Liberal solution to the homeless. Let them camp in YOUR backyard!!

"Brattleboro Area Drop In Center*

The Brattleboro Drop-In Center operates a cold weather shelter that is open from late November to April or May, depending on the year, in the main hall of the First Baptist Church in Brattleboro. Volunteers bring guests a hot dinner each night, and a light breakfast is provided at the Drop-In Center in the morning, where guests can go to shower, do laundry, use a phone, receive case management (if client-requested) or receive services if they have special needs.

"The Burlington Emergency Shelter also includes the Good Neighbor Program. The Good Neighbor Program is a Christian halfway house to aid men who may have had difficulties adjusting in society and to provide them with faith-based support. It admits adult men primarily from corrections system. The GNP may help individuals with job search. There is a nightly hot meal. This program typically serves four ex-inmates and four individuals with substance abuse issues at any given time (they must be sober and actively working on remaining sober). Each guest in The Good Neighbor Program will have a Community Support Team. The standard program is three months to one year."
Portland says it's voluntary but we all know how that works. If the city asks and you say no, they put your name on THE LIST of homeowners who the police and fire dept will not respond to,

Portland wants residents to let homeless live in backyards | Daily Mail Online

march 19 2017 Faced with an intractable homeless problem, officials in Portland are thinking inside the box.

A handful of homeless families will soon move into tiny, government-constructed modular units in the backyards of willing homeowners.

Portland officials are looking for four backyards to place its Accessory Dwelling Units, what some people may call a granny flat, or a tiny home minus wheels.

Under the pilot program taking effect this summer, the homeowners will take over the heated, fully plumbed tiny houses in five years and can use them for rental income.

Has the city council and mayor volunteered?

How many have you taken in?


But that doesn't stop you from judging others.

Where are the christians in this?

THE CHRISTIANS FUND THE FUCKING MISSIONS, you know, the places where homeless ppl go?

Dakota County churches respond to homelessness by opening their doors – Twin Cities

"The faithbased
providers, such as the Gospel Rescue
Missions and the Salvation Army, along with
many smaller local but important providers
wrap services around people being sheltered,
with everything from alcohol and drug rehabilitation
to employment and social skills.
....their influence on homelessness in
America is great."

You're wasting your time, these loons can't see the forest for the trees
That doesn't mean I can't call em idiots.

Two major reasons for being homeless is addiction and mental disease, someone allowing this is inviting disaster

Gosh, if only christians could find buildings that are unused and empty most of the time ...

If only ...


Most homeless shelters and warming stations are run by churches, halfwit.

Can't stay ahead of capitalism in america can they love.

Knock off that stupid fucking "love" shit ya fucking loon

You don't do a damn thing helping anyone...well maybe you try and educate them but a fat lot of good that would do, you're as stupid as a stump, burnt out old fool

Your assumptions are meaningless love.
Leftists are huge on offering and agreeing with suggestions....but fail miserably on personally following through and actually doing it
They like to tell other people to shoulder the responsibilities that they refuse to shoulder themselves.

Perfect example is Fat Bastard Moore preaching to take in many is the lardass housing?

Typical that good christian @SassyIrishLass has no idea what she is yammering about.

We're still waiting for ours.

What is the catholic church doing? Did you know that when the pope learned there are homeless outside his gate he arranged for a ONCE A MONTH outdoor shower to be set up.

What a guy, huh?

Richest organization of any kind on this planet and he can manage only a little hot water and maybe a few bars of soap.

You don't have the first fucking clue what the Church is doing, but that is normal for you, you're clueless about nearly everything.

You assholes sit there asking what the churches are doing while doing nothing?

Oh the fucking irony

The church does nothing but make excuses for a version of capitalism that amounts to societal cannibalism and supports the illusion that america is anything other than a walth extraction enterprise.

You ramble on and on and nobody gives a shit. Go help the homeless and shut up already
Portland says it's voluntary but we all know how that works. If the city asks and you say no, they put your name on THE LIST of homeowners who the police and fire dept will not respond to,

Portland wants residents to let homeless live in backyards | Daily Mail Online

march 19 2017 Faced with an intractable homeless problem, officials in Portland are thinking inside the box.

A handful of homeless families will soon move into tiny, government-constructed modular units in the backyards of willing homeowners.

Portland officials are looking for four backyards to place its Accessory Dwelling Units, what some people may call a granny flat, or a tiny home minus wheels.

Under the pilot program taking effect this summer, the homeowners will take over the heated, fully plumbed tiny houses in five years and can use them for rental income.

Has the city council and mayor volunteered?

How many have you taken in?


But that doesn't stop you from judging others.

Where are the christians in this?

THE CHRISTIANS FUND THE FUCKING MISSIONS, you know, the places where homeless ppl go?

Dakota County churches respond to homelessness by opening their doors – Twin Cities

"The faithbased
providers, such as the Gospel Rescue
Missions and the Salvation Army, along with
many smaller local but important providers
wrap services around people being sheltered,
with everything from alcohol and drug rehabilitation
to employment and social skills.
....their influence on homelessness in
America is great."

You're wasting your time, these loons can't see the forest for the trees

Christ's loving disciple aren’t you love.
They like to tell other people to shoulder the responsibilities that they refuse to shoulder themselves.

Perfect example is Fat Bastard Moore preaching to take in many is the lardass housing?

Typical that good christian @SassyIrishLass has no idea what she is yammering about.

We're still waiting for ours.

What is the catholic church doing? Did you know that when the pope learned there are homeless outside his gate he arranged for a ONCE A MONTH outdoor shower to be set up.

What a guy, huh?

Richest organization of any kind on this planet and he can manage only a little hot water and maybe a few bars of soap.

You don't have the first fucking clue what the Church is doing, but that is normal for you, you're clueless about nearly everything.

You assholes sit there asking what the churches are doing while doing nothing?

Oh the fucking irony

The church does nothing but make excuses for a version of capitalism that amounts to societal cannibalism and supports the illusion that america is anything other than a walth extraction enterprise.

You ramble on and on and nobody gives a shit. Go help the homeless and shut up already

I'm taking a break from the homeless and working with the mentally ill, how are you feeling today?
"Since 2003, The First Congregational Church and The South Congregational Church have collaborated to shelter the homeless for the cold winter months of December through March. The South Church is a dry facility and serves the more stable clients, while all others are welcome at First Congregational. This past season, over 100 individuals received shelter. The operation is volunteer run and receives the support of over 200 members of the community. "

I've actually heard idiots on this site say that churches should be PREVENTED from helping the homeless and mentally ill, or providing assistance to pregnant women, because the recipients of their charity would feel "obligated" to profess faith (absolutely not true but still.)

They would rather these people be abused by the VA, abortionists, or die on the street than allow churches to help them.
Perfect example is Fat Bastard Moore preaching to take in many is the lardass housing?

Typical that good christian @SassyIrishLass has no idea what she is yammering about.

We're still waiting for ours.

What is the catholic church doing? Did you know that when the pope learned there are homeless outside his gate he arranged for a ONCE A MONTH outdoor shower to be set up.

What a guy, huh?

Richest organization of any kind on this planet and he can manage only a little hot water and maybe a few bars of soap.

You don't have the first fucking clue what the Church is doing, but that is normal for you, you're clueless about nearly everything.

You assholes sit there asking what the churches are doing while doing nothing?

Oh the fucking irony

The church does nothing but make excuses for a version of capitalism that amounts to societal cannibalism and supports the illusion that america is anything other than a walth extraction enterprise.

You ramble on and on and nobody gives a shit. Go help the homeless and shut up already

I'm taking a break from the homeless and working with the mentally ill, how are you feeling today?

Being mentally ill, and "helping" the mentally ill are two different things.

Though a lot of mentally ill people are drawn to such professions, because it provides them with a vulnerable set of victims.

How many mentally ill and homeless people have you *advised* to get abortions?
Portland says it's voluntary but we all know how that works. If the city asks and you say no, they put your name on THE LIST of homeowners who the police and fire dept will not respond to,

Portland wants residents to let homeless live in backyards | Daily Mail Online

march 19 2017 Faced with an intractable homeless problem, officials in Portland are thinking inside the box.

A handful of homeless families will soon move into tiny, government-constructed modular units in the backyards of willing homeowners.

Portland officials are looking for four backyards to place its Accessory Dwelling Units, what some people may call a granny flat, or a tiny home minus wheels.

Under the pilot program taking effect this summer, the homeowners will take over the heated, fully plumbed tiny houses in five years and can use them for rental income.

Has the city council and mayor volunteered?

How many have you taken in?


But that doesn't stop you from judging others.

Where are the christians in this?
How many live in your house and yard?
Typical that good christian @SassyIrishLass has no idea what she is yammering about.

We're still waiting for ours.

What is the catholic church doing? Did you know that when the pope learned there are homeless outside his gate he arranged for a ONCE A MONTH outdoor shower to be set up.

What a guy, huh?

Richest organization of any kind on this planet and he can manage only a little hot water and maybe a few bars of soap.

You don't have the first fucking clue what the Church is doing, but that is normal for you, you're clueless about nearly everything.

You assholes sit there asking what the churches are doing while doing nothing?

Oh the fucking irony

The church does nothing but make excuses for a version of capitalism that amounts to societal cannibalism and supports the illusion that america is anything other than a walth extraction enterprise.

You ramble on and on and nobody gives a shit. Go help the homeless and shut up already

I'm taking a break from the homeless and working with the mentally ill, how are you feeling today?

Being mentally ill, and "helping" the mentally ill are two different things.

Though a lot of mentally ill people are drawn to such professions, because it provides them with a vulnerable set of victims.

How many mentally ill and homeless people have you *advised* to get abortions?

The only folks I ever hear blathering on about abortion are folks like you here. I would never give anyone else any advice on abortion; none of my business either way.
"Since 2003, The First Congregational Church and The South Congregational Church have collaborated to shelter the homeless for the cold winter months of December through March. The South Church is a dry facility and serves the more stable clients, while all others are welcome at First Congregational. This past season, over 100 individuals received shelter. The operation is volunteer run and receives the support of over 200 members of the community. "

I've actually heard idiots on this site say that churches should be PREVENTED from helping the homeless and mentally ill, or providing assistance to pregnant women, because the recipients of their charity would feel "obligated" to profess faith (absolutely not true but still.)

They would rather these people be abused by the VA, abortionists, or die on the street than allow churches to help them.

You can help whomever you like hon, anyone. But really now, american society isn't all that upset by abuse, we founded this place upon it.
The only folks I ever hear blathering on about abortion are folks like you here. I would never give anyone else any advice on abortion; none of my business either way.

None of your business? Same can be said of infanticide. THINK
Leftists are huge on offering and agreeing with suggestions....but fail miserably on personally following through and actually doing it

Like getting Mexico to pay for a border wall?

Ford Carrier Samsung They're already paying for it.

As far as your homeless go It's not simply a matter of where to pitch a tent It's the bathrooms the showers The campfires the garbage the bags the bikes the cars The cooking the storage As pointed out by the other poster whom you ignored this is brought to you byTap to speak by Google

Mexico told Don to get fucked. And really, no one in america gives two fucks about homeless folk.

You don't know everyone in America you moronic blabbermouth.
Which forgiving Christian church do you belong to again?
Church of the Supply Side Jesus, probably.
My solution...Have the state government buy 20,000 single wides and create trailer parks for $5 bucks per day rent.

All these homeless people can live in these special parks until they're able to do better in life.
Portland says it's voluntary but we all know how that works. If the city asks and you say no, they put your name on THE LIST of homeowners who the police and fire dept will not respond to,

Portland wants residents to let homeless live in backyards | Daily Mail Online

march 19 2017 Faced with an intractable homeless problem, officials in Portland are thinking inside the box.

A handful of homeless families will soon move into tiny, government-constructed modular units in the backyards of willing homeowners.

Portland officials are looking for four backyards to place its Accessory Dwelling Units, what some people may call a granny flat, or a tiny home minus wheels.

Under the pilot program taking effect this summer, the homeowners will take over the heated, fully plumbed tiny houses in five years and can use them for rental income.
The liberal solution to the homeless:

"If you don't have a job,
fuck someone who has a job!"

Portland says it's voluntary but we all know how that works. If the city asks and you say no, they put your name on THE LIST of homeowners who the police and fire dept will not respond to,

Portland wants residents to let homeless live in backyards | Daily Mail Online

march 19 2017 Faced with an intractable homeless problem, officials in Portland are thinking inside the box.

A handful of homeless families will soon move into tiny, government-constructed modular units in the backyards of willing homeowners.

Portland officials are looking for four backyards to place its Accessory Dwelling Units, what some people may call a granny flat, or a tiny home minus wheels.

Under the pilot program taking effect this summer, the homeowners will take over the heated, fully plumbed tiny houses in five years and can use them for rental income.

Has the city council and mayor volunteered?

How many have you taken in?


But that doesn't stop you from judging others.

I'm not the one advocating it you stupid fuck.

Where are the christians in this?

Likely being raped and beheaded by a Muslim somewhere in the Middle East.
My solution...Have the state government buy 20,000 single wides and create trailer parks for $5 bucks per day rent.

All these homeless people can live in these special parks until they're able to do better in life.

Will they ever do better in life.? Lots of them are druggies and many have kids even though they are poor. These are people who just make bad choices and always will..

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