Liberal Society


May 23, 2014
Michigan town in shock after boy's playground stabbing -

What are the chances the perpetrator came from a single mother, welfare, public housing project? Sure that's what we need, a more "progressive" culture. We need more rap and video game violence. We need more legalized pot and gay marriage. We need more broken homes. This is what your liberal culture gets you.
Remember the woman that ran her car into the river with her two little boys inside? And Newtie immediatly came out blaming liberals. Then it was found out that her father was the Republican County Chairman, and had been sexually abusing her most of her life. You make the kind of unfounded accusations that you just did, and you could well end up with similiar egg on your face.
Michigan town in shock after boy's playground stabbing -

What are the chances the perpetrator came from a single mother, welfare, public housing project? Sure that's what we need, a more "progressive" culture. We need more rap and video game violence. We need more legalized pot and gay marriage. We need more broken homes. This is what your liberal culture gets you.

No heres the rub tho. Bush thinks that this is the cause for violence. Ok, so what do you propose we do about it?

Bush's answer is: Nothing, just point and complain about it
Michigan town in shock after boy's playground stabbing -

What are the chances the perpetrator came from a single mother, welfare, public housing project? Sure that's what we need, a more "progressive" culture. We need more rap and video game violence. We need more legalized pot and gay marriage. We need more broken homes. This is what your liberal culture gets you.

Enlightened lybyryls like mysylf eschew violence.

Conservatard warhawks will find any excuse to engage in it.

Lybyryl culture gets us peace and tolerance. Conservatard culture brings only violence and hate.
What are the chances the perpetrator came from a single mother, welfare, public housing project?

You mean he's gotta be a darkie, right? You saw the name Jamarion Lawhorn, and painted yourself a picture.

We get it. He's gotta be a darkie, which means he's a food stamp collecting, single parent, government handout hubcap stealer.

We get it. We get it.
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The accused is a juvenile, but I see the media is posting his picture all over the place. I guess the rules don't apply to darkies.
What are the chances the perpetrator came from a single mother, welfare, public housing project?

You mean he's gotta be a darkie, right? You saw the name Jamarion Lawhorn, and painted yourself a picture.

We get it. He's gotta be a darkie, which means he's a food stamp collecting, single parent, government handout hubcap stealer.

We get it. We get it.

I was gonna point out that the OP was being stupid, but now I'm going to point out that you're being "fucking stupid."

You said darkie, you brought race into it. Just as the OP blamed a liberal without knowing. His hate for a group of people next to your bigotry for a group of people... Both ignorant positions.
What are the chances the perpetrator came from a single mother, welfare, public housing project?

You mean he's gotta be a darkie, right? You saw the name Jamarion Lawhorn, and painted yourself a picture.

We get it. He's gotta be a darkie, which means he's a food stamp collecting, single parent, government handout hubcap stealer.

We get it. We get it.

I was gonna point out that the OP was being stupid, but now I'm going to point out that you're being "fucking stupid."

You said darkie, you brought race into it. Just as the OP blamed a liberal without knowing. His hate for a group of people next to your bigotry for a group of people... Both ignorant positions.

My post was based on Bush92's past performance. I just figured I would bring his bullshit out into the wide open. He should call a spade a spade and not try to be coy about it.

This stabbing has to be those LBJ Democrats' fault...somehow. We'll get those dots connected even if we have to prefabricate a couple of them!
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Michigan town in shock after boy's playground stabbing -

What are the chances the perpetrator came from a single mother, welfare, public housing project? Sure that's what we need, a more "progressive" culture. We need more rap and video game violence. We need more legalized pot and gay marriage. We need more broken homes. This is what your liberal culture gets you.

What are the odds that you're a bigot and a monomaniac? I'd say 100%
You mean he's gotta be a darkie, right? You saw the name Jamarion Lawhorn, and painted yourself a picture.

We get it. He's gotta be a darkie, which means he's a food stamp collecting, single parent, government handout hubcap stealer.

We get it. We get it.

I was gonna point out that the OP was being stupid, but now I'm going to point out that you're being "fucking stupid."

You said darkie, you brought race into it. Just as the OP blamed a liberal without knowing. His hate for a group of people next to your bigotry for a group of people... Both ignorant positions.

My post was based on Bush92's past performance. I just figured I would bring his bullshit out into the wide open. He should call a spade a spade and not try to be coy about it.

This stabbing has to be those LBJ Democrats' fault...somehow. We'll get those dots connected even if we have to prefabricate a couple of them!

I guess I don"t know what "Bush92's past performance" is, was or whatever. I again feel the OP was being moronic, but he is correct in that Liberals do love and depend on welfare recipients, broken homes and so on to vote for them. He leaves out other things that are less likely to be taken a racist comments like welfare for college students that then become dependent and so on.
The OP

Race may or may not have played a part in the crime. The facts are a 9 year old was senselessly murdered and it appears the killer was on medication of some sort. His picture is being posted because he is to be tried as an adult in Juvenile Court due to the seriousness of the crime.

Liberalism has nothing to do with the crime. The constant prescribing of drugs to children most definitely does.
Michigan town in shock after boy's playground stabbing -

What are the chances the perpetrator came from a single mother, welfare, public housing project? Sure that's what we need, a more "progressive" culture. We need more rap and video game violence. We need more legalized pot and gay marriage. We need more broken homes. This is what your liberal culture gets you.

Enlightened lybyryls like mysylf eschew violence.

Conservatard warhawks will find any excuse to engage in it.

Lybyryl culture gets us peace and tolerance. Conservatard culture brings only violence and hate.

So why are you so stereotypical?? You seem to believe if we were all Liberal the world would be fine. This is the same view as Detroit,right?? I mean that is one of the Democratic / Liberal show cases correct??

I am a conservative, I don't believe we need to be warring on other nations for no good reason, but we have been the peace maker on the world block and if don't fill that void there will be a lot of others who get picked on by villains. I do believe we need a good strong military to stand as a deterrent.

Actually you Liberals are the one's FORCING your views on others which leads to hate and violence. I mean look at your post, you have insulted the conservative group as a whole, geez that shows great sensitivity and caring!!

I think the point that the OP was trying to make was that the perpetrator was black and came from a single parent family, most likely his mother. I have commented on this subject before, I have links and statistics that state "The single biggest threat to black American families is the single parent family".

Apparently there is a lack of "baby daddies" in black American families....... It appears they want to have the sex,bust a nut and then adios bitch!!

How many of you black's spent quality time with your father?? Who went fishing or boating or played sports with your dad?? Who hunted and camped, spent any type of quality time with their fathers??

I know the women do the best they can under the circumstances, but nature has shown that children who have two parents are head and shoulders above those who don't in societal skills!!

It is your own race you are hurting and no one to blame but yourselves, there will be no, "The white man kept us from being good fathers!", that one falls squarely in your own laps!!
I again feel the OP was being moronic, but he is correct in that Liberals do love and depend on welfare recipients, broken homes and so on to vote for them.

And that has WHAT, exactly, to do with this stabbing?

G5000: This just in. A forest fire just started in California. You can be sure Obama started it. And oh by the way, liberals suck!

RUBE: That G5000 guy is right. Liberals do suck!
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We have to pretend that Bush92 has no record of being a racist now? Or the cons will scream at liberals for being offended at his "slick" racism?
The accused is a juvenile, but I see the media is posting his picture all over the place. I guess the rules don't apply to darkies.

(begin sarcasm) You know that blacks aren't actually people, they are animals. I learned that from shootspeeders (/sarcasm).

That is a despicable act but the media posting a juvenile's picture is deplorable.

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