Liberal Media- NBC's Brian Williams is NOW under fire

Now, he is on tape saying he watched a body float by in the French Quarter of New Orleans after Katrina.

But, the French Quarter is high ground, and New Orleans police say the only body they got out of the French Quarter after Katrina was one who died at a restaurant of a heart attack...and they didn't let him float off.

Lots of people, particularly pinheads in the Northeast and California, have moderate personality disorders...Brian Williams is obviously one. Out of a sense of cowardice, probably, he has become a Liar and he has to now held a position which requires complete trust. I don't think even NBC can overlook this. They should send him off for treatment and then let him be a commentator...maybe let him replace Rachael Maddow. Her audience numbers in the hundreds.

The French Quarter isn't "high ground". It's about 6 to 8 feet AMSL tops, pun intended.
And the police were all but nonexistent -- all their horses died, their radio communication was out, and they were pretty much on their own to do what they could individually. There's a lot of shit that went down that never got "officially reported".

Btw this is a view looking across Canal Street -- the upriver border of the French Quarter and looking from the exact block where Williams' hotel was...


That's from the Houston Chronicle September 1, 2005. Looking down Baronne Street -- the Walgreen's is 900 Canal Street. The Ritz-Carlton where Williams was is at 921 Canal Street -- right where this picture is looking from.

So much for "high ground".

The French Quarter is the high ground in New Orleans along with the Garden District and besides, bodies don't "float by" in 3 or 4 inches of water. Your little picture there proves he is a Liar. Hell, he has admitted he is a Liar...the question now is whether he is a serial Liar. And whether news anchors who are admitted Liars can stay on as news anchors. Its supposed to be a position of high trust.

You've never been to New Orleans, have you.

There is no "high ground" and the photo proves nothing.

As for it being "a position of high trust", RWs watch fox so they have no room to talk. You remember fox, right? They tell the truth in only 18% of their stories so you can come down off your high horse now.

Luddly, the French Quarter is higher in elevation than the surrounding parts of the city. Sometimes, a few feet of elevation makes all the difference in the world.

Now, he is on tape saying he watched a body float by in the French Quarter of New Orleans after Katrina.

But, the French Quarter is high ground, and New Orleans police say the only body they got out of the French Quarter after Katrina was one who died at a restaurant of a heart attack...and they didn't let him float off.

Lots of people, particularly pinheads in the Northeast and California, have moderate personality disorders...Brian Williams is obviously one. Out of a sense of cowardice, probably, he has become a Liar and he has to now held a position which requires complete trust. I don't think even NBC can overlook this. They should send him off for treatment and then let him be a commentator...maybe let him replace Rachael Maddow. Her audience numbers in the hundreds.

The French Quarter isn't "high ground". It's about 6 to 8 feet AMSL tops, pun intended.
And the police were all but nonexistent -- all their horses died, their radio communication was out, and they were pretty much on their own to do what they could individually. There's a lot of shit that went down that never got "officially reported".

Btw this is a view looking across Canal Street -- the upriver border of the French Quarter and looking from the exact block where Williams' hotel was...


That's from the Houston Chronicle September 1, 2005. Looking down Baronne Street -- the Walgreen's is 900 Canal Street. The Ritz-Carlton where Williams was is at 921 Canal Street -- right where this picture is looking from.

So much for "high ground".

The French Quarter is the high ground in New Orleans along with the Garden District and besides, bodies don't "float by" in 3 or 4 inches of water. Your little picture there proves he is a Liar. Hell, he has admitted he is a Liar...the question now is whether he is a serial Liar. And whether news anchors who are admitted Liars can stay on as news anchors. Its supposed to be a position of high trust.

You've never been to New Orleans, have you.

There is no "high ground" and the photo proves nothing.

As for it being "a position of high trust", RWs watch fox so they have no room to talk. You remember fox, right? They tell the truth in only 18% of their stories so you can come down off your high horse now.

I have been drunk on that very spot a number of times and I think Brian Williams ought to start claiming he was dead drunk too when he saw that body float by in 3 or 4 inches of water. People might believe that.
And btw I don't even have a "climate-change ass". You'll have to pull your next wacko post out of your own.
You know, as usual.

:badgrin: That thread cracked me dissolved into your usual petty name-calling and ran away.

What thread?? I don't even do climate change.

And while I'm at it I should add that nor do I "dissolve into petty name calling" you overstuffed idiotic hackmouthed disease-ridden pus-eating batshit-insane mentally-microbic sphincter-scratching urinary-condimenting self-flagellating would-be-cretin-except-it-would-be-an-insult-to-cretins who has the brain of a duck you know.

You still fucked up though. :eusa_angel:
Walter Cronkite, Minister of Propaganda for the VC, turned the Tet slaughter of the NVA and virtual annihilation of the VC into an American defeat.

Reported Khe Sanh like it was Dien Bien Phu knowing all the while Marine artillery and air was chewing up the PAVN as fast as they could get across the DMZ.

, But, it don't mean shit.

It means plenty...that old drunk has a partial responsibility for every KIA lost after autumn of '68. We told the brass if we chased them past the DMZ it would be a turkey shoot but the boys at the Pentagon were convinced Crankcase had turned popular opinion against us. If we'd raced to Hanoi like 3rd ID did to Baghdad, they have sued for peace and we'd have had an ending like they did in Korea.
What thread?? I don't even do climate change.

And while I'm at it I should add that nor do I "dissolve into petty name calling" you overstuffed idiotic hackmouthed disease-ridden pus-eating batshit-insane mentally-microbic sphincter-scratching urinary-condimenting self-flagellating would-be-cretin-except-it-would-be-an-insult-to-cretins who has the brain of a duck you know.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury...the defendant just convicted himself by using the same language used in the other thread in question....a thread deemed by the judge here to be inadmissible, yet the exact poison fruit, the same tree.

The prosecution rests. :eusa_snooty:
Now, he is on tape saying he watched a body float by in the French Quarter of New Orleans after Katrina.

But, the French Quarter is high ground, and New Orleans police say the only body they got out of the French Quarter after Katrina was one who died at a restaurant of a heart attack...and they didn't let him float off.

Lots of people, particularly pinheads in the Northeast and California, have moderate personality disorders...Brian Williams is obviously one. Out of a sense of cowardice, probably, he has become a Liar and he has to now held a position which requires complete trust. I don't think even NBC can overlook this. They should send him off for treatment and then let him be a commentator...maybe let him replace Rachael Maddow. Her audience numbers in the hundreds.

The French Quarter isn't "high ground". It's about 6 to 8 feet AMSL tops, pun intended.
And the police were all but nonexistent -- all their horses died, their radio communication was out, and they were pretty much on their own to do what they could individually. There's a lot of shit that went down that never got "officially reported".

Btw this is a view looking across Canal Street -- the upriver border of the French Quarter and looking from the exact block where Williams' hotel was...


That's from the Houston Chronicle September 1, 2005. Looking down Baronne Street -- the Walgreen's is 900 Canal Street. The Ritz-Carlton where Williams was is at 921 Canal Street -- right where this picture is looking from.

So much for "high ground".

The French Quarter is the high ground in New Orleans along with the Garden District and besides, bodies don't "float by" in 3 or 4 inches of water. Your little picture there proves he is a Liar. Hell, he has admitted he is a Liar...the question now is whether he is a serial Liar. And whether news anchors who are admitted Liars can stay on as news anchors. Its supposed to be a position of high trust.

You've never been to New Orleans, have you.

There is no "high ground" and the photo proves nothing.

As for it being "a position of high trust", RWs watch fox so they have no room to talk. You remember fox, right? They tell the truth in only 18% of their stories so you can come down off your high horse now.

Luddly, the French Quarter is higher in elevation than the surrounding parts of the city. Sometimes, a few feet of elevation makes all the difference in the world.

It is, but it's still no more than 6 to 8 feet AMSL. It's relative.
That had little bearing on flooding -- whether you got flooded had very little to do with what your elevation was (as if it varies there) and everything to do with how close you were to one of the seven levee breaks.

My street for instance took only 2 feet, and since the house is raised it didn't get damaged. My GF's house on the other hand took 8 feet -- and it was on higher ground. Her downstairs neighbors who elected to stay and ride the storm, woke up the night after Katrina hit to find themselves floating in their bed. They had to wait for a helicopter rescue days later to get out of there. Everything down at that level was destroyed either directly or in time by mold.

I've got pictures here somewhere...

These armchair geographers -- pretty damn silly.
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Now, he is on tape saying he watched a body float by in the French Quarter of New Orleans after Katrina.

But, the French Quarter is high ground, and New Orleans police say the only body they got out of the French Quarter after Katrina was one who died at a restaurant of a heart attack...and they didn't let him float off.

Lots of people, particularly pinheads in the Northeast and California, have moderate personality disorders...Brian Williams is obviously one. Out of a sense of cowardice, probably, he has become a Liar and he has to now held a position which requires complete trust. I don't think even NBC can overlook this. They should send him off for treatment and then let him be a commentator...maybe let him replace Rachael Maddow. Her audience numbers in the hundreds.

The French Quarter isn't "high ground". It's about 6 to 8 feet AMSL tops, pun intended.
And the police were all but nonexistent -- all their horses died, their radio communication was out, and they were pretty much on their own to do what they could individually. There's a lot of shit that went down that never got "officially reported".

Btw this is a view looking across Canal Street -- the upriver border of the French Quarter and looking from the exact block where Williams' hotel was...


That's from the Houston Chronicle September 1, 2005. Looking down Baronne Street -- the Walgreen's is 900 Canal Street. The Ritz-Carlton where Williams was is at 921 Canal Street -- right where this picture is looking from.

So much for "high ground".

The French Quarter is the high ground in New Orleans along with the Garden District and besides, bodies don't "float by" in 3 or 4 inches of water. Your little picture there proves he is a Liar. Hell, he has admitted he is a Liar...the question now is whether he is a serial Liar. And whether news anchors who are admitted Liars can stay on as news anchors. Its supposed to be a position of high trust.

Six feet is not "high" dumbass.

My picture shows nothing of the kind -- it shows what was going on at that moment, the point of which is that these stories that "the French Quarter had no flooding" are bullshit. The Ritz Carlton needed something like 15 months to fix its FLOOD damage. Explain that.

And I knew that from the memories of the time. Unfortunately my memory isn't selective.

Further, water levels in a street that's being fed by a lake big enough to pick out on a map of the world are going to rise and fall dramatically fast, which they did. What you have here is a snapshot -- not a video. It tells us absolutely zero about what that level was a minute or an hour or a day before or after it. Nor is it intended to -- it's just there to put the lie to this myth going around that "there was no flooding in the French Quarter".

So no, you don't know what the water level was at peak, and btw unless people are seventeen feet tall on your planet that there is more like a foot, not "two or three inches".

It ain't called "Canal Street" because its a canal, doofus. That design never happened. This water is an anomaly. There's a streetcar line that runs on it. It's a real street.

Now it's true the FQ didn't generally suffer flood damage. But it's also true the Ritz did, and it's also true that that's where Williams was staying and basing from.


Like Williams would even think to stay in a common-people's hotel.

Thank God he had a window tablea else he'd have to make it ALL up!
Now, he is on tape saying he watched a body float by in the French Quarter of New Orleans after Katrina.

But, the French Quarter is high ground, and New Orleans police say the only body they got out of the French Quarter after Katrina was one who died at a restaurant of a heart attack...and they didn't let him float off.

Lots of people, particularly pinheads in the Northeast and California, have moderate personality disorders...Brian Williams is obviously one. Out of a sense of cowardice, probably, he has become a Liar and he has to now held a position which requires complete trust. I don't think even NBC can overlook this. They should send him off for treatment and then let him be a commentator...maybe let him replace Rachael Maddow. Her audience numbers in the hundreds.

The French Quarter isn't "high ground". It's about 6 to 8 feet AMSL tops, pun intended.
And the police were all but nonexistent -- all their horses died, their radio communication was out, and they were pretty much on their own to do what they could individually. There's a lot of shit that went down that never got "officially reported".

Btw this is a view looking across Canal Street -- the upriver border of the French Quarter and looking from the exact block where Williams' hotel was...


That's from the Houston Chronicle September 1, 2005. Looking down Baronne Street -- the Walgreen's is 900 Canal Street. The Ritz-Carlton where Williams was is at 921 Canal Street -- right where this picture is looking from.

So much for "high ground".

The French Quarter is the high ground in New Orleans along with the Garden District and besides, bodies don't "float by" in 3 or 4 inches of water. Your little picture there proves he is a Liar. Hell, he has admitted he is a Liar...the question now is whether he is a serial Liar. And whether news anchors who are admitted Liars can stay on as news anchors. Its supposed to be a position of high trust.

You've never been to New Orleans, have you.

There is no "high ground" and the photo proves nothing.

As for it being "a position of high trust", RWs watch fox so they have no room to talk. You remember fox, right? They tell the truth in only 18% of their stories so you can come down off your high horse now.

I have been drunk on that very spot a number of times and I think Brian Williams ought to start claiming he was dead drunk too when he saw that body float by in 3 or 4 inches of water. People might believe that.

I have no doubt whatever that you have. It fits with the rest of your postings
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Like Williams would even think to stay in a common-people's hotel.

Thank God he had a window tablea else he'd have to make it ALL up!

You must not know much about da broadcast industry, Henry.
You see, he works for what we call "NBC". That's a network. Big stuff, big pockets. They would be the ones booking the hotel and footing the bill.

Besides, it is pretty well centrally located in the busiest part of town. And the Hyatt and W had had all their windows blown out. There are a Sheraton and Marriott down the street (directly across from each other) but that would have been it for large hotels with facilities. Everything else is very small and ancient.
Now, he is on tape saying he watched a body float by in the French Quarter of New Orleans after Katrina.

But, the French Quarter is high ground, and New Orleans police say the only body they got out of the French Quarter after Katrina was one who died at a restaurant of a heart attack...and they didn't let him float off.

Lots of people, particularly pinheads in the Northeast and California, have moderate personality disorders...Brian Williams is obviously one. Out of a sense of cowardice, probably, he has become a Liar and he has to now held a position which requires complete trust. I don't think even NBC can overlook this. They should send him off for treatment and then let him be a commentator...maybe let him replace Rachael Maddow. Her audience numbers in the hundreds.

The French Quarter isn't "high ground". It's about 6 to 8 feet AMSL tops, pun intended.
And the police were all but nonexistent -- all their horses died, their radio communication was out, and they were pretty much on their own to do what they could individually. There's a lot of shit that went down that never got "officially reported".

Btw this is a view looking across Canal Street -- the upriver border of the French Quarter and looking from the exact block where Williams' hotel was...


That's from the Houston Chronicle September 1, 2005. Looking down Baronne Street -- the Walgreen's is 900 Canal Street. The Ritz-Carlton where Williams was is at 921 Canal Street -- right where this picture is looking from.

So much for "high ground".

The French Quarter is the high ground in New Orleans along with the Garden District and besides, bodies don't "float by" in 3 or 4 inches of water. Your little picture there proves he is a Liar. Hell, he has admitted he is a Liar...the question now is whether he is a serial Liar. And whether news anchors who are admitted Liars can stay on as news anchors. Its supposed to be a position of high trust.

You've never been to New Orleans, have you.

There is no "high ground" and the photo proves nothing.

As for it being "a position of high trust", RWs watch fox so they have no room to talk. You remember fox, right? They tell the truth in only 18% of their stories so you can come down off your high horse now.

Luddly, the French Quarter is higher in elevation than the surrounding parts of the city. Sometimes, a few feet of elevation makes all the difference in the world.

It is, but it's still no more than 6 to 8 feet AMSL. It's relative.
That had little bearing on flooding -- whether you got flooded had very little to do with what your elevation was (as if it varies there) and everything to do with how close you were to one of the seven levee breaks.

My street for instance took only 2 feet, and since the house is raised it didn't get damaged. My GF's house on the other hand took 8 feet -- and it was on higher ground. Her downstairs neighbors who elected to stay and ride the storm, woke up the night after Katrina hit to find themselves floating in their bed. They had to wait for a helicopter rescue days later to get out of there.

These armchair geographers -- pretty damn silly.

6-8 feet is a lot in a swamp. That aside, my (former) house was on Bancroft near Bayou St. John . Too far away from the Mississippi River to be above sea level..

He's done. Stick a fork in him. Reporting the news with nothing but lies pretty much fucks ones rep.

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