Liberal Media- NBC's Brian Williams is NOW under fire

^^ same poster who called Brian Williams (who's from New Jersey) a "canuck" and said that "they're all liars". One considers one's sources...

You're the liar here, both in denying you're the half-ass stooge "pogo rocks" on another board and not acknowledging I admitted I confused your hero on NBC with a canuck sportscaster with the same name while multi-tasking in another thread. I don't believe a word you say about Katrina or the pics you posted....there is no time stamp on any of them and no "floating bodies"....when I'm "considering sources", I'd only use yours to prove you're a joke, as I have several times already.

I don't know what the fuck that means. I'm not on "another board" and I've never been a "pogo rocks", whatever the fuck that is.

On the other hand I do know the difference between New Jersey and Canada. So ya got me there.

I linked my pictures. The first one came from a photographer who published it in the Houston Chronicle. I linked his page. At that point I hadn't even bothered to read the Advocate's walkback page; I just searched Google Images (it took a matter of seconds) because I knew from memory there was flooding there. You don't forget these images when you're searching for your house, your friends, your pets etc. I found the roof of my own car peeking just above the water line on a satellite photo at the time. That side-view mirror you see in one of my pics is a rental car. A Chevy Cobalt. My car was drowned in a parking lot and had to be junked. I salvaged the license plate off it and carry it on the front now as a memento.

The next two pics came from the Advocate's own links once it admitted its premise was bullshit. They too are linked. They were taken by a chaplain staying at the Ritz Carlton who had flown in from Germany for a Department of Defense training. His name, ironically, is "Herring". All linked and credited to the page they came from so you can see for yourself.. And the addresses of the landmarks I gave, well you can look them up too.

So don't try to feed me horseshit. I'll cram it right back up your ass and I'll link that too.

You have a nice day now.
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I have yet to comment on the Nawlins situation. It's possible, however VERY unlikely, that the Lying Sack of Shit did see a body float by...... In two feet of water.

Which, even the Captain of the Fire Department in that area said was the maximum depth and that it only got tothat depth a few blocks away.

Look, Lyin' Brian is typical of dimocraps. It isn't that they lie so much as they honestly believe they have the RIGHT to lie.

That no matter what they say, no matter what lie they tell, it is our duty to accept it as Scripture.

Look at how they ALL act..... obama on the ACA, dimocrap scum in general on AGW, the Lying Cocksucker in Chief on Keystone XL producing AT MOST 2,000 jobs, Wendy Davis declaring that at least 25,000 women become pregnant every year due to rape or incest, Mother Jones KNOWINGLY printing a phony Campus Rape Story, the 'If you like your plan' lie, Bitch Warren and her 'Indian Cheek Bones' bullshit, the IRS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious....

The entire dimocrap party is nothing more that a league of professional liars and thieves.

The worst that can be said about the Republican Party is that there is the occasional liar, the occasional nincompoop, the odd thief..... But no more than is in the General Public.

dimocrap scum? Pathological liars. Every last one of them.

I'm talking ALL of them.

Are you one of them?
Obviously you're unaware of how ridiculous you are.
I see threads about different topics have been merged as if they're the same thing too.

Neither topic is about "media" anyway, 'liberal' or otherwise. They're about Brian Williams. Now if his commentary had been part of a newscast, "Media" might apply. But they weren't. I pointed that out days ago. I guess we're creating another myth. Always wondrous to watch a live birth...

falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus


Speak of the devil, and the Composition Fallacy appears. I told ya it was "in".

Here's what's apparently involved here:
My understanding is we have two different topics here, both involving misrepresentation, whether deliberate or negligent. In the first case (chronologically), Brian Williams had claimed to be in a situation he was not in (helicopter taking fire?). And he's admitted to it so the discrepancy is not in question. And that's a credibility problem. I don't have a dog in that race but that's what I gather went on.

In the second case a paper called the Advocate, which as Roadrunner pointed out is in Baton Rouge, not New Orleans, piled on to the first case with some advocacy journalism suggesting Williams' story of seeing a body float by in the Quarter must have also been faked on the basis that "the Quarter didn't flood". Now I do have a dog in that race because it's about Katrina, and I already know better -- so do a lot of other Katrinites, which is why the Advocate had to admit that their own pretense was bullshit. As I also documented here copiously in photos. And that's a problem too; they had to walk that story back, and did within hours. Those who posted the original story keep ignoring the walkback.

So you've got Brian Williams misrepresenting his experience in a helicopter, and then you've got an attention-whore paper misrepresenting Katrina. Both of them got called on it and had to walk back.

Now here's the difference between summa y'all and me:
I'm not sitting here claiming Brian Williams' apology was wrong and that he really WAS on a helicopter taking fire. Because that would be creating a myth that can't be supported.

Get my drift?

Doublethink isn't coming. It's already here.

Those who posted the original story keep ignoring the walkback.

Actually, he said he saw a body float past his hotel...he saw it from his that true....could he have seen a body of water with a body floating by from the room he was in.....that is the actual issue......

Here is a map of the flooding in New Orleans. Note that where the Ritz Carlton sits it js depicted as between .2-.7 feet deep. Further northwest down Canal St. it got much deeper. Did he see a body in front of the Ritz? I would hazard a guess not, but he could have essily seen one further west. I do not know what the truth is,but he even embellished his correction of the story about Iraq. That is enough to make anyone question him, in my opinion.

by the way, I was also listening to wwl as they were streamed online. It was horrendous listening to some of the call ins. What I think added to making the situation worse was when Nagin reported "we dodged a bullet", when in fact there were already some officials noting there appeared to be some breaching going on. People let their guard down.
I see threads about different topics have been merged as if they're the same thing too.

Neither topic is about "media" anyway, 'liberal' or otherwise. They're about Brian Williams. Now if his commentary had been part of a newscast, "Media" might apply. But they weren't. I pointed that out days ago. I guess we're creating another myth. Always wondrous to watch a live birth...

falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus


Speak of the devil, and the Composition Fallacy appears. I told ya it was "in".

Here's what's apparently involved here:
My understanding is we have two different topics here, both involving misrepresentation, whether deliberate or negligent. In the first case (chronologically), Brian Williams had claimed to be in a situation he was not in (helicopter taking fire?). And he's admitted to it so the discrepancy is not in question. And that's a credibility problem. I don't have a dog in that race but that's what I gather went on.

In the second case a paper called the Advocate, which as Roadrunner pointed out is in Baton Rouge, not New Orleans, piled on to the first case with some advocacy journalism suggesting Williams' story of seeing a body float by in the Quarter must have also been faked on the basis that "the Quarter didn't flood". Now I do have a dog in that race because it's about Katrina, and I already know better -- so do a lot of other Katrinites, which is why the Advocate had to admit that their own pretense was bullshit. As I also documented here copiously in photos. And that's a problem too; they had to walk that story back, and did within hours. Those who posted the original story keep ignoring the walkback.

So you've got Brian Williams misrepresenting his experience in a helicopter, and then you've got an attention-whore paper misrepresenting Katrina. Both of them got called on it and had to walk back.

Now here's the difference between summa y'all and me:
I'm not sitting here claiming Brian Williams' apology was wrong and that he really WAS on a helicopter taking fire. Because that would be creating a myth that can't be supported.

Get my drift?

Doublethink isn't coming. It's already here.
I have yet to comment on the Nawlins situation. It's possible, however VERY unlikely, that the Lying Sack of Shit did see a body float by...... In two feet of water.

Which, even the Captain of the Fire Department in that area said was the maximum depth and that it only got tothat depth a few blocks away.

Look, Lyin' Brian is typical of dimocraps. It isn't that they lie so much as they honestly believe they have the RIGHT to lie.

That no matter what they say, no matter what lie they tell, it is our duty to accept it as Scripture.

Look at how they ALL act..... obama on the ACA, dimocrap scum in general on AGW, the Lying Cocksucker in Chief on Keystone XL producing AT MOST 2,000 jobs, Wendy Davis declaring that at least 25,000 women become pregnant every year due to rape or incest, Mother Jones KNOWINGLY printing a phony Campus Rape Story, the 'If you like your plan' lie, Bitch Warren and her 'Indian Cheek Bones' bullshit, the IRS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious....

The entire dimocrap party is nothing more that a league of professional liars and thieves.

The worst that can be said about the Republican Party is that there is the occasional liar, the occasional nincompoop, the odd thief..... But no more than is in the General Public.

dimocrap scum? Pathological liars. Every last one of them.

I'm talking ALL of them.

Are you one of them?

Nope. I don't have a party. Don't believe in 'em. Like religion.
What I do believe in is Logic. So your complete deflectorial meltdown above is hilarious in its pathos.
So don't try to feed me horseshit. I'll cram it right back up your ass and I'll link that too.

You have a nice day now.

You're a brain-dead old hippie lying through your teeth....that's all you do and probably don't know the difference anymore. You steal quotes out of context and use them for you siggy like some angry old ex-wife who can't let go of your defeats until you think you've finally won....when the thread you usually hijacked in the first place is abandoned. You never OP because then you'd have to defend your idiocy instead of sniping...which in your case IS cowardice. You pick and choose little openings you think you can abuse somebody with and heckle and nag until your target tires of it and're everything the "progressive" movement stands for....nothing.

Here is a map of the flooding in New Orleans. Note that where the Ritz Carlton sits it js depicted as between .2-.7 feet deep. Further northwest down Canal St. it got much deeper. Did he see a body in front of the Ritz? I would hazard a guess not, but he could have essily seen one further west. I do not know what the truth is,but he even embellished his correction of the story about Iraq. That is enough to make anyone question him, in my opinion.

by the way, I was also listening to wwl as they were streamed online. It was horrendous listening to some of the call ins. What I think added to making the situation worse was when Nagin reported "we dodged a bullet", when in fact there were already some officials noting there appeared to be some breaching going on. People let their guard down.
I see threads about different topics have been merged as if they're the same thing too.

Neither topic is about "media" anyway, 'liberal' or otherwise. They're about Brian Williams. Now if his commentary had been part of a newscast, "Media" might apply. But they weren't. I pointed that out days ago. I guess we're creating another myth. Always wondrous to watch a live birth...

falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus


Speak of the devil, and the Composition Fallacy appears. I told ya it was "in".

Here's what's apparently involved here:
My understanding is we have two different topics here, both involving misrepresentation, whether deliberate or negligent. In the first case (chronologically), Brian Williams had claimed to be in a situation he was not in (helicopter taking fire?). And he's admitted to it so the discrepancy is not in question. And that's a credibility problem. I don't have a dog in that race but that's what I gather went on.

In the second case a paper called the Advocate, which as Roadrunner pointed out is in Baton Rouge, not New Orleans, piled on to the first case with some advocacy journalism suggesting Williams' story of seeing a body float by in the Quarter must have also been faked on the basis that "the Quarter didn't flood". Now I do have a dog in that race because it's about Katrina, and I already know better -- so do a lot of other Katrinites, which is why the Advocate had to admit that their own pretense was bullshit. As I also documented here copiously in photos. And that's a problem too; they had to walk that story back, and did within hours. Those who posted the original story keep ignoring the walkback.

So you've got Brian Williams misrepresenting his experience in a helicopter, and then you've got an attention-whore paper misrepresenting Katrina. Both of them got called on it and had to walk back.

Now here's the difference between summa y'all and me:
I'm not sitting here claiming Brian Williams' apology was wrong and that he really WAS on a helicopter taking fire. Because that would be creating a myth that can't be supported.

Get my drift?

Doublethink isn't coming. It's already here.

I don't know at what point Nagin said that but there was a point -- between the storm's passing and the levees breaking -- where you could have said (and those that stayed did say) "we dodged a bullet". The storm didn't hit directly. You should have seen what it did around Waveland Mississippi where it did hit. Obliterated.

As far as the Ritz Carlton at 921 Canal Street I've already posted pics directly from there, several times. And the hotel itself was closed for flood repair for some fifteen months. Those people walking across Canal at Baronne St. in the first pic are captioned as "evacuating their French Quarter hotel". He doesn't specify which one but they're almost certainly coming from the RC. It's the only hotel in that direction.
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Liberals will not come to Brian Williams rescue, because there is no way they can.
The is absolutely no excuse for the lies he has told. He had it all but his feeble little mind had to create
more to raise him above the rest.. The man and his career are toast.
I don't know what the fuck that means. I'm not on "another board" and I've never been a "pogo rocks", whatever the fuck that is.

On the other hand I do know the difference between New Jersey and Canada. So ya got me there.

I linked my pictures. The first one came from a photographer who published it in the Houston Chronicle. I linked his page. At that point I hadn't even bothered to read the Advocate's walkback page; I just searched Google Images (it took a matter of seconds) because I knew from memory there was flooding there. You don't forget these images when you're searching for your house, your friends, your pets etc. I found the roof of my own car peeking just above the water line on a satellite photo at the time. That side-view mirror you see in one of my pics is a rental car. A Chevy Cobalt. My car was drowned in a parking lot and had to be junked. I salvaged the license plate off it and carry it on the front now as a memento.

The next two pics came from the Advocate's own links once it admitted its premise was bullshit. They too are linked. They were taken by a chaplain staying at the Ritz Carlton who had flown in from Germany for a Department of Defense training. His name, ironically, is "Herring". All linked and credited to the page they came from so you can see for yourself.. And the addresses of the landmarks I gave, well you can look them up too.

So don't try to feed me horseshit. I'll cram it right back up your ass and I'll link that too.

You have a nice day now.

You're a brain-dead old hippie lying through your teeth....that's all you do and probably don't know the difference anymore. You steal quotes out of context and use them for you siggy like some angry old ex-wife who can't let go of your defeats until you think you've finally won....when the thread you usually hijacked in the first place is abandoned. You never OP because then you'd have to defend your idiocy instead of sniping...which in your case IS cowardice. You pick and choose little openings you think you can abuse somebody with and heckle and nag until your target tires of it and're everything the "progressive" movement stands for....nothing.

That's why you had to cut out all the inconvenient content from the post you quoted, right? :rofl:

Not to worry. I put it back. I'm accurate that way.
Later loser.
I have yet to comment on the Nawlins situation. It's possible, however VERY unlikely, that the Lying Sack of Shit did see a body float by...... In two feet of water.

Which, even the Captain of the Fire Department in that area said was the maximum depth and that it only got tothat depth a few blocks away.

Look, Lyin' Brian is typical of dimocraps. It isn't that they lie so much as they honestly believe they have the RIGHT to lie.

That no matter what they say, no matter what lie they tell, it is our duty to accept it as Scripture.

Look at how they ALL act..... obama on the ACA, dimocrap scum in general on AGW, the Lying Cocksucker in Chief on Keystone XL producing AT MOST 2,000 jobs, Wendy Davis declaring that at least 25,000 women become pregnant every year due to rape or incest, Mother Jones KNOWINGLY printing a phony Campus Rape Story, the 'If you like your plan' lie, Bitch Warren and her 'Indian Cheek Bones' bullshit, the IRS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious....

The entire dimocrap party is nothing more that a league of professional liars and thieves.

The worst that can be said about the Republican Party is that there is the occasional liar, the occasional nincompoop, the odd thief..... But no more than is in the General Public.

dimocrap scum? Pathological liars. Every last one of them.

I'm talking ALL of them.

Are you one of them?
Obviously you're unaware of how ridiculous you are.

You're just another lying piece of fucking shit dimocrap.

I make a decent post explaining a reasonable position and all you got is 'Attack!"

You're just another fool.

Go ruin a life. It's all you people are good at
I have yet to comment on the Nawlins situation. It's possible, however VERY unlikely, that the Lying Sack of Shit did see a body float by...... In two feet of water.

Which, even the Captain of the Fire Department in that area said was the maximum depth and that it only got tothat depth a few blocks away.

Look, Lyin' Brian is typical of dimocraps. It isn't that they lie so much as they honestly believe they have the RIGHT to lie.

That no matter what they say, no matter what lie they tell, it is our duty to accept it as Scripture.

Look at how they ALL act..... obama on the ACA, dimocrap scum in general on AGW, the Lying Cocksucker in Chief on Keystone XL producing AT MOST 2,000 jobs, Wendy Davis declaring that at least 25,000 women become pregnant every year due to rape or incest, Mother Jones KNOWINGLY printing a phony Campus Rape Story, the 'If you like your plan' lie, Bitch Warren and her 'Indian Cheek Bones' bullshit, the IRS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious....

The entire dimocrap party is nothing more that a league of professional liars and thieves.

The worst that can be said about the Republican Party is that there is the occasional liar, the occasional nincompoop, the odd thief..... But no more than is in the General Public.

dimocrap scum? Pathological liars. Every last one of them.

I'm talking ALL of them.

Are you one of them?
Obviously you're unaware of how ridiculous you are.

You're just another lying piece of fucking shit dimocrap.

I make a decent post explaining a reasonable position and all you got is 'Attack!"

You're just another fool.

Go ruin a life. It's all you people are good at

You made a blatant Hasty Generalization Fallacy. He called you on it. Then you responded with -- another one. :disbelief:
Good for him. Generalizations suck moose cock.
That's why you had to cut out all the inconvenient content from the post you quoted, right? :rofl:

Not to worry. I put it back. I'm accurate that way.
Later loser.

"accurate"? you're maggie's drawers post crap few bother to refute because nothing changes and it's wasted effort. I just pinned the tail on your donkey'll ignore it but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. And calling ME a "loser" is just icing on the cake. Maybe you should give "pogo rocks" a few minutes over on LF're probably being laughed at on a half a dozen other boards too. :badgrin:
dimocraps lie.

ALL of them

All the below is from the link, not me

White House Doubles Down On Obama’s Prayer Breakfast Remarks: “We Need To Be Honest With Ourselves” And “Hold Ourselves Accountable”

So Obama’s focus when talking about ISIS atrocities is on our “accountability”, apparently we’re responsible for ISIS beheading people and burning them alive.

Here’s press questioning of Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz. This is what he says AFTER he has time to think about it, knowing he will be questioned.

Via White House:

Q Can you talk about yesterday — the President got some criticism for his comments at the prayer breakfast. Was he surprised by that? And what is your response to that?

MR. SCHULTZ: I saw that commentary, Anita. I think that the President has spoken many times to his belief in American exceptionalism. And the President believes America is the greatest country on Earth not only because of our military might or economic prowess, or because we serve in a unique leadership role amongst the international community, but part and parcel to America’s standing in the world is our values, and those are values like equality, tolerance, fairness, civil rights, human rights, treating every human being with respect and decency — no matter their gender, their race, their faith, their sexual identity. Part and parcel to that and our values are holding ourselves up to our own values and our own standards.

So the President believes that when we fall short of that, we need to be honest with ourselves and look inward, and hold ourselves accountable. That’s what gives us the moral standing around the world — not just because we assert it, but because we hold ourselves accountable. So whether that’s our elected officials, whether that is a free and vibrant press, a judiciary system that’s independent — those are the values the President was talking about.

When has the Obama regime ever held themselves accountable, for anything? They run from responsibility like Brian Williams runs his mouth.

Note also why we are exceptional, according to the Obama regime. Not because of a unique ‘leadership role’ in the world, no, actually an outright denial of that. We’ve very clearly abdicated that. Nothing about rule of law because of a unique Constitution. We’re exceptional because of our amorphous “fairness”.

Why were we respected when we were the “policeman of the world”? Because people and other countries knew where we stood, knew that we lived our creed, knew we could be counted on to back up our friends, knew we stood for liberty and justice, knew that we stood against totalitarian regimes. Now the Obama regime embraces those self-same regimes in Iran and Cuba, with no regard for the “fairness” or “rights” they show their people. Meanwhile our friends, like Ukraine and Israel are left to twist in the wind.
That's why you had to cut out all the inconvenient content from the post you quoted, right? :rofl:

Not to worry. I put it back. I'm accurate that way.
Later loser.

"accurate"? you're maggie's drawers post crap few bother to refute because nothing changes and it's wasted effort. I just pinned the tail on your donkey'll ignore it but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. And calling ME a "loser" is just icing on the cake. Maybe you should give "pogo rocks" a few minutes over on LF're probably being laughed at on a half a dozen other boards too. :badgrin:

I'm not the one who thinks a New Jerseyan is a "canuck" am I?

OK then.
Still no objective, documented proof from the right that the media are 'liberal,' that Williams is a 'liberal,' or that a single individual is 'representative' of the entire group to which he belongs.
Another way scum of the earth dimocraps lie --

They use lying scum of the earth sources like Mother Jones. Which, was cited in this thread or one on the same topic just today.

Lying scum citing lying scum. That's rich

And this is funny

Readers Unload On Mother Jones For Pushing Bogus 1 in 5 Rape Stat The Daily Caller


Oh, Mother Jones. Do you guys read over there?

The Justice Dept. recently released new stats showing that say that .6 percent of female college students reporting rape or assaulted. Not the 1 in 5 that was previously reported. If facts even matter here, even Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) recently removed the National Institute of Health Campus Sexual Assault Study statistic from her website. Her spokesman, Glen Caplin, however, refused to comment to Politico on why it was removed.

Still, Mother Jones persists in reporting the debunked statistic. And readers are butchering them for it. We’re pointing you to the more outspoken, colorful readers in the bunch.


The best in reactions…

1. Mr. Sugar Butt (my personal favorite) was extremely scolding: “Mother Jones, this statistic has been debunked.” Mr. Sugar Butt later added to another reader who refuses to share his stance, “Facts be damned, you vow to remain ingorant, gullible, and misled. Good luck with that.” After his foe said “goodbye” Mr. Sugar Butt continued, “I’m not ignorant, gullible, and misled. I use this tool called Google. You should try it.” That didn’t go so well. He soon added, “Awwww. Poor little baby. Too much truth, so you blocked me? #pussy”

2. Instapundit: “@MotherJones Really, you’re still peddling that 1-in-5 statistic? Even Kirsten Gillibrand has scrubbed it from her website.”

3. Matt O’Brien: “One in five Mother Jones stories bases itself on discredited information. Just one percent are true.”

4. Scott Goldstein: “@MotherJones How is it STILL FUCKING lost on you that deluding statistics of real assaults with ginned-up nonsense hurts real victims?”

5. Quincy Bailey: “Motherless Jones.”

6. John Rivers: “Hey this a fucking lie, you fucking liars.”
Still no objective, documented proof from the right that the media are 'liberal,' that Williams is a 'liberal,' or that a single individual is 'representative' of the entire group to which he belongs.

Ssh. He's busy finding the most offtopic stuff he can find. Deflection at work. It's what you do around here instead of admitting you're wrong.
Still no objective, documented proof from the right that the media are 'liberal,' that Williams is a 'liberal,' or that a single individual is 'representative' of the entire group to which he belongs.

^^Quibbling bitch^^

EVERYBODY knows the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is biased Left.


So.... You're not only a lying bag of pus, you're stupid too?

Journalists Admitting Liberal Bias Part One Media Research Center

New York Times Public Editor Admits Paper Has Liberal Bias

O 8217 Reilly Bernie Goldberg Commend Chris Matthews For Admitting Liberal Media Bias Mediaite

Just another lying sack of shit dimocrap
^^ Good point, I left out argumentum ad populum, the old "Everybody Knows" fallacy.

Very "in".

Left out ad hom too, but that's a given by now.

And that I understand, fully. The problem is breaches were being reported as early as 9am Monday, and Nagin himself, even reported on pumps that were not holding up by noon that day. Yet, just hours after Katrina passed, he said a bullet had been dodged. With the geographical concerns there, he should have known better than to immediately claim a bullet had been dodged.

Here is a map of the flooding in New Orleans. Note that where the Ritz Carlton sits it js depicted as between .2-.7 feet deep. Further northwest down Canal St. it got much deeper. Did he see a body in front of the Ritz? I would hazard a guess not, but he could have essily seen one further west. I do not know what the truth is,but he even embellished his correction of the story about Iraq. That is enough to make anyone question him, in my opinion.

by the way, I was also listening to wwl as they were streamed online. It was horrendous listening to some of the call ins. What I think added to making the situation worse was when Nagin reported "we dodged a bullet", when in fact there were already some officials noting there appeared to be some breaching going on. People let their guard down.
I see threads about different topics have been merged as if they're the same thing too.

Neither topic is about "media" anyway, 'liberal' or otherwise. They're about Brian Williams. Now if his commentary had been part of a newscast, "Media" might apply. But they weren't. I pointed that out days ago. I guess we're creating another myth. Always wondrous to watch a live birth...

falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus


Speak of the devil, and the Composition Fallacy appears. I told ya it was "in".

Here's what's apparently involved here:
My understanding is we have two different topics here, both involving misrepresentation, whether deliberate or negligent. In the first case (chronologically), Brian Williams had claimed to be in a situation he was not in (helicopter taking fire?). And he's admitted to it so the discrepancy is not in question. And that's a credibility problem. I don't have a dog in that race but that's what I gather went on.

In the second case a paper called the Advocate, which as Roadrunner pointed out is in Baton Rouge, not New Orleans, piled on to the first case with some advocacy journalism suggesting Williams' story of seeing a body float by in the Quarter must have also been faked on the basis that "the Quarter didn't flood". Now I do have a dog in that race because it's about Katrina, and I already know better -- so do a lot of other Katrinites, which is why the Advocate had to admit that their own pretense was bullshit. As I also documented here copiously in photos. And that's a problem too; they had to walk that story back, and did within hours. Those who posted the original story keep ignoring the walkback.

So you've got Brian Williams misrepresenting his experience in a helicopter, and then you've got an attention-whore paper misrepresenting Katrina. Both of them got called on it and had to walk back.

Now here's the difference between summa y'all and me:
I'm not sitting here claiming Brian Williams' apology was wrong and that he really WAS on a helicopter taking fire. Because that would be creating a myth that can't be supported.

Get my drift?

Doublethink isn't coming. It's already here.

I don't know at what point Nagin said that but there was a point -- between the storm's passing and the levees breaking -- where you could have said (and those that stayed did say) "we dodged a bullet". The storm didn't hit directly. You should have seen what it did around Waveland Mississippi where it did hit. Obliterated.

Here is a map of the flooding in New Orleans. Note that where the Ritz Carlton sits it js depicted as between .2-.7 feet deep. Further northwest down Canal St. it got much deeper. Did he see a body in front of the Ritz? I would hazard a guess not, but he could have essily seen one further west. I do not know what the truth is,but he even embellished his correction of the story about Iraq. That is enough to make anyone question him, in my opinion.

by the way, I was also listening to wwl as they were streamed online. It was horrendous listening to some of the call ins. What I think added to making the situation worse was when Nagin reported "we dodged a bullet", when in fact there were already some officials noting there appeared to be some breaching going on. People let their guard down.
I see threads about different topics have been merged as if they're the same thing too.

Neither topic is about "media" anyway, 'liberal' or otherwise. They're about Brian Williams. Now if his commentary had been part of a newscast, "Media" might apply. But they weren't. I pointed that out days ago. I guess we're creating another myth. Always wondrous to watch a live birth...

falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus


Speak of the devil, and the Composition Fallacy appears. I told ya it was "in".

Here's what's apparently involved here:
My understanding is we have two different topics here, both involving misrepresentation, whether deliberate or negligent. In the first case (chronologically), Brian Williams had claimed to be in a situation he was not in (helicopter taking fire?). And he's admitted to it so the discrepancy is not in question. And that's a credibility problem. I don't have a dog in that race but that's what I gather went on.

In the second case a paper called the Advocate, which as Roadrunner pointed out is in Baton Rouge, not New Orleans, piled on to the first case with some advocacy journalism suggesting Williams' story of seeing a body float by in the Quarter must have also been faked on the basis that "the Quarter didn't flood". Now I do have a dog in that race because it's about Katrina, and I already know better -- so do a lot of other Katrinites, which is why the Advocate had to admit that their own pretense was bullshit. As I also documented here copiously in photos. And that's a problem too; they had to walk that story back, and did within hours. Those who posted the original story keep ignoring the walkback.

So you've got Brian Williams misrepresenting his experience in a helicopter, and then you've got an attention-whore paper misrepresenting Katrina. Both of them got called on it and had to walk back.

Now here's the difference between summa y'all and me:
I'm not sitting here claiming Brian Williams' apology was wrong and that he really WAS on a helicopter taking fire. Because that would be creating a myth that can't be supported.

Get my drift?

Doublethink isn't coming. It's already here.

I don't know at what point Nagin said that but there was a point -- between the storm's passing and the levees breaking -- where you could have said (and those that stayed did say) "we dodged a bullet". The storm didn't hit directly. You should have seen what it did around Waveland Mississippi where it did hit. Obliterated.

As far as the Ritz Carlton at 921 Canal Street I've already posted pics directly from there, several times. And the hotel itself was closed for flood repair for some fifteen months. Those people walking across Canal at Baronne St. in the first pic are captioned as "evacuating their French Quarter hotel". He doesn't specify which one but they're almost certainly coming from the RC. It's the only hotel in that direction.

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