Liberal Lynch Mob fuels Obama's race war


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
Liberal Lynch Mob Fuels Obama’s Race War | RedState

Liberals have perpetuated hatred between the races with their lynching of conservatives regarding race. They ALONE, this lynch mob of putrid hate have set back race relations.

These same angry mobsters demanded the filmmaker be thrown in prison for life or handed over to the barbarians who slaughtered our citizens... LYNCH MOB with no regard to innocent until proven guilty.. No regard for the law..
Not only race but a war against classes.
If you're someone who has you are to be a target
of hate by those that have not.

This President set the tone for that early on.
I have never seen someone deliberately try to tear this country apart like this President.
"...the official policy of the Obama administration is clearly one of intentionally exacerbating racial tensions and hostility at every opportunity. And for no other reason than political gain."
Not only race but a war against classes.
If you're someone who has you are to be a target
of hate by those that have not.

This President set the tone for that early on.
I have never seen someone deliberately try to tear this country apart like this President.
I've been calling him the Great Divider since abut six months into his presidency.

Amazing how divisive he is.
It would be nice if Obama said something, but that would be leadership.
And I might add that among the worst in that liberal mob, is the Media... who will do whatever it takes to drag Emperor Obaminous Caligulus to the final line! :mad:
How many sore loser threads do y'all plan to make today?

This one is especially fine, given that it's full of mincing Republican metrosexuals wailing about how the blacks are out to get them. When the sore-loserism is combined with race-baiting and claims to victimhood, it gets extra points.
Liberal Lynch Mob Fuels Obama’s Race War | RedState

Liberals have perpetuated hatred between the races with their lynching of conservatives regarding race. They ALONE, this lynch mob of putrid hate have set back race relations.

These same angry mobsters demanded the filmmaker be thrown in prison for life or handed over to the barbarians who slaughtered our citizens... LYNCH MOB with no regard to innocent until proven guilty.. No regard for the law..

Dems are to blame because Republicans are racist.

That is positively Rovian!
He started the race war with his off the cuff comment on how police acted stupidly for arresting Professor Gates. Once facts were known, it was clear police were right under the circumstances, yet rather than admit that, he held the ridiculous beer summit to try and look like he was bringing people together.

We saw the AIG execs vilified right away and ACORN put together bus tours to harass the execs and their families. Obama bashed some companies for holding their annual gatherings at resorts around the country- something they do every year and it had been paid for with their own money long before. Yet, Obama made people believe that they were spending bail out money. It immediately hurt all people in the service industry because many companies started cancelling their events for fear they'd be ridiculed next.

We heard about how people were racist if they didn't support Obamacare.

We heard about how people were racist for wanting secure borders.

We heard about how people were "enemies" for wanting immigration laws upheld.

We heard about how people were racist for wanting to purge voter rolls of unqualified or deceased voters.

We heard about how people were racist for wanting voter ID. Does anyone even know who the people are who supposedly have no ID at all, no bank accounts, don't own anything at all that they had to finance, no credit cards, no jobs and not on welfare? All things people need ID for. If someone isn't working and not on welfare, how do they survive?

We heard how if people own businesses, they didn't build them.

We heard how people are greedy for wanting to keep more of what they earn, yet those who do nothing and take from the workers aren't called greedy. Go figure!

Now we have a president who signed a small arms treaty with the U.N. The U.N., who wants a One World Order, also wants to impose a global tax. It's all part of the liberal "you can run from socialism, but you can't hide" program.

We have a president who continues to say he wants to fundamentally change America. Think about that for a moment. He didn't say he wants to fix our problems. Fundamental change indicates that he wants to change the very foundation of this country. The foundation is our constitution. He has expressed in the past that he has issues with our constitution. Fundamental change = shredding of the constitution and starting over. Before you can do that, you must first tear down what we have. I think the first 4 years were focused on bringing us down. The next 4 years would be the completion of the destruction of America and a new one beginning. The new one would likely be part of the new One World Order, where the U.N. are our new masters.

For all we know, this could be the last election ever held in the United States.

Other countries are socialist or communist. We are the last free country where citizens still have liberty. Some won't rest until that no longer exists.

Those who understand all this and still support Obama are likely Marxists, socialists or communists.

Dictators of the world love Obama. There is a reason for this and it's not because they think he's a nice guy. They understand where he is taking this country and they wholeheartedly agree because they want the same thing.

I knew this would be the nastiest election in my lifetime. I see a lot of desperation on the part of the far left and a willingness to do or say anything. They have everything to lose because they are in the middle of taking down America and this is as close as they've ever come. We all have a lot to lose and we should fight. The choice is between America as we know it or something our country was never meant to be.

I am sick of the racist accusations. That is an old trick used to vilify the opposition. They want people to fear speaking out against the president and know that there are consequences for doing so.

Obama and the far left are the worst things to ever happen to America. There is still a chance to keep our country. Obama has his little minions convinced that we are beyond fixing and it's necessary to destroy it and rebuild. Many don't care as long as they can continue to be dependent on others.
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I am sick of the racist accusations.

Then should probably stop making them nonstop, eh? Just a thought.

Why not just act colorblind, like a liberal? Is it really that hard for you to tear up your race cards? It's not the liberals here posting an avalanche of "I AM SUCH A RACIAL VICTIM!" threads.
I am sick of the racist accusations.

Then should probably stop making them nonstop, eh? Just a thought.

Why not just act colorblind, like a liberal? Is it really that hard for you to tear up your race cards? It's not the liberals here posting an avalanche of "I AM SUCH A RACIAL VICTIM!" threads.
Cut 'n' pasted to an email to the White House.

Thanks for being concise. :thup:
I am sick of the racist accusations.

Then should probably stop making them nonstop, eh? Just a thought.

Why not just act colorblind, like a liberal? Is it really that hard for you to tear up your race cards? It's not the liberals here posting an avalanche of "I AM SUCH A RACIAL VICTIM!" threads.

I have never made a racist statement. It's the left that assumes what people think based on their color. By the way, idiot, I am half black even though it matters not. You have no idea what you are talking about.
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I am sick of the racist accusations.

Then should probably stop making them nonstop, eh? Just a thought.

Why not just act colorblind, like a liberal? Is it really that hard for you to tear up your race cards? It's not the liberals here posting an avalanche of "I AM SUCH A RACIAL VICTIM!" threads.
Cut 'n' pasted to an email to the White House.

Thanks for being concise. :thup:

Is that stupid, soviet-style AttackWatch still up? This is just sick that a president expects his little minions to tattle on other citizens and treat it like a crime for not agreeing with him.

This is a first, in this country, to have presidents worry about what people think. And just what will Dear Leader do with this information? It's now considered a crime to speak out against the president.
I can only go by what you say here. And here, you're constantly flinging accusations of liberal racism.

Now, I know you're hoping you can bully me into silence by threatening me with more accusations of racism, but you need to know that won't work. Not for any of you.

Again, it's not the liberals here posting an avalanche of "WOE IS ME, I AM SUCH A RACIAL VICTIM!" threads. It's the conservatives. Seriously, people are sick of you guys constantly playing the race card.
Liberal Lynch Mob Fuels Obama’s Race War | RedState

Liberals have perpetuated hatred between the races with their lynching of conservatives regarding race. They ALONE, this lynch mob of putrid hate have set back race relations.

These same angry mobsters demanded the filmmaker be thrown in prison for life or handed over to the barbarians who slaughtered our citizens... LYNCH MOB with no regard to innocent until proven guilty.. No regard for the law..

He started the race war with his off the cuff comment on how police acted stupidly for arresting Professor Gates. Once facts were known, it was clear police were right under the circumstances, yet rather than admit that, he held the ridiculous beer summit to try and look like he was bringing people together.

We saw the AIG execs vilified right away and ACORN put together bus tours to harass the execs and their families. Obama bashed some companies for holding their annual gatherings at resorts around the country- something they do every year and it had been paid for with their own money long before. Yet, Obama made people believe that they were spending bail out money. It immediately hurt all people in the service industry because many companies started cancelling their events for fear they'd be ridiculed next.

We heard about how people were racist if they didn't support Obamacare.

We heard about how people were racist for wanting secure borders.

We heard about how people were "enemies" for wanting immigration laws upheld.

We heard about how people were racist for wanting to purge voter rolls of unqualified or deceased voters.

We heard about how people were racist for wanting voter ID. Does anyone even know who the people are who supposedly have no ID at all, no bank accounts, don't own anything at all that they had to finance, no credit cards, no jobs and not on welfare? All things people need ID for. If someone isn't working and not on welfare, how do they survive?

We heard how if people own businesses, they didn't build them.

We heard how people are greedy for wanting to keep more of what they earn, yet those who do nothing and take from the workers aren't called greedy. Go figure!

Now we have a president who signed a small arms treaty with the U.N. The U.N., who wants a One World Order, also wants to impose a global tax. It's all part of the liberal "you can run from socialism, but you can't hide" program.

We have a president who continues to say he wants to fundamentally change America. Think about that for a moment. He didn't say he wants to fix our problems. Fundamental change indicates that he wants to change the very foundation of this country. The foundation is our constitution. He has expressed in the past that he has issues with our constitution. Fundamental change = shredding of the constitution and starting over. Before you can do that, you must first tear down what we have. I think the first 4 years were focused on bringing us down. The next 4 years would be the completion of the destruction of America and a new one beginning. The new one would likely be part of the new One World Order, where the U.N. are our new masters.

For all we know, this could be the last election ever held in the United States.

Other countries are socialist or communist. We are the last free country where citizens still have liberty. Some won't rest until that no longer exists.

Those who understand all this and still support Obama are likely Marxists, socialists or communists.

Dictators of the world love Obama. There is a reason for this and it's not because they think he's a nice guy. They understand where he is taking this country and they wholeheartedly agree because they want the same thing.

I knew this would be the nastiest election in my lifetime. I see a lot of desperation on the part of the far left and a willingness to do or say anything. They have everything to lose because they are in the middle of taking down America and this is as close as they've ever come. We all have a lot to lose and we should fight. The choice is between America as we know it or something our country was never meant to be.

I am sick of the racist accusations. That is an old trick used to vilify the opposition. They want people to fear speaking out against the president and know that there are consequences for doing so.

Obama and the far left are the worst things to ever happen to America. There is still a chance to keep our country. Obama has his little minions convinced that we are beyond fixing and it's necessary to destroy it and rebuild. Many don't care as long as they can continue to be dependent on others.

Bullying is when people post that they ran to Obama and told on posters for not agreeing with him. And then what happens to those who don't support Obama? Usually when people threaten that they will report them, it's with the expectation that action will be taken.

It is sick that a president would ask citizens to snitch on others. It's downright pathetic that people actually do it.

Do you want me to go through threads and find all the accusations of racism toward the right? It's too many to count.

The politicians have done it time and time again and it's getting old. The list of supposedly racist words has grown as the left tries to control speech. I think "chair" was the last word added to the list after Eastwood's speech. It's gotten to the point where it's ridiculous. "Chicago", "liberal", "welfare" and many others are now deemed as racist. Anyone who speaks about current events is likely deemed a racist if one goes by the left's guidelines for determining who is racist. It's totally fucked up. I pointed out actual instances of where the left hurled racist accusations at people because of how they stood on issues.

Now it has at least one poster here doing his/her "duty" to Obama by whining to AttackWatch because someone said something they didn't like. Boo hoo.

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