Liberal Media- NBC's Brian Williams is NOW under fire

When Senator Blumenthal of Conn. resign over his FALSE VALOR? But that would just be a guess, Pussypussy!

Marriott and Ritz-Carlton - Stories of Katrina 5 Years Later - Marriott News Center
A story in the wsj from Marriott re the Ritz Carlton
Marriott to ReopenMost of Its HotelsIn New Orleans - WSJ

here is a story from a dr. that was staying at the Ritz Carlton.
College of American Pathologists - A pathologist on the frontlines in New Orleans

Sounds like there was water damage, was it from flooding? I don't know.
But there is no mention from the doctor re dead bodies floating by nor can I find any other stories stating such.

The Marriott is the one on the left of those tall buildings in the distance in the last photo in post 175 (and 165 since they merged the threads). The Sheraton is the one to its right across the street, darker and slightly taller. The Marriott is the French Quarter side of the street.

And yes, the Ritz Carlton was heavily damaged by flooding; it was closed for I believe it was 15 months for repairs. Those people wading across the street in the first picture I posted in this thread, captioned as "evacuating from their French Quarter hotel", are probably coming from the RC - it's exactly that direction.

As far as specifics - it was a disaster scene in progress; there was no such thing as an official journal of everything, and there never will be. Which is also why nobody knows if Brian Willliams had dysentery or some stomach flu or what -- it wasn't like you could just up and saunter into a doctor's office. As your link notes with the train car explosion there were explosions from gas ruptures and fires all over the place that there was no way for any firefighter to reach -- they just had to burn themselves down to the water line.

As in this photo, one of mine taken in October when we were first let back in... the second photo is the effect on a stop sign's paint peeling from the heat of another fire... the sign was all the way down at the corner, well away from the building.

So with all due respect, the idea that something didn't happen in an environment like this because some doctor officially didn't see it is just absurd.

Jumping jesus palominos pogo. No one is saying as far as I know that it wasn't bad.

Or horrid or crazy horrific. We're saying he lied about seeing it. Or enduring it.

Look Pogo. Katrina is very very personal to me. I had sold my house in Hawtrey. Travelled the north saying good bye to my family and rode into Manitoba with four count them four Louisiana Catahoulas and two cats in a van getting ready to head directly south to change my life forever.

Did Katrina impact my life? Yes the bitch did. Did I follow every minute of what was happening down there? Yes I did.

Did I experience what was happening yes I did from afar.? Did Williams? No. He was up close and personal but he wasn't in the middle of it.

Consequently I cannot claim Katrina. Neither can he.

Williams is a caught out liar. He's now the worst of the worst. He's a teleprompter reader. He is not a reporter.


I went to Ryerson. Best at the time. Journalism. What he did was wrong. Beyond wrong. Like Rather.
Williams is a canuck and they're all's their national pastime. But he's not even in the same league as Walter Cronkite...that old drunk made up pretty much every report he sent from got so bad he was disinvited to press briefings.
Walter Cronkite, Minister of Propaganda for the VC, turned the Tet slaughter of the NVA and virtual annihilation of the VC into an American defeat.

Reported Khe Sanh like it was Dien Bien Phu knowing all the while Marine artillery and air was chewing up the PAVN as fast as they could get across the DMZ.

, But, it don't mean shit.

Nope, Walter Cronkite never let his bias show. You could listen to him for years and never get any indication which side of the political isle he was on. News anchors back in the day were very careful about not only what they reported but how they reported it. Their voices wouldn't raise to show any emotion, very flat and to the point speaking on all issues.

Today, and probably due to ratings, news anchors have turned into entertainers. The love affair Brian Williams was having with Obama was made fun of by Bill Mayer and SNL, it was so obvious. Of course it doesn't help that General Electric owns NBC and MSNBC, and CEO of General Electric, Jeffrey Immelt, is Obama's job Czar.

But no one can tolerate an anchor that makes up stories, so Brian Williams has to go.

Cronkite hid his prejudice, and his role as Propaganda Minister for the VC.
Marriott and Ritz-Carlton - Stories of Katrina 5 Years Later - Marriott News Center
A story in the wsj from Marriott re the Ritz Carlton
Marriott to ReopenMost of Its HotelsIn New Orleans - WSJ

here is a story from a dr. that was staying at the Ritz Carlton.
College of American Pathologists - A pathologist on the frontlines in New Orleans

Sounds like there was water damage, was it from flooding? I don't know.
But there is no mention from the doctor re dead bodies floating by nor can I find any other stories stating such.

The Marriott is the one on the left of those tall buildings in the distance in the last photo in post 175 (and 165 since they merged the threads). The Sheraton is the one to its right across the street, darker and slightly taller. The Marriott is the French Quarter side of the street.

And yes, the Ritz Carlton was heavily damaged by flooding; it was closed for I believe it was 15 months for repairs. Those people wading across the street in the first picture I posted in this thread, captioned as "evacuating from their French Quarter hotel", are probably coming from the RC - it's exactly that direction.

As far as specifics - it was a disaster scene in progress; there was no such thing as an official journal of everything, and there never will be. Which is also why nobody knows if Brian Willliams had dysentery or some stomach flu or what -- it wasn't like you could just up and saunter into a doctor's office. As your link notes with the train car explosion there were explosions from gas ruptures and fires all over the place that there was no way for any firefighter to reach -- they just had to burn themselves down to the water line.

As in this photo, one of mine taken in October when we were first let back in... the second photo is the effect on a stop sign's paint peeling from the heat of another fire... the sign was all the way down at the corner, well away from the building.

So with all due respect, the idea that something didn't happen in an environment like this because some doctor officially didn't see it is just absurd.

He lied.

Just say it. He lied.
Williams is a canuck and they're all's their national pastime. But he's not even in the same league as Walter Cronkite...that old drunk made up pretty much every report he sent from got so bad he was disinvited to press briefings.
Walter Cronkite, Minister of Propaganda for the VC, turned the Tet slaughter of the NVA and virtual annihilation of the VC into an American defeat.

Reported Khe Sanh like it was Dien Bien Phu knowing all the while Marine artillery and air was chewing up the PAVN as fast as they could get across the DMZ.

, But, it don't mean shit.

Nope, Walter Cronkite never let his bias show. You could listen to him for years and never get any indication which side of the political isle he was on. News anchors back in the day were very careful about not only what they reported but how they reported it. Their voices wouldn't raise to show any emotion, very flat and to the point speaking on all issues.

Today, and probably due to ratings, news anchors have turned into entertainers. The love affair Brian Williams was having with Obama was made fun of by Bill Mayer and SNL, it was so obvious. Of course it doesn't help that General Electric owns NBC and MSNBC, and CEO of General Electric, Jeffrey Immelt, is Obama's job Czar.

But no one can tolerate an anchor that makes up stories, so Brian Williams has to go.

Cronkite hid his prejudice, and his role as Propaganda Minister for the VC.

I hope that old bastard is spinning in his grave when I post this.

His bullshit.Well lets just say I smartened up over the years.
Williams is a canuck and they're all's their national pastime. But he's not even in the same league as Walter Cronkite...that old drunk made up pretty much every report he sent from got so bad he was disinvited to press briefings.
Walter Cronkite, Minister of Propaganda for the VC, turned the Tet slaughter of the NVA and virtual annihilation of the VC into an American defeat.

Reported Khe Sanh like it was Dien Bien Phu knowing all the while Marine artillery and air was chewing up the PAVN as fast as they could get across the DMZ.

, But, it don't mean shit.

Nope, Walter Cronkite never let his bias show. You could listen to him for years and never get any indication which side of the political isle he was on. News anchors back in the day were very careful about not only what they reported but how they reported it. Their voices wouldn't raise to show any emotion, very flat and to the point speaking on all issues.

Today, and probably due to ratings, news anchors have turned into entertainers. The love affair Brian Williams was having with Obama was made fun of by Bill Mayer and SNL, it was so obvious. Of course it doesn't help that General Electric owns NBC and MSNBC, and CEO of General Electric, Jeffrey Immelt, is Obama's job Czar.

But no one can tolerate an anchor that makes up stories, so Brian Williams has to go.

Cronkite hid his prejudice, and his role as Propaganda Minister for the VC.

I hope that old bastard is spinning in his grave when I post this.

His bullshit.Well lets just say I smartened up over the years.

He and the media totally misrepresented what actually happened during Tet.

The VC was annihilated, never to regain its military or political influence over the North, which took over the war.

The NVA was reeling, tens of thousands lost at Khe Sanh, many more during Tet.

That is not what was reported.
Obama Hands Out White Coats to Fake Doctors at White House!!!

…And then proceeds to talk to them like they were real doctors.

“Nobody has more credibility with the American people on this issue [Health Care Reform] than you do,” Obama told his guests.

Ugh. They wish they had that much credibility.

In order to sell his Health Care Reform, Obama invited fake physicians to the White House with one request: Wear your white lab coat.

Some of the fake doctors must have thought he was joking as many of them ‘forgot’ to bring their lab coats with them. Don’t worry though, the White House is full of empty, white coats. From the New York Post:

President Obama yesterday rolled out the red carpet — and handed out doctors’ white coats as well, just so nobody missed his hard-sell health-care message.

In a heavy-handed attempt at reviving support for health-care reform, the White House orchestrated a massive photo op to buttress its claim that front-line physicians support Obama.

How on earth did the President get grown, adult, American citizens to go along with this scheme? It blows my mind people are willingly going along with this propaganda.

Hot Air brings up a good point: Why was the New York Post the only main-stream media outlet to have posted this story?

Clearly, creating a false atmosphere of support – while covering this up from the American people – reveals that this health care legislation isn’t as good as the Left are making it out to be. Conservative members, such as Sarah Palin, aren’t afraid to voice the truth regarding the Left’s Health Care Reform. Additionally, some elected members from the GOP stood up to this propaganda:

The Republican National Committee shot back with a response from Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.), who was an orthopedic surgeon before being elected to Congress.

“Today, the president wants you to believe that the medical community supports his government takeover of health care. Don’t be fooled,” Price said.

He said he had spoken to “thousands of my colleagues” who oppose the Democrats’ legislation.

I guess it is October. Maybe some of those physicians can use those white coats on Halloween ;)

So EASY bitch slapping the 2 digit IQ's pond scum...Right Pussypussy?
Brian Williams is in good company in the hellish den of fellow liberal liars.

Walter Cronkite. Peter Jennings. Dan Rather.
Or when Obama claimed he was conceived under the Edmund Pettus Bridge while the famous civil rights march passed overhead?

So what's the point of lying that brazenly, Roadrunner? You had to know someone would call you on it.

I'm guessing that brazen lying is kind of like a gang initiation for conservatives. In order to get into the gang, they have to show they're willing to stoop to any tactic to support the gang.

Anyways, from all the raging, I'm getting the impression that the GOP won't invite Brian Williams to be their debate moderator again. He's not their favorite any more.

I just tweaked his tall tale a bit.

They really didn't fuck under the bridge.

Barack Obama addressed a group in Selma, AL commemorating the 1965 voting rights march. He credited the event with giving his parents the idea that they could have a child. The result was him--Barack Obama, Child of Destiny. The only problem is he was born in 1961.

"What happened in Selma, Alabama and Birmingham also stirred the conscience of the nation...This young man named Barack Obama...came over to this country. He met this woman...(who) had a good idea there was some craziness going on because they looked at each other and they possible for us to get together and have a child. There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama... So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born. So don't tell me I don't have a claim on Selma, Alabama. Don't tell me I'm not coming home to Selma, Alabama.
I'm here because somebody marched."
Do you feel like a dumbass yet? Are you still going to support a liar? I mean after supporting a sex offender, seems like you would wake up a little.
Marriott and Ritz-Carlton - Stories of Katrina 5 Years Later - Marriott News Center
A story in the wsj from Marriott re the Ritz Carlton
Marriott to ReopenMost of Its HotelsIn New Orleans - WSJ

here is a story from a dr. that was staying at the Ritz Carlton.
College of American Pathologists - A pathologist on the frontlines in New Orleans

Sounds like there was water damage, was it from flooding? I don't know.
But there is no mention from the doctor re dead bodies floating by nor can I find any other stories stating such.

The Marriott is the one on the left of those tall buildings in the distance in the last photo in post 175 (and 165 since they merged the threads). The Sheraton is the one to its right across the street, darker and slightly taller. The Marriott is the French Quarter side of the street.

And yes, the Ritz Carlton was heavily damaged by flooding; it was closed for I believe it was 15 months for repairs. Those people wading across the street in the first picture I posted in this thread, captioned as "evacuating from their French Quarter hotel", are probably coming from the RC - it's exactly that direction.

As far as specifics - it was a disaster scene in progress; there was no such thing as an official journal of everything, and there never will be. Which is also why nobody knows if Brian Willliams had dysentery or some stomach flu or what -- it wasn't like you could just up and saunter into a doctor's office. As your link notes with the train car explosion there were explosions from gas ruptures and fires all over the place that there was no way for any firefighter to reach -- they just had to burn themselves down to the water line.

As in this photo, one of mine taken in October when we were first let back in... the second photo is the effect on a stop sign's paint peeling from the heat of another fire... the sign was all the way down at the corner, well away from the building.

So with all due respect, the idea that something didn't happen in an environment like this because some doctor officially didn't see it is just absurd.

He lied.

Just say it. He lied.

I have no way to know that. And you don't either. The fact is over 1300 bodies were recovered from Katrina as of six months after the event, and nobody knows how many were lost and not found because they floated into the Gulf of Mexico. Nor does it count coffins already buried that bubbled up and floated up to 30 miles away.

The fact is there were bodies floating all over the place, so the story is entirely plausible -- and as I showed you as soon as you started this thread (and the two previous that got merged), the source that came up with this cockamamie theory of "no flooding in the Quarter" LIED about that and that's why they had to walk the story back. Some of the flooding pics I posted came from that walkback story. You of course ignore all that because you're more interested in mythology than fact. Well no, fuck that.

So don't hand me this bullshit. I don't deal in revisionist history. I strangle it.
Brian Williams is in good company in the hellish den of fellow liberal liars.

Walter Cronkite. Peter Jennings. Dan Rather.
Or when Obama claimed he was conceived under the Edmund Pettus Bridge while the famous civil rights march passed overhead?

So what's the point of lying that brazenly, Roadrunner? You had to know someone would call you on it.

I'm guessing that brazen lying is kind of like a gang initiation for conservatives. In order to get into the gang, they have to show they're willing to stoop to any tactic to support the gang.

Anyways, from all the raging, I'm getting the impression that the GOP won't invite Brian Williams to be their debate moderator again. He's not their favorite any more.

I just tweaked his tall tale a bit.

They really didn't fuck under the bridge.

Barack Obama addressed a group in Selma, AL commemorating the 1965 voting rights march. He credited the event with giving his parents the idea that they could have a child. The result was him--Barack Obama, Child of Destiny. The only problem is he was born in 1961.

"What happened in Selma, Alabama and Birmingham also stirred the conscience of the nation...This young man named Barack Obama...came over to this country. He met this woman...(who) had a good idea there was some craziness going on because they looked at each other and they possible for us to get together and have a child. There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama... So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born. So don't tell me I don't have a claim on Selma, Alabama. Don't tell me I'm not coming home to Selma, Alabama.
I'm here because somebody marched."
Do you feel like a dumbass yet? Are you still going to support a liar? I mean after supporting a sex offender, seems like you would wake up a little.
You talkin' to ME?

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