Liberal Preacher Thinks He Know Jesus, Says Jesus was a Socialist

Jesus preached a "reform" version of Judaism, which, in ancient times about 2000 years ago, was about rigid as any of the other faiths that came before and after it. For one to say that "Jesus was a 'Socialist'" one would have to prove that Judaism as a whole is a socialist religion, which it obviously isn't. Like other religions it is about worshipping God and observing the basic tenements of the faith. One could make the same exact arguments that Mohammad the prophet of Islam was also a socialist.
The idea must be that anyone who believes in charity is a socialist. That's some deep thinking, there.
Jesus was for supply side economics, taxing capital gains lower than personal income because of his many mutual funds he had and he was definitely in favor of denying those with pre-existing conditions..

I believe he said "and for ye among us who hath already fallen thy, I"

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