Liberal Media- NBC's Brian Williams is NOW under fire

Oh btw, this anecdote about seeing a body float by wasn't in a news report anyway. Nor was the dysentery.

You have a nice day now.

Oh by the way, there is video and audio of him saying those exact words.

Oh by the way, is everything in video/audio a "newscast"? Do we understand what a "newscast" is?

The OP article quoted in post 1, fittingly introduced by the phrase "back to the lies" (Freudian), reads:

"Did Brian Williams lie in Hurricane Katrina reports?"
--- which is why I point that out. Not even the article claims it once you read it. It's a bogus headline on top of a bogus premise.

Of course this is the same source that tried to tell us, from the UK, six thousand miles away, that the French Quarter was "spared flooding" in the same headline. Which I've also obliterated.

You have a nice day now.

It doesn't matter moron, he said it and it wasn't true. Its a lie.

And your proof is .....?





As I said -- Bullshit. Even the original rag that made the implication backed away from it citing "new evidence". "New" meaning pics and records that have existed since 2005.
As if internet stories represents actual evidence

The only way to prove anything is to catch them saying it on video or get a signed admission.

Course the liars on the left depend on that sort of thing. They know that as long as they can post lies to ridicule anyone who makes a claim, that is a supposed repudiation.

This is a the facts: Ever since the Democrat party decided to sell their souls to Socialism they decided that the truth was subjective. The truth is what you make of it. Nothing is real unless they decide it is real. So as each new revelation becomes public it is quickly dismissed as a mistake or a political conspiracy.

The truth is, two people could read the same story and each get something totally different from it. They simply fill in the missing information with their bias and their opinions.

I'm tired of arguing with those who are living in total denial.
Oh btw, this anecdote about seeing a body float by wasn't in a news report anyway. Nor was the dysentery.

You have a nice day now.

Oh by the way, there is video and audio of him saying those exact words.

Oh by the way, is everything in video/audio a "newscast"? Do we understand what a "newscast" is?

The OP article quoted in post 1, fittingly introduced by the phrase "back to the lies" (Freudian), reads:

"Did Brian Williams lie in Hurricane Katrina reports?"
--- which is why I point that out. Not even the article claims it once you read it. It's a bogus headline on top of a bogus premise.

Of course this is the same source that tried to tell us, from the UK, six thousand miles away, that the French Quarter was "spared flooding" in the same headline. Which I've also obliterated.

You have a nice day now.

It doesn't matter moron, he said it and it wasn't true. Its a lie.

And your proof is .....?





As I said -- Bullshit. Even the original rag that made the implication backed away from it citing "new evidence". "New" meaning pics and records that have existed since 2005.
As if internet stories represents actual evidence

The only way to prove anything is to catch them saying it on video or get a signed admission.

Course the liars on the left depend on that sort of thing. They know that as long as they can post lies to ridicule anyone who makes a claim, that is a supposed repudiation.

This is a the facts: Ever since the Democrat party decided to sell their souls to Socialism they decided that the truth was subjective. The truth is what you make of it. Nothing is real unless they decide it is real. So as each new revelation becomes public it is quickly dismissed as a mistake or a political conspiracy.

The truth is, two people could read the same story and each get something totally different from it. They simply fill in the missing information with their bias and their opinions.

I'm tired of arguing with those who are living in total denial.

The man declared, and I quote, "he said it and it wasn't true. Its a lie."

That leaves him the burden of proof of a negative. Is that clear enough? Or would you like to go on asserting reality is not reality?

Because bullshit is bullshit no matter how much lipstick you try to stick on it. And another example of bullshit is the pretext of the article that generated this thread. As I demonstrated in post 3 as well as two other threads, and will be happy to further demonstrate.

Proving once again that no matter how deep the water ever got on Canal Street or anywhere else, it will never compare with the depth of DeNial. And maybe more to the point demonstrating what the agenda is.

You have a nice evening now.
Last edited:
Oh by the way, there is video and audio of him saying those exact words.

Oh by the way, is everything in video/audio a "newscast"? Do we understand what a "newscast" is?

The OP article quoted in post 1, fittingly introduced by the phrase "back to the lies" (Freudian), reads:

"Did Brian Williams lie in Hurricane Katrina reports?"
--- which is why I point that out. Not even the article claims it once you read it. It's a bogus headline on top of a bogus premise.

Of course this is the same source that tried to tell us, from the UK, six thousand miles away, that the French Quarter was "spared flooding" in the same headline. Which I've also obliterated.

You have a nice day now.

It doesn't matter moron, he said it and it wasn't true. Its a lie.

And your proof is .....?





As I said -- Bullshit. Even the original rag that made the implication backed away from it citing "new evidence". "New" meaning pics and records that have existed since 2005.
As if internet stories represents actual evidence

The only way to prove anything is to catch them saying it on video or get a signed admission.

Course the liars on the left depend on that sort of thing. They know that as long as they can post lies to ridicule anyone who makes a claim, that is a supposed repudiation.

This is a the facts: Ever since the Democrat party decided to sell their souls to Socialism they decided that the truth was subjective. The truth is what you make of it. Nothing is real unless they decide it is real. So as each new revelation becomes public it is quickly dismissed as a mistake or a political conspiracy.

The truth is, two people could read the same story and each get something totally different from it. They simply fill in the missing information with their bias and their opinions.

I'm tired of arguing with those who are living in total denial.

The man declared, and I quote, "he said it and it wasn't true. Its a lie."

That leaves him the burden of proof of a negative. Is that clear enough? Or would you like to go on asserting reality is not reality?

Because bullshit is bullshit no matter how much lipstick you try to stick on it. And another example of bullshit is the pretext of the article that generated this thread. As I demonstrated in post 3 as well as two other threads, and will be happy to further demonstrate.

Proving once again that no matter how deep the water ever got on Canal Street or anywhere else, it will never compare with the depth of DeNial. And maybe more to the point demonstrating what the agenda is.

You have a nice evening now.
Fact is you haven't demonstrated anything other than you're trying to stifle any dangerous rumors that may crop up on USMB. Anyone who is in the habit of doing that is highly suspicious. I suspect you're working for the White House.
Why is it that anti-military lefties feel compelled to brag and puff themselves up with fake accounts of military adventures?
Stolen valor.
That's a good question for John Kerry! He took a typewriter to Vietnam to re-write the story of the valor of John F. Kennedy with himself as the hero, took his three band-aid Purple Hearts and came home to criticize the rest of our troops before Congress and the media.
Three cases of the dreaded Vietnamese black clap.
Oh by the way, is everything in video/audio a "newscast"? Do we understand what a "newscast" is?

The OP article quoted in post 1, fittingly introduced by the phrase "back to the lies" (Freudian), reads:

"Did Brian Williams lie in Hurricane Katrina reports?"
--- which is why I point that out. Not even the article claims it once you read it. It's a bogus headline on top of a bogus premise.

Of course this is the same source that tried to tell us, from the UK, six thousand miles away, that the French Quarter was "spared flooding" in the same headline. Which I've also obliterated.

You have a nice day now.

It doesn't matter moron, he said it and it wasn't true. Its a lie.

And your proof is .....?





As I said -- Bullshit. Even the original rag that made the implication backed away from it citing "new evidence". "New" meaning pics and records that have existed since 2005.
As if internet stories represents actual evidence

The only way to prove anything is to catch them saying it on video or get a signed admission.

Course the liars on the left depend on that sort of thing. They know that as long as they can post lies to ridicule anyone who makes a claim, that is a supposed repudiation.

This is a the facts: Ever since the Democrat party decided to sell their souls to Socialism they decided that the truth was subjective. The truth is what you make of it. Nothing is real unless they decide it is real. So as each new revelation becomes public it is quickly dismissed as a mistake or a political conspiracy.

The truth is, two people could read the same story and each get something totally different from it. They simply fill in the missing information with their bias and their opinions.

I'm tired of arguing with those who are living in total denial.

The man declared, and I quote, "he said it and it wasn't true. Its a lie."

That leaves him the burden of proof of a negative. Is that clear enough? Or would you like to go on asserting reality is not reality?

Because bullshit is bullshit no matter how much lipstick you try to stick on it. And another example of bullshit is the pretext of the article that generated this thread. As I demonstrated in post 3 as well as two other threads, and will be happy to further demonstrate.

Proving once again that no matter how deep the water ever got on Canal Street or anywhere else, it will never compare with the depth of DeNial. And maybe more to the point demonstrating what the agenda is.

You have a nice evening now.
Fact is you haven't demonstrated anything other than you're trying to stifle any dangerous rumors that may crop up on USMB. Anyone who is in the habit of doing that is highly suspicious. I suspect you're working for the White House.

No, the FACT is PredFan made an assertion of a negative, and he has no way to back it up.

And the other fact is that the article claiming the French Quarter was "spared flooding" -- is BULLSHIT. As was its assertion that it was part of "news reporting". That ain't true either. And the third fact is that the New Orleans Advocate (the original source it was working from) had already walked back its original suggestion yesterday when it realized (or was taken to task by somebody else who knows what happened ten years ago) that its pretense was, all together now ----- BULLSHIT.

Why do you want to suppress the truth, Mud? Are you some kind of mythologist?

Please ta meetchya. I'm a Katrinite. And as long as I'm here NOBODY is going to revise Katrina history.
Count on it.
Hey, want more?

Canal Street, looking toward the River:

For those Revisionistas who kept trying to sell the BULLSHIT that the water was "two inches deep"...


This is looking again down Canal Street to the south -- those grey buildings across the street from each other are the Sheraton Hotel (on the right) and the Marriott (on the left, the French Quarter side):


Revisionists are such losers.
It doesn't matter moron, he said it and it wasn't true. Its a lie.

And your proof is .....?





As I said -- Bullshit. Even the original rag that made the implication backed away from it citing "new evidence". "New" meaning pics and records that have existed since 2005.
As if internet stories represents actual evidence

The only way to prove anything is to catch them saying it on video or get a signed admission.

Course the liars on the left depend on that sort of thing. They know that as long as they can post lies to ridicule anyone who makes a claim, that is a supposed repudiation.

This is a the facts: Ever since the Democrat party decided to sell their souls to Socialism they decided that the truth was subjective. The truth is what you make of it. Nothing is real unless they decide it is real. So as each new revelation becomes public it is quickly dismissed as a mistake or a political conspiracy.

The truth is, two people could read the same story and each get something totally different from it. They simply fill in the missing information with their bias and their opinions.

I'm tired of arguing with those who are living in total denial.

The man declared, and I quote, "he said it and it wasn't true. Its a lie."

That leaves him the burden of proof of a negative. Is that clear enough? Or would you like to go on asserting reality is not reality?

Because bullshit is bullshit no matter how much lipstick you try to stick on it. And another example of bullshit is the pretext of the article that generated this thread. As I demonstrated in post 3 as well as two other threads, and will be happy to further demonstrate.

Proving once again that no matter how deep the water ever got on Canal Street or anywhere else, it will never compare with the depth of DeNial. And maybe more to the point demonstrating what the agenda is.

You have a nice evening now.
Fact is you haven't demonstrated anything other than you're trying to stifle any dangerous rumors that may crop up on USMB. Anyone who is in the habit of doing that is highly suspicious. I suspect you're working for the White House.

No, the FACT is PredFan made an assertion of a negative, and he has no way to back it up.

And the other fact is that the article claiming the French Quarter was "spared flooding" -- is BULLSHIT. As was its assertion that it was part of "news reporting". That ain't true either. And the third fact is that the New Orleans Advocate (the original source it was working from) had already walked back its original suggestion yesterday when it realized (or was taken to task by somebody else who knows what happened ten years ago) that its pretense was, all together now ----- BULLSHIT.

Why do you want to suppress the truth, Mud? Are you some kind of mythologist?

Please ta meetchya. I'm a Katrinite. And as long as I'm here NOBODY is going to revise Katrina history.
Count on it.
There is no New Orleans Advocate.

It is the Baton Rouge Advocate.

The Times-Picayune is the major NOLA paper.

You can't be too much of a Louisiana expert.
And your proof is .....?





As I said -- Bullshit. Even the original rag that made the implication backed away from it citing "new evidence". "New" meaning pics and records that have existed since 2005.
As if internet stories represents actual evidence

The only way to prove anything is to catch them saying it on video or get a signed admission.

Course the liars on the left depend on that sort of thing. They know that as long as they can post lies to ridicule anyone who makes a claim, that is a supposed repudiation.

This is a the facts: Ever since the Democrat party decided to sell their souls to Socialism they decided that the truth was subjective. The truth is what you make of it. Nothing is real unless they decide it is real. So as each new revelation becomes public it is quickly dismissed as a mistake or a political conspiracy.

The truth is, two people could read the same story and each get something totally different from it. They simply fill in the missing information with their bias and their opinions.

I'm tired of arguing with those who are living in total denial.

The man declared, and I quote, "he said it and it wasn't true. Its a lie."

That leaves him the burden of proof of a negative. Is that clear enough? Or would you like to go on asserting reality is not reality?

Because bullshit is bullshit no matter how much lipstick you try to stick on it. And another example of bullshit is the pretext of the article that generated this thread. As I demonstrated in post 3 as well as two other threads, and will be happy to further demonstrate.

Proving once again that no matter how deep the water ever got on Canal Street or anywhere else, it will never compare with the depth of DeNial. And maybe more to the point demonstrating what the agenda is.

You have a nice evening now.
Fact is you haven't demonstrated anything other than you're trying to stifle any dangerous rumors that may crop up on USMB. Anyone who is in the habit of doing that is highly suspicious. I suspect you're working for the White House.

No, the FACT is PredFan made an assertion of a negative, and he has no way to back it up.

And the other fact is that the article claiming the French Quarter was "spared flooding" -- is BULLSHIT. As was its assertion that it was part of "news reporting". That ain't true either. And the third fact is that the New Orleans Advocate (the original source it was working from) had already walked back its original suggestion yesterday when it realized (or was taken to task by somebody else who knows what happened ten years ago) that its pretense was, all together now ----- BULLSHIT.

Why do you want to suppress the truth, Mud? Are you some kind of mythologist?

Please ta meetchya. I'm a Katrinite. And as long as I'm here NOBODY is going to revise Katrina history.
Count on it.
There is no New Orleans Advocate.

It is the Baton Rouge Advocate.

The Times-Picayune is the major NOLA paper.

You can't be too much of a Louisiana expert.

I know - I never heard of it until this week either. I'm just quoting the source that was given.

It did strike me as odd that it would make an easily refutable gaffe like "there was no flooding in the Quarter" when it was common knowledge ten years ago. That, plus the inconvenient fact of the Ritz Carlton itself needing some fifteen months to repair its FLOOD damage. They fucked up the "story" big time and all anybody here can crow is 'b- b- but ... Brian Williams!" :eusa_hand:

The really weird thing is that I got those pics of flooding outside the hotel from following the Advocate's own links. By then they had walked the claim back, but that never stops the mythmongers obviously.

As for where I got "New Orleans Advocate" ---
(first thread's OP) -

-- and he claims to be in Louisiana.

The second thread gave no link but the first time one was given was:

And then in the third thread today, Tinydancer's DailyMail link says:
"According to the New Orleans Advocate, " (that's here)

--- and she claims to have lived there.

I lived there too, in the city.

Now then...
will there be anything else?
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As if internet stories represents actual evidence

The only way to prove anything is to catch them saying it on video or get a signed admission.

Course the liars on the left depend on that sort of thing. They know that as long as they can post lies to ridicule anyone who makes a claim, that is a supposed repudiation.

This is a the facts: Ever since the Democrat party decided to sell their souls to Socialism they decided that the truth was subjective. The truth is what you make of it. Nothing is real unless they decide it is real. So as each new revelation becomes public it is quickly dismissed as a mistake or a political conspiracy.

The truth is, two people could read the same story and each get something totally different from it. They simply fill in the missing information with their bias and their opinions.

I'm tired of arguing with those who are living in total denial.

The man declared, and I quote, "he said it and it wasn't true. Its a lie."

That leaves him the burden of proof of a negative. Is that clear enough? Or would you like to go on asserting reality is not reality?

Because bullshit is bullshit no matter how much lipstick you try to stick on it. And another example of bullshit is the pretext of the article that generated this thread. As I demonstrated in post 3 as well as two other threads, and will be happy to further demonstrate.

Proving once again that no matter how deep the water ever got on Canal Street or anywhere else, it will never compare with the depth of DeNial. And maybe more to the point demonstrating what the agenda is.

You have a nice evening now.
Fact is you haven't demonstrated anything other than you're trying to stifle any dangerous rumors that may crop up on USMB. Anyone who is in the habit of doing that is highly suspicious. I suspect you're working for the White House.

No, the FACT is PredFan made an assertion of a negative, and he has no way to back it up.

And the other fact is that the article claiming the French Quarter was "spared flooding" -- is BULLSHIT. As was its assertion that it was part of "news reporting". That ain't true either. And the third fact is that the New Orleans Advocate (the original source it was working from) had already walked back its original suggestion yesterday when it realized (or was taken to task by somebody else who knows what happened ten years ago) that its pretense was, all together now ----- BULLSHIT.

Why do you want to suppress the truth, Mud? Are you some kind of mythologist?

Please ta meetchya. I'm a Katrinite. And as long as I'm here NOBODY is going to revise Katrina history.
Count on it.
There is no New Orleans Advocate.

It is the Baton Rouge Advocate.

The Times-Picayune is the major NOLA paper.

You can't be too much of a Louisiana expert.

I know - I never heard of it until this week either. I'm just quoting the source that was given.

(first thread's OP) -

It did strike me as odd that it would make an easily refutable gaffe like "there was no flooding in the Quarter" when it was common knowledge ten years ago. That, plus the inconvenient fact of the Ritz Carlton itself needing some fifteen months to repair its FLOOD damage. They fucked up the "story" big time and all anybody here can crow is 'b- b- but ... Brian Williams!" :eusa_hand:

The really weird thing is that I got those pics of flooding outside the hotel from following the Advocate's own links. By then they had walked the claim back, but that never stops the mythmongers obviously.
I don't doubt he may have seen a body.

He DID NOT get dysentery.
The man declared, and I quote, "he said it and it wasn't true. Its a lie."

That leaves him the burden of proof of a negative. Is that clear enough? Or would you like to go on asserting reality is not reality?

Because bullshit is bullshit no matter how much lipstick you try to stick on it. And another example of bullshit is the pretext of the article that generated this thread. As I demonstrated in post 3 as well as two other threads, and will be happy to further demonstrate.

Proving once again that no matter how deep the water ever got on Canal Street or anywhere else, it will never compare with the depth of DeNial. And maybe more to the point demonstrating what the agenda is.

You have a nice evening now.
Fact is you haven't demonstrated anything other than you're trying to stifle any dangerous rumors that may crop up on USMB. Anyone who is in the habit of doing that is highly suspicious. I suspect you're working for the White House.

No, the FACT is PredFan made an assertion of a negative, and he has no way to back it up.

And the other fact is that the article claiming the French Quarter was "spared flooding" -- is BULLSHIT. As was its assertion that it was part of "news reporting". That ain't true either. And the third fact is that the New Orleans Advocate (the original source it was working from) had already walked back its original suggestion yesterday when it realized (or was taken to task by somebody else who knows what happened ten years ago) that its pretense was, all together now ----- BULLSHIT.

Why do you want to suppress the truth, Mud? Are you some kind of mythologist?

Please ta meetchya. I'm a Katrinite. And as long as I'm here NOBODY is going to revise Katrina history.
Count on it.
There is no New Orleans Advocate.

It is the Baton Rouge Advocate.

The Times-Picayune is the major NOLA paper.

You can't be too much of a Louisiana expert.

I know - I never heard of it until this week either. I'm just quoting the source that was given.

(first thread's OP) -

It did strike me as odd that it would make an easily refutable gaffe like "there was no flooding in the Quarter" when it was common knowledge ten years ago. That, plus the inconvenient fact of the Ritz Carlton itself needing some fifteen months to repair its FLOOD damage. They fucked up the "story" big time and all anybody here can crow is 'b- b- but ... Brian Williams!" :eusa_hand:

The really weird thing is that I got those pics of flooding outside the hotel from following the Advocate's own links. By then they had walked the claim back, but that never stops the mythmongers obviously.
I don't doubt he may have seen a body.

He DID NOT get dysentery.

You're a brave soul to get in the prove-a-negative queue with PredFan and CrusaderFrank.
Good luck in there.
Marriott and Ritz-Carlton - Stories of Katrina 5 Years Later - Marriott News Center
A story in the wsj from Marriott re the Ritz Carlton
Marriott to ReopenMost of Its HotelsIn New Orleans - WSJ

here is a story from a dr. that was staying at the Ritz Carlton.
College of American Pathologists - A pathologist on the frontlines in New Orleans

Sounds like there was water damage, was it from flooding? I don't know.
But there is no mention from the doctor re dead bodies floating by nor can I find any other stories stating such.
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Williams is a canuck and they're all's their national pastime. But he's not even in the same league as Walter Cronkite...that old drunk made up pretty much every report he sent from got so bad he was disinvited to press briefings.
Walter Cronkite, Minister of Propaganda for the VC, turned the Tet slaughter of the NVA and virtual annihilation of the VC into an American defeat.

Reported Khe Sanh like it was Dien Bien Phu knowing all the while Marine artillery and air was chewing up the PAVN as fast as they could get across the DMZ.

, But, it don't mean shit.

Nope, Walter Cronkite never let his bias show. You could listen to him for years and never get any indication which side of the political isle he was on. News anchors back in the day were very careful about not only what they reported but how they reported it. Their voices wouldn't raise to show any emotion, very flat and to the point speaking on all issues.

Today, and probably due to ratings, news anchors have turned into entertainers. The love affair Brian Williams was having with Obama was made fun of by Bill Mayer and SNL, it was so obvious. Of course it doesn't help that General Electric owns NBC and MSNBC, and CEO of General Electric, Jeffrey Immelt, is Obama's job Czar.

But no one can tolerate an anchor that makes up stories, so Brian Williams has to go.
Marriott and Ritz-Carlton - Stories of Katrina 5 Years Later - Marriott News Center
A story in the wsj from Marriott re the Ritz Carlton
Marriott to ReopenMost of Its HotelsIn New Orleans - WSJ

here is a story from a dr. that was staying at the Ritz Carlton.
College of American Pathologists - A pathologist on the frontlines in New Orleans

Sounds like there was water damage, was it from flooding? I don't know.
But there is no mention from the doctor re dead bodies floating by nor can I find any other stories stating such.

The Marriott is the one on the left of those tall buildings in the distance in the last photo in post 175 (and 165 since they merged the threads). The Sheraton is the one to its right across the street, darker and slightly taller. The Marriott is the French Quarter side of the street.

And yes, the Ritz Carlton was heavily damaged by flooding; it was closed for I believe it was 15 months for repairs. Those people wading across the street in the first picture I posted in this thread, captioned as "evacuating from their French Quarter hotel", are probably coming from the RC - it's exactly that direction.

As far as specifics - it was a disaster scene in progress; there was no such thing as an official journal of everything, and there never will be. Which is also why nobody knows if Brian Willliams had dysentery or some stomach flu or what -- it wasn't like you could just up and saunter into a doctor's office. As your link notes with the train car explosion there were explosions from gas ruptures and fires all over the place that there was no way for any firefighter to reach -- they just had to burn themselves down to the water line.

As in this photo, one of mine taken in October when we were first let back in... the second photo is the effect on a stop sign's paint peeling from the heat of another fire... the sign was all the way down at the corner, well away from the building.

So with all due respect, the idea that something didn't happen in an environment like this because some doctor officially didn't see it is just absurd.


  • flood line.jpg
    flood line.jpg
    53.1 KB · Views: 89
  • stop sign near shelter.jpg
    stop sign near shelter.jpg
    86.1 KB · Views: 96
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Time for an update on this liberal scum. Looks like we may get our wish and BW gets added to the roles of the unemployed :banana:


Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams fired Page Six

You know you’re in trouble when Tom Brokaw is out for your blood.

NBC’s most revered journalist is furious that Brian Williams is still in the anchor chair after he sheepishly admitted he hadn’t traveled on a helicopter hit by enemy fire.

“Brokaw wants Williams’ head on a platter,” an NBC source said. “He is making a lot of noise at NBC that a lesser journalist or producer would have been immediately fired or suspended for a false report.”
But you just told us that Williams won't be fired, but rather praised, by his lying liberal colleagues. Make up your mind already, mouth breather.

Um, Brain Williams is a liar like Obama. Hows that?

Ummm you're an idiot
Time for an update on this liberal scum. Looks like we may get our wish and BW gets added to the roles of the unemployed :banana:


Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams fired Page Six

You know you’re in trouble when Tom Brokaw is out for your blood.

NBC’s most revered journalist is furious that Brian Williams is still in the anchor chair after he sheepishly admitted he hadn’t traveled on a helicopter hit by enemy fire.

“Brokaw wants Williams’ head on a platter,” an NBC source said. “He is making a lot of noise at NBC that a lesser journalist or producer would have been immediately fired or suspended for a false report.”
But you just told us that Williams won't be fired, but rather praised, by his lying liberal colleagues. Make up your mind already, mouth breather.

Um, Brain Williams is a liar like Obama. Hows that?

Ummm you're an idiot

Obama got the "Lie of the Year " award and Williams admitted he lied. The only idiot in this conversation is you.
Oh by the way, there is video and audio of him saying those exact words.

Oh by the way, is everything in video/audio a "newscast"? Do we understand what a "newscast" is?

The OP article quoted in post 1, fittingly introduced by the phrase "back to the lies" (Freudian), reads:

"Did Brian Williams lie in Hurricane Katrina reports?"
--- which is why I point that out. Not even the article claims it once you read it. It's a bogus headline on top of a bogus premise.

Of course this is the same source that tried to tell us, from the UK, six thousand miles away, that the French Quarter was "spared flooding" in the same headline. Which I've also obliterated.

You have a nice day now.

It doesn't matter moron, he said it and it wasn't true. Its a lie.

And your proof is .....?





As I said -- Bullshit. Even the original rag that made the implication backed away from it citing "new evidence". "New" meaning pics and records that have existed since 2005.
As if internet stories represents actual evidence

The only way to prove anything is to catch them saying it on video or get a signed admission.

Course the liars on the left depend on that sort of thing. They know that as long as they can post lies to ridicule anyone who makes a claim, that is a supposed repudiation.

This is a the facts: Ever since the Democrat party decided to sell their souls to Socialism they decided that the truth was subjective. The truth is what you make of it. Nothing is real unless they decide it is real. So as each new revelation becomes public it is quickly dismissed as a mistake or a political conspiracy.

The truth is, two people could read the same story and each get something totally different from it. They simply fill in the missing information with their bias and their opinions.

I'm tired of arguing with those who are living in total denial.

The man declared, and I quote, "he said it and it wasn't true. Its a lie."

That leaves him the burden of proof of a negative. Is that clear enough? Or would you like to go on asserting reality is not reality?

Because bullshit is bullshit no matter how much lipstick you try to stick on it. And another example of bullshit is the pretext of the article that generated this thread. As I demonstrated in post 3 as well as two other threads, and will be happy to further demonstrate.

Proving once again that no matter how deep the water ever got on Canal Street or anywhere else, it will never compare with the depth of DeNial. And maybe more to the point demonstrating what the agenda is.

You have a nice evening now.

I would prove it if I gave a shit what you thought. You are a progressive and all
The proof in the world wouldn't change your mind or educate you in the least. Stay stupid for all I care.

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