Liberal 'Tolerance' is Spreading...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Green Gestapo': BBC removes radio host after mocks 'global warming'...
LINK: QUENTIN LETTS: How I was vaporised by the BBC's Green Gestapo

QUENTIN LETTS: How I was vaporised by the BBC's Green Gestapo after daring to mock the Met Office and global warming

"George Orwell devised the word ‘unperson’ to describe someone who had so offended official thought, he or she was vaporised — not just liquidated but wiped from the record for eternity.
That way the unperson couldn’t set a bad example. All memory of the impertinence would be forgotten, Comrades!"

This is what the 'Green Gestapo' is trying to do with Quentin Letts...

'YOU' are next, you doubters. If they can't arrest you, they will just fire you / make you an 'UN-Person'. :p

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