Liberal Society

Race may or may not have played a part in the crime. The facts are a 9 year old was senselessly murdered and it appears the killer was on medication of some sort. His picture is being posted because he is to be tried as an adult in Juvenile Court due to the seriousness of the crime.

Liberalism has nothing to do with the crime. The constant prescribing of drugs to children most definitely does.

I once had my son's 2nd grade teacher tell me she has "diagnosed" many children in her career.
This was an older veteran teacher.
She was infuriated with me when I asked for her credentials. That's when she stood up and pointed her finger at me. I was still seated.
So I rose up in protest...And told her that when she could show me her doctorate in psychology or psychiatry, she could diagnose....Then I told her that my son was NOT going on Ritalin...And then i told her that if I ever heard her use the word Diagnose again, she'd be on the "scary business end" of a very painful lawsuit.
Race may or may not have played a part in the crime. The facts are a 9 year old was senselessly murdered and it appears the killer was on medication of some sort. His picture is being posted because he is to be tried as an adult in Juvenile Court due to the seriousness of the crime.

Liberalism has nothing to do with the crime. The constant prescribing of drugs to children most definitely does.

I once had my son's 2nd grade teacher tell me she has "diagnosed" many children in her career.
This was an older veteran teacher.
She was infuriated with me when I asked for her credentials. That's when she stood up and pointed her finger at me. I was still seated.
So I rose up in protest...And told her that when she could show me her doctorate in psychology or psychiatry, she could diagnose....Then I told her that my son was NOT going on Ritalin...And then i told her that if I ever heard her use the word Diagnose again, she'd be on the "scary business end" of a very painful lawsuit.

She was probably a liberal member of the AFT.
We have to pretend that Bush92 has no record of being a racist now? Or the cons will scream at liberals for being offended at his "slick" racism?

Why are we not focusing on the dead child's family?
This is a tragedy. The kid that did this probably should be taken for psychiatric care.
I cannot believe that at such a tender age a boy can be so evil.
Is there a correlation between poverty, broken homes and crime? How many men sitting in prison right now came from welfare homes?

How many bankers and ceo's would be sitting in jail if we applied the laws equally?

Nice try Mr. "I'm a victim" waaaaaaaaaaa!

You made a statement , I countered it. How do you construe this as me thinking I'm a victim? You're blaming America's problems on single moms, food stamps, and rap videos. I disagree. Why don't we jail bankers and ceo's. Eleven men died in that offshore explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. Nobody ever went to jail. The same companies involved are still in business and we imprison people for minor drug offenses. This doesn't add to the decay of this country?
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Remember the woman that ran her car into the river with her two little boys inside? And Newtie immediatly came out blaming liberals. Then it was found out that her father was the Republican County Chairman, and had been sexually abusing her most of her life. You make the kind of unfounded accusations that you just did, and you could well end up with similiar egg on your face.

He COULD end up with egg on his face? The O/P IS a yolk.
Michigan town in shock after boy's playground stabbing -

What are the chances the perpetrator came from a single mother, welfare, public housing project? Sure that's what we need, a more "progressive" culture. We need more rap and video game violence. We need more legalized pot and gay marriage. We need more broken homes. This is what your liberal culture gets you.

What are the odds that you're a bigot and a monomaniac? I'd say 100%

He said on another thread that these welfare women should stop fucking. So who does he think they are fucking in order to get pregnant? Seems as though he forgot about that "takes two to tango" line that we heard often in our teen years.

I've noticed that people this far off the rails usually have a double life and a lot to hide.
I was gonna point out that the OP was being stupid, but now I'm going to point out that you're being "fucking stupid."

You said darkie, you brought race into it. Just as the OP blamed a liberal without knowing. His hate for a group of people next to your bigotry for a group of people... Both ignorant positions.

My post was based on Bush92's past performance. I just figured I would bring his bullshit out into the wide open. He should call a spade a spade and not try to be coy about it.

This stabbing has to be those LBJ Democrats' fault...somehow. We'll get those dots connected even if we have to prefabricate a couple of them!

I guess I don"t know what "Bush92's past performance" is, was or whatever. I again feel the OP was being moronic, but he is correct in that Liberals do love and depend on welfare recipients, broken homes and so on to vote for them. He leaves out other things that are less likely to be taken a racist comments like welfare for college students that then become dependent and so on.

What percentage of welfare recipients and people from broken homes actually vote? You fucking lame-assed nutjob.
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Boy, 12, charged with murder in playground stabbing
Hmmmmm "Pinewood Village Mobile Home Park." I see a welfare mom, just as I stated earlier.

Most people who live in mobile home parks are the working poor, or they're retired folks on fixed incomes. In other words they WORK! Section 8 housing (that's welfare) is apartment buildings and in some areas motels that have been repurposed. Never mobile homes.
Is there a correlation between poverty, broken homes and crime? How many men sitting in prison right now came from welfare homes?

A better question: How many men sitting in prison right now are male? There is an almost 100% correlation between the two.

Manpigs cause crime. "Broken" homes are formed when a strong, independent womyn attempts to get hyr chyldryn away from hyr abuser who will serve only to perpetuate the cycle of criminal behavior by instilling in the couple's syns and dyyghtyrs a sense that crime is somehow good or normal.

Fact: Syngle mythyrs save lyves and stop crime.
Is there a correlation between poverty, broken homes and crime? How many men sitting in prison right now came from welfare homes?

How many bankers and ceo's would be sitting in jail if we applied the laws equally?

That's a good question. How come Holder hasn't filed charges on any of them? How come GE still gets to slide by paying no taxes? Could it be that because they give Obama all kinds of money they get a pass? Could it really be that simple????:eusa_whistle:
How many bankers and ceo's would be sitting in jail if we applied the laws equally?

Nice try Mr. "I'm a victim" waaaaaaaaaaa!

You made a statement , I countered it. How do you construe this as me thinking I'm a victim? You're blaming America's problems on single moms, food stamps, and rap videos. I disagree. Why don't we jail bankers and ceo's. Eleven men died in that offshore explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. Nobody ever went to jail. The same companies involved are still in business and we imprison people for minor drug offenses. This doesn't add to the decay of this country?

Cut the crap....That was an accident. Not a crime.
I think YOU should serve jail time. Unfortunately, we as Americans have the God given right to be stupid. You take that right and run with it.
Is there a correlation between poverty, broken homes and crime? How many men sitting in prison right now came from welfare homes?

A better question: How many men sitting in prison right now are male? There is an almost 100% correlation between the two.

Manpigs cause crime. "Broken" homes are formed when a strong, independent womyn attempts to get hyr chyldryn away from hyr abuser who will serve only to perpetuate the cycle of criminal behavior by instilling in the couple's syns and dyyghtyrs a sense that crime is somehow good or normal.

Fact: Syngle mythyrs save lyves and stop crime.

Please don't take this personal, but your message would actually be listened to more if you didn't play silly games with spelling. It's little affectations like that that turn people off.

Just sayin....
Nice try Mr. "I'm a victim" waaaaaaaaaaa!

You made a statement , I countered it. How do you construe this as me thinking I'm a victim? You're blaming America's problems on single moms, food stamps, and rap videos. I disagree. Why don't we jail bankers and ceo's. Eleven men died in that offshore explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. Nobody ever went to jail. The same companies involved are still in business and we imprison people for minor drug offenses. This doesn't add to the decay of this country?

Cut the crap....That was an accident. Not a crime.

11 poor, underprivileged workers DIED. A crime was committed. While murder charges were not necessarily merited, there were still options such as criminal negligence or manslaughter that could've been pursued an weren't. If you didn't know (and it seems that you don't), those charges are used to cover accidents resulting in serious bodily harm up to and including death.
Is there a correlation between poverty, broken homes and crime? How many men sitting in prison right now came from welfare homes?

A better question: How many men sitting in prison right now are male? There is an almost 100% correlation between the two.

Manpigs cause crime. "Broken" homes are formed when a strong, independent womyn attempts to get hyr chyldryn away from hyr abuser who will serve only to perpetuate the cycle of criminal behavior by instilling in the couple's syns and dyyghtyrs a sense that crime is somehow good or normal.

Fact: Syngle mythyrs save lyves and stop crime.

Please don't take this personal, but your message would actually be listened to more if you didn't play silly games with spelling. It's little affectations like that that turn people off.

Just sayin....

Plyyse dyn't tyke thys pyrsynylly, byt yyy're y syxyst bygyt.

Now let's rerail this thread. From the OP's article:

Conner was playing with three other children Monday "when one of the children, for an unknown reason, pulled out a knife and repeatedly stabbed one of the other children," a Kentwood Police Department statement said.

In an enlightened lybyryl society, knives would be banned, along with any other weapons, weapon-like objects, and things that could conceivably be used as or to build a weapon. OP clearly doesn't realize exactly what kind of tolerant society free of hate and violence we lybyryls are trying to build.
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Is there a correlation between poverty, broken homes and crime? How many men sitting in prison right now came from welfare homes?

A better question: How many men sitting in prison right now are male? There is an almost 100% correlation between the two.

Manpigs cause crime. "Broken" homes are formed when a strong, independent womyn attempts to get hyr chyldryn away from hyr abuser who will serve only to perpetuate the cycle of criminal behavior by instilling in the couple's syns and dyyghtyrs a sense that crime is somehow good or normal.

Fact: Syngle mythyrs save lyves and stop crime.
You and Gloria Allred have something going?
Your outrageous claims say one thing about you.....Troll.
A better question: How many men sitting in prison right now are male? There is an almost 100% correlation between the two.

Manpigs cause crime. "Broken" homes are formed when a strong, independent womyn attempts to get hyr chyldryn away from hyr abuser who will serve only to perpetuate the cycle of criminal behavior by instilling in the couple's syns and dyyghtyrs a sense that crime is somehow good or normal.

Fact: Syngle mythyrs save lyves and stop crime.

Please don't take this personal, but your message would actually be listened to more if you didn't play silly games with spelling. It's little affectations like that that turn people off.

Just sayin....

Plyyse dyn't tyke thys pyrsynylly, byt yyy're y syxyst bygyt.

Sexist bigot....So you've had a look in the mirror.
Is there a correlation between poverty, broken homes and crime? How many men sitting in prison right now came from welfare homes?

A better question: How many men sitting in prison right now are male? There is an almost 100% correlation between the two.
Your outrageous claims say one thing about you.....Troll.

What part of "How many men sitting in prison right now are male? There is an almost 100% correlation between the two." is an outrageous claim?

Or are you cherrypicking random words and phrases from my posts to make my statements sound ridiculous in your mind?
We have to pretend that Bush92 has no record of being a racist now? Or the cons will scream at liberals for being offended at his "slick" racism?

Why are we not focusing on the dead child's family?
This is a tragedy. The kid that did this probably should be taken for psychiatric care.
I cannot believe that at such a tender age a boy can be so evil.

Because Bush92 saw an opportunity to use a dead kid as a political football
Liberals cannot see how their society is dysfunctional. I do not mind being the voice in the darkness to lay down the bullshit card. Welfare, public housing, and single moms who game the system are destroying America.

And how is eliminating welfare and public housing going to end crime?

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