Liberal Media- NBC's Brian Williams is NOW under fire

Why is it that anti-military lefties feel compelled to brag and puff themselves up with fake accounts of military adventures?
"Quick! Change the subject! We're losing this one!"

If they are wrong about the Katrina story, so be it. It doesn't change the facts about his Iraq story being conflated each time he told it.

I don't know much about the Iraq story but I do know a lot about Katrina.

The fascinating aspect to me is that even though I completely debunked the premise of this thread in post 2 (and a similar one before this was created), a bunch of posters came in here and continued to flog this story as if it was a done deal, or even a "newscast" (far as I know neither of these statements were put out on a newscast, amirite?)...

But none of that mattered, the prime directive here seems to be to perpetuate the myth -- from the same mouths that purport to demand the "truth". They're actually wilfullly perpetuating a story that has already been demonstrated to be based on a lie, and which the original source has already backed away from -- in order to perpetuate the myth that they're calling "truth".

It just doesn't get more ironical than that. Doublethink has arrived. It lives, it breathes, and it's growing. Accepted practice already here at USMB, the Ministry of Truth. Top speed.

And as noted if the myth is starved of its oxygen and gasping for air the thing to do is not acknowledge the starvation -- it's change the subject! Because vive le myth! :eusa_dance:

That's WAY more important than Brian Williams or NBC or even Katrina. When the proles are willing to accept mythology over the factual, that is a complete mindfuck.
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Sorry, We lost Vietnam because we didn't really need to be there. I know people that are lost in the soil in Vietnam. Cronkite was right. Vietnam was just about blind commitments and stupidity of that time, not much else. Cronkite actually lived through WWII and knew suffering it caused. Williams is just a media leach we got now.

We didn't "lose" in Vietnam....we quit; and Cronkite wasn't right about anything. He hung out at the Rex hotel bar in Saigon looking for any negative piece of news he could send to CBS. I know that because my LRRP recon team was pulled from the field at LZ Evans to fly him to Dak To to see the deforestation. Our job was to see that infantry didn't run into superior force in assigned sectors. That sneak went undone for the network big shot we flew to Saigon to pick him up...waited 4 hours at the Rex....he was asleep from the night's drinking and refused to come down for a hop he demanded be granted him and an AC/AM LRRP team for his protection That's who Walter Cronkite was.
Peter Jennings was born in Canada and is dead. Brian Williams is from Elmira, NY.

Yep, I slipped up on that one.

You sure as fuck did. This thread is, and always has been, about the Brian Williams from New Jersey.

As I said -- moron.

And btw I don't even have a "climate-change ass". You'll have to pull your next wacko post out of your own.
You know, as usual.
You are a little pussy!

I'm not the one traipsing around with bogus quotes in my sigline, racist charicatures in my avatar and bullshit threads based on bullshit articles citing histories that I already know better than because they happened in my fucking own state, am I?

Walter Cronkite, Minister of Propaganda for the VC, turned the Tet slaughter of the NVA and virtual annihilation of the VC into an American defeat.

Reported Khe Sanh like it was Dien Bien Phu knowing all the while Marine artillery and air was chewing up the PAVN as fast as they could get across the DMZ.

, But, it don't mean shit.

It means plenty...that old drunk has a partial responsibility for every KIA lost after autumn of '68. We told the brass if we chased them past the DMZ it would be a turkey shoot but the boys at the Pentagon were convinced Crankcase had turned popular opinion against us. If we'd raced to Hanoi like 3rd ID did to Baghdad, they have sued for peace and we'd have had an ending like they did in Korea.
That was a facetious it don't mean shit.
Time for an update on this liberal scum. Looks like we may get our wish and BW gets added to the roles of the unemployed :banana:


Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams fired Page Six

You know you’re in trouble when Tom Brokaw is out for your blood.

NBC’s most revered journalist is furious that Brian Williams is still in the anchor chair after he sheepishly admitted he hadn’t traveled on a helicopter hit by enemy fire.

“Brokaw wants Williams’ head on a platter,” an NBC source said. “He is making a lot of noise at NBC that a lesser journalist or producer would have been immediately fired or suspended for a false report.”
But you just told us that Williams won't be fired, but rather praised, by his lying liberal colleagues. Make up your mind already, mouth breather.

Um, Brain Williams is a liar like Obama. Hows that?

Sorry, We lost Vietnam because we didn't really need to be there. I know people that are lost in the soil in Vietnam. Cronkite was right. Vietnam was just about blind commitments and stupidity of that time, not much else. Cronkite actually lived through WWII and knew suffering it caused. Williams is just a media leach we got now.

We didn't "lose" in Vietnam....we quit; and Cronkite wasn't right about anything. He hung out at the Rex hotel bar in Saigon looking for any negative piece of news he could send to CBS. I know that because my LRRP recon team was pulled from the field at LZ Evans to fly him to Dak To to see the deforestation. Our job was to see that infantry didn't run into superior force in assigned sectors. That sneak went undone for the network big shot we flew to Saigon to pick him up...waited 4 hours at the Rex....he was asleep from the night's drinking and refused to come down for a hop he demanded be granted him and an AC/AM LRRP team for his protection That's who Walter Cronkite was.
My brother served in Vietnam on the pocket carrier USS Ticonderoga in the gulf of Tokin when those so called yet to be proven NV pt boats supposedly attacked. He said to me, he never it saw happen. He never said anything else. So was the whole reason we went to war with North Vietnam based on a lies or exaggerations? Was it a lie? I don't know. But that made up Sh*t led to our involvement in Indochina and the slaughter of countless innocent Vietnamese and the death of 52000 American servicemen. The necessity for our involvement in Vietnam was in all likelihood, based on a lie. It either never happened, or was greatly exaggerated, just like Brian Williams little story. I don't forgive liars of any stripe, neither should anyone else here. Years later, we get GW Bush and the WMD's in Iraq thing, same bulls*t, different day. Like the kids say: REALLY?
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For those of you who know me off this board you know I have been a busy little beaver collecting tales, woes, lies by the media to hit them hard before 2016 as they really think they are Pravda.

Williams is just the tip of the iceberg. I love it. I'm thrilled to death. Watch more go down.I'm doing cartwheels in my living room.


Oh and back to the lies.

Did Brian Williams lie in Hurricane Katrina reports? New questions for NBC star over report he saw a 'body floating by' in the French Quarter - which was spared flooding - and that he suffered unlikely dysentery

Did Brian Williams also exaggerate during his Hurricane Katrina reports NBC anchor claimed he saw a body floating by in the French Quarter - which was spared flooding Daily Mail Online
  • Williams' 2006 claim that he saw a dead body float past his hotel window during Hurricane Katrina is drawing fresh skepticism
  • The NBC News anchor was forced to apologize on Wednesday after he lied about being on a helicopter in Iraq in 2003 that was hit by enemy fire
  • He blamed that mistake on the 'fog of memory over 12 years'
  • William's Katrina claim is now being questioned and is also likely to be false as the French Quarter was never flooded following the hurricane
  • The anchor is also in trouble over claims that he caught dysentery from drinking floodwaters
  • His reporting from New Orleans received countless plaudits and helped earn NBC a Peabody Award
For those of you who know me off this board you know I have been a busy little beaver collecting tales, woes, lies by the media to hit them hard before 2016 as they really think they are Pravda.

Williams is just the tip of the iceberg. I love it. I'm thrilled to death. Watch more go down.I'm doing cartwheels in my living room.


Oh and back to the lies.

Did Brian Williams lie in Hurricane Katrina reports? New questions for NBC star over report he saw a 'body floating by' in the French Quarter - which was spared flooding - and that he suffered unlikely dysentery

Did Brian Williams also exaggerate during his Hurricane Katrina reports NBC anchor claimed he saw a body floating by in the French Quarter - which was spared flooding Daily Mail Online
  • Williams' 2006 claim that he saw a dead body float past his hotel window during Hurricane Katrina is drawing fresh skepticism
  • The NBC News anchor was forced to apologize on Wednesday after he lied about being on a helicopter in Iraq in 2003 that was hit by enemy fire
  • He blamed that mistake on the 'fog of memory over 12 years'
  • William's Katrina claim is now being questioned and is also likely to be false as the French Quarter was never flooded following the hurricane
  • The anchor is also in trouble over claims that he caught dysentery from drinking floodwaters
  • His reporting from New Orleans received countless plaudits and helped earn NBC a Peabody Award

This has already been debunked TD. TWICE. The Advocate itself walked it back.

Lemme show you some pitchers:
This directly from one thread where one moron says "Williams is a Canuck and they're all liars"...

Btw, to the OP article that claimed the French Quarter "was not impacted by flood waters"....

This is Canal Street, the western (upriver) boundary of the French Quarter, looking west -- in other words looking across Canal from the French Quarter toward the CBD:

The picture, published by the Houston Chronicle, is dated September 1 (3 days after Katrina landfall).


Brian Williams was reportedly staying at the Ritz Carlton -- which is on Canal Street. This would be almost exactly the view looking southwest from that hotel. You're looking down Baronne Street; the Walgreen's is 900 Canal Street. The Ritz Carlton is 921, across the street. So it's not accurate to say flood waters didn't touch the FQ. The RC itself suffered significant flood damage and was closed for repairs for I believe at least a year.

You'd think a poster from Louisiana would know this.

--- and this is from the other thread I shot out of the sky, the one where another moron tried to change Williams' words from "French Quarter" to "French Market" to try to make it work:

More pics .... this is taken from the Ritz Carlton looking into the French Quarter:


I believe that's Burgundy Street (pr. bur-GUN-dy). What all that wet stuff is on the ground I have no clue...

And this is in front of the Ritz Carlton:


These were taken by a guest at the Ritz Carlton (source here)

That's not the weird thing.

The weird thing is that I got to this page by following the links from the same source that originally put the idea out that Williams might be lying since there was "no flooding" in the Quarter.

Their own links.

Funny how I just proved the paper who called "liar" is itself liar. And yet everybody wants to stay with the lie it put out.

That's weird.

What's all that wet stuff on the ground in a place that was "spared flooding", TD? :popcorn:

Yes there are liars around, and Brian Williams can't even compete with 'em.

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Oh btw, this anecdote about seeing a body float by wasn't in a news report anyway. Nor was the dysentery.

You have a nice day now.
Oh btw, this anecdote about seeing a body float by wasn't in a news report anyway. Nor was the dysentery.

You have a nice day now.

Oh by the way, there is video and audio of him saying those exact words.
Williams lies so much that he would make a good democrat candidate for office. Either that or Hillary's press secretary.
Oh btw, this anecdote about seeing a body float by wasn't in a news report anyway. Nor was the dysentery.

You have a nice day now.

Oh by the way, there is video and audio of him saying those exact words.

Oh by the way, is everything in video/audio a "newscast"? Do we understand what a "newscast" is?

The OP article quoted in post 1, fittingly introduced by the phrase "back to the lies" (Freudian), reads:

"Did Brian Williams lie in Hurricane Katrina reports?"
--- which is why I point that out. Not even the article claims it once you read it. It's a bogus headline on top of a bogus premise.

Of course this is the same source that tried to tell us, from the UK, six thousand miles away, that the French Quarter was "spared flooding" in the same headline. Which I've also obliterated.

You have a nice day now.
For those of you who know me off this board you know I have been a busy little beaver collecting tales, woes, lies by the media to hit them hard before 2016 as they really think they are Pravda.

Williams is just the tip of the iceberg. I love it. I'm thrilled to death. Watch more go down.I'm doing cartwheels in my living room.


Oh and back to the lies.

Did Brian Williams lie in Hurricane Katrina reports? New questions for NBC star over report he saw a 'body floating by' in the French Quarter - which was spared flooding - and that he suffered unlikely dysentery

Did Brian Williams also exaggerate during his Hurricane Katrina reports NBC anchor claimed he saw a body floating by in the French Quarter - which was spared flooding Daily Mail Online
  • Williams' 2006 claim that he saw a dead body float past his hotel window during Hurricane Katrina is drawing fresh skepticism
  • The NBC News anchor was forced to apologize on Wednesday after he lied about being on a helicopter in Iraq in 2003 that was hit by enemy fire
  • He blamed that mistake on the 'fog of memory over 12 years'
  • William's Katrina claim is now being questioned and is also likely to be false as the French Quarter was never flooded following the hurricane
  • The anchor is also in trouble over claims that he caught dysentery from drinking floodwaters
  • His reporting from New Orleans received countless plaudits and helped earn NBC a Peabody Award

This has already been debunked TD. TWICE. The Advocate itself walked it back.

Lemme show you some pitchers:
This directly from one thread where one moron says "Williams is a Canuck and they're all liars"...

Btw, to the OP article that claimed the French Quarter "was not impacted by flood waters"....

This is Canal Street, the western (upriver) boundary of the French Quarter, looking west -- in other words looking across Canal from the French Quarter toward the CBD:

The picture, published by the Houston Chronicle, is dated September 1 (3 days after Katrina landfall).


Brian Williams was reportedly staying at the Ritz Carlton -- which is on Canal Street. This would be almost exactly the view looking southwest from that hotel. You're looking down Baronne Street; the Walgreen's is 900 Canal Street. The Ritz Carlton is 921, across the street. So it's not accurate to say flood waters didn't touch the FQ. The RC itself suffered significant flood damage and was closed for repairs for I believe at least a year.

You'd think a poster from Louisiana would know this.

--- and this is from the other thread I shot out of the sky, the one where another moron tried to change Williams' words from "French Quarter" to "French Market" to try to make it work:

More pics .... this is taken from the Ritz Carlton looking into the French Quarter:


I believe that's Burgundy Street (pr. bur-GUN-dy). What all that wet stuff is on the ground I have no clue...

And this is in front of the Ritz Carlton:


These were taken by a guest at the Ritz Carlton (source here)

That's not the weird thing.

The weird thing is that I got to this page by following the links from the same source that originally put the idea out that Williams might be lying since there was "no flooding" in the Quarter.

Their own links.

Funny how I just proved the paper who called "liar" is itself liar. And yet everybody wants to stay with the lie it put out.

That's weird.

What's all that wet stuff on the ground in a place that was "spared flooding", TD? :popcorn:

Yes there are liars around, and Brian Williams can't even compete with 'em.


Prove where you were boy. I was up here waiting to cross the border when Katrina hit.

My life was smashed into the ground over Katrina. I had all my catahoulas with me ready to make a new life after leaving my house in Hawtrey.

Want to fuck with me? Game on. I'll tell you the minute by fucking minute as I watched my life and dreams wash away.

It broke my heart.
For those of you who know me off this board you know I have been a busy little beaver collecting tales, woes, lies by the media to hit them hard before 2016 as they really think they are Pravda.

Williams is just the tip of the iceberg. I love it. I'm thrilled to death. Watch more go down.I'm doing cartwheels in my living room.


Oh and back to the lies.

Did Brian Williams lie in Hurricane Katrina reports? New questions for NBC star over report he saw a 'body floating by' in the French Quarter - which was spared flooding - and that he suffered unlikely dysentery

Did Brian Williams also exaggerate during his Hurricane Katrina reports NBC anchor claimed he saw a body floating by in the French Quarter - which was spared flooding Daily Mail Online
  • Williams' 2006 claim that he saw a dead body float past his hotel window during Hurricane Katrina is drawing fresh skepticism
  • The NBC News anchor was forced to apologize on Wednesday after he lied about being on a helicopter in Iraq in 2003 that was hit by enemy fire
  • He blamed that mistake on the 'fog of memory over 12 years'
  • William's Katrina claim is now being questioned and is also likely to be false as the French Quarter was never flooded following the hurricane
  • The anchor is also in trouble over claims that he caught dysentery from drinking floodwaters
  • His reporting from New Orleans received countless plaudits and helped earn NBC a Peabody Award

This has already been debunked TD. TWICE. The Advocate itself walked it back.

Lemme show you some pitchers:
This directly from one thread where one moron says "Williams is a Canuck and they're all liars"...

Btw, to the OP article that claimed the French Quarter "was not impacted by flood waters"....

This is Canal Street, the western (upriver) boundary of the French Quarter, looking west -- in other words looking across Canal from the French Quarter toward the CBD:

The picture, published by the Houston Chronicle, is dated September 1 (3 days after Katrina landfall).


Brian Williams was reportedly staying at the Ritz Carlton -- which is on Canal Street. This would be almost exactly the view looking southwest from that hotel. You're looking down Baronne Street; the Walgreen's is 900 Canal Street. The Ritz Carlton is 921, across the street. So it's not accurate to say flood waters didn't touch the FQ. The RC itself suffered significant flood damage and was closed for repairs for I believe at least a year.

You'd think a poster from Louisiana would know this.

--- and this is from the other thread I shot out of the sky, the one where another moron tried to change Williams' words from "French Quarter" to "French Market" to try to make it work:

More pics .... this is taken from the Ritz Carlton looking into the French Quarter:


I believe that's Burgundy Street (pr. bur-GUN-dy). What all that wet stuff is on the ground I have no clue...

And this is in front of the Ritz Carlton:


These were taken by a guest at the Ritz Carlton (source here)

That's not the weird thing.

The weird thing is that I got to this page by following the links from the same source that originally put the idea out that Williams might be lying since there was "no flooding" in the Quarter.

Their own links.

Funny how I just proved the paper who called "liar" is itself liar. And yet everybody wants to stay with the lie it put out.

That's weird.

What's all that wet stuff on the ground in a place that was "spared flooding", TD? :popcorn:

Yes there are liars around, and Brian Williams can't even compete with 'em.


I turned my whole life around because of these reports. Fuck him now.
Williams lies so much that he would make a good democrat candidate for office. Either that or Hillary's press secretary.

Doublethink in action. Top speed, comrade.

Quoted before poster deletion. :rock:
For those of you who know me off this board you know I have been a busy little beaver collecting tales, woes, lies by the media to hit them hard before 2016 as they really think they are Pravda.

Williams is just the tip of the iceberg. I love it. I'm thrilled to death. Watch more go down.I'm doing cartwheels in my living room.


Oh and back to the lies.

Did Brian Williams lie in Hurricane Katrina reports? New questions for NBC star over report he saw a 'body floating by' in the French Quarter - which was spared flooding - and that he suffered unlikely dysentery

Did Brian Williams also exaggerate during his Hurricane Katrina reports NBC anchor claimed he saw a body floating by in the French Quarter - which was spared flooding Daily Mail Online
  • Williams' 2006 claim that he saw a dead body float past his hotel window during Hurricane Katrina is drawing fresh skepticism
  • The NBC News anchor was forced to apologize on Wednesday after he lied about being on a helicopter in Iraq in 2003 that was hit by enemy fire
  • He blamed that mistake on the 'fog of memory over 12 years'
  • William's Katrina claim is now being questioned and is also likely to be false as the French Quarter was never flooded following the hurricane
  • The anchor is also in trouble over claims that he caught dysentery from drinking floodwaters
  • His reporting from New Orleans received countless plaudits and helped earn NBC a Peabody Award

This has already been debunked TD. TWICE. The Advocate itself walked it back.

Lemme show you some pitchers:
This directly from one thread where one moron says "Williams is a Canuck and they're all liars"...

Btw, to the OP article that claimed the French Quarter "was not impacted by flood waters"....

This is Canal Street, the western (upriver) boundary of the French Quarter, looking west -- in other words looking across Canal from the French Quarter toward the CBD:

The picture, published by the Houston Chronicle, is dated September 1 (3 days after Katrina landfall).


Brian Williams was reportedly staying at the Ritz Carlton -- which is on Canal Street. This would be almost exactly the view looking southwest from that hotel. You're looking down Baronne Street; the Walgreen's is 900 Canal Street. The Ritz Carlton is 921, across the street. So it's not accurate to say flood waters didn't touch the FQ. The RC itself suffered significant flood damage and was closed for repairs for I believe at least a year.

You'd think a poster from Louisiana would know this.

--- and this is from the other thread I shot out of the sky, the one where another moron tried to change Williams' words from "French Quarter" to "French Market" to try to make it work:

More pics .... this is taken from the Ritz Carlton looking into the French Quarter:


I believe that's Burgundy Street (pr. bur-GUN-dy). What all that wet stuff is on the ground I have no clue...

And this is in front of the Ritz Carlton:


These were taken by a guest at the Ritz Carlton (source here)

That's not the weird thing.

The weird thing is that I got to this page by following the links from the same source that originally put the idea out that Williams might be lying since there was "no flooding" in the Quarter.

Their own links.

Funny how I just proved the paper who called "liar" is itself liar. And yet everybody wants to stay with the lie it put out.

That's weird.

What's all that wet stuff on the ground in a place that was "spared flooding", TD? :popcorn:

Yes there are liars around, and Brian Williams can't even compete with 'em.


I turned my whole life around because of these reports. Fuck him now.

And I turned your whole thread around because it's bullshit.
You're welcome.
Liars lie, that is in their genes, used car dealers, lawyers, politicians, it's what they do, We just have to be more careful of who we vote for, evaluate the facts. All of them.
For those of you who know me off this board you know I have been a busy little beaver collecting tales, woes, lies by the media to hit them hard before 2016 as they really think they are Pravda.

Williams is just the tip of the iceberg. I love it. I'm thrilled to death. Watch more go down.I'm doing cartwheels in my living room.


Oh and back to the lies.

Did Brian Williams lie in Hurricane Katrina reports? New questions for NBC star over report he saw a 'body floating by' in the French Quarter - which was spared flooding - and that he suffered unlikely dysentery

Did Brian Williams also exaggerate during his Hurricane Katrina reports NBC anchor claimed he saw a body floating by in the French Quarter - which was spared flooding Daily Mail Online
  • Williams' 2006 claim that he saw a dead body float past his hotel window during Hurricane Katrina is drawing fresh skepticism
  • The NBC News anchor was forced to apologize on Wednesday after he lied about being on a helicopter in Iraq in 2003 that was hit by enemy fire
  • He blamed that mistake on the 'fog of memory over 12 years'
  • William's Katrina claim is now being questioned and is also likely to be false as the French Quarter was never flooded following the hurricane
  • The anchor is also in trouble over claims that he caught dysentery from drinking floodwaters
  • His reporting from New Orleans received countless plaudits and helped earn NBC a Peabody Award

This has already been debunked TD. TWICE. The Advocate itself walked it back.

Lemme show you some pitchers:
This directly from one thread where one moron says "Williams is a Canuck and they're all liars"...

Btw, to the OP article that claimed the French Quarter "was not impacted by flood waters"....

This is Canal Street, the western (upriver) boundary of the French Quarter, looking west -- in other words looking across Canal from the French Quarter toward the CBD:

The picture, published by the Houston Chronicle, is dated September 1 (3 days after Katrina landfall).


Brian Williams was reportedly staying at the Ritz Carlton -- which is on Canal Street. This would be almost exactly the view looking southwest from that hotel. You're looking down Baronne Street; the Walgreen's is 900 Canal Street. The Ritz Carlton is 921, across the street. So it's not accurate to say flood waters didn't touch the FQ. The RC itself suffered significant flood damage and was closed for repairs for I believe at least a year.

You'd think a poster from Louisiana would know this.

--- and this is from the other thread I shot out of the sky, the one where another moron tried to change Williams' words from "French Quarter" to "French Market" to try to make it work:

More pics .... this is taken from the Ritz Carlton looking into the French Quarter:


I believe that's Burgundy Street (pr. bur-GUN-dy). What all that wet stuff is on the ground I have no clue...

And this is in front of the Ritz Carlton:


These were taken by a guest at the Ritz Carlton (source here)

That's not the weird thing.

The weird thing is that I got to this page by following the links from the same source that originally put the idea out that Williams might be lying since there was "no flooding" in the Quarter.

Their own links.

Funny how I just proved the paper who called "liar" is itself liar. And yet everybody wants to stay with the lie it put out.

That's weird.

What's all that wet stuff on the ground in a place that was "spared flooding", TD? :popcorn:

Yes there are liars around, and Brian Williams can't even compete with 'em.


Prove where you were boy. I was up here waiting to cross the border when Katrina hit.

My life was smashed into the ground over Katrina. I had all my catahoulas with me ready to make a new life after leaving my house in Hawtrey.

Want to fuck with me? Game on. I'll tell you the minute by fucking minute as I watched my life and dreams wash away.

It broke my heart.

I was already living there, in Carrollton. Wanna see my own pics?

This has squat to do with catahoulas or Hawtrey or emotional meltdowns.
This has to do with what the truth is. And more to the point, what it isn't.

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