Liberalism, Socialism, and Communism are failures in history


VIP Member
Jan 20, 2011
How do people still believe in these ideas when they have continually failed throughout history? They have never worked throughout the history of the world. It is a dream that can only be realized in a dream world. For these ideals to work everything in this world would have to be perfect. Perfect resources, perfect people, and perfect government are the only way for a utopian society to exist. Because nothing is perfect these ideals are complete disasters.
The famous phrase “Capitalism is the worst form of government except for all the others that have been tried” is accurate for a reason. Capitalism is a belief in the top down affect and those that believe it is a failure live life with full blinders on. America is the proof capitalism works when un-restricted by social agendas. Then when social agendas become too heavy and weaken the top the rest fall with them. Not just the rest in America but the rest of the world. There will always be the have’s and have not’s the only difference is whom comprises these two groups. In Capitalism they are those that find a way to obtain their own wealth, in a social society it is the government and who the government decides should be wealthy.
I would love to know what exactly a liberal would hope to achieve by a fundamental transformation of the United States to a social society. What do you think would be better? I have to say I can not see it and would love to know what it is you see. So if you have an idea I would love to hear it.
How do people still believe in these ideas when they have continually failed throughout history? They have never worked throughout the history of the world. It is a dream that can only be realized in a dream world. For these ideals to work everything in this world would have to be perfect. Perfect resources, perfect people, and perfect government are the only way for a utopian society to exist. Because nothing is perfect these ideals are complete disasters.
The famous phrase “Capitalism is the worst form of government except for all the others that have been tried” is accurate for a reason. Capitalism is a belief in the top down affect and those that believe it is a failure live life with full blinders on. America is the proof capitalism works when un-restricted by social agendas. Then when social agendas become too heavy and weaken the top the rest fall with them. Not just the rest in America but the rest of the world. There will always be the have’s and have not’s the only difference is whom comprises these two groups. In Capitalism they are those that find a way to obtain their own wealth, in a social society it is the government and who the government decides should be wealthy.
I would love to know what exactly a liberal would hope to achieve by a fundamental transformation of the United States to a social society. What do you think would be better? I have to say I can not see it and would love to know what it is you see. So if you have an idea I would love to hear it.

You misspelled 'libertarianism'.
How do people still believe in these ideas when they have continually failed throughout history? They have never worked throughout the history of the world. It is a dream that can only be realized in a dream world. For these ideals to work everything in this world would have to be perfect. Perfect resources, perfect people, and perfect government are the only way for a utopian society to exist. Because nothing is perfect these ideals are complete disasters.
The famous phrase “Capitalism is the worst form of government except for all the others that have been tried” is accurate for a reason. Capitalism is a belief in the top down affect and those that believe it is a failure live life with full blinders on. America is the proof capitalism works when un-restricted by social agendas. Then when social agendas become too heavy and weaken the top the rest fall with them. Not just the rest in America but the rest of the world. There will always be the have’s and have not’s the only difference is whom comprises these two groups. In Capitalism they are those that find a way to obtain their own wealth, in a social society it is the government and who the government decides should be wealthy.
I would love to know what exactly a liberal would hope to achieve by a fundamental transformation of the United States to a social society. What do you think would be better? I have to say I can not see it and would love to know what it is you see. So if you have an idea I would love to hear it.

The Progressive Leaders know its a failure and thats why they want to inflict it on the USA, to destroy it. The mindless Lib drones either defend it or blame Reagan and Bush for it not working
How do people still believe in these ideas when they have continually failed throughout history? They have never worked throughout the history of the world. It is a dream that can only be realized in a dream world. For these ideals to work everything in this world would have to be perfect. Perfect resources, perfect people, and perfect government are the only way for a utopian society to exist. Because nothing is perfect these ideals are complete disasters.
Well....communism and socialism can work quite well on a small scale, and proved very useful in the short run in industrializing the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, though that success could not continue in the long run.

The famous phrase “Capitalism is the worst form of government except for all the others that have been tried” is accurate for a reason.
The actual phrase is "Democracy is the worst form of government except for all othe known forms of government." Capitalism is an economic system, not a form of government. There's no reason at all you can't have a capitalist system and a dictatorial government.

Capitalism is a belief in the top down affect
No, it's not. Capitalism is an economic system where the means of production (Capital) is owned by private individuals/companies. There are several different forms of capitalism, some of which allow socialist control of public welfare sectors of the economy such as health care and other social welfare.
How do people still believe in these ideas when they have continually failed throughout history? They have never worked throughout the history of the world. It is a dream that can only be realized in a dream world. For these ideals to work everything in this world would have to be perfect. Perfect resources, perfect people, and perfect government are the only way for a utopian society to exist. Because nothing is perfect these ideals are complete disasters.
The famous phrase “Capitalism is the worst form of government except for all the others that have been tried” is accurate for a reason. Capitalism is a belief in the top down affect and those that believe it is a failure live life with full blinders on. America is the proof capitalism works when un-restricted by social agendas. Then when social agendas become too heavy and weaken the top the rest fall with them. Not just the rest in America but the rest of the world. There will always be the have’s and have not’s the only difference is whom comprises these two groups. In Capitalism they are those that find a way to obtain their own wealth, in a social society it is the government and who the government decides should be wealthy.
I would love to know what exactly a liberal would hope to achieve by a fundamental transformation of the United States to a social society. What do you think would be better? I have to say I can not see it and would love to know what it is you see. So if you have an idea I would love to hear it.

A social society allows the government to decide who is worthy and who is not? Now I get it, I always wondered why the plain Janes were debutatante's and the hotties had had boyfriends and lovers for years before the debutantes's 'ball' Damn government can't do anything correct.
How do people still believe in these ideas when they have continually failed throughout history? They have never worked throughout the history of the world. It is a dream that can only be realized in a dream world. For these ideals to work everything in this world would have to be perfect. Perfect resources, perfect people, and perfect government are the only way for a utopian society to exist. Because nothing is perfect these ideals are complete disasters.
The famous phrase “Capitalism is the worst form of government except for all the others that have been tried” is accurate for a reason. Capitalism is a belief in the top down affect and those that believe it is a failure live life with full blinders on. America is the proof capitalism works when un-restricted by social agendas. Then when social agendas become too heavy and weaken the top the rest fall with them. Not just the rest in America but the rest of the world. There will always be the have’s and have not’s the only difference is whom comprises these two groups. In Capitalism they are those that find a way to obtain their own wealth, in a social society it is the government and who the government decides should be wealthy.
I would love to know what exactly a liberal would hope to achieve by a fundamental transformation of the United States to a social society. What do you think would be better? I have to say I can not see it and would love to know what it is you see. So if you have an idea I would love to hear it.
I'm having a little trouble with your premise. Socialism and Communism have only been around for about 100 years. There are no purely socialistic systems to examine. The successful hybrids in Europe like Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland have a great quality of life and most of their people approve of their systems. Although they don't have the material wealth most Americans do, they place a higher value on education and public welfare than they do nicer cars and big houses, in general.

Communism was successful in China from 1945-1980 in the sense that it allowed the Chinese to feed their starving people. Sure...Mao was a bloodthirsty tyrant...but China was screwed up and broken after WWII.

I guess what I'm trying to say is...if you liove in a communist or socialist/hybrid country, with the exception of like North Korea, there is good and bad. If you live in capitalist countries like the US, Brazil, India, or today's China, there is good and bad.

Statements like "communism, liberalism, or socilaism has NEVER worked" is misleading in several ways. 1. Communism and liberalism as concepts are not the main reasons the countries who've used them have failed. 2. It's just simplistic drivel that conservative media has been pushing since February 2009 in a play to imply that Democrats are all liberal socilaist communists.
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Capitalism is a disease. I causes politicians to steer foreign policy as directed by their pimps. Corporations.
How do people still believe in these ideas when they have continually failed throughout history? They have never worked throughout the history of the world. It is a dream that can only be realized in a dream world. For these ideals to work everything in this world would have to be perfect. Perfect resources, perfect people, and perfect government are the only way for a utopian society to exist. Because nothing is perfect these ideals are complete disasters.
The famous phrase “Capitalism is the worst form of government except for all the others that have been tried” is accurate for a reason. Capitalism is a belief in the top down affect and those that believe it is a failure live life with full blinders on. America is the proof capitalism works when un-restricted by social agendas. Then when social agendas become too heavy and weaken the top the rest fall with them. Not just the rest in America but the rest of the world. There will always be the have’s and have not’s the only difference is whom comprises these two groups. In Capitalism they are those that find a way to obtain their own wealth, in a social society it is the government and who the government decides should be wealthy.
I would love to know what exactly a liberal would hope to achieve by a fundamental transformation of the United States to a social society. What do you think would be better? I have to say I can not see it and would love to know what it is you see. So if you have an idea I would love to hear it.
I'm having a little trouble with your premise. Socialism and Communism have only been around for about 100 years. There are no purely socialistic systems to examine. The successful hybrids in Europe like Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland have a great quality of life and most of their people approve of their systems. Although they don't have the material wealth most Americans do, they place a higher value on education and public welfare than they do nicer cars and big houses, in general.

Communism was successful in China from 1945-1980 in the sense that it allowed the Chinese to feed their starving people. Sure...Mao was a bloodthirsty tyrant...but China was screwed up and broken after WWII.

I guess what I'm trying to say is...if you liove in a communist or socialist/hybrid country, with the exception of like North Korea, there is good and bad. If you live in capitalist countries like the US, Brazil, India, or today's China, there is good and bad.

Statements like "communism, liberalism, or socilaism has NEVER worked" is misleading in several ways. 1. Communism and liberalism as concepts are not the main reasons the countries who've used them have failed. 2. It's just simplistic drivel that conservative media has been pushing since February 2009 in a play to imply that Democrats are all liberal socilaist communists.
The first governments ever created by mankind were social democracies. They worked fairly well until the Eurotrash showed up and diseased or slaughtered them.
How do people still believe in these ideas when they have continually failed throughout history? They have never worked throughout the history of the world. It is a dream that can only be realized in a dream world. For these ideals to work everything in this world would have to be perfect. Perfect resources, perfect people, and perfect government are the only way for a utopian society to exist. Because nothing is perfect these ideals are complete disasters.
Well....communism and socialism can work quite well on a small scale, and proved very useful in the short run in industrializing the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, though that success could not continue in the long run.

The famous phrase “Capitalism is the worst form of government except for all the others that have been tried” is accurate for a reason.
The actual phrase is "Democracy is the worst form of government except for all othe known forms of government." Capitalism is an economic system, not a form of government. There's no reason at all you can't have a capitalist system and a dictatorial government.

Capitalism is a belief in the top down affect
No, it's not. Capitalism is an economic system where the means of production (Capital) is owned by private individuals/companies. There are several different forms of capitalism, some of which allow socialist control of public welfare sectors of the economy such as health care and other social welfare.

Well thank you for your correction on the meaning of capitalism and yes you are right my mind played a trick on me. It was democracy and not capitalism. I think it would still hold true though if I were to say that Free-market capitalism is the worst form of economy except all the others that have been tried.
I would agree that social societies can work for a short period of time. But not even on a small scale. Eventually power gets in the way and seems to corrupt the mind. See "Jonestown Massacre" the problem is that all three of the social structures the governing body has to eventually get to total power to run pretty much everything. That is when life eventually goes from good to nightmare.
The sad thing is that it is natural for government to grow. Imagine a government that did no changes at all. It is never going to happen just having the government means that they will try to do more and more and continue to grow. I don’t really know if it is ever truly possible to have freedoms that will never be taken away. The whole purpose of government is to govern and therefore will always grow. If only we could teach them to always say no, maybe we could stop the slow boiling off of our freedoms.
Again though no one has answered my question as to why there are people that seem to not want to fight the government from growing and instead want it to happen at a break neck pace. What is it the liberal, socialist, communist really wants to accomplish?
How do people still believe in these ideas when they have continually failed throughout history? They have never worked throughout the history of the world. It is a dream that can only be realized in a dream world. For these ideals to work everything in this world would have to be perfect. Perfect resources, perfect people, and perfect government are the only way for a utopian society to exist. Because nothing is perfect these ideals are complete disasters.
The famous phrase “Capitalism is the worst form of government except for all the others that have been tried” is accurate for a reason. Capitalism is a belief in the top down affect and those that believe it is a failure live life with full blinders on. America is the proof capitalism works when un-restricted by social agendas. Then when social agendas become too heavy and weaken the top the rest fall with them. Not just the rest in America but the rest of the world. There will always be the have’s and have not’s the only difference is whom comprises these two groups. In Capitalism they are those that find a way to obtain their own wealth, in a social society it is the government and who the government decides should be wealthy.
I would love to know what exactly a liberal would hope to achieve by a fundamental transformation of the United States to a social society. What do you think would be better? I have to say I can not see it and would love to know what it is you see. So if you have an idea I would love to hear it.
I'm having a little trouble with your premise. Socialism and Communism have only been around for about 100 years. There are no purely socialistic systems to examine. The successful hybrids in Europe like Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland have a great quality of life and most of their people approve of their systems. Although they don't have the material wealth most Americans do, they place a higher value on education and public welfare than they do nicer cars and big houses, in general.

Communism was successful in China from 1945-1980 in the sense that it allowed the Chinese to feed their starving people. Sure...Mao was a bloodthirsty tyrant...but China was screwed up and broken after WWII.

I guess what I'm trying to say is...if you liove in a communist or socialist/hybrid country, with the exception of like North Korea, there is good and bad. If you live in capitalist countries like the US, Brazil, India, or today's China, there is good and bad.

Statements like "communism, liberalism, or socilaism has NEVER worked" is misleading in several ways. 1. Communism and liberalism as concepts are not the main reasons the countries who've used them have failed. 2. It's just simplistic drivel that conservative media has been pushing since February 2009 in a play to imply that Democrats are all liberal socilaist communists.
The first governments ever created by mankind were social democracies. They worked fairly well until the Eurotrash showed up and diseased or slaughtered them.
The first governments created by mankind where autocracies and arsitocracies. Greek democracy had nothing to do with socialism, and no countries in Europe, or anywhere else in the world, fit this merriam webster definition of "socialism"...except China before 1990, Russia before 1990, and North Korea today.

so·cial·ism noun \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\

Definition of SOCIALISM
1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
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I'm having a little trouble with your premise. Socialism and Communism have only been around for about 100 years. There are no purely socialistic systems to examine. The successful hybrids in Europe like Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland have a great quality of life and most of their people approve of their systems. Although they don't have the material wealth most Americans do, they place a higher value on education and public welfare than they do nicer cars and big houses, in general.

Communism was successful in China from 1945-1980 in the sense that it allowed the Chinese to feed their starving people. Sure...Mao was a bloodthirsty tyrant...but China was screwed up and broken after WWII.

I guess what I'm trying to say is...if you liove in a communist or socialist/hybrid country, with the exception of like North Korea, there is good and bad. If you live in capitalist countries like the US, Brazil, India, or today's China, there is good and bad.

Statements like "communism, liberalism, or socilaism has NEVER worked" is misleading in several ways. 1. Communism and liberalism as concepts are not the main reasons the countries who've used them have failed. 2. It's just simplistic drivel that conservative media has been pushing since February 2009 in a play to imply that Democrats are all liberal socilaist communists.

Sure good for the government but not so good for the people. Also most of those countries you have listed have a more free-market than the US currently does.
I'm having a little trouble with your premise. Socialism and Communism have only been around for about 100 years. There are no purely socialistic systems to examine. The successful hybrids in Europe like Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland have a great quality of life and most of their people approve of their systems. Although they don't have the material wealth most Americans do, they place a higher value on education and public welfare than they do nicer cars and big houses, in general.

Communism was successful in China from 1945-1980 in the sense that it allowed the Chinese to feed their starving people. Sure...Mao was a bloodthirsty tyrant...but China was screwed up and broken after WWII.

I guess what I'm trying to say is...if you liove in a communist or socialist/hybrid country, with the exception of like North Korea, there is good and bad. If you live in capitalist countries like the US, Brazil, India, or today's China, there is good and bad.

Statements like "communism, liberalism, or socilaism has NEVER worked" is misleading in several ways. 1. Communism and liberalism as concepts are not the main reasons the countries who've used them have failed. 2. It's just simplistic drivel that conservative media has been pushing since February 2009 in a play to imply that Democrats are all liberal socilaist communists.

Sure good for the government but not so good for the people. Also most of those countries you have listed have a more free-market than the US currently does.
Chinese, Indians, and Brazilians may pay less taxes, but they're not exactly Shangri-La. Each of those three countries has a much higher percentage of those suffering in crime/poverty ridden social classes that will never be allowed to participate in their country's growth and new found propserity. Plus there are hundreds of other bad things about those countries. Economic success on it's own, does not equal quality of life and opportunity, though Republicans in America would like to think so.
It is about examining others and trying to take what those others have. Take, Fake and Take allows those that abuse their lives, accept no responsibility to have "power" over people that would ordinarily ignore them. This way, they form a voting block and their main purpose it to make other people miserable, thus the "fake". They "choose" not to examine their own lives and work towards improving it, destroying other lives is much more fun for them. It is even easier if you say "it is for the children" before you take.
How do people still believe in these ideas when they have continually failed throughout history? They have never worked throughout the history of the world. It is a dream that can only be realized in a dream world. For these ideals to work everything in this world would have to be perfect. Perfect resources, perfect people, and perfect government are the only way for a utopian society to exist. Because nothing is perfect these ideals are complete disasters.
The famous phrase “Capitalism is the worst form of government except for all the others that have been tried” is accurate for a reason. Capitalism is a belief in the top down affect and those that believe it is a failure live life with full blinders on. America is the proof capitalism works when un-restricted by social agendas. Then when social agendas become too heavy and weaken the top the rest fall with them. Not just the rest in America but the rest of the world. There will always be the have’s and have not’s the only difference is whom comprises these two groups. In Capitalism they are those that find a way to obtain their own wealth, in a social society it is the government and who the government decides should be wealthy.
I would love to know what exactly a liberal would hope to achieve by a fundamental transformation of the United States to a social society. What do you think would be better? I have to say I can not see it and would love to know what it is you see. So if you have an idea I would love to hear it.
Capitalism is not a form of government. It's a type of economy. Liberalism has dragged this nation into modern times while Conservatives throughout history have resisted the changes. Conservatives fought to block Women's suffrage (the right to vote), child labor laws, food and drug safety standards, the 40 hour work week, civil rights, environmental protections that have substantially cleaned the air, water and soil and, most recently, gay and lesbian rights.

There's your historical track record. Now, go and study more.
Conservatives fought to block food and drug safety standards, the 40 hour work week, civil rights, environmental protections that have substantially cleaned the air, water and soil and, most recently, gay and lesbian rights.
Sounds like the GOP is still against all of these things.

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