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Liberals and Conservatives

Take George W. Bush, for example. Most liberals have no idea that many conservatives can't stand him either.

True. And both liberals and Bush-supporting 'conservatives' have a devil of a time understanding that Bush is not a conservative. Ask them, and they say, "He likes the military and wars, he's Christian, he's against gay marriage." All these are crude but fair points, but it's disappointing to me that "war for no good reason" has come to be equated with "conservative." What could be LESS conservative? And liberals do not get that historically, they are behind more violence. World War II was a Democrat war -- check the record. Don't get me started on the international left's record of genocide, war, murder, etc.

But all's fair in love, war and politics. If Bush can manage to tar conservatism as idiocy and unmeasured violence and we suffer for that, that's too bad. It's up to conservatives to educate otherwise. There's no referee for political opinion to blow the whistle when the public doesn't understand things right. I suppose most liberals don't hate America THAT much (some do, I know), so that they want to see Americans in general suffer. But, they can be tarred that way, and that's a bed they have to lie in.
True. And both liberals and Bush-supporting 'conservatives' have a devil of a time understanding that Bush is not a conservative. Ask them, and they say, "He likes the military and wars, he's Christian, he's against gay marriage." All these are crude but fair points, but it's disappointing to me that "war for no good reason" has come to be equated with "conservative." What could be LESS conservative? And liberals do not get that historically, they are behind more violence. World War II was a Democrat war -- check the record. Don't get me started on the international left's record of genocide, war, murder, etc.

But all's fair in love, war and politics. If Bush can manage to tar conservatism as idiocy and unmeasured violence and we suffer for that, that's too bad. It's up to conservatives to educate otherwise. There's no referee for political opinion to blow the whistle when the public doesn't understand things right. I suppose most liberals don't hate America THAT much (some do, I know), so that they want to see Americans in general suffer. But, they can be tarred that way, and that's a bed they have to lie in.

Liberals just call anyone even a little right of center a neocon because they simply don't really know the difference between a neocon, an isolationist, and a traditional conservative, and they don't care. To them? George W. Bush? Pat Buchanan? What's the difference? They've probably never even heard of George Will.

It's all PNAC's fault. Liberals refuse to read anything written by a conservative at all. But they love linking to PNAC. They use their passed around, easy to c/p, quotes to "prove" the neocons are evil Star-Chamber-like shadow figures bent on world domination. It's hilarious. PNAC is, without a doubt, THE most boring website I have ever read. It's nothing more than a collection of really long, really boring, articles written by a bunch of out of work politicians with too much time on their hands.
I don't mind being called liberal. I've been called un American by many on this board, b/c I don't support Bush or the war in Iraq. In fact, just about every conservative I've debated with calls me un American and a tells me how much I hate freedom.

Liberals don't hate Bush anymore than Conservative hate Clinton and Gore.

nt-sweeping generalizations don't make for good qualitative observations.

You're proving her point. I haven't seen you called unAmerican because you are liberal. You get called unAmerican when you make unAmerican comments.

The level of right-wing hatred toward Clinton never even came close to the liberal smear campaign against Bush. When conservatives criticize Clinton and/or Gore, it is for specific things .... not just because they exist. BIG difference.
Abortion has nothing to do with the death penalty. People have to be born before they are alive and no baby is alive until it is born. Ever heard of stillbirth?

I don't support guns. I'm against gun control. I don't like guns. I would never own a gun. And I think anyone who has guns with kids around is stupid. But I oppose gun control for two reasons: I believe the Second Amendment means what it says and that the first path to government tyranny is an unarmed populace. I have also been around hunters. I worked in Vermont for 5 years (I lived in New Hamphire, but all my friends were Vermonters) and I know that any place where a lot of people own guns is a safe place to live. I've been against gun control ever since the Luby's massacre. If that woman who watched both her parents get shot to death had had a carry permit she would have had her gun with her, and not in the glove compartment in her car, and maybe she could have saved some lives. Including her parents.

If you notice I mentioned religion for both liberal and conservative. I mentioned it under "liberal" because I am an atheist. I mentioned it under "conservative" because I don't hate Christians and I hate Islam. Lilberals hate Christians and love Muslims so the fact that I'm an atheist is a minor detail.

Weak argument on the abortion issue...'stillbirths' are not considered abortions as the fetus is deceased...I suppose some are sugically removed from complications...however the term abortion also applies to carteblanche removal of a "Live" baby sometimes in advanced growth...! So babies are not Alive until they exit the womb?...I would suspect all Doctors and scientists would strongly disagree! As for your great lover 'Frank'...did you ever think that maybe he went into your relationship knowing you were a atheist and supported abortion...then you decided to keep this one(albeit a good thing) he may have become confused and thought you entrapped him!...I give you credit for keeping the baby but you both were extremely wrong in your relationship! Conservative values on religion encompasses a faith and belief in a devine entity above mankind! I am truly amazed when those who support abortion of a "Live" baby for convienence sake then turn around and say it is wrong to execute a convicted criminal who actually did something to deserve it where as a baby has done absolutely nothing to anyone!
You are one confused soul...it's okay to abort yet you are against the death penalty...then you say you support guns...go figure!:cof: Not to forget mentioning you are conservative on "religion" yet you claim to be an athiest!
So glad I wasn't the only one kinda confused by that :eek:
Weak argument on the abortion issue...'stillbirths' are not considered abortions as the fetus is deceased...I suppose some are sugically removed from complications...however the term abortion also applies to carteblanche removal of a "Live" baby sometimes in advanced growth...! So babies are not Alive until they exit the womb?...I would suspect all Doctors and scientists would strongly disagree! As for your great lover 'Frank'...did you ever think that maybe he went into your relationship knowing you were a atheist and supported abortion...then you decided to keep this one(albeit a good thing) he may have become confused and thought you entrapped him!...I give you credit for keeping the baby but you both were extremely wrong in your relationship! Conservative values on religion encompasses a faith and belief in a devine entity above mankind! I am truly amazed when those who support abortion of a "Live" baby for convienence sake then turn around and say it is wrong to execute a convicted criminal who actually did something to desrve it where as a baby has done absolutely nothing to anyone!

A baby isn't a baby until it is born. Many healthy pregnancies end in stillbirth and no one knows why. Mine almost did.

The bottom line on abortion is that the private medical decisions of others are none of your business.

Find one other state law any where, not associated with public health, that mentions a medical procedure by name. Aside from AIDS and other STD's, and things like tattoos and ear peircing, you won't find one.

Only abortion. Why? Because men don't have babies, that's why. If men had babies there would be McBortions on every street corner.
A baby isn't a baby until it is born. Many healthy pregnancies end in stillbirth and no one knows why. Mine almost did.

The bottom line on abortion is that the private medical decisions of others are none of your business.

Find one other state law any where, not associated with public health, that mentions a medical procedure by name. Aside from AIDS and other STD's, and things like tattoos and ear peircing, you won't find one.

Only abortion. Why? Because men don't have babies, that's why. If men had babies there would be McBortions on every street corner.

Being the amateur Chef that I am..."The truth lies in the pudding"
sorry hun your receipe just sucks...no matter how ya spin the truth!;)
You're proving her point. I haven't seen you called unAmerican because you are liberal. You get called unAmerican when you make unAmerican comments.

The level of right-wing hatred toward Clinton never even came close to the liberal smear campaign against Bush. When conservatives criticize Clinton and/or Gore, it is for specific things .... not just because they exist. BIG difference.


Meteor Passes, Bush Flees
A bright flash of light and a thunderous BOOM woke me screaming from bed this morning. At first, I thought another neighborhood meth lab had exploded. Then I turned on the news to hear that a giant fireball was seen roaring across the morning sky.

Great, I thought. This is really going to whip the 700 Clubbers into a frenzy. With all their idiotic fairy tales about the "end times" and the "tribulation", they're apt to start rioting in the streets, calling for Jaaaay-zus to swoop down in his flying saucer and whisk them all up to Heaven. Superstitious, biblethumping morons. They never cease to amaze me the way they allow their pathetic lives to be ruled a mystical belief system with no basis on reality or science. And to think that these space cases are running the White House!

Later that morning, I learned that the CIA's head spook has mysteriously resigned and Bush is fleeing the country. It's deja vu all over again...although ol' Dubya didn't even hang around to read comic books to school kids this time.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised - Nostradamus predicted all this centuries ago:

"After a great misery, an even greater approaches, The great motor of the cycles is renewed: Raining blood, milk, famine, iron and pestilence, In the sky will be seen a fire, dragging a trail of sparks.

Mabus will soon fall, then will come a horrible cackling, followed by a faint whirring sound. At once one will see vengeance, one hundred days of power, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass."

Fearful of religious persecution, Nostradamus wrote all his predictions using anagrams, metaphors, and complete gibberish to throw the right-wing nutjobs off his trail. But with the help of an ordinary ouija board, a deck of tarot cards, and some past-life regression, I'm able to decipher most of his quatrains. maBUS(H) is, of course, Bush. Just get rid of the first two letters and add an H, and his name is as clear as Roma Downey's urine. But if you take the "b" in "Mabus" and flip it, you come up with "MadUS", which isn't only an indictment of a nation gone insane, but also "Sudam" backwards. So obviously, this particular passage describes the ying and yang dichotomy between George Bush and Saddam Hussein - psychically bonded Gemini brothers, yet also polar opposites. Not much different than the a large reflecting disk counters bad feng shui. I'd bet my dreamcatcher that The Dark One of Hopi prophecy is Bush as well.

So don't let the door hit your amethyst on the way out, Tenet.
What's the moderate position on the WOT ?

My personal position on the WOT is simple. Find terrorists and kill them. Protect the United States against threats foreign and domestic. That said, I think I should be able take a tube of Crest on the airplane with me.

Anything else?

Lesson Learned: Americans are Dumb
One of the most important lessons learned from our loss this election is that we failed to connect with the retarded dittohead masses. I've thought about it long and hard, and have come to the conclusion that we progressives were simply too nice. Out of compassion for those inferior to them, liberal statesmen like Al Franken and Michael Moore held back and didn't sneer nearly enough at the American people as they should have, and we all paid for it on election day. 59 million jingoist biblethumping rednecks repaid our kindness by choosing a chimp who talks to an invisible diety over a war hero with four Purple Hearts.

Well, no more Mr. Nice Liberal. If our seething, drooling hatred for Bush, God, and America isn't enough to win these brainless sheep over to our pasture, then it's time to stop pulling punches. Progressive pundits are already on the ball and are diligently making up for lost sneering. However, it will take more than self-righteous screeching from the mountaintop to regain our rightful place as rulers over the brainwashed hordes. If we're ever going to win another election, if we're ever to earn forgiveness from France for our arrogance, we need to get out there in the red states where all the intolerant morons live and ridicule their silly religious beliefs. We need to really hammer it into their thick, prehistoric skulls that they're just too damn superstitious and stupid to be trusted with the future of this country.

Therefore, I suggest that we get a few really good days of self-pity and hopeless whining in, and then get back to work reminding the uneducated trogs how inferior they are. It's time to really get into their faces and shove it down their slack-jawed gullets that if they ever want to work again, ever want to eat again, ever want to walk again, ever want to see their sons and daughters alive again, they better damn well vote Democrat!

So today, I compiled a list of ten people I know who voted Republican and gave them each a call, in which I basically laid out the real heart of the progressive philosophy in simple terms they could understand.

"RACIST BIGOT GAY-BASHING FASCIST MORON!" I screamed into the phone after dialing my first number. "BIGOT FASCIST RIGHT-WING IDIOT HATEMONGER!!!!"

"Why are you screaming at me?" Grandma asked. "This state went to Kerry anyway."


"Jeezus!" Grandma gasped.

"STOP FORCING YOUR RELIGION ON ME YOU NAZI BIGOT MORON!" I demanded, and hung up the phone. Jesus indeed!

The next eight calls were less cordial, and I received some very un-christianlike remarks from my targets before they rudely hung up. My, my, my! The hateful bile that comes out of the mouths of these "compassionate conservative" hypocrites!

Call number ten was out of town, but I left a convincing message on his machine. Tonight, I'm going over to spray paint "NAZI LIVES HERE" on his garage door. If that doesn't win his heart over to our side, nothing will.

Logic dictates that if four years of baseless accusations and ad hominem attacks won us 48% of the popular vote, then being twice as nasty will win us 96%. And if each of my readers were able to convince just one right-winger on their list to convert to our cause, it would mean 15 new votes for the democrats in 2006.

So go get 'em, take no prisoners, and feed those right-wing Christians to the liberal lions!
That's funny stuff. If all punches were really pulled, liberals would just admit they hate whites, period. Conservatives would just admit they hate blacks, Hispanics, Jews and flaming gays. Abortion and issues like that are important, but nobody really gives a crap about most of the supposed dividing lines. Race is where the real fight is.
That's funny stuff. If all punches were really pulled, liberals would just admit they hate whites, period. Conservatives would just admit they hate blacks, Hispanics, Jews and flaming gays. Abortion and issues like that are important, but nobody really gives a crap about most of the supposed dividing lines. Race is where the real fight is.

Race is not the most important thing to me.

The most important thing to me is that I don't want my kid wearing a burka 20 years from now.

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