Liberal Preacher Thinks He Know Jesus, Says Jesus was a Socialist

Not only was Jesus a Socialist.......he was a Liberal
Anyone who tries to throw modern political labels on Jesus is someones who is eager to demonstrate he doesn't understand Jesus or socialism. or liberalism, for that matter.
It is a general mindset

Helping those who need help, standing up for the downtrodden, healing the sick

Jesus was a liberal socialist
Na, not really
He never tried to force anything on anybody you fucking retard. That is what socialism is all about forcing the collective will on the individual. So you need to shut the fuck up you spineless motherfucker.
Jesus healed the sick......never asked how they would pay
Jesus fed the poor.......never demanded they get a job
It is a general mindset

Helping those who need help, standing up for the downtrodden, healing the sick

Jesus was a liberal socialist
Maduro is a socialist. Chavez was. Castro, Raul and Fidel, are socialists.
Socialism is an economic system. Stop pretending socialists are imbued with superior moral qualities.
The gulags in Cuba are filled with political prisoners. Protesters in Venezuela get run over by trucks. Repeating your specious claims doesn't make them suddenly true.
Add Jesus to your list of Socialists

This is bullshit and misinformed nonsense from a third rate second banana Hollywood dope, John Fugelsang.
It's a mish-mosh of DNC talking points and leftist tropes.
No one has ever claimed Jesus was an American and he sure as hell was anti homosexuality.
The bible has stated that people that don't work shouldn't expect to eat and I never heard Jesus renounce that
part. It's nonsense....not surprisingly you post it.
What did Jesus ever say against homosexuals?

It is rumored that he may have been gay
Well their Dear Leader aka Hussein Obama just bought a 15 million dollar shorefront mansion as his summer vacation home, so one can safely conclude that HE for sure doesn't "know Jesus", not does he follow his own warped ideology. I always said that Democrats are only good at pretending they care about things.
Hitler was also hence the words National Socialist German Workers' Party
Not only was Jesus a Socialist.......he was a Liberal
Anyone who tries to throw modern political labels on Jesus is someones who is eager to demonstrate he doesn't understand Jesus or socialism. or liberalism, for that matter.
It is a general mindset

Helping those who need help, standing up for the downtrodden, healing the sick

Jesus was a liberal socialist
Yep, Free stuff for ALL#
It's interesting that people want to politicize their religion.

The right says their god and Jesus are conservative and far right.

The left says their god and Jesus is liberal and far left.

I used to be a very devout christian. I've read the Bible many times. I attended the Methodist and Catholic Churches when I was very devout. I even talked my parents into sending me to a catholic school.

The biggest reason why I was so devout was the message of love, peace and compassion.

Passages from the New Testament such as Luke 18:22:

When Jesus heard this, he said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

And Mathew 19:21

Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

I'm not going to post all of it but those who know the Bible know about the Sermon on the Mount.

The christianity that I learned at the Methodist and Catholic Churches are nothing like the christianity of today.

I think a lot of people are forgetting the first Amendment and separation of church and government.

Religion isn't political.
Religion isn't political.
So why do people try to make Jesus into something that is totally inappropriate?
The whole concept of socialism didn't come into existence until approximately 1,840 years after his death.

We can say Jesus was for charity and helping the poor. That alone doesn't make one "socialist".
Jesus healed the sick......never asked how they would pay
Jesus fed the poor.......never demanded they get a job
So socialists don't pay their doctors? I never knew that.
The Salvation Army does the very same thing, speaking of feeding the poor and not caring about their employment status.....they aren't socialists either-- Surprise!
Religion isn't political.
So why do people try to make Jesus into something that is totally inappropriate?
The whole concept of socialism didn't come into existence until approximately 1,840 years after his death.

We can say Jesus was for charity and helping the poor. That alone doesn't make one "socialist".

You're going to have to ask that question to those who say he's a socialist or a conservative.

I don't have those answers.

I'm the person who is saying religion isn't political.
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It's interesting that people want to politicize their religion.

The right says their god and Jesus are conservative and far right.

The left says their god and Jesus is liberal and far left.

I used to be a very devout christian. I've read the Bible many times. I attended the Methodist and Catholic Churches when I was very devout. I even talked my parents into sending me to a catholic school.

The biggest reason why I was so devout was the message of love, peace and compassion.

Passages from the New Testament such as Luke 18:22:

When Jesus heard this, he said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

And Mathew 19:21

Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

I'm not going to post all of it but those who know the Bible know about the Sermon on the Mount.

The christianity that I learned at the Methodist and Catholic Churches are nothing like the christianity of today.

I think a lot of people are forgetting the first Amendment and separation of church and government.

Religion isn't political.
Then why did Christ say "Give unto Nero what is Nero and give unto God What is God's. Spelling wrong but you get the idea.
Not only was Jesus a Socialist.......he was a Liberal
Anyone who tries to throw modern political labels on Jesus is someones who is eager to demonstrate he doesn't understand Jesus or socialism. or liberalism, for that matter.
It is a general mindset

Helping those who need help, standing up for the downtrodden, healing the sick

Jesus was a liberal socialist
Na, not really
He never tried to force anything on anybody you fucking retard. That is what socialism is all about forcing the collective will on the individual. So you need to shut the fuck up you spineless motherfucker.
Jesus healed the sick......never asked how they would pay
Jesus fed the poor.......never demanded they get a job
...and he was never part of the collective.

This is bullshit and misinformed nonsense from a third rate second banana Hollywood dope, John Fugelsang.
It's a mish-mosh of DNC talking points and leftist tropes.
No one has ever claimed Jesus was an American and he sure as hell was anti homosexuality.
The bible has stated that people that don't work shouldn't expect to eat and I never heard Jesus renounce that
part. It's nonsense....not surprisingly you post it.
What did Jesus ever say against homosexuals?

It is rumored that he may have been gay
You ever read the Old Testament… Every bit as legitimate as the New Testament
It's interesting that people want to politicize their religion.

The right says their god and Jesus are conservative and far right.

The left says their god and Jesus is liberal and far left.

I used to be a very devout christian. I've read the Bible many times. I attended the Methodist and Catholic Churches when I was very devout. I even talked my parents into sending me to a catholic school.

The biggest reason why I was so devout was the message of love, peace and compassion.

Passages from the New Testament such as Luke 18:22:

When Jesus heard this, he said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

And Mathew 19:21

Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

I'm not going to post all of it but those who know the Bible know about the Sermon on the Mount.

The christianity that I learned at the Methodist and Catholic Churches are nothing like the christianity of today.

I think a lot of people are forgetting the first Amendment and separation of church and government.

Religion isn't political.
Fuck face, show us where it says separation of church and state in the constitution
Religion isn't political.
So why do people try to make Jesus into something that is totally inappropriate?
The whole concept of socialism didn't come into existence until approximately 1,840 years after his death.

We can say Jesus was for charity and helping the poor. That alone doesn't make one "socialist".

You're going to have to ask that question to those who say he's a socialist or a conservative.

I don't have those answers.

I'm the person who is saying religion isn't political.
Shit for brains
Religion is political because religion is 100% man-made, Christianity is not a religion it’s a faith.

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