Liberal Media- NBC's Brian Williams is NOW under fire

Brian Williams is in good company in the hellish den of fellow liberal liars.

Walter Cronkite. Peter Jennings. Dan Rather.
Or when Obama claimed he was conceived under the Edmund Pettus Bridge while the famous civil rights march passed overhead?

So what's the point of lying that brazenly, Roadrunner? You had to know someone would call you on it.

I'm guessing that brazen lying is kind of like a gang initiation for conservatives. In order to get into the gang, they have to show they're willing to stoop to any tactic to support the gang.

Anyways, from all the raging, I'm getting the impression that the GOP won't invite Brian Williams to be their debate moderator again. He's not their favorite any more.

I just tweaked his tall tale a bit.

They really didn't fuck under the bridge.

Barack Obama addressed a group in Selma, AL commemorating the 1965 voting rights march. He credited the event with giving his parents the idea that they could have a child. The result was him--Barack Obama, Child of Destiny. The only problem is he was born in 1961.

"What happened in Selma, Alabama and Birmingham also stirred the conscience of the nation...This young man named Barack Obama...came over to this country. He met this woman...(who) had a good idea there was some craziness going on because they looked at each other and they possible for us to get together and have a child. There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama... So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born. So don't tell me I don't have a claim on Selma, Alabama. Don't tell me I'm not coming home to Selma, Alabama.
I'm here because somebody marched."
Do you feel like a dumbass yet? Are you still going to support a liar? I mean after supporting a sex offender, seems like you would wake up a little.
You talkin' to ME?
No, mammoth.
Oh by the way, is everything in video/audio a "newscast"? Do we understand what a "newscast" is?

The OP article quoted in post 1, fittingly introduced by the phrase "back to the lies" (Freudian), reads:

"Did Brian Williams lie in Hurricane Katrina reports?"
--- which is why I point that out. Not even the article claims it once you read it. It's a bogus headline on top of a bogus premise.

Of course this is the same source that tried to tell us, from the UK, six thousand miles away, that the French Quarter was "spared flooding" in the same headline. Which I've also obliterated.

You have a nice day now.

It doesn't matter moron, he said it and it wasn't true. Its a lie.

And your proof is .....?





As I said -- Bullshit. Even the original rag that made the implication backed away from it citing "new evidence". "New" meaning pics and records that have existed since 2005.
As if internet stories represents actual evidence

The only way to prove anything is to catch them saying it on video or get a signed admission.

Course the liars on the left depend on that sort of thing. They know that as long as they can post lies to ridicule anyone who makes a claim, that is a supposed repudiation.

This is a the facts: Ever since the Democrat party decided to sell their souls to Socialism they decided that the truth was subjective. The truth is what you make of it. Nothing is real unless they decide it is real. So as each new revelation becomes public it is quickly dismissed as a mistake or a political conspiracy.

The truth is, two people could read the same story and each get something totally different from it. They simply fill in the missing information with their bias and their opinions.

I'm tired of arguing with those who are living in total denial.

The man declared, and I quote, "he said it and it wasn't true. Its a lie."

That leaves him the burden of proof of a negative. Is that clear enough? Or would you like to go on asserting reality is not reality?

Because bullshit is bullshit no matter how much lipstick you try to stick on it. And another example of bullshit is the pretext of the article that generated this thread. As I demonstrated in post 3 as well as two other threads, and will be happy to further demonstrate.

Proving once again that no matter how deep the water ever got on Canal Street or anywhere else, it will never compare with the depth of DeNial. And maybe more to the point demonstrating what the agenda is.

You have a nice evening now.

I would prove it if I gave a shit what you thought. You are a progressive and all
The proof in the world wouldn't change your mind or educate you in the least. Stay stupid for all I care.

Horseshit on a stick with the wrapper off.

You stated a negative -- you CAN'T prove it. Even if it were unlikely you couldn't prove it. You're a poser who prefers myth to fact. Fuck that shit.

Wank on, wanker. Nobody cares.
Katrina was just like Ferguson but with water!!!!

Blank-0 fiddled while NOLA flooded.

Couldn't violate the rights of those union school bus drivers, and saved the people and the buses while there was time.
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Even da Popo, were taking FREE SAMPLES, that's what it would have had to have been , as these 2 with a shopping cart would have had to arrest themselves!

Katrina was just like Ferguson but with water!!!!

Blank-0 fiddles while NOLA flooded.

Couldn't violate the rights of those union school bus drivers, and saved the people and the buses while there was time.

Blanco was begging the Fed for help in advance. Go talk to Chertoff. Somebody ask him what the fuck his staring into space was all about.

The buses were an after-the-fact photo op. Nobody knows if they were driveable or if there was time to corral drivers anyway.

This Monday Morning Quarterback shit by clowns who sat on their ass and watched it on TV like another edition of Gunsmoke is kinda pathetic. You have no clue how little time there was. In my case, pretty typical, the first I even heard about an oncoming storm was Saturday afternoon, about 18 hours before I evacuated. In other words everybody had to simply stop what you're doing and move-- NOW.

So ... wanker please.
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What was the name of that HORRIBLE HURRICAIN that hit NYC and the Federal gov't did WHAT to help up there, under the obomanation, of course!
Blanco was begging the Fed for help in advance. Go talk to Chertoff. Somebody ask him what the fuck his staring into space was all about.

The buses were an after-the-fact photo op. Nobody knows if they were driveable or if there was time to corral drivers anyway.

This Monday Morning Quarterback shit by clowns who sat on their ass and watched it on TV like another edition of Gunsmoke is kinda pathetic. You have no clue how little time there was. In my case, pretty typical, the first I even heard about an oncoming storm was Saturday afternoon, about 18 hours before I evacuated. So ... wanker please.

Blanco was an incompetent douchebag of epic proportions. That walking advertisement for FDS is the reason why Louisiana went from 180 years of dimocrap rule to Bobby Jindal.

And yeah, I know a little bit about Hurricanes. I live in South Florida and the ones we get here would make yours look like the pussies they are.

The only difference is -- We don't build entire Cities of SHIT.

Our Homes and Buildings can withstand winds and flooding. Yours fall apart like the shit-boxes they are.

And who in their right mind builds BELOW SEA LEVEL IN A FLOOD ZONE A?

Yeah, I know a little bit about that, too.

The reason Nawlins got hurt so bad is simple.... Nawlins has been run and occupied by MORONS for the last 200 years.

Not complicated at all.

Blanco AND Nagin should have gone to Prison for their incompetence
Blanco was begging the Fed for help in advance. Go talk to Chertoff. Somebody ask him what the fuck his staring into space was all about.

The buses were an after-the-fact photo op. Nobody knows if they were driveable or if there was time to corral drivers anyway.

This Monday Morning Quarterback shit by clowns who sat on their ass and watched it on TV like another edition of Gunsmoke is kinda pathetic. You have no clue how little time there was. In my case, pretty typical, the first I even heard about an oncoming storm was Saturday afternoon, about 18 hours before I evacuated. So ... wanker please.

Blanco was an incompetent douchebag of epic proportions. That walking advertisement for FDS is the reason why Louisiana went from 180 years of dimocrap rule to Bobby Jindal.

And yeah, I know a little bit about Hurricanes. I live in South Florida and the ones we get here would make yours look like the pussies they are.

The only difference is -- We don't build entire Cities of SHIT.

Our Homes and Buildings can withstand winds and flooding. Yours fall apart like the shit-boxes they are.

And who in their right mind builds BELOW SEA LEVEL IN A FLOOD ZONE A?

Yeah, I know a little bit about that, too.

The reason Nawlins got hurt so bad is simple.... Nawlins has been run and occupied by MORONS for the last 200 years.

Not complicated at all.

Blanco AND Nagin should have gone to Prison for their incompetence

One out of 2 isn't bad! :biggrin:

Time for an update on this liberal scum. Looks like we may get our wish and BW gets added to the roles of the unemployed :banana:


Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams fired Page Six

You know you’re in trouble when Tom Brokaw is out for your blood.

NBC’s most revered journalist is furious that Brian Williams is still in the anchor chair after he sheepishly admitted he hadn’t traveled on a helicopter hit by enemy fire.

“Brokaw wants Williams’ head on a platter,” an NBC source said. “He is making a lot of noise at NBC that a lesser journalist or producer would have been immediately fired or suspended for a false report.”
But you just told us that Williams won't be fired, but rather praised, by his lying liberal colleagues. Make up your mind already, mouth breather.

Um, Brain Williams is a liar like Obama. Hows that?

Ummm you're an idiot

Obama got the "Lie of the Year " award and Williams admitted he lied. The only idiot in this conversation is you.
Douche nozzle, you said Williams would get a free pass, then posted about Brokaw not giving him a free pass. You need to catch up
Events never seem to unfolded as we might expect or predict. When you see how the world has developed, the twist and turns are most unpredictable. The media is in the business of reporting what is happening and truth is important as the base for how we view the world.

We should doubt the confident and suave television and news commentators, politicians, and the experts that speak with such authority live, I include the pundits and so called specialist. Whenever, I find myself drawn down the path toward Speculationville I try to stop and ask if the journey ahead has any real merit or payoff and if we are starting off with the truth..
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One thing that is true I never heard Brian Williams talk about Muslim no go zones in Paris ....those were lies on Faux Nutwork...
One thing that is true I never heard Brian Williams talk about Muslim no go zones in Paris ....those were lies on Faux Nutwork...

Well little one it shows how ignorant you are to post your bullshit.

It was a guest on a fox show that made the claim that there were no go zones in Paris and Birmingham.

Now let's really address what has occurred with Brian Williams.

He's caught out big time. I love it. Those that know me off this board know I have been collecting data on all media hounds on the left who have been nothing short of Pravda to back the left.

This is nothing. Wait till you see more. To be unleashed during the 2016 cycle.

It is a good time to be alive.
Blanco was begging the Fed for help in advance. Go talk to Chertoff. Somebody ask him what the fuck his staring into space was all about.

The buses were an after-the-fact photo op. Nobody knows if they were driveable or if there was time to corral drivers anyway.

This Monday Morning Quarterback shit by clowns who sat on their ass and watched it on TV like another edition of Gunsmoke is kinda pathetic. You have no clue how little time there was. In my case, pretty typical, the first I even heard about an oncoming storm was Saturday afternoon, about 18 hours before I evacuated. So ... wanker please.

Blanco was an incompetent douchebag of epic proportions. That walking advertisement for FDS is the reason why Louisiana went from 180 years of dimocrap rule to Bobby Jindal.

And yeah, I know a little bit about Hurricanes. I live in South Florida and the ones we get here would make yours look like the pussies they are.

The only difference is -- We don't build entire Cities of SHIT.

Our Homes and Buildings can withstand winds and flooding. Yours fall apart like the shit-boxes they are.

And who in their right mind builds BELOW SEA LEVEL IN A FLOOD ZONE A?

Yeah, I know a little bit about that, too.

The reason Nawlins got hurt so bad is simple.... Nawlins has been run and occupied by MORONS for the last 200 years.

Not complicated at all.

Blanco AND Nagin should have gone to Prison for their incompetence

The governor before Blanco was Republican too dumbass. You're outta your league.
Political parties and philosophies don't determine disaster efficiency anyway, partisan fucking hack. I mean I sort-of understand the need to change a subject you already lost but this is kinda pathetic. But to entertain that for the moment -- the fault for the flooding, which most of the Katrina devastation came from, wasn't the governor or the mayor or the POTUS or FEMA -- it was the Army Corps of Engineers who built levees that were as bullshit as this thread. That's already been determined in court.

Oh and this just in (months ago) - Nagin DID go to prison. Not for Katrina but for being Ray Nagin. And there's nobody in New Orleans that wouldn't say "good riddance".

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One thing that is true I never heard Brian Williams talk about Muslim no go zones in Paris ....those were lies on Faux Nutwork...

Now you **** can you back up purposefully editing a tape to make Zimmerman appear to racially profile Trayvon?

Your NBC network did it. 3 count them three big wigs got fired over it.

I hope Zimmerman gets rich in his lawsuit over it.
Blanco was begging the Fed for help in advance. Go talk to Chertoff. Somebody ask him what the fuck his staring into space was all about.

The buses were an after-the-fact photo op. Nobody knows if they were driveable or if there was time to corral drivers anyway.

This Monday Morning Quarterback shit by clowns who sat on their ass and watched it on TV like another edition of Gunsmoke is kinda pathetic. You have no clue how little time there was. In my case, pretty typical, the first I even heard about an oncoming storm was Saturday afternoon, about 18 hours before I evacuated. So ... wanker please.

Blanco was an incompetent douchebag of epic proportions. That walking advertisement for FDS is the reason why Louisiana went from 180 years of dimocrap rule to Bobby Jindal.

And yeah, I know a little bit about Hurricanes. I live in South Florida and the ones we get here would make yours look like the pussies they are.

The only difference is -- We don't build entire Cities of SHIT.

Our Homes and Buildings can withstand winds and flooding. Yours fall apart like the shit-boxes they are.

And who in their right mind builds BELOW SEA LEVEL IN A FLOOD ZONE A?

Yeah, I know a little bit about that, too.

The reason Nawlins got hurt so bad is simple.... Nawlins has been run and occupied by MORONS for the last 200 years.

Not complicated at all.

Blanco AND Nagin should have gone to Prison for their incompetence

The governor before Blanco was Republican too dumbass. You're outta your league.
Political parties and philosophies don't determine disaster efficiency anyway, partisan fucking hack. I mean I sort-of understand the need to change a subject you already lost but this is kinda pathetic.


Blanco should be in prison with Nagin right now.
Blanco was begging the Fed for help in advance. Go talk to Chertoff. Somebody ask him what the fuck his staring into space was all about.

The buses were an after-the-fact photo op. Nobody knows if they were driveable or if there was time to corral drivers anyway.

This Monday Morning Quarterback shit by clowns who sat on their ass and watched it on TV like another edition of Gunsmoke is kinda pathetic. You have no clue how little time there was. In my case, pretty typical, the first I even heard about an oncoming storm was Saturday afternoon, about 18 hours before I evacuated. So ... wanker please.

Blanco was an incompetent douchebag of epic proportions. That walking advertisement for FDS is the reason why Louisiana went from 180 years of dimocrap rule to Bobby Jindal.

And yeah, I know a little bit about Hurricanes. I live in South Florida and the ones we get here would make yours look like the pussies they are.

The only difference is -- We don't build entire Cities of SHIT.

Our Homes and Buildings can withstand winds and flooding. Yours fall apart like the shit-boxes they are.

And who in their right mind builds BELOW SEA LEVEL IN A FLOOD ZONE A?

Yeah, I know a little bit about that, too.

The reason Nawlins got hurt so bad is simple.... Nawlins has been run and occupied by MORONS for the last 200 years.

Not complicated at all.

Blanco AND Nagin should have gone to Prison for their incompetence

The governor before Blanco was Republican too dumbass. You're outta your league.
Political parties and philosophies don't determine disaster efficiency anyway, partisan fucking hack. I mean I sort-of understand the need to change a subject you already lost but this is kinda pathetic.


Blanco should be in prison with Nagin right now.


It doesn't matter moron, he said it and it wasn't true. Its a lie.

And your proof is .....?





As I said -- Bullshit. Even the original rag that made the implication backed away from it citing "new evidence". "New" meaning pics and records that have existed since 2005.
As if internet stories represents actual evidence

The only way to prove anything is to catch them saying it on video or get a signed admission.

Course the liars on the left depend on that sort of thing. They know that as long as they can post lies to ridicule anyone who makes a claim, that is a supposed repudiation.

This is a the facts: Ever since the Democrat party decided to sell their souls to Socialism they decided that the truth was subjective. The truth is what you make of it. Nothing is real unless they decide it is real. So as each new revelation becomes public it is quickly dismissed as a mistake or a political conspiracy.

The truth is, two people could read the same story and each get something totally different from it. They simply fill in the missing information with their bias and their opinions.

I'm tired of arguing with those who are living in total denial.

The man declared, and I quote, "he said it and it wasn't true. Its a lie."

That leaves him the burden of proof of a negative. Is that clear enough? Or would you like to go on asserting reality is not reality?

Because bullshit is bullshit no matter how much lipstick you try to stick on it. And another example of bullshit is the pretext of the article that generated this thread. As I demonstrated in post 3 as well as two other threads, and will be happy to further demonstrate.

Proving once again that no matter how deep the water ever got on Canal Street or anywhere else, it will never compare with the depth of DeNial. And maybe more to the point demonstrating what the agenda is.

You have a nice evening now.

I would prove it if I gave a shit what you thought. You are a progressive and all
The proof in the world wouldn't change your mind or educate you in the least. Stay stupid for all I care.

Horseshit on a stick with the wrapper off.

You stated a negative -- you CAN'T prove it. Even if it were unlikely you couldn't prove it. You're a poser who prefers myth to fact. Fuck that shit.

Wank on, wanker. Nobody cares.

If you don't care liar, why do you continue to respond?
Blanco was begging the Fed for help in advance. Go talk to Chertoff. Somebody ask him what the fuck his staring into space was all about.

The buses were an after-the-fact photo op. Nobody knows if they were driveable or if there was time to corral drivers anyway.

This Monday Morning Quarterback shit by clowns who sat on their ass and watched it on TV like another edition of Gunsmoke is kinda pathetic. You have no clue how little time there was. In my case, pretty typical, the first I even heard about an oncoming storm was Saturday afternoon, about 18 hours before I evacuated. So ... wanker please.

Blanco was an incompetent douchebag of epic proportions. That walking advertisement for FDS is the reason why Louisiana went from 180 years of dimocrap rule to Bobby Jindal.

And yeah, I know a little bit about Hurricanes. I live in South Florida and the ones we get here would make yours look like the pussies they are.

The only difference is -- We don't build entire Cities of SHIT.

Our Homes and Buildings can withstand winds and flooding. Yours fall apart like the shit-boxes they are.

And who in their right mind builds BELOW SEA LEVEL IN A FLOOD ZONE A?

Yeah, I know a little bit about that, too.

The reason Nawlins got hurt so bad is simple.... Nawlins has been run and occupied by MORONS for the last 200 years.

Not complicated at all.

Blanco AND Nagin should have gone to Prison for their incompetence

Nagin went for something else, but, is in the pen where he belongs.

Blank-0 is insane, haunted by those who died due to her inaction.

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