Liberal Preacher Thinks He Know Jesus, Says Jesus was a Socialist

Well their Dear Leader aka Hussein Obama just bought a 15 million dollar shorefront mansion as his summer vacation home, so one can safely conclude that HE for sure doesn't "know Jesus", not does he follow his own warped ideology. I always said that Democrats are only good at pretending they care about things.
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Not only was Jesus a Socialist.......he was a Liberal
Anyone who tries to throw modern political labels on Jesus is someones who is eager to demonstrate he doesn't understand Jesus or socialism. or liberalism, for that matter.
It is a general mindset

Helping those who need help, standing up for the downtrodden, healing the sick

Jesus was a liberal socialist
Is this the Dem strategy for the 2020 campaign? Looks like 4 more years of Trump.

<<During Saturday’s broadcast of “AM Joy” on MSNBC, network regular Rev. William Barber said that if caring for the sick and poor is socialism then “Jesus is a socialist,” which echoes comments he made at a Democratic National Committee meeting in August.>>

Rev. William Barber: 'Jesus Is a Socialist' | Breitbart
A fool born every minute
Jesus preached above all else that material wealth was of no real value and that helping the least among us was paramount. Seems kinda opposite here now where material wealth is goal #1 in america. Just saying. Hmmm I
I try to do my share. As a nation we've moved to blaming the poor for financial problems. We call them drags on society and that nobody should be poor in America. I don't buy that. Whatsoever.
Well why don’t you do something about it you spineless motherfucker, and quit expecting other people to do anything about it… dolt
Not only was Jesus a Socialist.......he was a Liberal
Anyone who tries to throw modern political labels on Jesus is someones who is eager to demonstrate he doesn't understand Jesus or socialism. or liberalism, for that matter.
It is a general mindset

Helping those who need help, standing up for the downtrodden, healing the sick

Jesus was a liberal socialist
Na, not really
He never tried to force anything on anybody you fucking retard. That is what socialism is all about forcing the collective will on the individual. So you need to shut the fuck up you spineless motherfucker.
That’s ridiculous. Everybody knows Jesus hated poor people. He despised children. And he never wanted to help the sick because he could get sick himself. There was only one group of people Jesus ever wanted to help and love and that was the very wealthy because they’re the only ones that deserve it.
That’s the new modern day up to date GOP Jesus.
Wow! "Clever". You tried so hard...bless your heart.

Actually reality shows that the right has been trying for years to farm out aid to the hungry and homeless to religious based charities (religious as in we love Jesus) but the democrats have blocked every attempt.

You guys are hypocrites and idiots. Get your act together and stop pretending that the party that loves abortion and fears the very word "God" (on money, in pledges, on buildings, etc,) is the least bit interested in what Jesus thought and said.
Socialism is an ersatz religion that attempts to deny Jesus.
George W Bush charged veterans’ charity $100,000 to speak at fundraiser

Republicans consider George W. Bush their second greatest president after Donald Trump.
That’s ridiculous. Everybody knows Jesus hated poor people. He despised children. And he never wanted to help the sick because he could get sick himself. There was only one group of people Jesus ever wanted to help and love and that was the very wealthy because they’re the only ones that deserve it.
That’s the new modern day up to date GOP Jesus.
Wow! "Clever". You tried so hard...bless your heart.

Actually reality shows that the right has been trying for years to farm out aid to the hungry and homeless to religious based charities (religious as in we love Jesus) but the democrats have blocked every attempt.

You guys are hypocrites and idiots. Get your act together and stop pretending that the party that loves abortion and fears the very word "God" (on money, in pledges, on buildings, etc,) is the least bit interested in what Jesus thought and said.
Socialism is an ersatz religion that attempts to deny Jesus.
George W Bush charged veterans’ charity $100,000 to speak at fundraiser

Republicans consider George W. Bush their second greatest president after Donald Trump.
While Bill Clinton charged half a million for his speeches, while colluding with the Russians?
Is this the Dem strategy for the 2020 campaign? Looks like 4 more years of Trump.

<<During Saturday’s broadcast of “AM Joy” on MSNBC, network regular Rev. William Barber said that if caring for the sick and poor is socialism then “Jesus is a socialist,” which echoes comments he made at a Democratic National Committee meeting in August.>>

Rev. William Barber: 'Jesus Is a Socialist' | Breitbart
A lot of that going around by the Progressives. Are they related to AOC.
It is a general mindset

Helping those who need help, standing up for the downtrodden, healing the sick

Jesus was a liberal socialist
Maduro is a socialist. Chavez was. Castro, Raul and Fidel, are socialists.
Socialism is an economic system. Stop pretending socialists are imbued with superior moral qualities.
The gulags in Cuba are filled with political prisoners. Protesters in Venezuela get run over by trucks. Repeating your specious claims doesn't make them suddenly true.

This is bullshit and misinformed nonsense from a third rate second banana Hollywood dope, John Fugelsang.
It's a mish-mosh of DNC talking points and leftist tropes.
No one has ever claimed Jesus was an American and he sure as hell was anti homosexuality.
The bible has stated that people that don't work shouldn't expect to eat and I never heard Jesus renounce that
part. It's nonsense....not surprisingly you post it.
Is there one about adultery and lying and gods name in vain? Because that would be your guy.
LOL. Trump is doing a lot of good things. I've never thought of him as Jesus, though.
Have some self respect and stop posting garbage.
Well their Dear Leader aka Hussein Obama just bought a 15 million dollar shorefront mansion as his summer vacation home, so one can safely conclude that HE for sure doesn't "know Jesus", not does he follow his own warped ideology. I always said that Democrats are only good at pretending they care about things.
Well Mental Health is a election subject now days. I see why.

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