Liberals Are Always Bashing Texas, Now They're Bashing Trump

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
How pathetically low can the Liberals go?

The damn storm is still raging and these lunatics are all over fake news claiming he's "tone deaf", his tweets today didn't say "Houston", and every idiotic pundit on fake news is sitting there with baited breath just waiting to parse his every word. And they won't stop until every fake travesty is hung around Trump's neck.

Liberals hate Texas. They're constantly bashing Texas. It's the epitome of every thing they can't stand about self reliance, independent spirit, and conservative values. Now they're using Texas as a pawn to bash Trump. Not even when Texas took in all the refugees from Katrina did you hear a word of praise.

The Texas Governor has already stated Trump has given him every thing he's asked for. Trump has already stated he's going to Texas on Tuesday. But that doesn't stop the libtarded left. I haven't seen Nancy Pelosi's and Chuck schumer's travel plans to go to Texas.

Liberals should just shut up. They could care less about Texas and everyone knows it.
How pathetically low can the Liberals go?

The damn storm is still raging and these lunatics are all over fake news claiming he's "tone deaf", his tweets today didn't say "Houston", and every idiotic pundit on fake news is sitting there with baited breath just waiting to parse his every word. And they won't stop until every fake travesty is hung around Trump's neck.

Liberals hate Texas. They're constantly bashing Texas. It's the epitome of every thing they can't stand about self reliance, independent spirit, and conservative values. Now they're using Texas as a pawn to bash Trump. Not even when Texas took in all the refugees from Katrina did you hear a word of praise.

The Texas Governor has already stated Trump has given him every thing he's asked for. Trump has already stated he's going to Texas on Tuesday. But that doesn't stop the libtarded left. I haven't seen Nancy Pelosi's and Chuck schumer's travel plans to go to Texas.

Liberals should just shut up. They could care less about Texas and everyone knows it.

Dude. I'd be happy if you guys just learned how to drive and would stop chucking shit out of your windows. If you guys didn't listen to the pundits, I would have no idea what the hell they were saying.

Just "think" (if you still can) right wingers...What would the GOP do IF Texas were to become blue?

Last election, an additional HALF million Latinos registered to vote....and they're not too happy with Trump's bashing their heritage........

Texas turn blue?

There is no part of this nation that cannot have a disaster big enough that local authorities cannot adaquetly handle it. We are One Nation, Undivided. When there is a catastrophe as large as Hurricane Harvey, the whole nation should be there for those affected by it.
How pathetically low can the Liberals go?

The damn storm is still raging and these lunatics are all over fake news claiming he's "tone deaf", his tweets today didn't say "Houston", and every idiotic pundit on fake news is sitting there with baited breath just waiting to parse his every word. And they won't stop until every fake travesty is hung around Trump's neck.

Liberals hate Texas. They're constantly bashing Texas. It's the epitome of every thing they can't stand about self reliance, independent spirit, and conservative values. Now they're using Texas as a pawn to bash Trump. Not even when Texas took in all the refugees from Katrina did you hear a word of praise.

The Texas Governor has already stated Trump has given him every thing he's asked for. Trump has already stated he's going to Texas on Tuesday. But that doesn't stop the libtarded left. I haven't seen Nancy Pelosi's and Chuck schumer's travel plans to go to Texas.

Liberals should just shut up. They could care less about Texas and everyone knows it.

I love Texas. Always have. Too bad we have so many crazy politicians.
I remember what my Aunt said, when Johnson took the oath of office.

"fi-na-ly ah pres-a-dent that duznt talk with a accent"

(She was born and raised in Austin)
Texas could be "blue" today, given the number of Latinos registered; unfortunately, many do NOT yet show up to vote. Hopefully, Trump's racial slurs and obstinacy about a freaking wall will wake them up to exercise their voting right.
I remember what my Aunt said, when Johnson took the oath of office.

"fi-na-ly ah pres-a-dent that duznt talk with a accent"

(She was born and raised in Austin)
So was my grandpa in 1896..

This is hilarious and yet it turned deeper red after 2016. Liberals are failing everywhere and have been for years now. Theyll continue to lose if they keep promoting death, destruction, and a nihilist message. Its the party of death, destruction,racism, hate, and division.
This is hilarious and yet it turned deeper red after 2016. Liberals are failing everywhere and have been for years now. Theyll continue to lose if they keep promoting death, destruction, and a nihilist message. Its the party of death, destruction,racism, hate, and division.

Well, "heck of a job, Lord Brownie"....You are certainly entitled to your opinions....BUT NOT FACTS

In 2012, 57% plus of Texans voted republican

In 2016 52% of Texans voted republican

Now, if there's a grown up around, ask that person which of the 2 above percentile is the lesser one....
How pathetically low can the Liberals go?

The damn storm is still raging and these lunatics are all over fake news claiming he's "tone deaf", his tweets today didn't say "Houston", and every idiotic pundit on fake news is sitting there with baited breath just waiting to parse his every word. And they won't stop until every fake travesty is hung around Trump's neck.

Liberals hate Texas. They're constantly bashing Texas. It's the epitome of every thing they can't stand about self reliance, independent spirit, and conservative values. Now they're using Texas as a pawn to bash Trump. Not even when Texas took in all the refugees from Katrina did you hear a word of praise.

The Texas Governor has already stated Trump has given him every thing he's asked for. Trump has already stated he's going to Texas on Tuesday. But that doesn't stop the libtarded left. I haven't seen Nancy Pelosi's and Chuck schumer's travel plans to go to Texas.

Liberals should just shut up. They could care less about Texas and everyone knows it.

Houston and Harris County is blue, so I wonder how many protestors will show up when Fat Ass comes to do his presidential consolation.

County Trump Trump % Clinton Clinton %
Harris 545,955 41.61% 707,914 53.95%
United States presidential election in Texas, 2016 - Wikipedia

No wonder the Fat Fuck is dragging his feet. You know, the feet that got him five deferments from Viet Nam.
He can't stand at the podium and thank them for voting for him. LOL!!!!

This is hilarious and yet it turned deeper red after 2016. Liberals are failing everywhere and have been for years now. Theyll continue to lose if they keep promoting death, destruction, and a nihilist message. Its the party of death, destruction,racism, hate, and division.

Goddamn, turn Alex Jones off and take a walk.
That's because liberalfilth have morphed into the muslim inbreds they fellate. Like I've said on USMB a gazillion times, liberalfilth's go-to reaction to EVERYTHING is hate-filled, rioting violence. Like muslims liberalfilth are offended by EVERYTHING; everything is somehow "raaaaaycist" to these sniveling anal warts. And just like Nazis and muslims, liberalfilth are obsessed with destroying the historical artifacts of their enemies. That is just a FEW of the treasonous reasons I want liberalfilth to die of the cancer they deserve.

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