Liberal returns adopted child

An attorney from Spokane Washington. The idealistic view of the world. It's obvious she is liberal. However. She had to give up the child. It was the only sane thing she could do.
I saw that on yahoo news. Idiot should have known better than to adopt a child of another species. Negro's aren't full evolved race yet..probably never will be. Also she said she was afraid she would have to spank it! LMAO....seriously?

You're really stupid.

I mean, really really stupid.

And, quite mentally ill.

You and trannysteve have a lot in common - including every post containing lies.

And if there is anyone who knows really really stupid and mentally ill intimately, it would be Puddly Pillowbite.
If she were wearing a NASCAR tank top, holding a gun and quoting form the Bible, she would immediately be labeled a conservative. Turnabout is fair play.

If you're trying to be as mentally deficient as steve and orion, you're definitely getting there.

Should I go sort thru your troll posts where you do this exact kind of labeling of conservatives Puddly?
I saw that on yahoo news. Idiot should have known better than to adopt a child of another species. Negro's aren't full evolved race yet..probably never will be. Also she said she was afraid she would have to spank it! LMAO....seriously?

Species?? Go crawl back under your rock, please. And stay there.
The child wasn't with the right family and re-placing him was the best choice for everyone. He is now thriving, as is the Connor family.

Liberal is no where to be found in the article.

novasteve, you need a beer.
I saw that on yahoo news. Idiot should have known better than to adopt a child of another species. Negro's aren't full evolved race yet..probably never will be. Also she said she was afraid she would have to spank it! LMAO....seriously?

You're really stupid.

I mean, really really stupid.

And, quite mentally ill.

You and trannysteve have a lot in common - including every post containing lies.
Then you should have no problem proving me wrong. :)
I saw that on yahoo news. Idiot should have known better than to adopt a child of another species. Negro's aren't full evolved race yet..probably never will be. Also she said she was afraid she would have to spank it! LMAO....seriously?

Species?? Go crawl back under your rock, please. And stay there.

Bed does sound good I am exhausted, had some delicious mexican food tonight with the family and I think its gonna be an early bed time for me tonight.

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