Liberal's are Hypocrites: Support Washington Insider Biden! Stupidly is Laughable!

Amen. Biden is everything they claim to hate and the media, who are also everything they claim to hate, praise Biden the globalist NWO asshole. Logic would say go against Biden and the media as neither has the best interests of the American people in mind. But when does logic ever play a part in the Democrat plan of totalitarian domination of government? The truth is, Democrats are a subsidiary of the CCP.

The Democrats knew three years ago the only way they could win the 2020 election is by committing MASSIVE fraud. An old, rich, white man like Biden was the only believable option. Certainly no one would believe any of the other freaks they were peddling could get 80 million votes.

So, they dusted off this deranged old pervert, fed him a few speed pills to make him look conscious on camera, and kept him in the basement while Big Tech and Big Media did the work stealing the election.
Amen. Biden is everything they claim to hate and the media, who are also everything they claim to hate, praise Biden the globalist NWO asshole. Logic would say go against Biden and the media as neither has the best interests of the American people in mind. But when does logic ever play a part in the Democrat plan of totalitarian domination of government? The truth is, Democrats are a subsidiary of the CCP.
China communist are underhanded. Get rid of Trump with a virus scare and liberal media leftist...young Trump haters become disillusioned when establishment liberals take charge. Now youth will really be angry and want to split Democratic Party between socialist ( Biden/Obama) and hard core Marxist (AOC+3) and Leon Trotsky Sanders. Fucking rubes.
You're right my brother but the self proclaimed enlightened ones won't see it that way. This is easily the dumbest bunch of MFers who ever thought to lead our country.
Amen. Biden is everything they claim to hate and the media, who are also everything they claim to hate, praise Biden the globalist NWO asshole. Logic would say go against Biden and the media as neither has the best interests of the American people in mind. But when does logic ever play a part in the Democrat plan of totalitarian domination of government? The truth is, Democrats are a subsidiary of the CCP.
China communist are underhanded. Get rid of Trump with a virus scare and liberal media leftist...young Trump haters become disillusioned when establishment liberals take charge. Now youth will really be angry and want to split Democratic Party between socialist ( Biden/Obama) and hard core Marxist (AOC+3) and Leon Trotsky Sanders. Fucking rubes.
You're right my brother but the self proclaimed enlightened ones won't see it that way. This is easily the dumbest bunch of MFers who ever thought to lead our country.
China is celebrating the incoming Harris- Biden administration.
I'm celebrating the new administration too! I'm also celebrating pulling off the most massive fraud ever pulled off, without leaving so much as a trace of evidence.

Is that good, or what?
I'm celebrating the new administration too! I'm also celebrating pulling off the most massive fraud ever pulled off, without leaving so much as a trace of evidence.

Is that good, or what?
Democrats are corrupt. Been that way for years. Anti-American motherfuckers.
Amen. Biden is everything they claim to hate and the media, who are also everything they claim to hate, praise Biden the globalist NWO asshole. Logic would say go against Biden and the media as neither has the best interests of the American people in mind. But when does logic ever play a part in the Democrat plan of totalitarian domination of government? The truth is, Democrats are a subsidiary of the CCP.

The Democrats knew three years ago the only way they could win the 2020 election is by committing MASSIVE fraud. An old, rich, white man like Biden was the only believable option. Certainly no one would believe any of the other freaks they were peddling could get 80 million votes.

So, they dusted off this deranged old pervert, fed him a few speed pills to make him look conscious on camera, and kept him in the basement while Big Tech and Big Media did the work stealing the election.
Big Brother cometh.
I'm celebrating the new administration too! I'm also celebrating pulling off the most massive fraud ever pulled off, without leaving so much as a trace of evidence.

Is that good, or what?
The way of the Communist is always with corruption untill they are put it line with a vulgar display of power. Your day is coming Marxist.

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