Liberal Lies About Homelessness: A Pattern

Liberal lies...

You can keep you plan..
I did not have sex with that woman
My server had no classified on it
Those Catholic Kids started it
I was attacked by MAGA Trump supporters
Single Payer isn't Socialism
Blah, blah, blah....

'Liberal Lies...'
-- You could have stopped there...


In this thread I'm proving they lie about Reagan.
You were not alive when Reagan was president you don't know jack.
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the
Conservatives could have more influence over public schools if they weren't constantly fleeing from them to indoctrinate their children into narrower world views. The homeschooling and catholic schools are essentially closing their minds down to your pre approved road maps.

There is no area in which government school educates students to a higher degree than home schooling.'re a government school grad, huh?
You hate military schools also since they are publicly funded..
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the
No what Reagan did was even worse and it has to do with AIDS...But I know you can't because that would make your God immoral.

who cares about AIDs dont do heroin and fuck homos.....its easy to avoid
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the
No what Reagan did was even worse and it has to do with AIDS...But I know you can't because that would make your God immoral.

who cares about AIDs dont do heroin and fuck homos.....its easy to avoid
More ways to get it than just those two.
8. 'Someday you can build a boat from meaning well and see how it floats.' Joe Abercrombie.

And nowhere is that more true than Democrat/Liberal policies.

As in the mentally ill/homeless problem.

Democrat John Kennedy, not Republican Ronald Reagan, was the source of the problem, the mentally ill and homeless flooding the shown in item #7 above…

......but he had a good reason.

It would be hard to find a more evil man than JFK’s father. Rather than chance that his daughter, John’s sister, might become pregnant and ruin the family’s reputation, and the chance to produce a President…..Joe Kennedy sacrificed Rosemary via a lobotomy that left her hospitalized for life.

9. "Rosemary [Kennedy] was a woman, and there was a dread fear of pregnancy, disease and disgrace," Leamer wrote, adding that Rosemary, whose retardation possibly stemmed from brain damage at birth, had taken to sneaking out of the convent where she was staying at the time.

Actually...Rosemary Kennedy was not retarded.....she was sacrificed to Joe Kennedy's ambitions. And John tried to right the wrong when he became President.
The result was the usual Democrat problem of not being able to judge the result.

Soooo, as sure as 1963 is before 1980, Democrat Kennedy was the instigator of the homeless problem, not Republican Ronald Reagan.

QED, truth from Liberals/Democrats is as rare as a snow snake.
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the
Conservatives could have more influence over public schools if they weren't constantly fleeing from them to indoctrinate their children into narrower world views. The homeschooling and catholic schools are essentially closing their minds down to your pre approved road maps.

There is no area in which government school educates students to a higher degree than home schooling.'re a government school grad, huh?
You hate military schools also since they are publicly funded..

No we dont, the military is a legit function of the govt, we dont like the govt trying to tell businesses how much to pay people, that is not a legit function of the govt
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the
No what Reagan did was even worse and it has to do with AIDS...But I know you can't because that would make your God immoral.

who cares about AIDs dont do heroin and fuck homos.....its easy to avoid
More ways to get it than just those two.

Yeah but eliminating those two, it's more common to get just about any disease, so why not focus on important ones, not ones avoided by some behavior modification.
There was no such thing as AIDS when Reagan became President.

"...1980s. April 24, San Francisco resident Ken Horne is reported to the Center for Disease Control with Kaposi's sarcoma (KS). Later in 1981, the CDC would retroactively identify him as the first patient of the AIDS epidemic in the US. He was also suffering from Cryptococcus."
Timeline of HIV/AIDS - Wikipedia

Timeline of HIV/AIDS - Wikipedia

I recall reading "typhoid mary" was a male airline stewardess from Montreal or Toronto....he and a few others rented a beach house in LA in '79 or '80 and infected dozens of other queers that summer. Given Reagan's son is a flaming fag (ballet dancer) I doubt he knew what to do....what could he do?
So Papa Joe Kennedy had his daughter lobotomized keeping the family reputation pure....
JFK remembered what Joe had done, and tried to remedy the wrong.

Not Reagan......Kennedy.

10. Evidence shows that Rosemary was neither retarded nor mentally ill.

"Sister of John F. Kennedy, Rosemary was said to have been considered retarded by members of her family but that assessment has been widely disputed by subsequent analysts. Some concluded that Rosemary may not have been as brilliant as other members of her family but she was a fully functioning person, kept a diary and had an active social life. Rosemary was reportedly subject to violent mood swings and a stormy personality however some observers have since attributed this behavior to her difficulties in keeping up with her active siblings. In 1941, when Rosemary was 23, her father Joseph Kennedy was told by her doctors that a new procedure would help calm her mood swings that the family found difficult to handle at home. Her father gave permission for the prefrontal lobotomy to be performed by Walter Freeman and James Watts.

After the surgery Rosemary was reduced to an infantile mentality that left her incontinent and staring blankly at walls for hours. Her verbal skills were reduced to unintelligible babble. In 1949, Rosemary moved to an institution and was visited on regular occasions by her sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver who became the founder of the Special Olympics."
Top 10 Fascinating And Notable Lobotomies - Listverse

Her brother John never stopped thinking about Rosemary….and that’s why he emptied the asylums…

Kennedy….not Reagan.

Democrats, not the Republicans.
11. "....she underwent a prefrontal lobotomy at age 23, which left her permanently incapacitated.

After the lobotomy, it quickly became apparent that the procedure was not successful. Kennedy's mental capacity diminished to that of a two year old child. She could not walk, speak intelligibly, and was considered incontinent.

Rose Kennedy did not visit her for twenty years. Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., did not visit his daughter at the institution.

Rosemary Kennedy died from natural causes on January 7, 2005, at the Fort Atkinson Memorial Hospital in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, at the age of 86,...."
Rosemary Kennedy - Wikipedia

12. JFK never forgot about his sister, and wanted to end the imprisonment of asylums.

" On Feb. 5, 1963, ... President John F. Kennedy addressed Congress on "Mental Illness and Mental Retardation." He proposed a new program under which the federal government would fund community mental-health centers, or CMHCs, to take the place of state mental hospitals. As Kennedy envisioned it, "reliance on the cold mercy of custodial isolations will be supplanted by the open warmth of community concern and capability."

Kennedy's proposal was historic because the public care of mentally ill individuals had been exclusively a state responsibility for more than a century. The federal initiative encouraged the closing of state hospitals and aborted the development of state-funded outpatient clinics in process at that time.

. ... this federal program failed because ... it did not provide care for the sickest patients released from the state hospitals. When President Ronald Reagan finally block-granted federal CMHC funds to the states in 1981, he was not killing the program. He was disposing of the corpse.”

Soooo....was it Reagan who's policy led to flooding the streets with homeless and mentally ill??????


It was Democrat John Kennedy, attempting to right the wrong committed by his father, and assuage the guilt he felt about Rosemary making it possible for him to become President.

But this doesn't prevent Democrats/Liberals using the opportunity to slander a great President.

So….again we find the Liberal lies slandering the more effective, insightful programs and persons of the Right.
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the

Lara Logan's podcast has been dubbed "fake news" by media watch groups. Like always, you pick spurious sources to support your lies, half truths and deceptions.

How much of the currently homelessness in California is due to the recent wildfires?
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the

Lara Logan's podcast has been dubbed "fake news" by media watch groups. Like always, you pick spurious sources to support your lies, half truths and deceptions.

How much of the currently homelessness in California is due to the recent wildfires?

"Lara Logan's podcast has been dubbed "fake news" by media watch groups. "

1. She is 100% spot on

2. Here it is...
Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the

Lara Logan's podcast has been dubbed "fake news" by media watch groups. Like always, you pick spurious sources to support your lies, half truths and deceptions.

How much of the currently homelessness in California is due to the recent wildfires?

The premise is that you....lie about Republicans.
Case in point:

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

It was a Democrat President who initiated the problem, and California Democrats allow it to continue.
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the

Lara Logan's podcast has been dubbed "fake news" by media watch groups. Like always, you pick spurious sources to support your lies, half truths and deceptions.

How much of the currently homelessness in California is due to the recent wildfires?

6.Tucker Carlson had this prototypical Liberal on the other night, who uttered one of those lies which Liberals accept, and believe, as it fits the template, and solves one of the problems Liberals created….but I’m gonna explode it today.

Here, discussing the disgusting and astoundingly widespread homeless problem in California, the Liberal Utopia, with Carlson, is Liberal radio host Ethan Bearman, who blithely offers the lie.

According to Bearman, the homeless problem is due to “conservative Republican Ronald Reagan when he was governor, he turned everybody loose from the psychiatric institutions…..” (start at 1:30 of the vid).

That’s not what happened: the problem was started by a Democrat President, and the Democrats who run California have magnified it.

The current homeless mess is due to Democrat policy.
ANOTHER flamebait horse shit thread by this poster?
WHat a surprise

Funny you say that since you can't even comprehend intelligent thought.
You remind me of a rotten donut, circular in thought, and going nowhere, with your lack of brain symbolized by that void in the center.
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the
Conservatives could have more influence over public schools if they weren't constantly fleeing from them to indoctrinate their children into narrower world views. The homeschooling and catholic schools are essentially closing their minds down to your pre approved road maps.

There is no area in which government school educates students to a higher degree than home schooling.'re a government school grad, huh?
I suggest you tone down the elitism. You are worse than the hollywood democrats.

My nieces were homeschooled and are very smart and successful. They also had a near perfect and wealthy lifestyle where that was possible. I think it can be great in the right circumstance. Realistically, homeschooling is not an option for most families and would be susceptible to exactly what I laid out in my first post. Most families need both parents working to survive thanks to reagonomics and the squashing of the middle class.

There are many shitty public schools out there, but I've witnessed awful private catholic ones too. My second catholic school was a snobbish regressive hell hole, while it turns out my public high school is one of the best in the country. Even the middling students that drank and smoked are turning out to be quite successful. Even I am on a successful path - lol.

I was in advanced everything including extra circulars once I JOINED my first public school in middle school. I was among the smarter students in my classes, but I stopped caring junior year. If I hadn't become disillusioned from a broken shitty home life and social problems I could have done anything, gone to school anywhere.

My educator mom died when I was young and messed me up. My step mom and dad forgot about me all the time when they werent verbally harassing us. I had an invitation to the UofM advanced math program in middle school and my step mom forgot to pick me up and take me there so I didnt get in. She then proceeded to yell at me when I got upset. I was a baller. Even in a well off family the dysfunction can tear a person down.

Later I turned down a chance to go to one of the private universities in the cities on a discount. I wanted nothing to do with that snobbery. I had mostly great academic experiences in public high school and state university. I know you hate those things but you're obviously a privileged pompous bitch so I dont really care.

Suck it.
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the

Lara Logan's podcast has been dubbed "fake news" by media watch groups. Like always, you pick spurious sources to support your lies, half truths and deceptions.

How much of the currently homelessness in California is due to the recent wildfires?

6.Tucker Carlson had this prototypical Liberal on the other night, who uttered one of those lies which Liberals accept, and believe, as it fits the template, and solves one of the problems Liberals created….but I’m gonna explode it today.

Here, discussing the disgusting and astoundingly widespread homeless problem in California, the Liberal Utopia, with Carlson, is Liberal radio host Ethan Bearman, who blithely offers the lie.

According to Bearman, the homeless problem is due to “conservative Republican Ronald Reagan when he was governor, he turned everybody loose from the psychiatric institutions…..” (start at 1:30 of the vid).

That’s not what happened: the problem was started by a Democrat President, and the Democrats who run California have magnified it.

The current homeless mess is due to Democrat policy.

Chic and folks-------->far Leftists KNOW they are lying about virtually EVERYTHING they spout, and it is easy provable.

1. How many far Leftist economists have you heard spout that women make 78cents for every dollar a male makes doing exactly the same work? Isn't the far Leftist mantra that MOST, if not ALL rich business owners are evil?

Then explain WHY the evil rich just don't hire all women? Nobody who is an evil rich person would ever pay 20 extra cents on a dollar of labor to hire a man, they all want cheap labor, right Lefties, lolol.

2. You all heard it, in 12 years we are screwed. The water is rising because of global warming. Ask AOC, ask Al Gore, ask any far Leftist. Really? How many far Leftist Hollyweird elites do you know of that have put their beachfront property up for sale and have hastened inland?

3. The rape culture on campus, a terrible situation. According to far Leftists, 1 in 4 or 5 women are sexually assaulted while on campus. Really? Think they actually believe what they are saying? Then explain why Leftists send THEIR daughters off to college campuses. Would YOU send YOUR daughter to a place where they had a 20% chance to be raped? And if you notice, college campuses are FULL of far Leftists, so it is obvious just by mathematics that if there is such a big problem as they tell it, it is THEIR daughters getting assaulted, AND their SONS doing the assaulting!

4. Leftists tell you there are 50, or 500 different sexes. Think they actually believe that? Then why did they change the word SEX to GENDER? GENDER, a word they can now define to mean anything they want, lol.

5. Socialism is BETTER than CAPITALISM. Think they believe that? Then explain WHY in every scenario, they NEED to take the money from CAPITALISTS to finance SOCIALISTS, and never from SOCIALISTS to finance MORE SOCIALISTS, lol. In essence, they are admitting that if not for CAPITALISTS, there could be no SOCIALISM, proving the age old story about what to do, when you run out of other peoples money, lol.

Yes folks, Leftists do not believe their own tripe, and in fact, try and get you to debate on their terms, when they know that what they are spouting is a bunch of lies! Why do you think when you attack one of their phony facts, they instantly head for the race card, or certainly the PHOBE card of some sort?

Because they know without being able to use their false facts, the Emperor has no clothes, and not, not only a leg to stand on, but a toe!
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