Liberal Society

Is there a correlation between poverty, broken homes and crime? How many men sitting in prison right now came from welfare homes?

A better question: How many men sitting in prison right now are male? There is an almost 100% correlation between the two.

Manpigs cause crime. "Broken" homes are formed when a strong, independent womyn attempts to get hyr chyldryn away from hyr abuser who will serve only to perpetuate the cycle of criminal behavior by instilling in the couple's syns and dyyghtyrs a sense that crime is somehow good or normal.

Fact: Syngle mythyrs save lyves and stop crime.

Now that's funny.

It is good to see that people can look into a pile of crap and pull a gem out it like that.

Thanks for the chuckle.
In an enlightened lybyryl society, knives would be banned, along with any other weapons, weapon-like objects, and things that could conceivably be used as or to build a weapon. OP clearly doesn't realize exactly what kind of tolerant society free of hate and violence we lybyryls are trying to build.

There you have it.

Dennis speaks for me....well, except for running through the streets...but if he wants to...that's his business. Our enlightened LiberalMedia will have tight regulations and you'll be cutting your T-Bone (if you are even allowed to have one) with a piece of plastic.

And people will still find ways to kill.

[ame=]Power To The People - Denis Leary Speaks... - YouTube[/ame]
Michigan town in shock after boy's playground stabbing -

What are the chances the perpetrator came from a single mother, welfare, public housing project? Sure that's what we need, a more "progressive" culture. We need more rap and video game violence. We need more legalized pot and gay marriage. We need more broken homes. This is what your liberal culture gets you.

In Wyandotte County, Kansas....60% of all babies are born to single mothers.

And over 90% of those going to single mothers are from a particular race.......

But, you can't say that !

Is there a correlation between poverty, broken homes and crime? How many men sitting in prison right now came from welfare homes?

A better question: How many men sitting in prison right now are male? There is an almost 100% correlation between the two.

Manpigs cause crime. "Broken" homes are formed when a strong, independent womyn attempts to get hyr chyldryn away from hyr abuser who will serve only to perpetuate the cycle of criminal behavior by instilling in the couple's syns and dyyghtyrs a sense that crime is somehow good or normal.

Fact: Syngle mythyrs save lyves and stop crime.

The term "single mothers" refers to women who never married their baby daddy. 75% of the men in the state pen are the illegitimate children of such women.

"Single mothers" are the single greatest source of social pathology in this country.
Is there a correlation between poverty, broken homes and crime? How many men sitting in prison right now came from welfare homes?

How many bankers and ceo's would be sitting in jail if we applied the laws equally?

That's a good question. How come Holder hasn't filed charges on any of them? How come GE still gets to slide by paying no taxes? Could it be that because they give Obama all kinds of money they get a pass? Could it really be that simple????:eusa_whistle:

It is that simple. Could it also be so simple that you support Citizens United which creates the environment you are whining about?
You made a statement , I countered it. How do you construe this as me thinking I'm a victim? You're blaming America's problems on single moms, food stamps, and rap videos. I disagree. Why don't we jail bankers and ceo's. Eleven men died in that offshore explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. Nobody ever went to jail. The same companies involved are still in business and we imprison people for minor drug offenses. This doesn't add to the decay of this country?

Cut the crap....That was an accident. Not a crime.

11 poor, underprivileged workers DIED. A crime was committed. While murder charges were not necessarily merited, there were still options such as criminal negligence or manslaughter that could've been pursued an weren't. If you didn't know (and it seems that you don't), those charges are used to cover accidents resulting in serious bodily harm up to and including death.

Are you seriously calling rig workers underprivileged? :lol:
Those dudes are making at LEAST a 100k a year.
Michigan town in shock after boy's playground stabbing -

What are the chances the perpetrator came from a single mother, welfare, public housing project? Sure that's what we need, a more "progressive" culture. We need more rap and video game violence. We need more legalized pot and gay marriage. We need more broken homes. This is what your liberal culture gets you.

In Wyandotte County, Kansas....60% of all babies are born to single mothers.

And over 90% of those going to single mothers are from a particular race.......

But, you can't say that !

How many people live there, 5? What that got to with the hundreds of thousands, dare I say millions, of welfare babies born in our inner cities that are on a one way track to crime and prison?
Michigan town in shock after boy's playground stabbing -

What are the chances the perpetrator came from a single mother, welfare, public housing project? Sure that's what we need, a more "progressive" culture. We need more rap and video game violence. We need more legalized pot and gay marriage. We need more broken homes. This is what your liberal culture gets you.

In Wyandotte County, Kansas....60% of all babies are born to single mothers.

And over 90% of those going to single mothers are from a particular race.......

But, you can't say that !


Prove it.
Michigan town in shock after boy's playground stabbing -

What are the chances the perpetrator came from a single mother, welfare, public housing project? Sure that's what we need, a more "progressive" culture. We need more rap and video game violence. We need more legalized pot and gay marriage. We need more broken homes. This is what your liberal culture gets you.

In Wyandotte County, Kansas....60% of all babies are born to single mothers.

And over 90% of those going to single mothers are from a particular race.......

But, you can't say that !

How many people live there, 5? What that got to with the hundreds of thousands, dare I say millions, of welfare babies born in our inner cities that are on a one way track to crime and prison?

Wyandotte County is Kansas City, Kansas. It is a liberal stronghold because of all the goodies people are looking for.

This was in support of your assertion.

Not sure what prompted your reply.
Kansas City, MO-KS - Profiles - - data for diverse and equitable metropolitan areas
This county is in Kansas City metro area. Data on single aren't homes proven out with this report. Need more Liberal Media?

Your other post didn't address my request for proof, and although you seem to have tried to with this one, it still doesn't have anything that supports Listening's assertion. I asked Listening for proof because it was Listening's claim. I'm not sure why you want to take up that cause using data you don't have.

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