Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Wonder why?


The picture was taken during the 1924 Democratic Convention.


It was also known as “Klanbake.”

In Madison Square Garden, New York City, from June 24 to July 9, a dispute during came up revolving around an attempt by non-Klan delegates, led by Forney Johnston of Alabama, to condemn the organization for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform.

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…
Things have drastically changed since then and especially since the civil war and all those years of democrats holding down minorities.

Now the modern democrat is more then willing to have open borders to bring in low wage workers which they will hold the deportation threat over their heads. The rhetoric has drastically changed but the party....not so much. Still run by rich white folks.
The modern day Klan traded in their hoods and robes for business suits and live in the penthouses of NY and in Malibu/Hollywood Hills.
Wonder why?


The picture was taken during the 1924 Democratic Convention.


It was also known as “Klanbake.”

In Madison Square Garden, New York City, from June 24 to July 9, a dispute during came up revolving around an attempt by non-Klan delegates, led by Forney Johnston of Alabama, to condemn the organization for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform.

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…


Wow, look at all those white conservatives. Glad they became Republicans.
KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president

Among the small number of American newspapers that have embraced Donald Trump’s campaign, there is one, in particular, that stands out.

It is called the Crusader — and it is one of the most prominent newspapers of the Ku Klux Klan.

Under the banner "Make America Great Again," the entire front page of the paper's current issue is devoted to a lengthy defense of Trump’s message — an embrace some have labeled a de facto endorsement.

"'Make America Great Again!' It is a slogan that has been repeatedly used by Donald Trump in his campaign for the presidency," Pastor Thomas Robb wrote in the Crusader. "You can see it on the shirts, buttons, posters and ball caps such as the one being worn here by Trump speaking at a recent rally. … But can it happen? Can America really be great again? This is what we will soon find out!"
Wonder why?


The picture was taken during the 1924 Democratic Convention.


It was also known as “Klanbake.”

In Madison Square Garden, New York City, from June 24 to July 9, a dispute during came up revolving around an attempt by non-Klan delegates, led by Forney Johnston of Alabama, to condemn the organization for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform.

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

You are right I don't like it at all, no porta potties available , instead public urination, disgusting...
The modern day Klan traded in their hoods and robes for business suits and live in the penthouses of NY and in Malibu/Hollywood Hills.
They also be living in shotgun shacks in Arkansas...

Trump's base because he understands. They believe his guttersnipe personality means he speaks for them.

How could they have gotten it so wrong and what's taking them so long?

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Wonder why?


The picture was taken during the 1924 Democratic Convention.


It was also known as “Klanbake.”

In Madison Square Garden, New York City, from June 24 to July 9, a dispute during came up revolving around an attempt by non-Klan delegates, led by Forney Johnston of Alabama, to condemn the organization for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform.

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

Was that Robert Byrd in the first row?
The modern day Klan traded in their hoods and robes for business suits and live in the penthouses of NY and in Malibu/Hollywood Hills.
They also be living in shotgun shacks in Arkansas...

Trump's base because he understands. He speaks for them.

How could they have gotten it so wrong and what's taking them so long?

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I think they walked into a gator pit and are still in shock..
Wonder why?


The picture was taken during the 1924 Democratic Convention.


It was also known as “Klanbake.”

In Madison Square Garden, New York City, from June 24 to July 9, a dispute during came up revolving around an attempt by non-Klan delegates, led by Forney Johnston of Alabama, to condemn the organization for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform.

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

Was that Robert Byrd in the first row?

Probably Joseph Kennedy..or Eddie Cantor...and there's FDR...

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