Liberal Lawyers Blame the Police


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Our police officers are hard working and do not deserve the crap they get from liberal lawyers. Those convicted of murder should remain in prison, and not be released just because liberal lawyers claim there are technical reasons for their release. I'm sure this woman now thinks she won the lottery and will file a civil lawsuit.

---Missouri woman's conviction for a murder her lawyers say a police officer committed overturned after 43 years---

Police violate the constitutional rights of American citizens. So they deserve what they get.
Police violate the constitutional rights of American citizens. So they deserve what they get.
That being the case abolish all police departments, no law enforcement at all, let citizens fend for themselves. LOL
That being the case abolish all police departments, no law enforcement at all, let citizens fend for themselves. LOL
No, the solution is reform the justice system and set national standards for policing.
This has been posted (in a more intelligent manner) a few times already.
When the Marxist Far left go into full Take Over mode the Police will be fully in their Pockets
No, the solution is reform the justice system and set national standards for policing.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. "Shoot first and ask questions later" has worked well for police departments in America for over 200 years.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. "Shoot first and ask questions later" has worked well for police departments in America for over 200 years.
Mag dump someone then act like your trying to save a bleeding out Long Lost Cousin until the paramedics arrive ( Usual police procedure )

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