Liberal Media- NBC's Brian Williams is NOW under fire

Now, he is on tape saying he watched a body float by in the French Quarter of New Orleans after Katrina.

But, the French Quarter is high ground, and New Orleans police say the only body they got out of the French Quarter after Katrina was one who died at a restaurant of a heart attack...and they didn't let him float off.

Lots of people, particularly pinheads in the Northeast and California, have moderate personality disorders...Brian Williams is obviously one. Out of a sense of cowardice, probably, he has become a Liar and he has to now held a position which requires complete trust. I don't think even NBC can overlook this. They should send him off for treatment and then let him be a commentator...maybe let him replace Rachael Maddow. Her audience numbers in the hundreds.

Are you insinuating that Americans have no interest in watching a fat smelly bull duke lie and bitch constantly about people who suffer mental normalcy? Is that what you're insinuating, hater?

Paula Deen is fat and a liar but no reason to think she smells.
yes, once she sobered up and got the roaches out of her hair, she began to bathe regularly again.

Or, so she told Don Imus as they bantered back and forth over who had sunk the lowest in their lives.
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What is the big deal? Many media people lie and have been doing so for decades. Many political new stories are utterly biased and often promote the State. For example, the American media is and has been lying about events in Ukraine. There are no Russian tanks or troops invading. BO and John stupid Kerry tell us of this so called invasion. The media knows it is incorrect, but they continue to spout the lies of the State.

Remember the NY Times reporter Walter Duranty? He lied for years in an effort to promote the Soviet state and hide it's terrible atrocities....and that was in the 1930s.
The big lie about Ukraine is that of omission.

Media never mentions that it is the usurper government, the one that overthrew the elected government, that is under attack.
First off, those picture arent what they are said to be. That is not the French market. There are no skyscrapers in the French Market. Williams said he was watching floating bodies from his hotel window in the French Market.
First off, those picture arent what they are said to be. That is not the French market. There are no skyscrapers in the French Market. Williams said he was watching floating bodies from his hotel window in the French Market.
I've not been paying much attention to the lying SOB.

Did he saw French Quarter, or, did he say French Market?

The French Market is a small part of the French Quarter.

French Market French Market The French Market of Downtown New Orleans Louisiana
They don't even qualify as "celebrities" in the realm of TV hierarchy. They're "personalities." And three months after they die, who remembers they ever existed in the first place?

News anchor talking heads are really just actors. A pretty face in a manufactured hairdo. His job is to deliver the US equivalent of a Shakespearean actor's cadence and look plausible doing it.

They used to say about John Facenda, news anchor in Philadelphia and the original voice of NFL Films -- great, outstanding cadence and resonance, but if you asked him five minutes after his newscast what the news was that day, he'd have no idea. He's there to deliver a script, with all the appropriate eye movements, body language, brow furrows, pauses and intonations. The prime directive is not to gather/report the news. It's to read the copy exactly in the allotted time to perpetuate the illusion. It's part of the plasticity TV is made of.
I would bet that many here have forgotten the name of the long-time ABC News anchor who died in 2005.
They don't even qualify as "celebrities" in the realm of TV hierarchy. They're "personalities." And three months after they die, who remembers they ever existed in the first place?

News anchor talking heads are really just actors. A pretty face in a manufactured hairdo. His job is to deliver the US equivalent of a Shakespearean actor's cadence and look plausible doing it.

They used to say about John Facenda, news anchor in Philadelphia and the original voice of NFL Films -- great, outstanding cadence and resonance, but if you asked him five minutes after his newscast what the news was that day, he'd have no idea. He's there to deliver a script, with all the appropriate eye movements, body language, brow furrows, pauses and intonations. The prime directive is not to gather/report the news. It's to read the copy exactly in the allotted time to perpetuate the illusion. It's part of the plasticity TV is made of.
I would bet that many here have forgotten the name of the long-time ABC News anchor who died in 2005.

I used to know it but I've misremembered it now.
They don't even qualify as "celebrities" in the realm of TV hierarchy. They're "personalities." And three months after they die, who remembers they ever existed in the first place?

News anchor talking heads are really just actors. A pretty face in a manufactured hairdo. His job is to deliver the US equivalent of a Shakespearean actor's cadence and look plausible doing it.

They used to say about John Facenda, news anchor in Philadelphia and the original voice of NFL Films -- great, outstanding cadence and resonance, but if you asked him five minutes after his newscast what the news was that day, he'd have no idea. He's there to deliver a script, with all the appropriate eye movements, body language, brow furrows, pauses and intonations. It's part of the plasticity TV is made of.
But he didn't just read from a teleprompter. He embellished (lied). If it was NOT on the teleprompter, he shoulda kept his stories to himself.
Because anchors don't have freedom of speech, in TeaBag America?
They don't even qualify as "celebrities" in the realm of TV hierarchy. They're "personalities." And three months after they die, who remembers they ever existed in the first place?

News anchor talking heads are really just actors. A pretty face in a manufactured hairdo. His job is to deliver the US equivalent of a Shakespearean actor's cadence and look plausible doing it.

They used to say about John Facenda, news anchor in Philadelphia and the original voice of NFL Films -- great, outstanding cadence and resonance, but if you asked him five minutes after his newscast what the news was that day, he'd have no idea. He's there to deliver a script, with all the appropriate eye movements, body language, brow furrows, pauses and intonations. The prime directive is not to gather/report the news. It's to read the copy exactly in the allotted time to perpetuate the illusion. It's part of the plasticity TV is made of.
I would bet that many here have forgotten the name of the long-time ABC News anchor who died in 2005.

I used to know it but I've misremembered it now.
I remember he was "beloved".

Guess he died before being busted for lying.

His name is on the tip of my tongue but I can't quite recall.

They all sorta looked the same to me.
I remember as child, watching the Huntley -Brinkley report. No nonsense truth in black and white, no witticisms,jokes no smiles, just the facts. No traffic reports, just the raw unabashed facts. I liked that, we need to return to that. No Brian Williams or Connie Chung, personalities go out the window.
Big NPR fan, are you? Do you watch the PBS NewsHour, also?

Because both of those are exactly what you described.
Brian Williams on his days covering the Civil War:
"I interviewed President Lincoln at the time this photo was taken. Later when the President and I were traveling to the next Union Garrison we came under heavy fire from Confederate cannons. Our coach was forced to run into a ditch and we were surrounded by gunfire. General Ulysses S Grant personally rescued us after holding off the Rebs for 9 hours. I'll never forget his courage."


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They don't even qualify as "celebrities" in the realm of TV hierarchy. They're "personalities." And three months after they die, who remembers they ever existed in the first place?

News anchor talking heads are really just actors. A pretty face in a manufactured hairdo. His job is to deliver the US equivalent of a Shakespearean actor's cadence and look plausible doing it.

They used to say about John Facenda, news anchor in Philadelphia and the original voice of NFL Films -- great, outstanding cadence and resonance, but if you asked him five minutes after his newscast what the news was that day, he'd have no idea. He's there to deliver a script, with all the appropriate eye movements, body language, brow furrows, pauses and intonations. The prime directive is not to gather/report the news. It's to read the copy exactly in the allotted time to perpetuate the illusion. It's part of the plasticity TV is made of.
I would bet that many here have forgotten the name of the long-time ABC News anchor who died in 2005.

I used to know it but I've misremembered it now.
I remember he was "beloved".

Guess he died before being busted for lying.

His name is on the tip of my tongue but I can't quite recall.

They all sorta looked the same to me.

Peter Jennings. Lung cancer.
First off, those picture arent what they are said to be. That is not the French market. There are no skyscrapers in the French Market. Williams said he was watching floating bodies from his hotel window in the French Market.
I've not been paying much attention to the lying SOB.

Did he saw French Quarter, or, did he say French Market?

The French Market is a small part of the French Quarter.

French Market French Market The French Market of Downtown New Orleans Louisiana

French Quarter is what he said, which at the Ritz Carlton is completely the other side of the Quarter from the Market. I don't know what ass that poster pulled "Market" from. Probably his own, so we shouldn't be touching it.
First off, those picture arent what they are said to be. That is not the French market. There are no skyscrapers in the French Market. Williams said he was watching floating bodies from his hotel window in the French Market.

Horseshit. Nobody said "Market" until you got here, nor did I claim those pics are anywhere near the French Market. They're all from Canal Street at the site of the Ritz Carlton -- which is exactly where Williams was.

The tall buildings in my first pic (post 2) are in the CBD ("central business discrict"), looking from Canal Street. And again, neither the view in the distance nor the vantage point are anywhere near the French Market.
So, here is the latest (oh, and by the way Dan Rather is saying what an honest guy he is, isn't that sweet)

Then, in a 2013 appearance on David Letterman's "Late Show" on CBS, Williams said that two of the four helicopters he was traveling with had been hit by ground fire, "including the one I was in."

On Wednesday, Williams recanted that story, claiming that he was flying in a Chinook helicopter behind the formation that took fire. However, on Thursday, the military newspaper Stars and Stripes, which broke the story, reported that Williams was actually flying with a different helicopter company altogether, in a different direction, and linked to the attacked unit only by radio.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
"Quick! Change the subject! We're losing this one!"

Time for an update on this liberal scum. Looks like we may get our wish and BW gets added to the roles of the unemployed :banana:


Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams fired Page Six

You know you’re in trouble when Tom Brokaw is out for your blood.

NBC’s most revered journalist is furious that Brian Williams is still in the anchor chair after he sheepishly admitted he hadn’t traveled on a helicopter hit by enemy fire.

“Brokaw wants Williams’ head on a platter,” an NBC source said. “He is making a lot of noise at NBC that a lesser journalist or producer would have been immediately fired or suspended for a false report.”
But you just told us that Williams won't be fired, but rather praised, by his lying liberal colleagues. Make up your mind already, mouth breather.
"Quick! Change the subject! We're losing this one!"

If they are wrong about the Katrina story, so be it. It doesn't change the facts about his Iraq story being conflated each time he told it.
They don't even qualify as "celebrities" in the realm of TV hierarchy. They're "personalities." And three months after they die, who remembers they ever existed in the first place?

News anchor talking heads are really just actors. A pretty face in a manufactured hairdo. His job is to deliver the US equivalent of a Shakespearean actor's cadence and look plausible doing it.

They used to say about John Facenda, news anchor in Philadelphia and the original voice of NFL Films -- great, outstanding cadence and resonance, but if you asked him five minutes after his newscast what the news was that day, he'd have no idea. He's there to deliver a script, with all the appropriate eye movements, body language, brow furrows, pauses and intonations. The prime directive is not to gather/report the news. It's to read the copy exactly in the allotted time to perpetuate the illusion. It's part of the plasticity TV is made of.
I would bet that many here have forgotten the name of the long-time ABC News anchor who died in 2005.

I used to know it but I've misremembered it now.
I remember he was "beloved".

Guess he died before being busted for lying.

His name is on the tip of my tongue but I can't quite recall.

They all sorta looked the same to me.

Peter Jennings. Lung cancer.
Ah, yes.
First off, those picture arent what they are said to be. That is not the French market. There are no skyscrapers in the French Market. Williams said he was watching floating bodies from his hotel window in the French Market.
I've not been paying much attention to the lying SOB.

Did he saw French Quarter, or, did he say French Market?

The French Market is a small part of the French Quarter.

French Market French Market The French Market of Downtown New Orleans Louisiana

French Quarter is what he said, which at the Ritz Carlton is completely the other side of the Quarter from the Market. I don't know what ass that poster pulled "Market" from. Probably his own, so we shouldn't be touching it.
I could see someone confusing the two.

I tell ya, it's enough to drive me to make some beignets just thinking about it.

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