Liberal Policies on Parade....More Crime, More Rapes, More Shootings, More crime...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Since Bill de Blasio took over the town and began “reforming” the police department and City Hall’s progressive approach to dealing with crime in one of the most densely populated urban centers on the planet the number of citizens being raped, murdered, robbed or otherwise assaulted has increased.

All over the country crime rates have been dropping for some time. The notable exceptions, however, are in such cities as Chicago, Baltimore and the Big Apple - cities that have defied the national trends and are instead seeing crime rates climbing.

NYPD crime statistics show the New York City murder rate spiked 8.3 percent since last year, while rape rose 5.8 percent. Additionally, misdemeanor sex crimes skyrocketed a whopping 18 percent.

"The numbers surfaced as the city mourns its fourth officer killed in the line duty this year. F.B.I. Director James Comey, said on Friday that the extra scrutiny and disparagement of police officers following incidents between law enforcement and officers are more hesitant. ... Four dead cops this year, and Hizzoner didn’t even show up for a ceremony honoring Patrolman Phillip Cardillo who died in the line of duty back in 1972. But at least he sent a note. ... Nobody was ever prosecuted for Cardillo’s murder and it’s been a sore spot between the police and Democrat administrations ever since."

'Small wonder, then, that urban police departments are facing a severe shortage of recruits, as ABC News reported in September.'

Part of the blame has been placed on the 'Ferguson Effect', the liberal demonization of police even when shootings are justified and due to the support being given by liberals / the government to those who are engaging and calling for violence against and even the death of policemen. Just this weekend President Obama, for example, again praised the Black Lives Matter group, a group that has called for the murder of all whites and policemen.

LINK: Popular liberal policies in NYC pay off benefits in form of more rapes, murders
These thugs, rapists, and murderers are simply "victims" of a rich white man's society. It's whitey's fault. Didn't you know?
Since Bill de Blasio took over the town and began “reforming” the police department and City Hall’s progressive approach to dealing with crime in one of the most densely populated urban centers on the planet the number of citizens being raped, murdered, robbed or otherwise assaulted has increased.

All over the country crime rates have been dropping for some time. The notable exceptions, however, are in such cities as Chicago, Baltimore and the Big Apple - cities that have defied the national trends and are instead seeing crime rates climbing.

NYPD crime statistics show the New York City murder rate spiked 8.3 percent since last year, while rape rose 5.8 percent. Additionally, misdemeanor sex crimes skyrocketed a whopping 18 percent.

"The numbers surfaced as the city mourns its fourth officer killed in the line duty this year. F.B.I. Director James Comey, said on Friday that the extra scrutiny and disparagement of police officers following incidents between law enforcement and officers are more hesitant. ... Four dead cops this year, and Hizzoner didn’t even show up for a ceremony honoring Patrolman Phillip Cardillo who died in the line of duty back in 1972. But at least he sent a note. ... Nobody was ever prosecuted for Cardillo’s murder and it’s been a sore spot between the police and Democrat administrations ever since."

'Small wonder, then, that urban police departments are facing a severe shortage of recruits, as ABC News reported in September.'

Part of the blame has been placed on the 'Ferguson Effect', the liberal demonization of police even when shootings are justified and due to the support being given by liberals / the government to those who are engaging and calling for violence against and even the death of policemen. Just this weekend President Obama, for example, again praised the Black Lives Matter group, a group that has called for the murder of all whites and policemen.

LINK: Popular liberal policies in NYC pay off benefits in form of more rapes, murders
Socialism on the move... They deserve what is happening.
These thugs, rapists, and murderers are simply "victims" of a rich white man's society. It's whitey's fault. Didn't you know?
They are victims of a government who doles out social program bennies to people like free '1st hit' drugs, attempting to addict them, derail their own attempts to become independent and successful, and instead be reliant on these freebies for their very exchange for their votes.

It's LBJ's 'Economic Slavery': "These uppity negroes have something they have never had before - power behind their movement. We have to give them something, but not enough to make a difference. I'll have these NI@@ERS voting 'Democrat for the next 200 years." Although it hasn't been 200 years yet, LBJ's prediction is right on schedule.

What does it say about a black Democrat, the 1st black President in US history, NEVER - in 7 years so far - creating ANY program designed to help blacks get jobs, get educations, to help them out of poverty, to help them succeed but instead tells them they are 'victims', divide the nation racially, abandons places like Detroit who he promised he would not let them collapse, and keep them dependent on the government for handouts....just like LBJ predicted?!

Socialism REQUIRES a subservient worker class woo has no hope of a better life because they are needed to produce the wealth off of which Socialism runs. The 'elites' are already in place, passing edicts upon the working class, keeping them down and working, while exempting themselves from the laws they impose. The only thing missing from most all middle class workers is the sound of the government whip cracking as they work to 'feed' the 'socialist machine' in Washington and to keep the millionaires running things in Washington well paid.
"Liberal Policies on Parade....More Crime, More Rapes, More Shootings, More crime..."

More ridiculous lies and fallacies from the right
These thugs, rapists, and murderers are simply "victims" of a rich white man's society. It's whitey's fault. Didn't you know?
They are victims of a government who doles out social program bennies to people like free '1st hit' drugs, attempting to addict them, derail their own attempts to become independent and successful, and instead be reliant on these freebies for their very exchange for their votes.

It's LBJ's 'Economic Slavery': "These uppity negroes have something they have never had before - power behind their movement. We have to give them something, but not enough to make a difference. I'll have these NI@@ERS voting 'Democrat for the next 200 years." Although it hasn't been 200 years yet, LBJ's prediction is right on schedule.

What does it say about a black Democrat, the 1st black President in US history, NEVER - in 7 years so far - creating ANY program designed to help blacks get jobs, get educations, to help them out of poverty, to help them succeed but instead tells them they are 'victims', divide the nation racially, abandons places like Detroit who he promised he would not let them collapse, and keep them dependent on the government for handouts....just like LBJ predicted?!

Socialism REQUIRES a subservient worker class woo has no hope of a better life because they are needed to produce the wealth off of which Socialism runs. The 'elites' are already in place, passing edicts upon the working class, keeping them down and working, while exempting themselves from the laws they impose. The only thing missing from most all middle class workers is the sound of the government whip cracking as they work to 'feed' the 'socialist machine' in Washington and to keep the millionaires running things in Washington well paid.
So very true, socialisms slavery is color blind.
The insanity of history's trials and errors...

Hashtag socialism has never been implemented for the greater good...
"Liberal Policies on Parade....More Crime, More Rapes, More Shootings, More crime..."

More ridiculous lies and fallacies from the right

Nice opinionated response there, CCJ. You know the (liberal) rules, though - no link = you lie! :p

(Nice rejection of news / stats / facts, though, found in the link.)

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