Liberal Professors forcing their opinions on students

You are being simple, 2nd. Post your paper on the 46th in the CDZ forum.

Should be a good discussion.

The theme of the paper was that the Second Amendment purpose is to provide a safeguard against tyranny, just as the other nine amendments of the Bill of Rights are intended to.

My professor happens to think that the Second Amendment's primary purpose was to defend the federal government against England.
"So you paid the Minister to teach you as a part of a structured, accredited course of study and accepted what you felt as false information as fact? Wow~
You're quite the imbecile aren't ya?"

Keys, you are a piece of work, aren't you? Is my invisible twin also posting on this board? I said absolutely nothing that was even remotely related to your response, so you must be replying to someone else.

1. I never paid my minister anything.
2. It was not a structured, accredited course.
3. I did not accept any of his information as fact.

Now, go back to the radio. Rush on the verge of explaining how liberals are plotting to send you to a FEMA camp. You don't want to miss that..

Well I said: "So when a professor fails a student for not parroting their 'teaching'... what would ya call that?"

Then you said: "I would call that a really stupid student. I parroted all the nonsense that I was taught by the minister of our church for about 10 years, quite successfully. Didn't mean that I believed any of the crap he was dishing out, but it made my mom happy."

Then I pointed out that student pay for their education... pointing out how they did NOT PAY FOR INDOCTRINATION, MISINFORMATION OR THE OPINION OF HALFWIT SOCIALISTS... they paid to be trained in the FACTS. Further noting the distinction between your private experience with your minister and that of the business/professional contract between a student and a professor.
It works something like this, the universities instruct their students to embrace a large centralized government and that same large centralized government passes laws that decrease interest rates for never ending rising tuition rates. That way your child can afford that $100,000 loan to go be a philosophy major. Then when they get out of school they realize just how hard it is to make ends meet in a country with a large centralized government and how hard jobs, even low paying jobs, are hard to find. Worst of all, they then discover that laws passed regarding student loans makes student debt the absolute worst debt you can have. You literally can never be absolved from it, and if you die, they will come after your loved ones for it. I've experienced that first hand as well. My mother had student debt and died decades ago and I still get phone calls from debt collectors.

In this way, universities and government have a symbiotic relationship.

Of course, some, like myself, never succumb to the propaganda. Some actually have the ability to think for themselves. Well that's just great, but most don't.

In all my years of college, the vast majority of my professors where left leaning atheistic morons

The good news is that the chickens are coming home to roost. The more the economy tanks and jobs become scarce, and tuition rates rise, the less since a college education becomes. The end game won't be pretty for the powers that be.
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You are being simple, 2nd. Post your paper on the 46th in the CDZ forum.

Should be a good discussion.

The theme of the paper was that the Second Amendment purpose is to provide a safeguard against tyranny, just as the other nine amendments of the Bill of Rights are intended to.

My professor happens to think that the Second Amendment's primary purpose was to defend the federal government against England.

Put it in the CDZ the premise and defend it in a paragraph. It will be a fun discussion.
It’s amazing to me that you have College Professors know matter what their political opinion is forcing down the throats of College students. I’m a firm believer of give these students what each political group represents and let them form their own opinion.

How do you force your opinion on someone?
It’s amazing to me that you have College Professors know matter what their political opinion is forcing down the throats of College students. I’m a firm believer of give these students what each political group represents and let them form their own opinion.
HA!...Libs have infested the public education system and institutions of higher learning to the point where the buildings would have to be nuked in order to cleanse them of the far left ideology.
To these peopel there IS NO other point of view.
I give the example of the U of Michigan professor who stated she HATED republicans and conservatives.
Of course she has received a well deserved rebuke from many students on campus and across the nation on social media, yet she gets to keep her job. She gets to keep her job because her employers insist she is entitled to her opinion and that the U of Michigan "supports the diversity of points of view"..
What a crock of shit. The fact is the University administration knows damned well they should not have a person with these so heavily biased views on their faculty. They just don't want to fire her ass because of the inevitable civil litigation.
Students SHOULD boycott her class.

"Teachers are givers in a world dominated by takers, and they're also sharers. This collaborative instinct makes our profession unlike any other."
Barbara Keshishian

America is the land of opportunity...conservatives are welcome to study hard, educate themselves and become part of academia.

So put up or shut the fuck up whiners...

In everybody's life if you picked five people who had the biggest influence on you, outside of your family, almost everyone would have a teacher or a coach on that list.
Tom Verducci
Yeah..Typical lib response. "Shut the fuck up. Do not express any point of view that clashes with ours and you'll be ok...
Open your mouth and we'll bury you."
Do you think people go to college to become part of academia?
Define "academia"..


Quit the sniveling...America is the land of opportunity...there is NOTHING stopping conservatives from choosing a career in teaching....except conservatives is rooted in the fact that conservatives are too self absorbed, selfish and ignorant. They are not 'givers' they are 'takers'
You had to look it up....Uh huh......
"conservatives are takers"
Hey genius, don't go thinking you can make me argue an invalid and untrue point.
The Bible colleges are among the worst schools of indoctrination.
Umm, those are private religious institutions..Bible college. Get it? The students knwo what they are getting into well before they apply. Public schools are not supposed to be pushing a particular political agenda nor an ideological bias. Now, if these schools want to surrender their taxpayer funding...Then they can teach liberalism...What's your point?
Public schools should not be preaching the 'religion of the Left"...
I am pointing out the worst schools of indoctrination.

We never hired anyone who put down in his transcripts s/he attended a private religious school. That was a closely held secret of course.

Only intellectually limited far right wing doofi think public schools teach "religion of the left".
It’s amazing to me that you have College Professors know matter what their political opinion is forcing down the throats of College students. I’m a firm believer of give these students what each political group represents and let them form their own opinion.

How do you force your opinion on someone?
Teach it as fact. Threaten to flunk him if he doesn't agree.

Anyone who doesn't think teachers are overwhelmingly liberal only has to look as far as the NEA political contributions.
I am pointing out the worst schools of indoctrination.

We never hired anyone who put down in his transcripts s/he attended a private religious school. That was a closely held secret of course.

Only intellectually limited far right wing doofi think public schools teach "religion of the left".

Public universities are the worst indoctrination centers.
Most college professors are openly gay and have their own agendas.
I truly believe that they should educate the students on what both sides Ideas are and let the students form their own opinion
That goes without having to state....
Sadly, on most college campuses, the conservative or even moderate point of view is not allowed.
That's a lie. Step along.
no isn't..
There are literally tons of examples where conservatives in media and politics were invited to speak at commencement ceremonies and other occasions then dis-invited based solely on the fact that the speaker was conservative.
Don't go thinking you have anything to say on this matter. The only arrow in your quiver is "you're a liar"....
The Bible colleges are among the worst schools of indoctrination.
Umm, those are private religious institutions..Bible college. Get it? The students knwo what they are getting into well before they apply. Public schools are not supposed to be pushing a particular political agenda nor an ideological bias. Now, if these schools want to surrender their taxpayer funding...Then they can teach liberalism...What's your point?
Public schools should not be preaching the 'religion of the Left"...

Well I think that is a brilliant idea. Fire all tenured professors and re-hire them after they've been re-trained to acceptable levels of objectivity.

Those who refuse will need to find work in college that specialize in indoctrinating leftist Ideology.

Now, we can look to the success of "Leftist Radio" to see how long that will last.

They succeed today, because people do not honestly recognize what is happening. The average person literally believes that such is overstated, not having had the benefit of years of debating Leftists, to understand how truly loathsome they literally are.

However, anyone who's read "Indoctrinate U" by David Horowitz, has no problem understanding the problem.

My youngest son just graduated from Florida Gulf Coast and starts Law school in Austin in the Fall. He Didn't start college until he served his tour in the Corps, so he was much better prepared for the idiocy than most of his peers. And he had a few 'go-along to get along classes' in those years, which he learned to not discuss with me, until after the course was over.
I am so disgusted with "teachers", what is up with them anyway? They preach this gay illegal alien agenda, what about teaching reading and writing 'rithmatic? Not content with that....teaching should be about the love of learning , not political propaganda. But that's what this comes down too, politics. Kids, ignore your teachers, look at history and the facts. Your teachers might not like that, gaud forbid.

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