Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

Just came across this on a random scan:

“The Dixiecrats were welcomed back into the Democratic fold with open arms.

Amazing how Spandex Creatures think they can slip entire fictions through the cracks.

This one won't take but a moment. The fact is the population of Dixiecrats was TWO -- let's count them together....
  1. Strom Thurmond, Gov, SC
  2. Fielding Wright, Gov, MS
..... Wright, the VP candidate, served out the rest of his term and left politics, returning to law practice.

That's half the list already.

Thurmond did not leave politics. He ran for Senator in 1954 and had to do so as a write-in candidate.
Why? Because the SC Democratic Party had kicked him off the ballot.

Apparently "open arms" can be purty slippery. Like Spandex.

Hey, there's no rule that says the OP has to have a monopoly on lying but this is pretty tame compared to a political convention moved a thousand miles away featuring a dead man. As far as lying games go, Stuporgurl, you gotta --- up yours.

Democrats opposed:

1. The Emancipation Proclamation

2. The 13th Amendment

3. The 14th Amendment

4. The 15th Amendment

5. The Reconstruction Act of 1867

6. The Civil Rights of 1866

7. The Enforcement Act of 1870

8. The Forced Act of 1871

9. The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871

10. The Civil Rights Act of 1875

11. The Freeman Bureau

12. The Civil Rights Act of 1957

13. The Civil Rights Act of 1960

14. The United State Civil Rights Commission
The Democrat Party VS the Republican Party: Who is the True Champion of the Ending Slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Black Community

The Democrat Party: champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.
When the south was Democrat. Now it's Republican.

The Democrats have never changed....champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.

Here....let's prove it an earlier time....

"The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.

....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. They roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."
From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

Now....let's see if that has changed: the very personification of the current Democrat Party is a man who was elected by the party, twice, and saved from impeachment by the same party.....and has been a racist his entire life:

That's Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

The Democrats....from alpha to omega...champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.

Democrats have been racists even longer than you've been ugly.
Last edited:
And you're just a crybaby loser.
And I didn't lose you still have not proven the OP lied...still waiting for that one.
Of course he did. He kept denying the truth even after it was shown to him. Then he ran away.
Spits the moron who actually posted a photo from a KKK march in Wisconsin and tried to fool the forum into believing it was from the 1924 DNC in New York. :cuckoo:
That doesn't prove your claim, shit stain.
Please quote where I denied the truth.

I don't waste my time flogging a dead horse. I know that's your favorite hobby. You get your pants pulled down around your ankles so often that whenever you win on some small point you beat it to death.
Where I quoted you.
Just came across this on a random scan:

“The Dixiecrats were welcomed back into the Democratic fold with open arms.

Amazing how Spandex Creatures think they can slip entire fictions through the cracks.

This one won't take but a moment. The fact is the population of Dixiecrats was TWO -- let's count them together....
  1. Strom Thurmond, Gov, SC
  2. Fielding Wright, Gov, MS
..... Wright, the VP candidate, served out the rest of his term and left politics, returning to law practice.

That's half the list already.

Thurmond did not leave politics. He ran for Senator in 1954 and had to do so as a write-in candidate.
Why? Because the SC Democratic Party had kicked him off the ballot.

Apparently "open arms" can be purty slippery. Like Spandex.

Hey, there's no rule that says the OP has to have a monopoly on lying but this is pretty tame compared to a political convention moved a thousand miles away featuring a dead man. As far as lying games go, Stuporgurl, you gotta --- up yours.

Democrats opposed:

1. The Emancipation Proclamation

2. The 13th Amendment

3. The 14th Amendment

4. The 15th Amendment

5. The Reconstruction Act of 1867

6. The Civil Rights of 1866

7. The Enforcement Act of 1870

8. The Forced Act of 1871

9. The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871

10. The Civil Rights Act of 1875

11. The Freeman Bureau

12. The Civil Rights Act of 1957

13. The Civil Rights Act of 1960

14. The United State Civil Rights Commission
The Democrat Party VS the Republican Party: Who is the True Champion of the Ending Slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Black Community

The Democrat Party: champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.
When the south was Democrat. Now it's Republican.
Yes, now it's Republican. Have you heard of any burning crosses in the last 40 years? Any lynchings?
Not by Democrats either. Now the right just bitches and moans.

You fuckers make such faithful nazi's, huh?
Just came across this on a random scan:

“The Dixiecrats were welcomed back into the Democratic fold with open arms.

Amazing how Spandex Creatures think they can slip entire fictions through the cracks.

This one won't take but a moment. The fact is the population of Dixiecrats was TWO -- let's count them together....
  1. Strom Thurmond, Gov, SC
  2. Fielding Wright, Gov, MS
..... Wright, the VP candidate, served out the rest of his term and left politics, returning to law practice.

That's half the list already.

Thurmond did not leave politics. He ran for Senator in 1954 and had to do so as a write-in candidate.
Why? Because the SC Democratic Party had kicked him off the ballot.

Apparently "open arms" can be purty slippery. Like Spandex.

Hey, there's no rule that says the OP has to have a monopoly on lying but this is pretty tame compared to a political convention moved a thousand miles away featuring a dead man. As far as lying games go, Stuporgurl, you gotta --- up yours.

Democrats opposed:

1. The Emancipation Proclamation

2. The 13th Amendment

3. The 14th Amendment

4. The 15th Amendment

5. The Reconstruction Act of 1867

6. The Civil Rights of 1866

7. The Enforcement Act of 1870

8. The Forced Act of 1871

9. The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871

10. The Civil Rights Act of 1875

11. The Freeman Bureau

12. The Civil Rights Act of 1957

13. The Civil Rights Act of 1960

14. The United State Civil Rights Commission
The Democrat Party VS the Republican Party: Who is the True Champion of the Ending Slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Black Community

The Democrat Party: champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.
When the south was Democrat. Now it's Republican.

The Democrats have never changed....champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.

Here....let's prove it an earlier time....

"The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.

....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. They roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."
From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

Leave it to a brain circulation cut off by Spandex to think she makes a point by quoting a novel. :lol:

Still, this particular fiction's scene does cite a genuinely historical entity. "Night riders", also called "Regulators" or "Slave patrols" were operating since at least the eighteenth century, before there was a country and way before there were any political parties. That's a major part of the element that took over the Klan from its original founders. Again, no political party was required to participate in either.

These "night riders", considered a civic duty of the (white) menfolk, operated primarily to hunt down and return runaway slaves -- and when there weren't any to hunt in that area, to ride around intimidating existing slaves as a way of discouraging runaways and insurrections. So while the Klan brought in costumes and a framework of secret rituals, its activities concerning ex-slaves were already long-established practice.

Slave escapes and insurrections quite naturally had been going on since literally the first African slaves were brought to these shores in the 1530s by a Spanish crew. That group of captives escaped and happily were never caught, presumably joining with, and surviving with the aid of, local Native Americans. Other revolts and escapes occurred, naturally, throughout the infamous history of slavery. The "night riders" were the white establishment's remedy for such escapes; a civil 'security' force. And they had nothing to do with politics.
Just came across this on a random scan:

“The Dixiecrats were welcomed back into the Democratic fold with open arms.

Amazing how Spandex Creatures think they can slip entire fictions through the cracks.

This one won't take but a moment. The fact is the population of Dixiecrats was TWO -- let's count them together....
  1. Strom Thurmond, Gov, SC
  2. Fielding Wright, Gov, MS
..... Wright, the VP candidate, served out the rest of his term and left politics, returning to law practice.

That's half the list already.

Thurmond did not leave politics. He ran for Senator in 1954 and had to do so as a write-in candidate.
Why? Because the SC Democratic Party had kicked him off the ballot.

Apparently "open arms" can be purty slippery. Like Spandex.

Hey, there's no rule that says the OP has to have a monopoly on lying but this is pretty tame compared to a political convention moved a thousand miles away featuring a dead man. As far as lying games go, Stuporgurl, you gotta --- up yours.

Democrats opposed:

1. The Emancipation Proclamation

2. The 13th Amendment

3. The 14th Amendment

4. The 15th Amendment

5. The Reconstruction Act of 1867

6. The Civil Rights of 1866

7. The Enforcement Act of 1870

8. The Forced Act of 1871

9. The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871

10. The Civil Rights Act of 1875

11. The Freeman Bureau

12. The Civil Rights Act of 1957

13. The Civil Rights Act of 1960

14. The United State Civil Rights Commission
The Democrat Party VS the Republican Party: Who is the True Champion of the Ending Slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Black Community

The Democrat Party: champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.
When the south was Democrat. Now it's Republican.
Yes, now it's Republican. Have you heard of any burning crosses in the last 40 years? Any lynchings?
Not by Democrats either. Now the right just bitches and moans.

You fuckers make such faithful nazi's, huh?

The right complains about taxes and regulations. The left complains about white people.

So who are the racists?
Just came across this on a random scan:

“The Dixiecrats were welcomed back into the Democratic fold with open arms.

Amazing how Spandex Creatures think they can slip entire fictions through the cracks.

This one won't take but a moment. The fact is the population of Dixiecrats was TWO -- let's count them together....
  1. Strom Thurmond, Gov, SC
  2. Fielding Wright, Gov, MS
..... Wright, the VP candidate, served out the rest of his term and left politics, returning to law practice.

That's half the list already.

Thurmond did not leave politics. He ran for Senator in 1954 and had to do so as a write-in candidate.
Why? Because the SC Democratic Party had kicked him off the ballot.

Apparently "open arms" can be purty slippery. Like Spandex.

Hey, there's no rule that says the OP has to have a monopoly on lying but this is pretty tame compared to a political convention moved a thousand miles away featuring a dead man. As far as lying games go, Stuporgurl, you gotta --- up yours.

Democrats opposed:

1. The Emancipation Proclamation

2. The 13th Amendment

3. The 14th Amendment

4. The 15th Amendment

5. The Reconstruction Act of 1867

6. The Civil Rights of 1866

7. The Enforcement Act of 1870

8. The Forced Act of 1871

9. The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871

10. The Civil Rights Act of 1875

11. The Freeman Bureau

12. The Civil Rights Act of 1957

13. The Civil Rights Act of 1960

14. The United State Civil Rights Commission
The Democrat Party VS the Republican Party: Who is the True Champion of the Ending Slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Black Community

The Democrat Party: champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.
When the south was Democrat. Now it's Republican.

The Democrats have never changed....champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.

Here....let's prove it an earlier time....

"The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.

....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. They roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."
From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

Now....let's see if that has changed: the very personification of the current Democrat Party is a man who was elected by the party, twice, and saved from impeachment by the same party.....and has been a racist his entire life:

That's Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

The Democrats....from alpha to omega...champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.

Democrats have been racists even longer than you've been ugly.


Just came across this on a random scan:

“The Dixiecrats were welcomed back into the Democratic fold with open arms.

Amazing how Spandex Creatures think they can slip entire fictions through the cracks.

This one won't take but a moment. The fact is the population of Dixiecrats was TWO -- let's count them together....
  1. Strom Thurmond, Gov, SC
  2. Fielding Wright, Gov, MS
..... Wright, the VP candidate, served out the rest of his term and left politics, returning to law practice.

That's half the list already.

Thurmond did not leave politics. He ran for Senator in 1954 and had to do so as a write-in candidate.
Why? Because the SC Democratic Party had kicked him off the ballot.

Apparently "open arms" can be purty slippery. Like Spandex.

Hey, there's no rule that says the OP has to have a monopoly on lying but this is pretty tame compared to a political convention moved a thousand miles away featuring a dead man. As far as lying games go, Stuporgurl, you gotta --- up yours.

Democrats opposed:

1. The Emancipation Proclamation

2. The 13th Amendment

3. The 14th Amendment

4. The 15th Amendment

5. The Reconstruction Act of 1867

6. The Civil Rights of 1866

7. The Enforcement Act of 1870

8. The Forced Act of 1871

9. The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871

10. The Civil Rights Act of 1875

11. The Freeman Bureau

12. The Civil Rights Act of 1957

13. The Civil Rights Act of 1960

14. The United State Civil Rights Commission
The Democrat Party VS the Republican Party: Who is the True Champion of the Ending Slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Black Community

The Democrat Party: champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.
When the south was Democrat. Now it's Republican.

The Democrats have never changed....champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.

Here....let's prove it an earlier time....

"The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.

....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. They roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."
From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

Now....let's see if that has changed: the very personification of the current Democrat Party is a man who was elected by the party, twice, and saved from impeachment by the same party.....and has been a racist his entire life:

That's Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

The Democrats....from alpha to omega...champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.

Democrats have been racists even longer than you've been ugly.



It appears Trump won a lot of the same states that Linconln won.
Just came across this on a random scan:

Amazing how Spandex Creatures think they can slip entire fictions through the cracks.

This one won't take but a moment. The fact is the population of Dixiecrats was TWO -- let's count them together....
  1. Strom Thurmond, Gov, SC
  2. Fielding Wright, Gov, MS
..... Wright, the VP candidate, served out the rest of his term and left politics, returning to law practice.

That's half the list already.

Thurmond did not leave politics. He ran for Senator in 1954 and had to do so as a write-in candidate.
Why? Because the SC Democratic Party had kicked him off the ballot.

Apparently "open arms" can be purty slippery. Like Spandex.

Hey, there's no rule that says the OP has to have a monopoly on lying but this is pretty tame compared to a political convention moved a thousand miles away featuring a dead man. As far as lying games go, Stuporgurl, you gotta --- up yours.

Democrats opposed:

1. The Emancipation Proclamation

2. The 13th Amendment

3. The 14th Amendment

4. The 15th Amendment

5. The Reconstruction Act of 1867

6. The Civil Rights of 1866

7. The Enforcement Act of 1870

8. The Forced Act of 1871

9. The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871

10. The Civil Rights Act of 1875

11. The Freeman Bureau

12. The Civil Rights Act of 1957

13. The Civil Rights Act of 1960

14. The United State Civil Rights Commission
The Democrat Party VS the Republican Party: Who is the True Champion of the Ending Slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Black Community

The Democrat Party: champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.
When the south was Democrat. Now it's Republican.

The Democrats have never changed....champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.

Here....let's prove it an earlier time....

"The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.

....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. They roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."
From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

Now....let's see if that has changed: the very personification of the current Democrat Party is a man who was elected by the party, twice, and saved from impeachment by the same party.....and has been a racist his entire life:

That's Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

The Democrats....from alpha to omega...champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.

Democrats have been racists even longer than you've been ugly.



It appears Trump won a lot of the same states that Linconln won.
Not so much in the south, west, or northeast.

But in particular -- the racist south. Was a bunch of racist Democrats -- now it's a bunch of racist Republicans. What hasn't changed along the Bible Belt is that it's always been conservative. That's why it's the rightwing clinging desperately to their confederate legacy.
Just came across this on a random scan:

“The Dixiecrats were welcomed back into the Democratic fold with open arms.

Amazing how Spandex Creatures think they can slip entire fictions through the cracks.

This one won't take but a moment. The fact is the population of Dixiecrats was TWO -- let's count them together....
  1. Strom Thurmond, Gov, SC
  2. Fielding Wright, Gov, MS
..... Wright, the VP candidate, served out the rest of his term and left politics, returning to law practice.

That's half the list already.

Thurmond did not leave politics. He ran for Senator in 1954 and had to do so as a write-in candidate.
Why? Because the SC Democratic Party had kicked him off the ballot.

Apparently "open arms" can be purty slippery. Like Spandex.

Hey, there's no rule that says the OP has to have a monopoly on lying but this is pretty tame compared to a political convention moved a thousand miles away featuring a dead man. As far as lying games go, Stuporgurl, you gotta --- up yours.

Democrats opposed:

1. The Emancipation Proclamation

2. The 13th Amendment

3. The 14th Amendment

4. The 15th Amendment

5. The Reconstruction Act of 1867

6. The Civil Rights of 1866

7. The Enforcement Act of 1870

8. The Forced Act of 1871

9. The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871

10. The Civil Rights Act of 1875

11. The Freeman Bureau

12. The Civil Rights Act of 1957

13. The Civil Rights Act of 1960

14. The United State Civil Rights Commission
The Democrat Party VS the Republican Party: Who is the True Champion of the Ending Slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Black Community

The Democrat Party: champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.
When the south was Democrat. Now it's Republican.

The Democrats have never changed....champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.

Here....let's prove it an earlier time....

"The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.

....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. They roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."
From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

Leave it to a brain circulation cut off by Spandex to think she makes a point by quoting a novel. :lol:

Still, this particular fiction's scene does cite a genuinely historical entity. "Night riders", also called "Regulators" or "Slave patrols" were operating since at least the eighteenth century, before there was a country and way before there were any political parties. That's a major part of the element that took over the Klan from its original founders. Again, no political party was required to participate in either.

These "night riders", considered a civic duty of the (white) menfolk, operated primarily to hunt down and return runaway slaves -- and when there weren't any to hunt in that area, to ride around intimidating existing slaves as a way of discouraging runaways and insurrections. So while the Klan brought in costumes and a framework of secret rituals, its activities concerning ex-slaves were already long-established practice.

Slave escapes and insurrections quite naturally had been going on since literally the first African slaves were brought to these shores in the 1530s by a Spanish crew. That group of captives escaped and happily were never caught, presumably joining with, and surviving with the aid of, local Native Americans. Other revolts and escapes occurred, naturally, throughout the infamous history of slavery. The "night riders" were the white establishment's remedy for such escapes; a civil 'security' force. And they had nothing to do with politics.

Is the author of the novel 100% correct or not?

Answer, you dunce.
Just came across this on a random scan:

“The Dixiecrats were welcomed back into the Democratic fold with open arms.

Amazing how Spandex Creatures think they can slip entire fictions through the cracks.

This one won't take but a moment. The fact is the population of Dixiecrats was TWO -- let's count them together....
  1. Strom Thurmond, Gov, SC
  2. Fielding Wright, Gov, MS
..... Wright, the VP candidate, served out the rest of his term and left politics, returning to law practice.

That's half the list already.

Thurmond did not leave politics. He ran for Senator in 1954 and had to do so as a write-in candidate.
Why? Because the SC Democratic Party had kicked him off the ballot.

Apparently "open arms" can be purty slippery. Like Spandex.

Hey, there's no rule that says the OP has to have a monopoly on lying but this is pretty tame compared to a political convention moved a thousand miles away featuring a dead man. As far as lying games go, Stuporgurl, you gotta --- up yours.

Democrats opposed:

1. The Emancipation Proclamation

2. The 13th Amendment

3. The 14th Amendment

4. The 15th Amendment

5. The Reconstruction Act of 1867

6. The Civil Rights of 1866

7. The Enforcement Act of 1870

8. The Forced Act of 1871

9. The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871

10. The Civil Rights Act of 1875

11. The Freeman Bureau

12. The Civil Rights Act of 1957

13. The Civil Rights Act of 1960

14. The United State Civil Rights Commission
The Democrat Party VS the Republican Party: Who is the True Champion of the Ending Slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Black Community

The Democrat Party: champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.
When the south was Democrat. Now it's Republican.

The Democrats have never changed....champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.

Here....let's prove it an earlier time....

"The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.

....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. They roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."
From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

Leave it to a brain circulation cut off by Spandex to think she makes a point by quoting a novel. :lol:

Still, this particular fiction's scene does cite a genuinely historical entity. "Night riders", also called "Regulators" or "Slave patrols" were operating since at least the eighteenth century, before there was a country and way before there were any political parties. That's a major part of the element that took over the Klan from its original founders. Again, no political party was required to participate in either.

These "night riders", considered a civic duty of the (white) menfolk, operated primarily to hunt down and return runaway slaves -- and when there weren't any to hunt in that area, to ride around intimidating existing slaves as a way of discouraging runaways and insurrections. So while the Klan brought in costumes and a framework of secret rituals, its activities concerning ex-slaves were already long-established practice.

Slave escapes and insurrections quite naturally had been going on since literally the first African slaves were brought to these shores in the 1530s by a Spanish crew. That group of captives escaped and happily were never caught, presumably joining with, and surviving with the aid of, local Native Americans. Other revolts and escapes occurred, naturally, throughout the infamous history of slavery. The "night riders" were the white establishment's remedy for such escapes; a civil 'security' force. And they had nothing to do with politics.

Has Bill 'the rapist' Clinton been a racist his entire life?

Answer, you dunce.
Just came across this on a random scan:

Amazing how Spandex Creatures think they can slip entire fictions through the cracks.

This one won't take but a moment. The fact is the population of Dixiecrats was TWO -- let's count them together....
  1. Strom Thurmond, Gov, SC
  2. Fielding Wright, Gov, MS
..... Wright, the VP candidate, served out the rest of his term and left politics, returning to law practice.

That's half the list already.

Thurmond did not leave politics. He ran for Senator in 1954 and had to do so as a write-in candidate.
Why? Because the SC Democratic Party had kicked him off the ballot.

Apparently "open arms" can be purty slippery. Like Spandex.

Hey, there's no rule that says the OP has to have a monopoly on lying but this is pretty tame compared to a political convention moved a thousand miles away featuring a dead man. As far as lying games go, Stuporgurl, you gotta --- up yours.

Democrats opposed:

1. The Emancipation Proclamation

2. The 13th Amendment

3. The 14th Amendment

4. The 15th Amendment

5. The Reconstruction Act of 1867

6. The Civil Rights of 1866

7. The Enforcement Act of 1870

8. The Forced Act of 1871

9. The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871

10. The Civil Rights Act of 1875

11. The Freeman Bureau

12. The Civil Rights Act of 1957

13. The Civil Rights Act of 1960

14. The United State Civil Rights Commission
The Democrat Party VS the Republican Party: Who is the True Champion of the Ending Slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Black Community

The Democrat Party: champions of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.....always and forever.
When the south was Democrat. Now it's Republican.
Yes, now it's Republican. Have you heard of any burning crosses in the last 40 years? Any lynchings?
Not by Democrats either. Now the right just bitches and moans.

You fuckers make such faithful nazi's, huh?

The right complains about taxes and regulations. The left complains about white people.

So who are the racists?

Idiot.... I'm on the left and I don't complain about anyone because they're white.

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