Liberals are acting worse than a 4 year old who had his candy taken away.

OP- Hilarious when you remember the entire GOP refused to cooperate in any way when Obama won- for EIGHT YEARS.
At some point, all you will see them for what they are. The way I see them and how I state the same thing over and over and over again.

It is not worth it to even communicate with them. At least 4 year olds are cute.

The left are petulant scumbags who are not worth a pouch of warm piss. Not kidding. If all of them, every last one of them, died this minute I would smile.

You'd think that all the free Play-Doh and coloring books would still be preoccupying them.

Well, I guess there's only so many ways you can make a blue brontosaurus.
Going to be hard to beat this one, talk about business suicide. Ladies and gentlemen I give to you the most idiotic CEO in the history of business

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

The CEO of an Albuquerque-based internet marketing firm has issued a letter telling clients who support President-elect Donald Trump to take their business elsewhere.

Mathew Blanchfield, who runs 1st in SEO, posted the letter describing Mr. Trump as “a racist, sexist, fascist” earlier this month on his company’s website.

He said that while he remains committed to his liberal clients, he “will no longer do business with any person that is a registered Republican or supports Donald Trump.”

“If you are a Republican, voted for Donald Trump or support Donald Trump, in any manner, you are not welcome at 1st In SEO and we ask you to leave our firm,” Mr. Blanchfield wrote in the letter, which he shared Wednesday with his 35,000 Twitter followers.

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’
In other words, he loves his cheap slave labor.
Going to be hard to beat this one, talk about business suicide. Ladies and gentlemen I give to you the most idiotic CEO in the history of business

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

The CEO of an Albuquerque-based internet marketing firm has issued a letter telling clients who support President-elect Donald Trump to take their business elsewhere.

Mathew Blanchfield, who runs 1st in SEO, posted the letter describing Mr. Trump as “a racist, sexist, fascist” earlier this month on his company’s website.

He said that while he remains committed to his liberal clients, he “will no longer do business with any person that is a registered Republican or supports Donald Trump.”

“If you are a Republican, voted for Donald Trump or support Donald Trump, in any manner, you are not welcome at 1st In SEO and we ask you to leave our firm,” Mr. Blanchfield wrote in the letter, which he shared Wednesday with his 35,000 Twitter followers.

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

Uh, not "business suicide." Trump voters wouldn't need his services in the first place, as they are far, FAR too stupid to build any sort of online presence for their lame businesses. Hell, Trump voters can't even afford a ticket to Hamilton, let alone an SEO service company. 99.9% of them don't even know WTF it is anyway.
And you have never built a database or written a line of code.
After they had totally wrecked the world and the country under W...
. Really, really ??? W did all that ??? What ? Was he like a super villain that was responsible for every natural disaster or man made disaster that had taken place over the last 200 years ?? Give us a break.
Going to be hard to beat this one, talk about business suicide. Ladies and gentlemen I give to you the most idiotic CEO in the history of business

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

The CEO of an Albuquerque-based internet marketing firm has issued a letter telling clients who support President-elect Donald Trump to take their business elsewhere.

Mathew Blanchfield, who runs 1st in SEO, posted the letter describing Mr. Trump as “a racist, sexist, fascist” earlier this month on his company’s website.

He said that while he remains committed to his liberal clients, he “will no longer do business with any person that is a registered Republican or supports Donald Trump.”

“If you are a Republican, voted for Donald Trump or support Donald Trump, in any manner, you are not welcome at 1st In SEO and we ask you to leave our firm,” Mr. Blanchfield wrote in the letter, which he shared Wednesday with his 35,000 Twitter followers.

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’
In other words, he loves his cheap slave labor.

He's a pompous ass...and I suspect he'll rue the day he said this. But then again he's a left tard and they don't learn lessons well
Hacked elections petitions
Demanding electors change their vote
Wanting to abolish the electoral college
Wanting to split from the nation

I have never in my adult life seen this kind of emotional outbursts from grown men & women.

And on the issue of the Electoral is NEVER GOING AWAY. If you had an ounce of intelligence & just a little knowledge about our Constitution you would grasp this simple FACT.

It is time to put your big boy & girl pants back on and come to terms that you liberals, as a group, are not the be all end all of political wisdom. GROW UP
good thread
Going to be hard to beat this one, talk about business suicide. Ladies and gentlemen I give to you the most idiotic CEO in the history of business

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

The CEO of an Albuquerque-based internet marketing firm has issued a letter telling clients who support President-elect Donald Trump to take their business elsewhere.

Mathew Blanchfield, who runs 1st in SEO, posted the letter describing Mr. Trump as “a racist, sexist, fascist” earlier this month on his company’s website.

He said that while he remains committed to his liberal clients, he “will no longer do business with any person that is a registered Republican or supports Donald Trump.”

“If you are a Republican, voted for Donald Trump or support Donald Trump, in any manner, you are not welcome at 1st In SEO and we ask you to leave our firm,” Mr. Blanchfield wrote in the letter, which he shared Wednesday with his 35,000 Twitter followers.

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

Uh, not "business suicide." Trump voters wouldn't need his services in the first place, as they are far, FAR too stupid to build any sort of online presence for their lame businesses. Hell, Trump voters can't even afford a ticket to Hamilton, let alone an SEO service company. 99.9% of them don't even know WTF it is anyway.
And you have never built a database or written a line of code.

I have written code. Shit, I was taking classes for HTML all the way back in 1998. Hardly any need for me to write code anymore, except PHP which I just have my tech guy do for me if I need to.

"Databases." lol, what the hell are you talking about....
Going to be hard to beat this one, talk about business suicide. Ladies and gentlemen I give to you the most idiotic CEO in the history of business

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

The CEO of an Albuquerque-based internet marketing firm has issued a letter telling clients who support President-elect Donald Trump to take their business elsewhere.

Mathew Blanchfield, who runs 1st in SEO, posted the letter describing Mr. Trump as “a racist, sexist, fascist” earlier this month on his company’s website.

He said that while he remains committed to his liberal clients, he “will no longer do business with any person that is a registered Republican or supports Donald Trump.”

“If you are a Republican, voted for Donald Trump or support Donald Trump, in any manner, you are not welcome at 1st In SEO and we ask you to leave our firm,” Mr. Blanchfield wrote in the letter, which he shared Wednesday with his 35,000 Twitter followers.

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

Uh, not "business suicide." Trump voters wouldn't need his services in the first place, as they are far, FAR too stupid to build any sort of online presence for their lame businesses. Hell, Trump voters can't even afford a ticket to Hamilton, let alone an SEO service company. 99.9% of them don't even know WTF it is anyway.
And you have never built a database or written a line of code.

I have written code. Shit, I was taking classes for HTML all the way back in 1998. Hardly any need for me to write code anymore, except PHP which I just have my tech guy do for me if I need to.

"Databases." lol, what the hell are you talking about....

You ignorant ass.
HTML and PHP are a joke..."paintbrushes".
OP- Hilarious when you remember the entire GOP refused to cooperate in any way when Obama won- for EIGHT YEARS.
Blocking a liberal agenda=/=losing your shit day after day over an election.
Yes we know that's what the GOP BS propaganda machine is drumming into your head. But we're actually good citizens that care about the good of the country and truth. Trump seemed to realize that all he had to do was parrot the BS to take over your party and the country... Now busy backtracking everywhere. Probably better than another 8 years of pure, mindless GOP obstruction...
Going to be hard to beat this one, talk about business suicide. Ladies and gentlemen I give to you the most idiotic CEO in the history of business

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

The CEO of an Albuquerque-based internet marketing firm has issued a letter telling clients who support President-elect Donald Trump to take their business elsewhere.

Mathew Blanchfield, who runs 1st in SEO, posted the letter describing Mr. Trump as “a racist, sexist, fascist” earlier this month on his company’s website.

He said that while he remains committed to his liberal clients, he “will no longer do business with any person that is a registered Republican or supports Donald Trump.”

“If you are a Republican, voted for Donald Trump or support Donald Trump, in any manner, you are not welcome at 1st In SEO and we ask you to leave our firm,” Mr. Blanchfield wrote in the letter, which he shared Wednesday with his 35,000 Twitter followers.

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

Uh, not "business suicide." Trump voters wouldn't need his services in the first place, as they are far, FAR too stupid to build any sort of online presence for their lame businesses. Hell, Trump voters can't even afford a ticket to Hamilton, let alone an SEO service company. 99.9% of them don't even know WTF it is anyway.
And you have never built a database or written a line of code.

I have written code. Shit, I was taking classes for HTML all the way back in 1998. Hardly any need for me to write code anymore, except PHP which I just have my tech guy do for me if I need to.

"Databases." lol, what the hell are you talking about....

You ignorant ass.
HTML and PHP are a joke..."paintbrushes".

They are literally still the foundation of every fucking website on the internet (except social media), you know-nothing jackoff.
Going to be hard to beat this one, talk about business suicide. Ladies and gentlemen I give to you the most idiotic CEO in the history of business

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

The CEO of an Albuquerque-based internet marketing firm has issued a letter telling clients who support President-elect Donald Trump to take their business elsewhere.

Mathew Blanchfield, who runs 1st in SEO, posted the letter describing Mr. Trump as “a racist, sexist, fascist” earlier this month on his company’s website.

He said that while he remains committed to his liberal clients, he “will no longer do business with any person that is a registered Republican or supports Donald Trump.”

“If you are a Republican, voted for Donald Trump or support Donald Trump, in any manner, you are not welcome at 1st In SEO and we ask you to leave our firm,” Mr. Blanchfield wrote in the letter, which he shared Wednesday with his 35,000 Twitter followers.

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

Uh, not "business suicide." Trump voters wouldn't need his services in the first place, as they are far, FAR too stupid to build any sort of online presence for their lame businesses. Hell, Trump voters can't even afford a ticket to Hamilton, let alone an SEO service company. 99.9% of them don't even know WTF it is anyway.
And you have never built a database or written a line of code.

I have written code. Shit, I was taking classes for HTML all the way back in 1998. Hardly any need for me to write code anymore, except PHP which I just have my tech guy do for me if I need to.

"Databases." lol, what the hell are you talking about....

You ignorant ass.
HTML and PHP are a joke..."paintbrushes".

They are literally still the foundation of every fucking website on the internet (except social media), you know-nothing jackoff.

They are the Visual Interface and have little to do with the intelligent management of information.
After they had totally wrecked the world and the country under W...
. Really, really ??? W did all that ??? What ? Was he like a super villain that was responsible for every natural disaster or man made disaster that had taken place over the last 200 years ?? Give us a break.
Allowed 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, wrecked the ME with the stupidest wars ever, AND a corrupt world depression. Breaking for Foxbots etc....
I learned to write code in dos back in college in the 80's. The only thing I remember is.......well, nothing really lol. But I enjoyed the classes & the knowledge when I had it.
Going to be hard to beat this one, talk about business suicide. Ladies and gentlemen I give to you the most idiotic CEO in the history of business

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

The CEO of an Albuquerque-based internet marketing firm has issued a letter telling clients who support President-elect Donald Trump to take their business elsewhere.

Mathew Blanchfield, who runs 1st in SEO, posted the letter describing Mr. Trump as “a racist, sexist, fascist” earlier this month on his company’s website.

He said that while he remains committed to his liberal clients, he “will no longer do business with any person that is a registered Republican or supports Donald Trump.”

“If you are a Republican, voted for Donald Trump or support Donald Trump, in any manner, you are not welcome at 1st In SEO and we ask you to leave our firm,” Mr. Blanchfield wrote in the letter, which he shared Wednesday with his 35,000 Twitter followers.

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

Uh, not "business suicide." Trump voters wouldn't need his services in the first place, as they are far, FAR too stupid to build any sort of online presence for their lame businesses. Hell, Trump voters can't even afford a ticket to Hamilton, let alone an SEO service company. 99.9% of them don't even know WTF it is anyway.
And you have never built a database or written a line of code.

I have written code. Shit, I was taking classes for HTML all the way back in 1998. Hardly any need for me to write code anymore, except PHP which I just have my tech guy do for me if I need to.

"Databases." lol, what the hell are you talking about....

You ignorant ass.
HTML and PHP are a joke..."paintbrushes".

They are literally still the foundation of every fucking website on the internet (except social media), you know-nothing jackoff.
You're in over your head

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