Liberals Are Always Bashing Texas, Now They're Bashing Trump

Yes, if an Antifa THING had the misfortune of being buried near me, I would not only dance on that traitor's grave, I would lead an entire C-walking shuffle class across it.

It won't be that blue..... you Liberals still depend on its oil whether you like it or not. Until you people can figure out a way for the economy to run on water and/or air without disruption, oil rules! God Bless Texas!

It won't be that blue..... you Liberals still depend on its oil whether you like it or not. Until you people can figure out a way for the economy to run on water and/or air without disruption, oil rules! God Bless Texas!

You righties are gonna' pay the same sky-high price for gas as the lefties and you can thank Harvey for that, and he's totally bipartisan.

It won't be that blue..... you Liberals still depend on its oil whether you like it or not. Until you people can figure out a way for the economy to run on water and/or air without disruption, oil rules! God Bless Texas!

You righties are gonna' pay the same sky-high price for gas as the lefties and you can thank Harvey for that, and he's totally bipartisan.

So? Are you trying to claim the weather is partisan?

It won't be that blue..... you Liberals still depend on its oil whether you like it or not. Until you people can figure out a way for the economy to run on water and/or air without disruption, oil rules! God Bless Texas!

You righties are gonna' pay the same sky-high price for gas as the lefties and you can thank Harvey for that, and he's totally bipartisan.

Thank you for make the case for domestic drilling. You Lefties have yet to come up with a viable alternative to oil without disrupting the Economy. If there were more domestic drilling, Harvey would be less significant.
How pathetically low can the Liberals go?

The damn storm is still raging and these lunatics are all over fake news claiming he's "tone deaf", his tweets today didn't say "Houston", and every idiotic pundit on fake news is sitting there with baited breath just waiting to parse his every word. And they won't stop until every fake travesty is hung around Trump's neck.

Liberals hate Texas. They're constantly bashing Texas. It's the epitome of every thing they can't stand about self reliance, independent spirit, and conservative values. Now they're using Texas as a pawn to bash Trump. Not even when Texas took in all the refugees from Katrina did you hear a word of praise.

The Texas Governor has already stated Trump has given him every thing he's asked for. Trump has already stated he's going to Texas on Tuesday. But that doesn't stop the libtarded left. I haven't seen Nancy Pelosi's and Chuck schumer's travel plans to go to Texas.

Liberals should just shut up. They could care less about Texas and everyone knows it.
Tezass is a shithole of America.
How pathetically low can the Liberals go?

The damn storm is still raging and these lunatics are all over fake news claiming he's "tone deaf", his tweets today didn't say "Houston", and every idiotic pundit on fake news is sitting there with baited breath just waiting to parse his every word. And they won't stop until every fake travesty is hung around Trump's neck.

Liberals hate Texas. They're constantly bashing Texas. It's the epitome of every thing they can't stand about self reliance, independent spirit, and conservative values. Now they're using Texas as a pawn to bash Trump. Not even when Texas took in all the refugees from Katrina did you hear a word of praise.

The Texas Governor has already stated Trump has given him every thing he's asked for. Trump has already stated he's going to Texas on Tuesday. But that doesn't stop the libtarded left. I haven't seen Nancy Pelosi's and Chuck schumer's travel plans to go to Texas.

Liberals should just shut up. They could care less about Texas and everyone knows it.
The entire world is bashing Trump. Because he bashes reason, morals and good sense.

Thank God Obama left him a working system.
How pathetically low can the Liberals go?

The damn storm is still raging and these lunatics are all over fake news claiming he's "tone deaf", his tweets today didn't say "Houston", and every idiotic pundit on fake news is sitting there with baited breath just waiting to parse his every word. And they won't stop until every fake travesty is hung around Trump's neck.

Liberals hate Texas. They're constantly bashing Texas. It's the epitome of every thing they can't stand about self reliance, independent spirit, and conservative values. Now they're using Texas as a pawn to bash Trump. Not even when Texas took in all the refugees from Katrina did you hear a word of praise.

The Texas Governor has already stated Trump has given him every thing he's asked for. Trump has already stated he's going to Texas on Tuesday. But that doesn't stop the libtarded left. I haven't seen Nancy Pelosi's and Chuck schumer's travel plans to go to Texas.

Liberals should just shut up. They could care less about Texas and everyone knows it.
Tezass is a shithole of America.

When did NYC give up the title?
That's because liberalfilth have morphed into the muslim inbreds they fellate. Like I've said on USMB a gazillion times, liberalfilth's go-to reaction to EVERYTHING is hate-filled, rioting violence. Like muslims liberalfilth are offended by EVERYTHING; everything is somehow "raaaaaycist" to these sniveling anal warts. And just like Nazis and muslims, liberalfilth are obsessed with destroying the historical artifacts of their enemies. That is just a FEW of the treasonous reasons I want liberalfilth to die of the cancer they deserve.

You have GREAT potentials to write Shakespearean love sonnets, you know that?....LOL
How pathetically low can the Liberals go?

The damn storm is still raging and these lunatics are all over fake news claiming he's "tone deaf", his tweets today didn't say "Houston", and every idiotic pundit on fake news is sitting there with baited breath just waiting to parse his every word. And they won't stop until every fake travesty is hung around Trump's neck.

Liberals hate Texas. They're constantly bashing Texas. It's the epitome of every thing they can't stand about self reliance, independent spirit, and conservative values. Now they're using Texas as a pawn to bash Trump. Not even when Texas took in all the refugees from Katrina did you hear a word of praise.

The Texas Governor has already stated Trump has given him every thing he's asked for. Trump has already stated he's going to Texas on Tuesday. But that doesn't stop the libtarded left. I haven't seen Nancy Pelosi's and Chuck schumer's travel plans to go to Texas.

Liberals should just shut up. They could care less about Texas and everyone knows it.

Texans are taking time out from wanting to secede to wanting to get some big fat bennies from the federal government they hate.
That's because liberalfilth have morphed into the muslim inbreds they fellate. Like I've said on USMB a gazillion times, liberalfilth's go-to reaction to EVERYTHING is hate-filled, rioting violence. Like muslims liberalfilth are offended by EVERYTHING; everything is somehow "raaaaaycist" to these sniveling anal warts. And just like Nazis and muslims, liberalfilth are obsessed with destroying the historical artifacts of their enemies. That is just a FEW of the treasonous reasons I want liberalfilth to die of the cancer they deserve.

You seem tense. Maybe you need a more comfortable chair.
How pathetically low can the Liberals go?

The damn storm is still raging and these lunatics are all over fake news claiming he's "tone deaf", his tweets today didn't say "Houston", and every idiotic pundit on fake news is sitting there with baited breath just waiting to parse his every word. And they won't stop until every fake travesty is hung around Trump's neck.

Liberals hate Texas. They're constantly bashing Texas. It's the epitome of every thing they can't stand about self reliance, independent spirit, and conservative values. Now they're using Texas as a pawn to bash Trump. Not even when Texas took in all the refugees from Katrina did you hear a word of praise.

The Texas Governor has already stated Trump has given him every thing he's asked for. Trump has already stated he's going to Texas on Tuesday. But that doesn't stop the libtarded left. I haven't seen Nancy Pelosi's and Chuck schumer's travel plans to go to Texas.

Liberals should just shut up. They could care less about Texas and everyone knows it.
Tezass is a shithole of America.

America depends on that shithhole's oil and the whole world knows it.
All they are doing is distracting everyone's mind off of Hillary, while she escapes.


This is hilarious and yet it turned deeper red after 2016. Liberals are failing everywhere and have been for years now. Theyll continue to lose if they keep promoting death, destruction, and a nihilist message. Its the party of death, destruction,racism, hate, and division.
This is hilarious and yet it turned deeper red after 2016.
They sure did turn a deeper red...from embarrassment for what they'd done!

This is hilarious and yet it turned deeper red after 2016. Liberals are failing everywhere and have been for years now. Theyll continue to lose if they keep promoting death, destruction, and a nihilist message. Its the party of death, destruction,racism, hate, and division.

Goddamn, turn Alex Jones off and take a walk.

The path of destruction by liberals has nothing to do with conspiracy nut jones.

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