Liberal utopia: Greece limits citizens cash withdrawals; taxes up 23% higher! Yay!!

WCSC Greek banks reopen but cash limits remain and taxes soar

Wow. Liberals must be flocking to Greece!!

Not only did taxes spike 23% higher on all goods....but the government is limiting cash withdrawals. So....not only is shit more expensive. ..and taxes soaring....but the government is mandating how much of your money you're allowed to actually access!

Yay liberalism! !

Yanno Buc, their gov't and economic systems may be royally fucked up but the Greeks will for years have to suffer the very austerity they elected the Socialist Syriza Party to reject. Even worse, the last 3 weeks of primping and preening probably cost Greece about E35bil or an extra 5-10 years of austerity.
Basic Econ 101: if you choose to live beyond your means until you hit the wall, you will eventually hit the wall.

How Greece Can Help Itself - The New Yorker
We are headed there fast. then they'll really cheer

Yep. And liberals will whine. They think liberalism means they'll be moved into that wealthy suburb....instead of that wealthy suburb just no longer existing.

They truly dont get it.
That's because you can't get economic equality by raising the bottom, only by lowering the top.

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