When the document was finally released in January, and published on BuzzFeed, it touched off a firestorm.

Trump and Sean Spicer, then the transition press secretary, denounced BuzzFeed for running it and slammed CNN for reporting on aspects of the document. Steele, once a British spy in Russia, went into hiding.
Democrats dont use foreign agents and sources of information for Opposition research?

Who the hell are you kidding??
This is why the "Russian investigation" won't go very far. There are too many democrats under too many rocks.
LOL One of these miscreants are going to break, and then the whole family and their sycophants are going to be removed from office and jailed, hopefully for treason. And assholes like you that support that treason are going to be revealed for the weak minded fools that you are.
LOL One of these miscreants are going to break, and then the whole family and their sycophants are going to be removed from office and jailed, hopefully for treason. And assholes like you that support that treason are going to be revealed for the weak minded fools that you are.
And assholes like you that support that treason are going to be revealed for the weak minded fools that you are.
and when it doesn't happen, will you be revealed for the weak-minded fool you are?

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