Liberal Media- NBC's Brian Williams is NOW under fire

I see threads about different topics have been merged as if they're the same thing too.

Neither topic is about "media" anyway, 'liberal' or otherwise. They're about Brian Williams. Now if his commentary had been part of a newscast, "Media" might apply. But they weren't. I pointed that out days ago. I guess we're creating another myth. Always wondrous to watch a live birth...
Blanco was begging the Fed for help in advance. Go talk to Chertoff. Somebody ask him what the fuck his staring into space was all about.

The buses were an after-the-fact photo op. Nobody knows if they were driveable or if there was time to corral drivers anyway.

This Monday Morning Quarterback shit by clowns who sat on their ass and watched it on TV like another edition of Gunsmoke is kinda pathetic. You have no clue how little time there was. In my case, pretty typical, the first I even heard about an oncoming storm was Saturday afternoon, about 18 hours before I evacuated. So ... wanker please.

Blanco was an incompetent douchebag of epic proportions. That walking advertisement for FDS is the reason why Louisiana went from 180 years of dimocrap rule to Bobby Jindal.

And yeah, I know a little bit about Hurricanes. I live in South Florida and the ones we get here would make yours look like the pussies they are.

The only difference is -- We don't build entire Cities of SHIT.

Our Homes and Buildings can withstand winds and flooding. Yours fall apart like the shit-boxes they are.

And who in their right mind builds BELOW SEA LEVEL IN A FLOOD ZONE A?

Yeah, I know a little bit about that, too.

The reason Nawlins got hurt so bad is simple.... Nawlins has been run and occupied by MORONS for the last 200 years.

Not complicated at all.

Blanco AND Nagin should have gone to Prison for their incompetence

Nagin went for something else, but, is in the pen where he belongs.

Blank-0 is insane, haunted by those who died due to her inaction.

The inaction wasn't hers -- she screamed for help and so did Brownie. His boss (Chertoff) is where the buck stopped.

I remember watching her short news conference at the time. She was livid. More livid than I think I've ever seen a public official on TV.


Note the date, Friday, the 26th, New Orleans is in the cone.

At 11:00 p.m. EDT August 26, approximately 56 hours before Katrina's landfall near Buras, Louisiana, theNational Hurricane Center had predicted that the Greater New Orleans area could face a direct hit by the storm.[3]

And yet the nhc gave more warning than that. People not educating themselves to the fact the cone is nothing more than mapping of where they think the center (-eye) of the hurricane might hit, not, I repeat not the entirety of the storm. The damage from a hurricane can hit far outside that cone and Katrina was a big storm, with power to push incredible surge outside and ahead of the storms path, particularly in the gulf.
Max Mayfield even called the governor's of the states on Sat afternoon, urging them to take this storm seriously and order mandatory evacuations. Something he had only done once before in his time as director of the nhc, due to the seriousness of the storm, Floyd, in 1999. Bush called Blanco early the next morning when New Orleans was only under voluntary evacuation orders still, asking them to issue mandatory orders, stressing they needed to get people out. Nagin was concerned for legal ramifications as to what would happen if he had ordered mandatory, and the storm didn't hit them, rather than the safety of the people.
I was posting the recon for this storm and aware of the misdeeds of New Orleans officials, when the evidence of the power of this storm screamed for action to be taken earlier, even when they had been warned in advance and they hadn't.

I am grateful, pogo, you were able to get out.
I need to add I also had friends in Jefferson parish, that left at midnight Fri.

Katrina was just like Ferguson but with water!!!!

Blank-0 fiddles while NOLA flooded.

Couldn't violate the rights of those union school bus drivers, and saved the people and the buses while there was time.

Blanco was begging the Fed for help in advance. Go talk to Chertoff. Somebody ask him what the fuck his staring into space was all about.

The buses were an after-the-fact photo op. Nobody knows if they were driveable or if there was time to corral drivers anyway.

This Monday Morning Quarterback shit by clowns who sat on their ass and watched it on TV like another edition of Gunsmoke is kinda pathetic. You have no clue how little time there was. In my case, pretty typical, the first I even heard about an oncoming storm was Saturday afternoon, about 18 hours before I evacuated. In other words everybody had to simply stop what you're doing and move-- NOW.

So ... wanker please.
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Nope, Walter Cronkite never let his bias show. You could listen to him for years and never get any indication which side of the political isle he was on

You're confusing the broadcaster Cronkite with the reporter Cronkite. But you're also wrong, probably knowingly, as to never tipping his hand on the air. He could tell a lie with an inflected word or a frown, or simply by pausing. Did he ever do an eye roll or call Westmoreland a liar during a broadcast? You bet he did but he was subtle and cunning about it....and the country bought his bullshit hook, line, and sinker.

Note the date, Friday, the 26th, New Orleans is in the cone.

At 11:00 p.m. EDT August 26, approximately 56 hours before Katrina's landfall near Buras, Louisiana, theNational Hurricane Center had predicted that the Greater New Orleans area could face a direct hit by the storm.[3]

And yet the nhc gave more warning than that. People not educating themselves to the fact the cone is nothing more than mapping of where they think the center (-eye) of the hurricane might hit, not, I repeat not the entirety of the storm. The damage from a hurricane can hit far outside that cone and Katrina was a big storm, with power to push incredible surge outside and ahead of the storms path, particularly in the gulf.
Max Mayfield even called the governor's of the states on Sat afternoon, urging them to take this storm seriously and order mandatory evacuations. Something he had only done once before in his time as director of the nhc, due to the seriousness of the storm, Floyd, in 1999. Bush called Blanco early the next morning when New Orleans was only under voluntary evacuation orders still, asking them to issue mandatory orders, stressing they needed to get people out. Nagin was concerned for legal ramifications as to what would happen if he had ordered mandatory, and the storm didn't hit them, rather than the safety of the people.
I was posting the recon for this storm and aware of the misdeeds of New Orleans officials, when the evidence of the power of this storm screamed for action to be taken earlier, even when they had been warned in advance and they hadn't.

I am grateful, pogo, you were able to get out.

Katrina was just like Ferguson but with water!!!!

Blank-0 fiddles while NOLA flooded.

Couldn't violate the rights of those union school bus drivers, and saved the people and the buses while there was time.

Blanco was begging the Fed for help in advance. Go talk to Chertoff. Somebody ask him what the fuck his staring into space was all about.

The buses were an after-the-fact photo op. Nobody knows if they were driveable or if there was time to corral drivers anyway.

This Monday Morning Quarterback shit by clowns who sat on their ass and watched it on TV like another edition of Gunsmoke is kinda pathetic. You have no clue how little time there was. In my case, pretty typical, the first I even heard about an oncoming storm was Saturday afternoon, about 18 hours before I evacuated. In other words everybody had to simply stop what you're doing and move-- NOW.

So ... wanker please.

Thanks. Yes there wasn't much time, as I said I got a phone call from a co-worker on Saturday afternoon (about 2pm) saying, "so what are you gonna do about this storm?" I said, "what storm"? And I had WeatherBug installed on my computer so I generally kept up with this stuff (it was after all hurricane season). I tried to get stuff together to leave that day but it just wasn't doable (packing, moving multiple cars around, arranging to evacuate an ex-GF and her pets) so we left the next morning. Sat on I-10 which was contraflowed (no incoming lanes) and locked up for hours. It was last-minute; Katrina hit at dawn the next day, a day on which I had been scheduled for surgery. We went to my parents' home in Mississippi, usually a three-hour drive. Took seven hours.

Katrina moved very erratically. As it turned out she touched down well east of the city and except for wind blowing out windows and felling trees, she didn't do that much damage. At least not compared to what happened when the levees started giving. I had brought a battery-powered radio* to stay in touch with what was going on (Mississippi's power was out too) and stayed up all night listening to WWL which, praise them forever, stayed on the air. We heard live call-ins describing the lake water coming in and how people could hear their neighbors calling for help. This is in the wee hours of the night.

My GF's neighbors had decided to stay put in their ground-floor apartment. They woke up that night to find themselves floating in their own bed. They had to break into the upstairs apartment to escape as the water rose to eight feet. They were stranded up there and finally resuced off the rooftop by helicopter. I never saw them again.

Amazingly, when her cat ran away as we were evacuating and we couldn't find him and we spent the next several weeks checking various websites for found pets and found nothing -- once we were finally allowed back into the city (in October) and brought our rental truck to her place..... there was Hector, jumping into the window, meowing "where the fuck you been?" And he looked healthier than ever. Cats...

* the radio was my Sony ICF-2010, a highly coveted valuable piece that had been sitting in my storage shed until only about a week prior. Good thing I got it out of there; the storage shed was completely submerged and everything in there was destroyed.
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He and the media totally misrepresented what actually happened during Tet.

The VC was annihilated, never to regain its military or political influence over the North, which took over the war.

The NVA was reeling, tens of thousands lost at Khe Sanh, many more during Tet.

That is not what was reported.

Khe Sanh and Hue were the turning points during Tet (both parts) because NVA lost their veteran officer corps....we decimated their command and control. This is why I've always said if we'd chased those broken regiments, particularly the 33rd, it would have been a massacre....there was little to nothing between us and Hanoi. But according to Cronkite and his lap dogs, it was US who were caught off guard and fighting a "civil war". As the numbers became clear later in early summer as to who did what to who, Cronkite ignored the reality and kept up his crusade against us.
Nope, Walter Cronkite never let his bias show. You could listen to him for years and never get any indication which side of the political isle he was on

You're confusing the broadcaster Cronkite with the reporter Cronkite. But you're also wrong, probably knowingly, as to never tipping his hand on the air. He could tell a lie with an inflected word or a frown, or simply by pausing. Did he ever do an eye roll or call Westmoreland a liar during a broadcast? You bet he did but he was subtle and cunning about it....and the country bought his bullshit hook, line, and sinker.

^^ same poster who called Brian Williams (who's from New Jersey) a "canuck" and said that "they're all liars". One considers one's sources...
I see threads about different topics have been merged as if they're the same thing too.

Neither topic is about "media" anyway, 'liberal' or otherwise. They're about Brian Williams. Now if his commentary had been part of a newscast, "Media" might apply. But they weren't. I pointed that out days ago. I guess we're creating another myth. Always wondrous to watch a live birth...

falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus

Lyin' Brian only reaffirms the liberals credo........"I lie, therefore I am."
Where do you and other idiots on the right get the idea Williams is a 'liberal.'

Where do you and other idiots on the right get the idea that a single individual is 'representative' of the whole.

And where do you and other idiots on the right get the idea that 'the media' are 'liberal,' when in fact there is no evidence of this whatsoever.

And you accuse 'liberals' of being 'liars.'
Lyin' Brian only reaffirms the liberals credo........"I lie, therefore I am."
Where do you and other idiots on the right get the idea Williams is a 'liberal.'

Where do you and other idiots on the right get the idea that a single individual is 'representative' of the whole.

And where do you and other idiots on the right get the idea that 'the media' are 'liberal,' when in fact there is no evidence of this whatsoever.

And you accuse 'liberals' of being 'liars.'

Why you lie, bro? Is it the liberal in you?
Lyin' Brian only reaffirms the liberals credo........"I lie, therefore I am."
Where do you and other idiots on the right get the idea Williams is a 'liberal.'

Where do you and other idiots on the right get the idea that a single individual is 'representative' of the whole.

And where do you and other idiots on the right get the idea that 'the media' are 'liberal,' when in fact there is no evidence of this whatsoever.

And you accuse 'liberals' of being 'liars.'

Why, from the Mythmaker's Compendium of Fallacies, of course. Just have a look at 272 right above -- he did it again.

Don't you know? Composition, Biased Sample, Blanket Generalizations and Strawmen are very "in". That's how we know all Muslims are killers and all blacks are stupid. Gotta keep up.

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I see threads about different topics have been merged as if they're the same thing too.

Neither topic is about "media" anyway, 'liberal' or otherwise. They're about Brian Williams. Now if his commentary had been part of a newscast, "Media" might apply. But they weren't. I pointed that out days ago. I guess we're creating another myth. Always wondrous to watch a live birth...

falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus


Speak of the devil, and the Composition Fallacy appears. I told ya it was "in".

Here's what's apparently involved here:
My understanding is we have two different topics here, both involving misrepresentation, whether deliberate or negligent. In the first case (chronologically), Brian Williams had claimed to be in a situation he was not in (helicopter taking fire?). And he's admitted to it so the discrepancy is not in question. And that's a credibility problem. I don't have a dog in that race but that's what I gather went on.

In the second case a paper called the Advocate, which as Roadrunner pointed out is in Baton Rouge, not New Orleans, piled on to the first case with some advocacy journalism suggesting Williams' story of seeing a body float by in the Quarter must have also been faked on the basis that "the Quarter didn't flood". Now I do have a dog in that race because it's about Katrina, and I already know better -- so do a lot of other Katrinites, which is why the Advocate had to admit that their own pretense was bullshit. As I also documented here copiously in photos. And that's a problem too; they had to walk that story back, and did within hours. Those who posted the original story keep ignoring the walkback.

So you've got Brian Williams misrepresenting his experience in a helicopter, and then you've got an attention-whore paper misrepresenting Katrina. Both of them got called on it and had to walk back.

Now here's the difference between summa y'all and me:
I'm not sitting here claiming Brian Williams' apology was wrong and that he really WAS on a helicopter taking fire. Because that would be creating a myth that can't be supported.

Get my drift?

Doublethink isn't coming. It's already here.
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^^ same poster who called Brian Williams (who's from New Jersey) a "canuck" and said that "they're all liars". One considers one's sources...

You're the liar here, both in denying you're the half-ass stooge "pogo rocks" on another board and not acknowledging I admitted I confused your hero on NBC with a canuck sportscaster with the same name while multi-tasking in another thread. I don't believe a word you say about Katrina or the pics you posted....there is no time stamp on any of them and no "floating bodies"....when I'm "considering sources", I'd only use yours to prove you're a joke, as I have several times already.
I have yet to comment on the Nawlins situation. It's possible, however VERY unlikely, that the Lying Sack of Shit did see a body float by...... In two feet of water.

Which, even the Captain of the Fire Department in that area said was the maximum depth and that it only got tothat depth a few blocks away.

Look, Lyin' Brian is typical of dimocraps. It isn't that they lie so much as they honestly believe they have the RIGHT to lie.

That no matter what they say, no matter what lie they tell, it is our duty to accept it as Scripture.

Look at how they ALL act..... obama on the ACA, dimocrap scum in general on AGW, the Lying Cocksucker in Chief on Keystone XL producing AT MOST 2,000 jobs, Wendy Davis declaring that at least 25,000 women become pregnant every year due to rape or incest, Mother Jones KNOWINGLY printing a phony Campus Rape Story, the 'If you like your plan' lie, Bitch Warren and her 'Indian Cheek Bones' bullshit, the IRS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious....

The entire dimocrap party is nothing more that a league of professional liars and thieves.

The worst that can be said about the Republican Party is that there is the occasional liar, the occasional nincompoop, the odd thief..... But no more than is in the General Public.

dimocrap scum? Pathological liars. Every last one of them.

I'm talking ALL of them.

Are you one of them?
Lyin' Brian only reaffirms the liberals credo........"I lie, therefore I am."
Where do you and other idiots on the right get the idea Williams is a 'liberal.'

Where do you and other idiots on the right get the idea that a single individual is 'representative' of the whole.

And where do you and other idiots on the right get the idea that 'the media' are 'liberal,' when in fact there is no evidence of this whatsoever.

And you accuse 'liberals' of being 'liars.'

Why you lie, bro? Is it the liberal in you?
You failed to answer the question, and understandably so.

There is no 'liberal media,' it's a lie contrived by the right, a ridiculous canard used by conservatives when news reports relate facts and the truth that conflict with errant conservative dogma. Reporting facts and the truth that conservatives don't like does not make the media 'liberal.'
Lyin' Brian only reaffirms the liberals credo........"I lie, therefore I am."
Where do you and other idiots on the right get the idea Williams is a 'liberal.'

Where do you and other idiots on the right get the idea that a single individual is 'representative' of the whole.

And where do you and other idiots on the right get the idea that 'the media' are 'liberal,' when in fact there is no evidence of this whatsoever.

And you accuse 'liberals' of being 'liars.'

Why you lie, bro? Is it the liberal in you?
You failed to answer the question, and understandably so.

There is no 'liberal media,' it's a lie contrived by the right, a ridiculous canard used by conservatives when news reports relate facts and the truth that conflict with errant conservative dogma. Reporting facts and the truth that conservatives don't like does not make the media 'liberal.'

Yeah......keep telling yourself that....since you are one of the left who believes it......

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