Liberal Professors forcing their opinions on students

What is amusing about this thread is that there is not even a link to a conservative blog ranting about this....

However, This would explain how Michelle Bachmann ended up crazy after being forced to eat liberal professors opinions at Oral Roberts University.
You deny the fact that institutes of higher learning are bastions of liberalism?

Brigham Young U. Oral Roberts U. Patrick Henry U. Texas College.

Yup, all bastions of liberalism.

You morons. Almost every public university in Texas is conservative.

Hey fucko..Those are PRIVATE schools. Students know exactly what they are getting when they apply.
And where you get this stuff about public schools in Texas "all being conservative" is a fucking mystery....
But, since you opened the door...Let us for a moment stipulate what you state is true....Is it your opinion that Texas public universities offset those of the other 49 states?
Can you look any more obvious that you are grasping at straws here.
Face it, your argument is like a pair of cement boots and you are in the ocean...
The Bible colleges are among the worst schools of indoctrination.
Umm, those are private religious institutions..Bible college. Get it? The students knwo what they are getting into well before they apply. Public schools are not supposed to be pushing a particular political agenda nor an ideological bias. Now, if these schools want to surrender their taxpayer funding...Then they can teach liberalism...What's your point?
Public schools should not be preaching the 'religion of the Left"...

Well I think that is a brilliant idea. Fire all tenured professors and re-hire them after they've been re-trained to acceptable levels of objectivity.

Those who refuse will need to find work in college that specialize in indoctrinating leftist Ideology.

Now, we can look to the success of "Leftist Radio" to see how long that will last.

They succeed today, because people do not honestly recognize what is happening. The average person literally believes that such is overstated, not having had the benefit of years of debating Leftists, to understand how truly loathsome they literally are.

However, anyone who's read "Indoctrinate U" by David Horowitz, has no problem understanding the problem.

My youngest son just graduated from Florida Gulf Coast and starts Law school in Austin in the Fall. He Didn't start college until he served his tour in the Corps, so he was much better prepared for the idiocy than most of his peers. And he had a few 'go-along to get along classes' in those years, which he learned to not discuss with me, until after the course was over.
Yeah...The "go along to get along" teachers. Public schools are infested with these assholes. These are the instructors that will give a lower grade or even fail a student based solely on the fact that student refuses to kowtow to the political biases of the teacher.
I want this post to be separate from that last one.

College is a great place for young people to explore new ways of thinking, and consider all manner of issues they'd never reasoned through before. A good teacher gets students to explore the ideas they come to on their own, and simply shows them ways to objectively weigh their own positions, and the arguments against theirs from others.

That has to have a framework. Logic and the Scientific Method are great frameworks to use.

Part of maturing, is realizing that no matter how logically perfect your new found intellectual concoctions might sound, they still have to pass the crucible of imperfect human interpretation. Another part of maturing, involves questioning what your authority structure had previously convinced you was absolutely true.

You can't go through that process if certain interests start insisting they have to be included in instruction.

It would be nice if college professors had to have some level of experience in the field they "teach".

Business would be one example.

Theorists are okay, but best kept in the corner and observed only semi-regularly.


My moderate friend in the Economics PhD. Program at CU Boulder would disagree that liberal professors only accept liberal students in their programs.

Professors are required to continue their education, and contribute to the body of knowledge of their field in the form of peer-reviewed scholarly papers or lose tenure. My English professors were published writers, and my Anthropology professors were experienced archaeologists, forensics and linguistics experts.
And this has to do with what?
The subject matter of the discussion is the political biases of educators in our public colleges.
Stay on point.
........"Part of maturing, is realizing that no matter how logically perfect your new found intellectual concoctions might sound, they still have to pass the crucible of imperfect human interpretation. Another part of maturing, involves questioning what your authority structure had previously convinced you was absolutely true."

"You can't go through that process if certain interests start insisting they have to be included in instruction"

You should be talking to the state boards of education in Texas and Kansas. Loons.
It’s amazing to me that you have College Professors know matter what their political opinion is forcing down the throats of College students. I’m a firm believer of give these students what each political group represents and let them form their own opinion.

Any student that can't form their own opinion should have to drop the heck out and go to a trade school -- in another country
Such forming of opinions other than that of the instructor is not allowed
'spoon, grow up, please.

Are you saying politicians are to give up their ideology?

Won't happen.

I do believe that instructors and politicians should use critical thinking.
"Liberal Professors forcing their opinions on students"


No one can 'force' his opinion on anyone.

And that college instructors impart to their students facts that conflict with errant conservative dogma doesn't make them 'liberal.'

No? That's fascinatin'...

So when a professor fails a student for not parroting their 'teaching'... what would ya call that?

I would call that a really stupid student. I parroted all the nonsense that I was taught by the minister of our church for about 10 years, quite successfully. Didn't mean that I believed any of the crap he was dishing out, but it made my mom happy.
The Church and a public college are two entities that are mutually exclusive
It’s amazing to me that you have College Professors know matter what their political opinion is forcing down the throats of College students. I’m a firm believer of give these students what each political group represents and let them form their own opinion.

How do you think this country came to be in the shitload of trouble it's in today? It started with the brainwash of school children. Those commie bastards do know how to gain control of the people. And Joe McCarthy told us it was happening in the early 1950s. IT HAPPENED.

You are the kind of porker that goes into bologna. Pathetic.

Must of hit a nerve, eh Jakey? Truth really hurts, eh?
It’s amazing to me that you have College Professors know matter what their political opinion is forcing down the throats of College students. I’m a firm believer of give these students what each political group represents and let them form their own opinion.

How do you think this country came to be in the shitload of trouble it's in today? It started with the brainwash of school children. Those commie bastards do know how to gain control of the people. And Joe McCarthy told us it was happening in the early 1950s. IT HAPPENED.

You are the kind of porker that goes into bologna. Pathetic.

Must of hit a nerve, eh Jakey? Truth really hurts, eh?

The truth that you are a Far Right porker headed to oblivion.

You are what you are, and that sux to be you.
We had some of you foolish hard right crash a town hall meeting in 2009, porker.

I took the leaders aside and told them it was exit in handcuffs if they did it again.

They were not laughing when they were led out of the next meeting. We were a small county seat, so everyone knew about it the next day. I made sure the picture made the weekly newspaper.

We never let the Far Right dominate the GOP in our bailiwick of conservative East Texas.

That is why religious indoctrination is indeed part of the discussion in this thread.

You John Birch and white citizen council types have no power.
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