Liberal LOONS get owned again-CAUGHT making up stores about Russia having dirt on the Donald

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You're an Un-American scumbag piece of fucking shit.

While I don't agree with most of McCain's stances when it comes to politics, unlike Un-American shit stains like you and trump, I respect that man for his service to this country, five and a half years of it which was spent in a North Vietnamese prison camp.

You are the real traitor here, you worthless, Un-American cumstain.
so the vet from the Ft. Lauderdale murders, is he worthy of your respect for serving?
You're a fucking moron for even asking that question.
ahh you love a vet for being a vet. it has consequences pup.
To call that man a traitor is an absolute disgrace, and every one of you Un-American scumbags should be ashamed of yourselves.

Tell us, how have you served you country?

I sure as hell didn't serve my country by releasing fake data about the president!
The tell us, how did you serve your country?
Why are you so bothered by Trump watching girls piss if you heartily approved Trump's pussy groping?

Goddam, I'd think to most normal, non-perv people, the latter would be much worse.

You're just jealous he never grabbed yours.

And, BTW. I know you're trying to get this thread shipped off to the Flame Zone.

Exactly, he can't stand that we are laughing at liberals so much.
That is hardly the original source! How about a link to the original posting, which Limbaugh is saying was from a year ago.
The source doesn't get any more original than the guy claiming credit for it, meathead.
The date of the liar taking credit for the original is yesterday, when the rumor has been around since July 2015.
You obviously can't read a calendar, meathead!
CNN has thoroughly disgraced itself once again by publishing fake news, and this was the most despicable fake news ever published. When will the leftwing presstitutes ever learn? CNN may as well declare bankruptcy right now. And notice all the forum cockroaches who couldn't wait to run with this trash!

With just ten days to go before he is sworn in as America's forty-fifth president, the political establishment went nuclear on President-elect Donald Trump Tuesday with a double-barreled blast of “leaked” “intelligence” reports by CNN and BuzzFeed.The documents contain explosive, but unverified, opposition research that alleges intel ties between Russia and Trump and also claims Russia holds sexual blackmail material over Trump.One of the most outrageous unconfirmed allegations in the report claims the Russians recorded Trump watching Russian prostitutes urinate on each other in a Moscow hotel room previously occupied by President and Mrs. Barack Obama.Now this… Buzzfeed, Cosmopolitan, and...
You aren't embarrassed by birtherism.
No, you are grasping at a trolling straw because you probably believed the fake news golden shower story too and you can't stand it we are all laughing at you and your ilk.


You'd think dims would tire of being laughed at......

But as soon as you catch them in one lie, they start another
Great point!!!! McStain - Once a traitor, always a traitor.. SONGBIRD
You're an Un-American scumbag piece of fucking shit.

While I don't agree with most of McCain's stances when it comes to politics, unlike Un-American shit stains like you and trump, I respect that man for his service to this country, five and a half years of it which was spent in a North Vietnamese prison camp.

You are the real traitor here, you worthless, Un-American cumstain.
so the vet from the Ft. Lauderdale murders, is he worthy of your respect for serving?
You're a fucking moron for even asking that question.
ahh you love a vet for being a vet. it has consequences pup.
To call that man a traitor is an absolute disgrace, and every one of you Un-American scumbags should be ashamed of yourselves.

Tell us, how have you served your country?
Still waiting, punk. Give us all your answer.
Wait... Anonymous fed this to CNN?

You mean Anonymous who adores Assange, who threatened CNN with destruction on Friday?


Don't fuck with Mendax he's got way to many friends...
so the vet from the Ft. Lauderdale murders, is he worthy of your respect for serving?
You're a fucking moron for even asking that question.
ahh you love a vet for being a vet. it has consequences pup.
To call that man a traitor is an absolute disgrace, and every one of you Un-American scumbags should be ashamed of yourselves.

Tell us, how have you served you country?

I sure as hell didn't serve my country by releasing fake data about the president!
The tell us, how did you serve your country?

Here comes the "if you were not in the military you can't criticize" McCain.

Benedict Arnold was in the military too pal, and he was still a traitor.
Notice how no one can post a 4Chan link that has a date that corresponds to the first appearance of the rumors. The information on Trump’s various personal and business dealings in Russia was being pursued by major campaigns and by major media as early as late July of 2015, and the “Ritz Carlton” information was out the in the summer of 2016. Limbaugh has just admitted on today's show that the campaigns were trying to verify the rumors for over a year.

So put up the original 4Chan link with a date at least from July 2015 or stop the 4Chan fake news.

Is it fake????????????

Yes, the 4Chan claim is FAKE NEWS!
But still VALUABLE to Russian Intel NOW. . Why would they give it up for NOTHING in return?

Read Americano's link above. The ex-MI6 guy was a paid shill for the Dems. He was cheap ass political opposition research. Not a glorified spy. But like I said -- if ANY of that research came from his MI-6 days, he'll be spending a bunch of years in the Queens dungeon he will..

More likely he paid Russians to spin yarns that would be hard to disprove.
But WHY do you even THINK the info came from his MI6 days??? Did you read somewhere, anywhere, that it did?

You don't get "interviews" with "russian agents" telling you the results of Kremlin bugging of hotel rooms without some kind of covertly acquired human intelligence. Certainly, Russian folks who can CONFIRM room bugging and SPECIFIC EVENTS are not gonna spill shit like that to a former nobody now working in an American political campaign for no BENEFIT to Russia.

That's why...
the Republican group investigating hired him from what I read....?

if the Ex MI6 man had an identity established from a decade or two ago, perhaps that identity was never spoiled, and he was able to pick it up again, with connections?

OUR intel community have not admitted to confirming any of this stuff from him, have they?

This ex MI-6 investigator was paid BOTH by the NeverTrump folks and then by the DNC to dig up political dirt.
More likely he went to chat with ex-contacts, told them he was getting paid to dig up the dirt and these Russian guys had a huge belly laugh over filling him up with a bunch of tall tales. The entire Russian Intel apparatus is probably laughing to tears over how GULLIBLE Americans are..

I uh, think they've been laughing about that for approximately two months.

As has the rest of the world, however nervously.

They should be worried. We're becoming a nuclear power more distractable and whackloon than Kim Jung Il..
We're responding to crap that's been auto-fed from mainstream media that have tossed any pretense of journalism aside.

It's like mass hysteria on a sailing ship in a storm. Can't function or focus. It's EXTREMELY dangerous. And there are members of Congress and heads of powerful agencies that are playing into this as well...
That is hardly the original source! How about a link to the original posting, which Limbaugh is saying was from a year ago.
The source doesn't get any more original than the guy claiming credit for it, meathead.

He claims
CNN has thoroughly disgraced itself once again by publishing fake news, and this was the most despicable fake news ever published. When will the leftwing presstitutes ever learn? CNN may as well declare bankruptcy right now. And notice all the forum cockroaches who couldn't wait to run with this trash!

With just ten days to go before he is sworn in as America's forty-fifth president, the political establishment went nuclear on President-elect Donald Trump Tuesday with a double-barreled blast of “leaked” “intelligence” reports by CNN and BuzzFeed.The documents contain explosive, but unverified, opposition research that alleges intel ties between Russia and Trump and also claims Russia holds sexual blackmail material over Trump.One of the most outrageous unconfirmed allegations in the report claims the Russians recorded Trump watching Russian prostitutes urinate on each other in a Moscow hotel room previously occupied by President and Mrs. Barack Obama.Now this… Buzzfeed, Cosmopolitan, and...
You aren't embarrassed by birtherism.

They aren't embarrassed by anything.
Notice how no one can post a 4Chan link that has a date that corresponds to the first appearance of the rumors. The information on Trump’s various personal and business dealings in Russia was being pursued by major campaigns and by major media as early as late July of 2015, and the “Ritz Carlton” information was out the in the summer of 2016. Limbaugh has just admitted on today's show that the campaigns were trying to verify the rumors for over a year.

So put up the original 4Chan link with a date at least from July 2015 or stop the 4Chan fake news.

Is it fake????????????

Yes, the 4Chan claim is FAKE NEWS!

Wait, are you saying that 4chan faked their own faked news??????

That's a laughable spin!

so the vet from the Ft. Lauderdale murders, is he worthy of your respect for serving?
You're a fucking moron for even asking that question.
ahh you love a vet for being a vet. it has consequences pup.
To call that man a traitor is an absolute disgrace, and every one of you Un-American scumbags should be ashamed of yourselves.

Tell us, how have you served you country?

I sure as hell didn't serve my country by releasing fake data about the president!
The tell us, how did you serve your country?

She's been on welfare. Does that count?
You're a fucking moron for even asking that question.
ahh you love a vet for being a vet. it has consequences pup.
To call that man a traitor is an absolute disgrace, and every one of you Un-American scumbags should be ashamed of yourselves.

Tell us, how have you served you country?

I sure as hell didn't serve my country by releasing fake data about the president!
The tell us, how did you serve your country?

Here comes the "if you were not in the military you can't criticize" McCain.

Benedict Arnold was in the military too pal, and he was still a traitor.
You can serve your country in other ways, so since you didn't serve in the military, tells us what you have done for your country as a citizen.
You're a fucking moron for even asking that question.
ahh you love a vet for being a vet. it has consequences pup.
To call that man a traitor is an absolute disgrace, and every one of you Un-American scumbags should be ashamed of yourselves.

Tell us, how have you served you country?

I sure as hell didn't serve my country by releasing fake data about the president!
The tell us, how did you serve your country?

She's been on welfare. Does that count?

Oh man you sink into more fake news.

First you believe the 4chan story, now you claim I'm on welfare.

When you have evidence either is true, let me know!

For almost four years the rightwing media hammered Hillary Clinton with unverified 'reports' and you lapped it up like a dog over his own vomit.

NOW you want to claim you're a champion of impeccably responsible journalism?

good one. That is goddam funny.


Unverified like what?????????

Benghazi? I'd say it's verified that four people are dead!

See what I mean? RIGHT ON CUE.

Their own fake news is their gospel.
well again the fake news in the benghazi story was some video that Hitlery was in love with. That fking never happened. yep the libturds have been banking on fake for some time in fakeland

It actually did happen. One of the perpetrators of Benghazi admitted the video influenced them.


A perp lied about it and you are desperate to believe it.

That's pathetic!

Go ahead, prove that.

I don't have to be desperate. The Republicans did 8 investigations on Benghazi and Hillary Clinton came out cleaner than you are.
You're a fucking moron for even asking that question.
ahh you love a vet for being a vet. it has consequences pup.
To call that man a traitor is an absolute disgrace, and every one of you Un-American scumbags should be ashamed of yourselves.

Tell us, how have you served you country?

I sure as hell didn't serve my country by releasing fake data about the president!
The tell us, how did you serve your country?

She's been on welfare. Does that count?
I'm sure in her mind it does.
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