Liberals, what has Trump lied about?

Its going to be fun going forward.

In the future, whenever someone that is favored tells a lie, they can just claim they were exaggerating. It's from Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan as I recall. When Spock is called on the carpet for lying, he says "I exaggerated".

Well lets see- what are all of the rationalizations for Trump's lies so far?
  • He was exaggerating!
  • He was just joking!
  • I never believed it anyway
  • It is not really a lie- because Trump said X but he really meant Y
  • Obama did it first!
  • Clinton did it too!
Did I leave any out?
Wow, you are nuts.
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on..

I already have.

Trump said in in his promise to the American people that he would instruct the Treasury Secretary to label China a currency manipulator.

Trump promised he would do so.
He has never done it.
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out.
What you said:
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on
Then I showed how Trump specifically promised to label China a currency manipulator in the first 100 days in office- and didn't do it.- I specifically showed you exactly what you asked for
Your response?
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out
Which is what I predicted buckeye45_73 would say no matter what you mentioned as something Trump said he would do but hasn’t.
Well lets see- what are all of the rationalizations for Trump's lies so far?
  • He was exaggerating!
  • He was just joking!
  • I never believed it anyway
  • It is not really a lie- because Trump said X but he really meant Y
  • Obama did it first!
  • Clinton did it too!
Did I leave any out?
Wow, you are nuts.
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on..

I already have.

Trump said in in his promise to the American people that he would instruct the Treasury Secretary to label China a currency manipulator.

Trump promised he would do so.
He has never done it.
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out.
What you said:
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on
Then I showed how Trump specifically promised to label China a currency manipulator in the first 100 days in office- and didn't do it.- I specifically showed you exactly what you asked for
Your response?
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out
ok, he didn't do it in his first 100 days

Obama never closed Gitmo

he's done a ton of things I wanted and will do many more.
The problem is you guy concentrate on a lot of stupid shit.
Yes the first 100 days went and no currency manipulation. Was it a lie? technically yes, but maybe he learned something about the situation he didn't know, or maybe he's using it as a stick in current trade negotiations.
but if you think I'm gonna say Fuck Trump because of this, considering the great shit he has done, you're crazy. What is your point with this?
Actually, you asked for what Trump didn’t do or didn’t try to do. Obama tried to close Gitmo.

As far as what Trump said he would do, but had neither done nor tried to do — is to release is tax returns. He lied when he said he would.
Well lets see- what are all of the rationalizations for Trump's lies so far?
  • He was exaggerating!
  • He was just joking!
  • I never believed it anyway
  • It is not really a lie- because Trump said X but he really meant Y
  • Obama did it first!
  • Clinton did it too!
Did I leave any out?
Wow, you are nuts.
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on..

I already have.

Trump said in in his promise to the American people that he would instruct the Treasury Secretary to label China a currency manipulator.

Trump promised he would do so.
He has never done it.
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out.
What you said:
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on
Then I showed how Trump specifically promised to label China a currency manipulator in the first 100 days in office- and didn't do it.- I specifically showed you exactly what you asked for
Your response?
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out
Which is what I predicted buckeye45_73 would say no matter what you mentioned as something Trump said he would do but hasn’t.
Yeah, he's been in office for 1 1/2 years.
Talk about lying, you guys said he was doing it to start a TV channel or he wouldn't take office or he wouldn't run in 2020, I mean you guys are so full of shit. you thought blacks would be slaves, gays killed and grannies thrown off cliffs by now, and now you guys are complaining he's not going fast enough?

If you really feel that, tell your boy Chucky to stop using the filibuster.
He did say, he just never said HE DID IT. He said the way Hollywood works is you can grab a woman by the pussy and get away with it. And we all know that's true. If you have a big enough part, women will do whatever you want, been that way since Hollywood started....Weinstein proved it still goes on. Trump was correct, but he never said HE was involved
I got no argument here.
Wow, you are nuts.
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on..

I already have.

Trump said in in his promise to the American people that he would instruct the Treasury Secretary to label China a currency manipulator.

Trump promised he would do so.
He has never done it.
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out.
What you said:
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on
Then I showed how Trump specifically promised to label China a currency manipulator in the first 100 days in office- and didn't do it.- I specifically showed you exactly what you asked for
Your response?
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out
Which is what I predicted buckeye45_73 would say no matter what you mentioned as something Trump said he would do but hasn’t.
Yeah, he's been in office for 1 1/2 years.
Talk about lying, you guys said he was doing it to start a TV channel or he wouldn't take office or he wouldn't run in 2020, I mean you guys are so full of shit. you thought blacks would be slaves, gays killed and grannies thrown off cliffs by now, and now you guys are complaining he's not going fast enough?

If you really feel that, tell your boy Chucky to stop using the filibuster.
I never said any of those things but those are not lies anyway according to your definition of a lie.
Wow, you are nuts.
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on..

I already have.

Trump said in in his promise to the American people that he would instruct the Treasury Secretary to label China a currency manipulator.

Trump promised he would do so.
He has never done it.
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out.
What you said:
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on
Then I showed how Trump specifically promised to label China a currency manipulator in the first 100 days in office- and didn't do it.- I specifically showed you exactly what you asked for
Your response?
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out
ok, he didn't do it in his first 100 days

Obama never closed Gitmo

he's done a ton of things I wanted and will do many more.
The problem is you guy concentrate on a lot of stupid shit.
Yes the first 100 days went and no currency manipulation. Was it a lie? technically yes, but maybe he learned something about the situation he didn't know, or maybe he's using it as a stick in current trade negotiations.
but if you think I'm gonna say Fuck Trump because of this, considering the great shit he has done, you're crazy. What is your point with this?
Actually, you asked for what Trump didn’t do or didn’t try to do. Obama tried to close Gitmo.

As far as what Trump said he would do, but had neither done nor tried to do — is to release is tax returns. He lied when he said he would.

Why Obama Has Failed to Close Guantánamo
He tried to close Gitmo? So what happened, it's a military base, he can close it if he wants.

Obama said, “I think I would have closed Guantánamo on the first day.” But the politics had got tough, he said, and “the path of least resistance was just to leave it open.”

So he did it the easy way. Trump didn't agree to close Gitmo, which is good, but had he, he would have done it. He has balls.
I already have.

Trump said in in his promise to the American people that he would instruct the Treasury Secretary to label China a currency manipulator.

Trump promised he would do so.
He has never done it.
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out.
What you said:
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on
Then I showed how Trump specifically promised to label China a currency manipulator in the first 100 days in office- and didn't do it.- I specifically showed you exactly what you asked for
Your response?
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out
ok, he didn't do it in his first 100 days

Obama never closed Gitmo

he's done a ton of things I wanted and will do many more.
The problem is you guy concentrate on a lot of stupid shit.
Yes the first 100 days went and no currency manipulation. Was it a lie? technically yes, but maybe he learned something about the situation he didn't know, or maybe he's using it as a stick in current trade negotiations.
but if you think I'm gonna say Fuck Trump because of this, considering the great shit he has done, you're crazy. What is your point with this?
Actually, you asked for what Trump didn’t do or didn’t try to do. Obama tried to close Gitmo.

As far as what Trump said he would do, but had neither done nor tried to do — is to release is tax returns. He lied when he said he would.

Why Obama Has Failed to Close Guantánamo
He tried to close Gitmo? So what happened, it's a military base, he can close it if he wants.

Obama said, “I think I would have closed Guantánamo on the first day.” But the politics had got tough, he said, and “the path of least resistance was just to leave it open.”

So he did it the easy way. Trump didn't agree to close Gitmo, which is good, but had he, he would have done it. He has balls.
If he had balls he’d build his wall.
I already have.

Trump said in in his promise to the American people that he would instruct the Treasury Secretary to label China a currency manipulator.

Trump promised he would do so.
He has never done it.
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out.
What you said:
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on
Then I showed how Trump specifically promised to label China a currency manipulator in the first 100 days in office- and didn't do it.- I specifically showed you exactly what you asked for
Your response?
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out
ok, he didn't do it in his first 100 days

Obama never closed Gitmo

he's done a ton of things I wanted and will do many more.
The problem is you guy concentrate on a lot of stupid shit.
Yes the first 100 days went and no currency manipulation. Was it a lie? technically yes, but maybe he learned something about the situation he didn't know, or maybe he's using it as a stick in current trade negotiations.
but if you think I'm gonna say Fuck Trump because of this, considering the great shit he has done, you're crazy. What is your point with this?
Actually, you asked for what Trump didn’t do or didn’t try to do. Obama tried to close Gitmo.

As far as what Trump said he would do, but had neither done nor tried to do — is to release is tax returns. He lied when he said he would.

Why Obama Has Failed to Close Guantánamo
He tried to close Gitmo? So what happened, it's a military base, he can close it if he wants.

Obama said, “I think I would have closed Guantánamo on the first day.” But the politics had got tough, he said, and “the path of least resistance was just to leave it open.”

So he did it the easy way. Trump didn't agree to close Gitmo, which is good, but had he, he would have done it. He has balls.
I also note, you failed to address Trump’s lie about releasing his taxes.
I already have.

Trump said in in his promise to the American people that he would instruct the Treasury Secretary to label China a currency manipulator.

Trump promised he would do so.
He has never done it.
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out.
What you said:
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on
Then I showed how Trump specifically promised to label China a currency manipulator in the first 100 days in office- and didn't do it.- I specifically showed you exactly what you asked for
Your response?
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out
ok, he didn't do it in his first 100 days

Obama never closed Gitmo

he's done a ton of things I wanted and will do many more.
The problem is you guy concentrate on a lot of stupid shit.
Yes the first 100 days went and no currency manipulation. Was it a lie? technically yes, but maybe he learned something about the situation he didn't know, or maybe he's using it as a stick in current trade negotiations.
but if you think I'm gonna say Fuck Trump because of this, considering the great shit he has done, you're crazy. What is your point with this?
Actually, you asked for what Trump didn’t do or didn’t try to do. Obama tried to close Gitmo.

As far as what Trump said he would do, but had neither done nor tried to do — is to release is tax returns. He lied when he said he would.

Why Obama Has Failed to Close Guantánamo
He tried to close Gitmo? So what happened, it's a military base, he can close it if he wants.

Obama said, “I think I would have closed Guantánamo on the first day.” But the politics had got tough, he said, and “the path of least resistance was just to leave it open.”

So he did it the easy way. Trump didn't agree to close Gitmo, which is good, but had he, he would have done it. He has balls.

Because contrary to popular conservative BS -- Obama was not a radical leftist terrorist dictator -- he was a centrist who was too afraid of what bad things republicans would say about him -- too fixated on bipartisanship and never caught on to the fact that conservatives are depraved and do not care about being against something they were just for five minutes ago

Its not called having balls, its called having ZERO principles because their base is mostly power worshipping sycophants with no shame
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out.
What you said:
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on
Then I showed how Trump specifically promised to label China a currency manipulator in the first 100 days in office- and didn't do it.- I specifically showed you exactly what you asked for
Your response?
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out
ok, he didn't do it in his first 100 days

Obama never closed Gitmo

he's done a ton of things I wanted and will do many more.
The problem is you guy concentrate on a lot of stupid shit.
Yes the first 100 days went and no currency manipulation. Was it a lie? technically yes, but maybe he learned something about the situation he didn't know, or maybe he's using it as a stick in current trade negotiations.
but if you think I'm gonna say Fuck Trump because of this, considering the great shit he has done, you're crazy. What is your point with this?
Actually, you asked for what Trump didn’t do or didn’t try to do. Obama tried to close Gitmo.

As far as what Trump said he would do, but had neither done nor tried to do — is to release is tax returns. He lied when he said he would.

Why Obama Has Failed to Close Guantánamo
He tried to close Gitmo? So what happened, it's a military base, he can close it if he wants.

Obama said, “I think I would have closed Guantánamo on the first day.” But the politics had got tough, he said, and “the path of least resistance was just to leave it open.”

So he did it the easy way. Trump didn't agree to close Gitmo, which is good, but had he, he would have done it. He has balls.
If he had balls he’d build his wall.
He needs the funding....but he'll get it.....
What you said:
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on
Then I showed how Trump specifically promised to label China a currency manipulator in the first 100 days in office- and didn't do it.- I specifically showed you exactly what you asked for
Your response?
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out
ok, he didn't do it in his first 100 days

Obama never closed Gitmo

he's done a ton of things I wanted and will do many more.
The problem is you guy concentrate on a lot of stupid shit.
Yes the first 100 days went and no currency manipulation. Was it a lie? technically yes, but maybe he learned something about the situation he didn't know, or maybe he's using it as a stick in current trade negotiations.
but if you think I'm gonna say Fuck Trump because of this, considering the great shit he has done, you're crazy. What is your point with this?
Actually, you asked for what Trump didn’t do or didn’t try to do. Obama tried to close Gitmo.

As far as what Trump said he would do, but had neither done nor tried to do — is to release is tax returns. He lied when he said he would.

Why Obama Has Failed to Close Guantánamo
He tried to close Gitmo? So what happened, it's a military base, he can close it if he wants.

Obama said, “I think I would have closed Guantánamo on the first day.” But the politics had got tough, he said, and “the path of least resistance was just to leave it open.”

So he did it the easy way. Trump didn't agree to close Gitmo, which is good, but had he, he would have done it. He has balls.
If he had balls he’d build his wall.
He needs the funding....but he'll get it.....
He wouldn’t need the funding had he kept his promise and made Mexico pay for it.

If he had balls, he would have locked up Hillary like he said he would. Just another lie.
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out.
What you said:
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on
Then I showed how Trump specifically promised to label China a currency manipulator in the first 100 days in office- and didn't do it.- I specifically showed you exactly what you asked for
Your response?
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out
ok, he didn't do it in his first 100 days

Obama never closed Gitmo

he's done a ton of things I wanted and will do many more.
The problem is you guy concentrate on a lot of stupid shit.
Yes the first 100 days went and no currency manipulation. Was it a lie? technically yes, but maybe he learned something about the situation he didn't know, or maybe he's using it as a stick in current trade negotiations.
but if you think I'm gonna say Fuck Trump because of this, considering the great shit he has done, you're crazy. What is your point with this?
Actually, you asked for what Trump didn’t do or didn’t try to do. Obama tried to close Gitmo.

As far as what Trump said he would do, but had neither done nor tried to do — is to release is tax returns. He lied when he said he would.

Why Obama Has Failed to Close Guantánamo
He tried to close Gitmo? So what happened, it's a military base, he can close it if he wants.

Obama said, “I think I would have closed Guantánamo on the first day.” But the politics had got tough, he said, and “the path of least resistance was just to leave it open.”

So he did it the easy way. Trump didn't agree to close Gitmo, which is good, but had he, he would have done it. He has balls.
I also note, you failed to address Trump’s lie about releasing his taxes.
I thought Rachel Maddow had a whole show on that?
Also hyperbole.
You're saying Trump never said that? Just because you can't back up what you say, doesn't mean I don't...

Pretty typical of men. Not that you would know.
You're saying I never grabbed a pussy? That was just mean!

He did say, he just never said HE DID IT. He said the way Hollywood works is you can grab a woman by the pussy and get away with it. And we all know that's true. If you have a big enough part, women will do whatever you want, been that way since Hollywood started....Weinstein proved it still goes on. Trump was correct, but he never said HE was involved

No, Donnie Dirt Bag said that's the way HE works!!!

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.
What you said:
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on
Then I showed how Trump specifically promised to label China a currency manipulator in the first 100 days in office- and didn't do it.- I specifically showed you exactly what you asked for
Your response?
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out
ok, he didn't do it in his first 100 days

Obama never closed Gitmo

he's done a ton of things I wanted and will do many more.
The problem is you guy concentrate on a lot of stupid shit.
Yes the first 100 days went and no currency manipulation. Was it a lie? technically yes, but maybe he learned something about the situation he didn't know, or maybe he's using it as a stick in current trade negotiations.
but if you think I'm gonna say Fuck Trump because of this, considering the great shit he has done, you're crazy. What is your point with this?
Actually, you asked for what Trump didn’t do or didn’t try to do. Obama tried to close Gitmo.

As far as what Trump said he would do, but had neither done nor tried to do — is to release is tax returns. He lied when he said he would.

Why Obama Has Failed to Close Guantánamo
He tried to close Gitmo? So what happened, it's a military base, he can close it if he wants.

Obama said, “I think I would have closed Guantánamo on the first day.” But the politics had got tough, he said, and “the path of least resistance was just to leave it open.”

So he did it the easy way. Trump didn't agree to close Gitmo, which is good, but had he, he would have done it. He has balls.
I also note, you failed to address Trump’s lie about releasing his taxes.
I thought Rachel Maddow had a whole show on that?
I wouldn’t know as I don’t watch her show. What I do know, is that Trump lied about releasing his taxes.
Also hyperbole.
You're saying Trump never said that? Just because you can't back up what you say, doesn't mean I don't...

Pretty typical of men. Not that you would know.
You're saying I never grabbed a pussy? That was just mean!

He did say, he just never said HE DID IT. He said the way Hollywood works is you can grab a woman by the pussy and get away with it. And we all know that's true. If you have a big enough part, women will do whatever you want, been that way since Hollywood started....Weinstein proved it still goes on. Trump was correct, but he never said HE was involved

No, Donnie Dirt Bag said that's the way HE works!!!

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

His cockholsters prove they will say anything to defend him.
Wow, you are nuts.
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on..

I already have.

Trump said in in his promise to the American people that he would instruct the Treasury Secretary to label China a currency manipulator.

Trump promised he would do so.
He has never done it.
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out.
What you said:
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on
Then I showed how Trump specifically promised to label China a currency manipulator in the first 100 days in office- and didn't do it.- I specifically showed you exactly what you asked for
Your response?
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out
Which is what I predicted buckeye45_73 would say no matter what you mentioned as something Trump said he would do but hasn’t.
Yeah, he's been in office for 1 1/2 years.
Talk about lying, .

And in 1 1/2 years he still hasn't done what he promised to do in the first 100 days.

Hasn't even tried to.

Yeah- talk about lying.
I already have.

Trump said in in his promise to the American people that he would instruct the Treasury Secretary to label China a currency manipulator.

Trump promised he would do so.
He has never done it.
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out.
What you said:
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on
Then I showed how Trump specifically promised to label China a currency manipulator in the first 100 days in office- and didn't do it.- I specifically showed you exactly what you asked for
Your response?
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out
ok, he didn't do it in his first 100 days

Obama never closed Gitmo

he's done a ton of things I wanted and will do many more.
The problem is you guy concentrate on a lot of stupid shit.
Yes the first 100 days went and no currency manipulation. Was it a lie? technically yes, but maybe he learned something about the situation he didn't know, or maybe he's using it as a stick in current trade negotiations.
but if you think I'm gonna say Fuck Trump because of this, considering the great shit he has done, you're crazy. What is your point with this?
Actually, you asked for what Trump didn’t do or didn’t try to do. Obama tried to close Gitmo.

As far as what Trump said he would do, but had neither done nor tried to do — is to release is tax returns. He lied when he said he would.

Why Obama Has Failed to Close Guantánamo
He tried to close Gitmo? So what happened, it's a military base, he can close it if he wants.

Obama said, “I think I would have closed Guantánamo on the first day.” But the politics had got tough, he said, and “the path of least resistance was just to leave it open.”

So he did it the easy way. Trump didn't agree to close Gitmo, which is good, but had he, he would have done it. He has balls.


Trump doesn't have any balls

That is why he can't even fire any of his staff himself.

That is why he always blames everyone else for his mistakes, failures and lies.
I just did. He claimed the biggest electoral college win since Reagan and he claimed he won the popular vote if not counting illegal votes.

G’head... give it your best shot...
Omg, like I said he exaggerates, but he did win. That's all you guys have is a difference in numbers. Show me something he said he would do but hasn't even tried to implement it. It's like talking to a 5 year old.

Define the word "lie" then.
Something a Democrat says when they're embellishing -- like Obama talking about shovel ready jobs.

Its going to be fun going forward.

In the future, whenever someone that is favored tells a lie, they can just claim they were exaggerating. It's from Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan as I recall. When Spock is called on the carpet for lying, he says "I exaggerated".

Well lets see- what are all of the rationalizations for Trump's lies so far?
  • He was exaggerating!
  • He was just joking!
  • I never believed it anyway
  • It is not really a lie- because Trump said X but he really meant Y
  • Obama did it first!
  • Clinton did it too!
Did I leave any out?

Updating my list after watching the Fred Astaire type of fast dancing by Buckeye to rationalize Trump's lies

Well lets see- what are all of the rationalizations for Trump's lies so far?
  • He was exaggerating!
  • He was just joking!
  • I never believed it anyway
  • It is not really a lie- because Trump said X but he really meant Y
  • Obama did it first!
  • Clinton did it too!
  • Its not really a lie because even though he said he would do it in 100 days, we are only some 500 days into his presidency- just give him time.
  • Why are you bringing up Birthers?
Did I leave any out?

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