Liberal Media- NBC's Brian Williams is NOW under fire

NBC's Brian Williams was caught in yet another lie. He said he was with Abe Lincoln during the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, and provided this photo as proof.
The French Quarter isn't "high ground". It's about 6 to 8 feet AMSL tops, pun intended.
And the police were all but nonexistent -- all their horses died, their radio communication was out, and they were pretty much on their own to do what they could individually. There's a lot of shit that went down that never got "officially reported".

Btw this is a view looking across Canal Street -- the upriver border of the French Quarter and looking from the exact block where Williams' hotel was...


That's from the Houston Chronicle September 1, 2005. Looking down Baronne Street -- the Walgreen's is 900 Canal Street. The Ritz-Carlton where Williams was is at 921 Canal Street -- right where this picture is looking from.

So much for "high ground".

The French Quarter is the high ground in New Orleans along with the Garden District and besides, bodies don't "float by" in 3 or 4 inches of water. Your little picture there proves he is a Liar. Hell, he has admitted he is a Liar...the question now is whether he is a serial Liar. And whether news anchors who are admitted Liars can stay on as news anchors. Its supposed to be a position of high trust.

You've never been to New Orleans, have you.

There is no "high ground" and the photo proves nothing.

As for it being "a position of high trust", RWs watch fox so they have no room to talk. You remember fox, right? They tell the truth in only 18% of their stories so you can come down off your high horse now.

Luddly, the French Quarter is higher in elevation than the surrounding parts of the city. Sometimes, a few feet of elevation makes all the difference in the world.

It is, but it's still no more than 6 to 8 feet AMSL. It's relative.
That had little bearing on flooding -- whether you got flooded had very little to do with what your elevation was (as if it varies there) and everything to do with how close you were to one of the seven levee breaks.

My street for instance took only 2 feet, and since the house is raised it didn't get damaged. My GF's house on the other hand took 8 feet -- and it was on higher ground. Her downstairs neighbors who elected to stay and ride the storm, woke up the night after Katrina hit to find themselves floating in their bed. They had to wait for a helicopter rescue days later to get out of there.

These armchair geographers -- pretty damn silly.

6-8 feet is a lot in a swamp. That aside, my (former) house was on Bancroft near Bayou St. John . Too far away from the Mississippi River to be above sea level..

Bancroft took quite a hit from the London breach. I have friends who have a former house there too. They were able to bring it back though. At least one was.
Starting to see a lot of BLOWBACK directed at another liar, amazing how these 2 stories are so similar.....

They don't even qualify as "celebrities" in the realm of TV hierarchy. They're "personalities." And three months after they die, who remembers they ever existed in the first place?

News anchor talking heads are really just actors. A pretty face in a manufactured hairdo. His job is to deliver the US equivalent of a Shakespearean actor's cadence and look plausible doing it.

They used to say about John Facenda, news anchor in Philadelphia and the original voice of NFL Films -- great, outstanding cadence and resonance, but if you asked him five minutes after his newscast what the news was that day, he'd have no idea. He's there to deliver a script, with all the appropriate eye movements, body language, brow furrows, pauses and intonations. The prime directive is not to gather/report the news. It's to read the copy exactly in the allotted time to perpetuate the illusion. It's part of the plasticity TV is made of.

There isn't anything here that can't be fixed with a good Catholic priest and a bowl of pea soup.

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They don't even qualify as "celebrities" in the realm of TV hierarchy. They're "personalities." And three months after they die, who remembers they ever existed in the first place?

News anchor talking heads are really just actors. A pretty face in a manufactured hairdo. His job is to deliver the US equivalent of a Shakespearean actor's cadence and look plausible doing it.

They used to say about John Facenda, news anchor in Philadelphia and the original voice of NFL Films -- great, outstanding cadence and resonance, but if you asked him five minutes after his newscast what the news was that day, he'd have no idea. He's there to deliver a script, with all the appropriate eye movements, body language, brow furrows, pauses and intonations. It's part of the plasticity TV is made of.
But he didn't just read from a teleprompter. He embellished (lied). If it was NOT on the teleprompter, he shoulda kept his stories to himself.
They don't even qualify as "celebrities" in the realm of TV hierarchy. They're "personalities." And three months after they die, who remembers they ever existed in the first place?

News anchor talking heads are really just actors. A pretty face in a manufactured hairdo. His job is to deliver the US equivalent of a Shakespearean actor's cadence and look plausible doing it.

They used to say about John Facenda, news anchor in Philadelphia and the original voice of NFL Films -- great, outstanding cadence and resonance, but if you asked him five minutes after his newscast what the news was that day, he'd have no idea. He's there to deliver a script, with all the appropriate eye movements, body language, brow furrows, pauses and intonations. It's part of the plasticity TV is made of.
But he didn't just read from a teleprompter. He embellished (lied). If it was NOT on the teleprompter, he shoulda kept his stories to himself.

It wasn't on a teleprompter because it wasn't a newscast.

That's why I noted before that this is not about a news story. And we don't know he "lied" at all. That suggestion comes from this New Orleans online paper that somehow didn't know there was flooding in that area-- until they did know it. You know, the part everybody keeps ignoring...

-- but that's all it is ....a suggestion, and one based on bullshit as I posted in post 2 at the beginning here. The same paper later backed away from it. And y'all want to run with this like it's a real story.

Gullible's Travels.....
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NBC launches internal probe on Brian Williams claims

San Diego Union-Tribune (AP) ^
NEW YORK (AP) — NBC News has assigned the head of its own investigative unit to look into statements that anchor Brian Williams made about his reporting in Iraq a dozen years ago, an episode that's ballooned into a full-blown credibility crisis for the network. NBC News President Deborah Turness announced the probe in an internal memo on Friday. Williams has apologized for falsely saying on the air that he was in a helicopter hit by a rocket-propelled grenade while in Iraq in 2003, and Turness said Friday the anchor expressed his regrets to his colleagues for the impact the...
I remember as child, watching the Huntley -Brinkley report. No nonsense truth in black and white, no witticisms,jokes no smiles, just the facts. No traffic reports, just the raw unabashed facts. I liked that, we need to return to that. No Brian Williams or Connie Chung, personalities go out the window.

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