Liberals are less tolerant of the views of others.

I think you are arguing with your own better Judgement and losing. :)

Face it, you are a Closet Conservative. :lol:

Closet Conservative Syndrome??? :lol: Looking for a second opinion.

I'm a centrist. I'm on the conservative side on several issues. Just not all of them.
Nice find but we all knew it anyhow.
Yeah....."conservatives" know a lotta there's no History, Geology....or, Science (in-general) involved.

What "conservatives" know is more-commonly-referred-to as Faith, in most circles.....where any-and-all Absolutes are preferred, rather than them, there provable/proven secular-Facts.

She can't, dimwits lie.
this is a guys blog and hes talking about people online... not all people. in general people online are less tolerant of other people simply because they can choose to avoid them easier than in real life.

the exact words from his blog say:
"Online, liberals far less tolerant than normal people"

then again, it much more civil to ignore someone than argue with them when they have comments like this:

Uncensored 2008 - Well goddamn Adolf
Grunt 11b - You left wing fucking assholes would slaughter gays as soon as you knew you would have complete control

there are plenty of example on this on the USMB.

Actually, it's from a PEW study, and you'd know that if you actually read through the thread or the OP before posting.
actually i did read the article, and looked at the PEW study.

Social networking sites and politics | Pew Internet & American Life Project


nothing in the article say that they are less tolerant or intolerant, it simply points out liberals are more likely to ignore or block someone who talks or posts about political issues, or something they disagreed with on a social networking site. if you dont want to have to listen to someone talk about something you disagree with then that makes you intolerant? guess everyone who refuses to watch Fox News now is somehow intolerant.

PEW also posted this disclaimer within their article:
"The cohort is so small that it is not possible to do a statistically reliable analysis of trends. But as a rule, there were no ideological differences among those who had dropped someone from their SNS world because of politics."
Overall, these figures suggest that the majority are not actively seeking out friends based on political affiliation or views.

maybe you should read the whole study.
American Thinker, gmafb!

Yeah, you don't DO the whole "thinking" thingy - you're a leftist! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:


Conservatives are more apt to lie, deal with it.

Lying again, Rati?

The modern left is predicated upon the complete rejection of ethics and integrity. That which serves the party is said - whether it is factual isn't even considered.
Welll... I'll tell ya what. Let's do a study on THIS Message Board.... I'd say that the MOST intolerant and hateful people are Conservatives.... Great... now I'll publish it...

link to statistics you used... sample size... subject matter... etc. Come on. If you're gonna do it, do it right.

personal experience.... and a whole website worth of ridiculous and inflammatory posts?

Granted... I've responded in kind to many of those inflammatory posts with inflammatory I'd probably classify myself as a dark spot on the Democratic side... But hey... you can only be called a Marxist/Communist/Socialist/Anti-American/Traitor/with a mental disorder(liberalism) so many times before you fall into the trap of fighting fire with fire.
Nice find but we all knew it anyhow.
Yeah....."conservatives" know a lotta there's no History, Geology....or, Science (in-general) involved.

What "conservatives" know is more-commonly-referred-to as Faith, in most circles.....where any-and-all Absolutes are preferred, rather than them, there provable/proven secular-Facts.



Shaman Impression: "OMG !!! Radical Extreme Conservatives See Everything in Absolutes. There is no Gray for them!!!" .......

For my next Impression...... :D
or you could just say what's true...

that the o/p is a liar.

you know... that whole, lies, lies and damned lies thing. *shrug*

but maybe if he/she/it says it often enough, that will make it true.

What a great post, Jillian.

Completely vapid and without substance. Exactly what is expected from you.

Jillian: 100% guaranteed that every post will be substance free.
What does it really mean to be tolerant of others views...? In what context?

Often times in a forum like this, intelligent people tend to be intolerant of ignoramuses who think their opinion is significant to an issue which is not even a matter of opinion.

One could write a dissertation on a subject with complete sincerity and have their "views" completely dismissed as part of the greater discussion on a particular issue because intelligent people realize more readily what has already been established as beyond a practical point in the discussion. In going beyond the tedium and repetition of what is and what is not beside the point, or what is apples and oranges, etc...people often get emotional and feel their views have been "dismissed" by others cracking jokes or whatever perceived "intolerance", and it really is because a few people in the room already realize what the ranting ignoramus does not.

Please note, this happens on both ends of the political spectrum but... :eusa_whistle:
I think you are arguing with your own better Judgement and losing. :)

Face it, you are a Closet Conservative. :lol:

Closet Conservative Syndrome??? :lol: Looking for a second opinion.

I'm a centrist. I'm on the conservative side on several issues. Just not all of them.

That's not allowed... you're either with them, or a Marxist.

I mean, I'm all for Welfare reform that includes a "work for benefits" program, I'm basically anti-gun control, and I am also a Christian.

However, because I am Pro Universal Health Care, Pro-CHOICE(not pro-abortion), Pro Gay Rights, and feel that the key to our economic problems lie in higher wages for the people who actually drive the economy.... I'm considered to be a Marxist in their eyes.
There is no need to debate the nuances of this subject. We ALL know leftists are shrill, intolerant, loud mouths, period. We are ALSO ALL aware of the double standard they live by. It has become GLARINGLY evident in the past two weeks with the Rush incident, but we have known this for YEARS.

Next subject.
Nice find but we all knew it anyhow.
Yeah....."conservatives" know a lotta there's no History, Geology....or, Science (in-general) involved.

What "conservatives" know is more-commonly-referred-to as Faith, in most circles.....where any-and-all Absolutes are preferred, rather than them, there provable/proven secular-Facts.



Shaman Impression: "OMG !!! Radical Extreme Conservatives See Everything in Absolutes. There is no Gray for them!!!" .......

For my next Impression...... :D

I've noticed just in this thread that certain posters immediately resorted to name calling without any explanation of why they disagreed with the OP. Interesting. I have had 2 liberal friends drop me from Facebook after I posted some articles on immigration. Intolerant? You bet.
That's some big-deal, to you, huh....being dropped from Facebook?

You have no REAL problems, in your Life??

or you could just say what's true...

that the o/p is a liar.

you know... that whole, lies, lies and damned lies thing. *shrug*

but maybe if he/she/it says it often enough, that will make it true.

What a great post, Jillian.

Completely vapid and without substance. Exactly what is expected from you.

Jillian: 100% guaranteed that every post will be substance free.

Ask her how she's making out on finding a Clarence Thomas opinion that shows us all how stupid he is. Either she has me on ignore or she lacks the guts and mental capability to post it

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