We should rid ourselves of redundant Federal Bureaucracies...and use the money more wisely.

Whose fault is that? You all had a filibuster proof majority under Obama…you could have done every thing you all wanted. Gun bans, wealth tax, and much more.
Democrats are not monolithic in their views
So when the dems come around and complain about all these things, and say “we need to pass laws!…”. It’s all just smoke and mirrors because they could have already passed the laws, but they didn’t…I suspect because they get more political capital by blaming repubs for “blocking”
Are you seriously suggesting that because they had a super majority for 2 years in 2009 and 2010, they could have gotten every democratic priority passed?
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We have 10 ships that are getting very old and are getting close to their 50 years service life. There is one Ford class at sea with two more building.
Yeah, build more of the Nimitz Class, pocket he savings. Not that hard to understand.

According to Wikipedia, 10 Ford class carriers are on order.
We stay at sea all around the world. Those countries do not. China does not deploy to the Mediterranean, Red Sea or Persian Gulf, do they? I once traveled to the coast of Russia on the Black Sea. Russia send a few ships to the east coast, and everyone has a panic attack!
I don’t recall having a panic attack.
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Democrats are not monolithic in their views

Are you seriously suggesting that because they had a super majority for 2 years in 2009 and 2010, they could have gotten every democratic priority passed?

Democrats are not monolithic in their views

Say what???? I’ve never seen such a lock step bunch. You all like to jeer the right for their infighting, because they all have different views, but you all never disagree with each other. When pelosi was speaker, they all lined up behind her, and as soon as Jeffries becomes speaker, they will line up behind him.

You all are absolutely monolithic in your views.

Are you seriously suggesting that because they had a super majority for 2 years in 2009 and 2010, they could have gotten every democratic priority passed?

Yes..they could. All the bills they want to pass are probably already written, just need to be brought to the floor and voted on. With a supermajority, there is no obstacle.
Say what???? I’ve never seen such a lock step bunch.
You apparently haven’t seen much then.

See the filibuster and expanding the Supreme Court debates.
You all are absolutely monolithic in your views.
More falsehoods
Yes..they could. All the bills they want to pass are probably already written, just need to be brought to the floor and voted on. With a supermajority, there is no obstacle.
lol…you’re cartoonish understanding of politics is funny.
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I wanted to reply to a few more of these comments. The only ones that I do not understand are the references to Trump. Not one reference to Biden/Harris. This thread was titled "We should rid ourselves of redundant federal bureaucracies and use the money more wisely".

Which reminds me: An Article V Convention of States is a good option. Much better than invoking Article II. ? It seems like all sides can agree this monster is out of control.
There is a compromise to be made here. I am open to reducing defense spending. Perhaps not to those levels...but a significant reduction. In conjunction with getting rid of these redundant bureaucracies.
Most of the Federal Education Budget goes to Student Aid, this goes to kids who want to work hard and better themselves... This is a very good investment by the government which they get back plenty times over in the increased taxes they will pay. It is a crazy good investment.

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Say what???? I’ve never seen such a lock step bunch. You all like to jeer the right for their infighting, because they all have different views, but you all never disagree with each other. When pelosi was speaker, they all lined up behind her, and as soon as Jeffries becomes speaker, they will line up behind him.

You all are absolutely monolithic in your views.

Yes..they could. All the bills they want to pass are probably already written, just need to be brought to the floor and voted on. With a supermajority, there is no obstacle.
Who has ever had a supermajority?

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