Liberal Media- NBC's Brian Williams is NOW under fire

My brother served in Vietnam on the pocket carrier USS Ticonderoga in the gulf of Tokin when those so called yet to be proven NV pt boats supposedly attacked. He said to me, he never it saw happen. He never said anything else. So was the whole reason we went to war with North Vietnam based on a lies or exaggerations? Was it a lie? I don't know. But that made up Sh*t led to our involvement in Indochina and the slaughter of countless innocent Vietnamese and the death of 52000 American servicemen. The necessity for our involvement in Vietnam was in all likelihood, based on a lie. It either never happened, or was greatly exaggerated, just like Brian Williams little story. I don't forgive liars of any stripe, neither should anyone else here. Years later, we get GW Bush and the WMD's in Iraq thing, same bulls*t, different day. Like the kids say: REALLY?

So you don't know if the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a lie but then you refer to it as "made up shit". If you don't forgive liars why do forgive Cronkite...he's one history's all-time liars. I'll ignore your reference to "innocent Vietnamese" because you don't know what you're talking about. The VC slaughtered tens of thousands of their own, and conscripted young men to fight us....most ran from us, those who didn't mostly died. Then you jump ahead to Bush's "lies"...there's a definite leftist bent to your posts I hadn't noticed before. If you want to rely on your brother on a carrier out in the Gulf that's fine....but all those boys in their little white hats saw of Vietnam were the bars and brothels in Saigon and Cholon before the dinks burned it during Tet. You have a right to your opinion but you'd be better served knowing what you're talking about before you run your mouth to a Viet Vet.
My brother served in Vietnam on the pocket carrier USS Ticonderoga in the gulf of Tokin when those so called yet to be proven NV pt boats supposedly attacked. He said to me, he never it saw happen. He never said anything else. So was the whole reason we went to war with North Vietnam based on a lies or exaggerations? Was it a lie? I don't know. But that made up Sh*t led to our involvement in Indochina and the slaughter of countless innocent Vietnamese and the death of 52000 American servicemen. The necessity for our involvement in Vietnam was in all likelihood, based on a lie. It either never happened, or was greatly exaggerated, just like Brian Williams little story. I don't forgive liars of any stripe, neither should anyone else here. Years later, we get GW Bush and the WMD's in Iraq thing, same bulls*t, different day. Like the kids say: REALLY?

So you don't know if the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a lie but then you refer to it as "made up shit". If you don't forgive liars why do forgive Cronkite...he's one history's all-time liars. I'll ignore your reference to "innocent Vietnamese" because you don't know what you're talking about. The VC slaughtered tens of thousands of their own, and conscripted young men to fight us....most ran from us, those who didn't mostly died. Then you jump ahead to Bush's "lies"...there's a definite leftist bent to your posts I hadn't noticed before. If you want to rely on your brother on a carrier out in the Gulf that's fine....but all those boys in their little white hats saw of Vietnam were the bars and brothels in Saigon and Cholon before the dinks burned it during Tet. You have a right to your opinion but you'd be better served knowing what you're talking about before you run your mouth to a Viet Vet.
For that matter, doesn't really matter why you get IN.

Once in, you don't just piss away victory, when it is in hand, and fuck over those who serve and those we encourage to resist when they could give up.

Yet, that is what we have done, time after time after time since WWII.

"bodies floating by in the French Quarter"? :badgrin:

Oh btw, this anecdote about seeing a body float by wasn't in a news report anyway. Nor was the dysentery.

You have a nice day now.

Oh by the way, there is video and audio of him saying those exact words.

Oh by the way, is everything in video/audio a "newscast"? Do we understand what a "newscast" is?

The OP article quoted in post 1, fittingly introduced by the phrase "back to the lies" (Freudian), reads:

"Did Brian Williams lie in Hurricane Katrina reports?"
--- which is why I point that out. Not even the article claims it once you read it. It's a bogus headline on top of a bogus premise.

Of course this is the same source that tried to tell us, from the UK, six thousand miles away, that the French Quarter was "spared flooding" in the same headline. Which I've also obliterated.

You have a nice day now.

It doesn't matter moron, he said it and it wasn't true. Its a lie. He'd make a great Democrat Candidate.
First off, those picture arent what they are said to be. That is not the French market. There are no skyscrapers in the French Market. Williams said he was watching floating bodies from his hotel window in the French Market.
I've not been paying much attention to the lying SOB.

Did he saw French Quarter, or, did he say French Market?

The French Market is a small part of the French Quarter.

French Market French Market The French Market of Downtown New Orleans Louisiana

French Quarter is what he said, which at the Ritz Carlton is completely the other side of the Quarter from the Market. I don't know what ass that poster pulled "Market" from. Probably his own, so we shouldn't be touching it.
French "fucking" Quarter. I misspoke. Still there are no sky scrapers in the French Quarter.
Oh btw, this anecdote about seeing a body float by wasn't in a news report anyway. Nor was the dysentery.

You have a nice day now.

Oh by the way, there is video and audio of him saying those exact words.

Oh by the way, is everything in video/audio a "newscast"? Do we understand what a "newscast" is?

The OP article quoted in post 1, fittingly introduced by the phrase "back to the lies" (Freudian), reads:

"Did Brian Williams lie in Hurricane Katrina reports?"
--- which is why I point that out. Not even the article claims it once you read it. It's a bogus headline on top of a bogus premise.

Of course this is the same source that tried to tell us, from the UK, six thousand miles away, that the French Quarter was "spared flooding" in the same headline. Which I've also obliterated.

You have a nice day now.

It doesn't matter moron, he said it and it wasn't true. Its a lie.

And your proof is .....?





As I said -- Bullshit. Even the original rag that made the implication backed away from it citing "new evidence". "New" meaning pics and records that have existed since 2005.
1. It's RAIN water not busted bayou/levee water.
2. It's ankle deep.
3. Please keep your corpse sex fantasies to yourself. :eusa_eh:
1. It's RAIN water not busted bayou/levee water.
2. It's ankle deep.
3. Please keep your corpse sex fantasies to yourself. :eusa_eh:

Rain doesn't flow that deep, especially on Canal Street. That's Pontchartrain water. Like it or lump it. And no I don't think boats float in ankle-deep.
Go talk to the Ritz Carlton, which couldn't reopen for over a year due to FLOOD damage.

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All you have to do is take a long look at the man to see that he's crooked.:ack-1:
Hey, want more?

Canal Street, looking toward the River:

Where are "ankles" on the bodies on your planet?



Why is it that anti-military lefties feel compelled to brag and puff themselves up with fake accounts of military adventures?
Stolen valor.
That's a good question for John Kerry! He took a typewriter to Vietnam to re-write the story of the valor of John F. Kennedy with himself as the hero, took his three band-aid Purple Hearts and came home to criticize the rest of our troops before Congress and the media.
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First off, those picture arent what they are said to be. That is not the French market. There are no skyscrapers in the French Market. Williams said he was watching floating bodies from his hotel window in the French Market.
I've not been paying much attention to the lying SOB.

Did he saw French Quarter, or, did he say French Market?

The French Market is a small part of the French Quarter.

French Market French Market The French Market of Downtown New Orleans Louisiana

French Quarter is what he said, which at the Ritz Carlton is completely the other side of the Quarter from the Market. I don't know what ass that poster pulled "Market" from. Probably his own, so we shouldn't be touching it.
French "fucking" Quarter. I misspoke. Still there are no sky scrapers in the French Quarter.

Nobody said there were. In fact nobody brought up either "Market" OR "skyscrapers".
You lose.

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