Liberal Shut-Down Narrative / Outrage 'Factually Incorrect' & 'Pure Hypocrisy'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Liberals are up in arms over federal workers being furloughed after Democrats refused President Trump’s latest offer to fund a budget bill.

From the ladies of “
The View“ to the “fake news” mongers over at CNN, the hand-wringing this week has been epic. Some have suggested that President Trump selfishly shutdown the government over his pet project — the border wall.

How short their memories are!"

It was President Obama who
shut the government in 2013 specifically over his namesake pet project — “Obamacare” — after Congress declined to fully fund his Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

By comparison, Obama’s was a “complete” shutdown, whereas Trump’s is only a “partial” shutdown. In fact, Obama’s action was more damaging to
workers than Trump’s. Obama furloughed far more government employees – more than 800,000 workers were furloughed without pay, while another 1.3 million were asked to work without pay. Compare that to just 380,000 furloughed workers and 420,000 exempt employees working without pay under Trump until the partial shutdown ends.

Obama’s shutdown was not only harsh for workers, it was a lengthy one. It remains the third-longest government shutdown in American history.

1995 AND 1996:
During his government shutdowns, Clinton similarly furloughed 800,000 workers and asked others to work without pay, because he and Congress couldn’t agree on such topics as Medicare, environmental pet projects and other reforms to healthcare (stemming from his family’s pet project, “Hillarycare.”)

"For liberals to suggest that Trump’s government shutdown is out of the norm is not only factually incorrect, it is pure hypocrisy given that all of the government shutdowns of the prior 20 years have been at the hands of Democratic presidents."

KERNS: Remember When Obama And Clinton Shut Down Government For Their Own Pet Projects?


Good points in the OP, it proves that "compromise" is the only way to govern. When will the dems learn the limits of their power?
"Liberals are up in arms over federal workers being furloughed after Democrats refused President Trump’s latest offer to fund a budget bill.

From the ladies of “
The View“ to the “fake news” mongers over at CNN, the hand-wringing this week has been epic. Some have suggested that President Trump selfishly shutdown the government over his pet project — the border wall.

How short their memories are!"

It was President Obama who
shut the government in 2013 specifically over his namesake pet project — “Obamacare” — after Congress declined to fully fund his Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

By comparison, Obama’s was a “complete” shutdown, whereas Trump’s is only a “partial” shutdown. In fact, Obama’s action was more damaging to
workers than Trump’s. Obama furloughed far more government employees – more than 800,000 workers were furloughed without pay, while another 1.3 million were asked to work without pay. Compare that to just 380,000 furloughed workers and 420,000 exempt employees working without pay under Trump until the partial shutdown ends.

Obama’s shutdown was not only harsh for workers, it was a lengthy one. It remains the third-longest government shutdown in American history.

1995 AND 1996:
During his government shutdowns, Clinton similarly furloughed 800,000 workers and asked others to work without pay, because he and Congress couldn’t agree on such topics as Medicare, environmental pet projects and other reforms to healthcare (stemming from his family’s pet project, “Hillarycare.”)

"For liberals to suggest that Trump’s government shutdown is out of the norm is not only factually incorrect, it is pure hypocrisy given that all of the government shutdowns of the prior 20 years have been at the hands of Democratic presidents."

KERNS: Remember When Obama And Clinton Shut Down Government For Their Own Pet Projects?


Why do you start these 'whataboutism' threads? Trolling again?
In 2013 Obama chose to shutdown the government - the 5th longest ever - over his minority-supported Socialist Agenda-driven nightmare Harry Reid would later admit was 'designed to fail' and was actually the 1st step to their preferred complete health care take-over, Single Payer. HIS 5th longest shutdown was part of the royal screwing he gave the US in the forced passage of Obamacare. (Think of it like how the feds /SWAT teams cut off the power to make people sweat / stress before storming a building...)

Let that sink in - Obama shut the government down over his LIES 'It won't cost a dime', 'It will pay for itself', 'it will lower the cost of health care', and 'If you like your job/plan you can keep your job/plan'!

Obama shutdown the government over HIS 'Legacy'. Trump is at least willing to do so, standing with and up for Americans, to ensure our national sovereignty, secure our borders, and protect US citizens.
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Why do you start these 'whataboutism' threads? Trolling again?
This is HISTORICAL FACT, relevant to the topic of discussion about what is going on now. I am sorry past history and facts bring up bad memories and embarrassing hypocritical revelations / Truth about Democrats and their past.

Feel free to exit the thread, to ignore it, and not participate in the discussion.
The logic for a shut-down is most clear. Problem is, that's where progs become most confused. Follow the logic....................

A. Trump promised a wall and walls work. Homeland security is our government's primary responsibility, and border control is a primary component of homeland security. Trump has every right as POTUS to do what's best for our country, including in negotiations.

B. Illegal immigrants cost society FAR MORE than the benefits they bring.

C. Democrats were for border control before Trump mentioned it. Of course they supported failed policy, but it still demonstrates how corrupt Democrats have become.

D. Democrats won't budge and the reason is for appearances ONLY. They apply BS terms like "a wall is immoral" or "walls don't work". Some progs claim what Trump's doing is for appearances, but a wall is mother fucking tangible. Their BS lives in their heads, it's pretty simple.

E. Progressives are mathematically challenged despite their claim it's they who are educated. A wall costs anywhere from 5-20 billion and will last well over a century. Illegals cost the country approx. 60 billion annually, so what do progs. pull out of their collective ass? 60 billion annually is less than 10 billion projected over 100 years.
Trump said that he will own the shutdown right before he made the government shutdown.

And the whole world witnessed him saying that.

Nice try OP, but you FAILED!!!


Trump said that he will own the shutdown right before he made the government shutdown. And the whole world witnessed him saying that.
Nice try OP, but you FAILED!!!

How did I 'FAIL', Marc? What does President Trump's shutdown of this government have to do with the Democrats' PERSONAL PROBLEMS of short-term memory loss / selective outrage?

The country heard Trump say he was going to get a wall done. For the Democrats to suddenly act shocked that he is willing to shut the government down in order to keep his promise to ensure our sovereignty, secure our borders, and protect US citizens lives either proves they weren't listening, they have never met anyone with true conviction and a willingness to remain faithful to it, or they are stupid.

Democrats are frothing at the mouth claiming Trump is 'a threat to this country' because he shutdown the government.....claiming he is a traitor and is holding the country hostage when Obama has the record for the 5th longest shutdown which impacted far more Americans than Trump's ....and while Obama did so selfishly for HIS own 'LEGACY' Trump is doing so for the good of the country. Not to mention Clinton engaged in 2 as well, equally / more impactful to Americans.

Trump said that he will own the shutdown right before he made the government shutdown.

And the whole world witnessed him saying that.

Nice try OP, but you FAILED!!!



Content and intent has no meaning to you, because you're a prog and need the material.
Liberal Shut-Down Narrative / Outrage 'Factually Incorrect' & 'Pure Hypocrisy'

What is it when you say you want to own it and will be proud to, then try to pin it on others even though the entire world witnessed your pride in it?
"Maybe if we keep calling it the 'liberal shut-down' then people will forget what Trump said about taking full responsibility for it."
Trump shut down our government and is proud to do so

Nancy Pelosi passed legislation to reopen government. If Trump refuses to sign......Shutdown is on him
"Liberals are up in arms over federal workers being furloughed after Democrats refused President Trump’s latest offer to fund a budget bill.

From the ladies of “
The View“ to the “fake news” mongers over at CNN, the hand-wringing this week has been epic. Some have suggested that President Trump selfishly shutdown the government over his pet project — the border wall.

How short their memories are!"

It was President Obama who
shut the government in 2013 specifically over his namesake pet project — “Obamacare” — after Congress declined to fully fund his Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

By comparison, Obama’s was a “complete” shutdown, whereas Trump’s is only a “partial” shutdown. In fact, Obama’s action was more damaging to
workers than Trump’s. Obama furloughed far more government employees – more than 800,000 workers were furloughed without pay, while another 1.3 million were asked to work without pay. Compare that to just 380,000 furloughed workers and 420,000 exempt employees working without pay under Trump until the partial shutdown ends.

Obama’s shutdown was not only harsh for workers, it was a lengthy one. It remains the third-longest government shutdown in American history.

1995 AND 1996:
During his government shutdowns, Clinton similarly furloughed 800,000 workers and asked others to work without pay, because he and Congress couldn’t agree on such topics as Medicare, environmental pet projects and other reforms to healthcare (stemming from his family’s pet project, “Hillarycare.”)

"For liberals to suggest that Trump’s government shutdown is out of the norm is not only factually incorrect, it is pure hypocrisy given that all of the government shutdowns of the prior 20 years have been at the hands of Democratic presidents."

KERNS: Remember When Obama And Clinton Shut Down Government For Their Own Pet Projects?


Aside from the fact that this article was published in the Daily Squallor, what happened in past shutdowns entirely misses the point that THIS shutdown is because Congress and the Senate refuse to fund the President's vanity project. That there was an election which was fought over the policies of Donald J. Trump and whether the public supports those policies, and Trump LOST that election bigly.

The article also misses the mark huglely in that the 2012 Presidential election was fought almost entirely on Obamacare, with Romney promising to repeal it, and losing in a landslide. Republican refusal to fund Obamacare after losing the election fought on that issue was not justifiable under any circumstances. This shutdown is about neither party being willing to fund something that Trump has provided no reasonable rationale for other than he promised to build a wall and his supporters want it. Trump promised Mexico will pay for the wall.

Trump hasn't even provided a cost/benefit analysis, or any sort of statistical data to back up his assertions that the US needs this wall for border security. The USA tried to build fencing along the southern border, where feasible, and that was the most expensive border boondoggle ever. No one wants to repeat that, except Trump, who is ready to barge full steam ahead without first looking into the eminent domain cases that haven't been settled since the last attempt to build a fence.

What about the costs of stationing armed border guards along the wall, and maintaining the wall? No studies on that either. Trump is simply asking Americans to build a wall no one but him and his supporters want, and which won't work, and that Mexico was supposed to pay for,.

Of course this is the lead Russian troll farm poster who is trying to get Americans to do stupid things yet again. Stupid Russians.
Trump shut down our government and is proud to do so

Nancy Pelosi passed legislation to reopen government. If Trump refuses to sign......Shutdown is on him

Wrong. Border security, i.e. the wall needs to be funded. So the shutdown continues until a compromise is reached. The dems do not control the government.
Trump shut down our government and is proud to do so

Nancy Pelosi passed legislation to reopen government. If Trump refuses to sign......Shutdown is on him

Wrong. Border security, i.e. the wall needs to be funded. So the shutdown continues until a compromise is reached. The dems do not control the government.

There is the lowest level of illegal border crossings at the southern border in 70 years. The border IS secure. The Wall is a vanity project for Donald Trump.
"Liberals are up in arms over federal workers being furloughed after Democrats refused President Trump’s latest offer to fund a budget bill.

From the ladies of “
The View“ to the “fake news” mongers over at CNN, the hand-wringing this week has been epic. Some have suggested that President Trump selfishly shutdown the government over his pet project — the border wall.

How short their memories are!"

It was President Obama who
shut the government in 2013 specifically over his namesake pet project — “Obamacare” — after Congress declined to fully fund his Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

By comparison, Obama’s was a “complete” shutdown, whereas Trump’s is only a “partial” shutdown. In fact, Obama’s action was more damaging to
workers than Trump’s. Obama furloughed far more government employees – more than 800,000 workers were furloughed without pay, while another 1.3 million were asked to work without pay. Compare that to just 380,000 furloughed workers and 420,000 exempt employees working without pay under Trump until the partial shutdown ends.

Obama’s shutdown was not only harsh for workers, it was a lengthy one. It remains the third-longest government shutdown in American history.

1995 AND 1996:
During his government shutdowns, Clinton similarly furloughed 800,000 workers and asked others to work without pay, because he and Congress couldn’t agree on such topics as Medicare, environmental pet projects and other reforms to healthcare (stemming from his family’s pet project, “Hillarycare.”)

"For liberals to suggest that Trump’s government shutdown is out of the norm is not only factually incorrect, it is pure hypocrisy given that all of the government shutdowns of the prior 20 years have been at the hands of Democratic presidents."

KERNS: Remember When Obama And Clinton Shut Down Government For Their Own Pet Projects?


Aside from the fact that this article was published in the Daily Squallor, what happened in past shutdowns entirely misses the point that THIS shutdown is because Congress and the Senate refuse to fund the President's vanity project. That there was an election which was fought over the policies of Donald J. Trump and whether the public supports those policies, and Trump LOST that election bigly.

The article also misses the mark huglely in that the 2012 Presidential election was fought almost entirely on Obamacare, with Romney promising to repeal it, and losing in a landslide. Republican refusal to fund Obamacare after losing the election fought on that issue was not justifiable under any circumstances. This shutdown is about neither party being willing to fund something that Trump has provided no reasonable rationale for other than he promised to build a wall and his supporters want it. Trump promised Mexico will pay for the wall.

Trump hasn't even provided a cost/benefit analysis, or any sort of statistical data to back up his assertions that the US needs this wall for border security. The USA tried to build fencing along the southern border, where feasible, and that was the most expensive border boondoggle ever. No one wants to repeat that, except Trump, who is ready to barge full steam ahead without first looking into the eminent domain cases that haven't been settled since the last attempt to build a fence.

What about the costs of stationing armed border guards along the wall, and maintaining the wall? No studies on that either. Trump is simply asking Americans to build a wall no one but him and his supporters want, and which won't work, and that Mexico was supposed to pay for,.

Of course this is the lead Russian troll farm poster who is trying to get Americans to do stupid things yet again. Stupid Russians.
What is ensuring our sovereignty, securing our borders, preventing thousands of illegal unidentified criminals from entering our country, and protecting US citizens from violent illegals, human traffickers, MS1e gang members, etc...worth to you DL?

Sounds like not much.

It also sounds like you would prefer the US pay hundreds of billions of dollars again and again to support/care/feed/house the unending stream of illegals coming than pay several billion on something proven to reduce illegal border crossing by 95% when used, instead of something that would force the illegals into using existing legal ports of entry in compliance with our existing Immigration laws.

Do you also defend the Democrats' openly violating US Federal Law by creating / running Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven to violent illegals / criminals while demanding the tax dollars of law abiding citizens - some who are victimized by these criminals - go to funding this criminal activity?
Trump shut down our government and is proud to do so

Nancy Pelosi passed legislation to reopen government. If Trump refuses to sign......Shutdown is on him

Wrong. Border security, i.e. the wall needs to be funded. So the shutdown continues until a compromise is reached. The dems do not control the government.

There is the lowest level of illegal border crossings at the southern border in 70 years. The border IS secure. The Wall is a vanity project for Donald Trump.
There are over 20 MILLION illegals, mostly unidentified and many criminals among them, in this country who have flowed into our 'secure' borders over the last several decades ... while democrats and snowflakes continued to repeat the Democrat talking points of 'there is the lowest level of illegal border crossings at the southern border in years. The border IS secure'.

So tell me snowflake, if the border is so secure, how did 20 MILLION + illegals get into the country & how has an average 1500 per day more continue to flow into the US if our borders are so secure?

Do you ever stop and think about the actual facts and statistics / numbers before you recite these moronic Democrat talking points?

I guess you are going to now attempt to defend the ILLEGAL ACTIVITY / CRIMES being perpetrated by Democrats as we speak, of illegally creating, protecting, and supporting Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven to violent illegals, murderers, pedophiles, illegal MS13 gangs, human traffickers, etc...while demanding the tax dollars of law abiding citizens pay for it?!

Is this the time you also deny that the Democratic Party supports / facilitates / encourages illegal immigration for the benefit of illegal voting, despite the DNC being repeatedly caught registering illegals to vote, allowing illegals to vote, and openly defending illegals voting, like the Libtard criminal Snipes got busted doing down in BROWARD County ... AGAIN ... this past election?

Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats refused to listen to security briefings of the conditions along the border recently. It was even reported that Nancy Pelosi told the Homeland Security director, "I reject your FACTS."

By what you posted, I see Nancy Pelosi is not the only liberal Nut Job who rejects the facts...

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