Liberals aren't mad that Brian Williams lied...

Sorry, Great Gasbag, but I don't get outraged by the actions of newscasters/journalists from any side of the political spectrum. I have more important things to do. But I'm sure you've said the same thing about conservatives and Fox News' daily lies, right comrade?

EDITED: (You can see my original post in sock's reply). Just gonna note that sock's post is case in point of what I was saying in the OP. And sock's follow-up post isn't even worthy of a reply (much like sock's first post).

I see that all the time here. I make a point, and then a person will respond with a perfect example of my point but wrap it in a personal insult, as if they're disagreeing. I obviously struck a nerve, but they can't deny my point. It cracks me up, it happens all the freaking time.

Anyway, to illustrate your point, HuffPo has a story titled (get this) "How Williams' Rare Talents Brought About His Downfall" (I'm not making this up), and then a link to this story: Storytelling ability connected Brian Williams with viewers but also led to his downfall - The Washington Post

From the piece:
In his 55 years, Brian Williams has fashioned a life that needed no embellishment, a life so filled with gravity-defying success, with fame and riches, that it might have seemed too good to be true.

Yet some of the very traits that made Williams so irresistible to TV viewers — the intimacy of his storytelling and the eagerness to seal his legitimacy by proving his proximity to the action — are at the root of his undoing.

That makes sense. Neurologists tell us that the way the memory works is not literal like your computer memory but a series of stories we tell ourselves over and over, which inevitably get embellished, modified with what might have been, dressed up, dressed down, etc. I think that's why when you visit some place you haven't seen since childhood it looks so much smaller.

A TV talking head like Williams is in a constant pose, playing the part of Serious Gravitas Suit, because that's what he's hired to be. Apparently he told himself a few embellishments so well he started believing them himself. That's the hazard of living full-time in a fake-fantasy environment. Which is exactly what television is.

I think you may be starting to believe your own 'embellishments.' No, Williams is bold face lying and you're excusing him; and that speaks to your own lack of character.

I'm relating what neurologists tell us about how the brain works. And as usual disdaining the utterly fake landscape of television. If you believe in that fairy tale propaganda box, that speaks to your own lack of intellect. And you probably also believe in the tooth fairy.

They're speaking to mundane events largely. For f's sake, you'd know if an RPG struck your ride (It's not a matter of embellishment). It'd stick out in one's mind like a banger in the mouth. Maybe, not your mind. I'm sure you've taken too many bangers to count.
Thread after thread, I've noticed liberals have not been offended by Brian Williams actions. Some have defended him. Many have attacked his accusers. Others have spun this about other issues. Others have presented moral relativism arguments. The one thing that liberals have not done is show outrage. Why? Cos he's one of their own. And in liberal land, it's okay to lie for the cause.

Liberals aren't mad that Brian Williams lied. They're mad that he got caught.
So? News outlets have consistently lied daily since the first broadsheets were printed.

Are you meagerly trying to make my point?
EDITED: (You can see my original post in sock's reply). Just gonna note that sock's post is case in point of what I was saying in the OP. And sock's follow-up post isn't even worthy of a reply (much like sock's first post).

I see that all the time here. I make a point, and then a person will respond with a perfect example of my point but wrap it in a personal insult, as if they're disagreeing. I obviously struck a nerve, but they can't deny my point. It cracks me up, it happens all the freaking time.

Anyway, to illustrate your point, HuffPo has a story titled (get this) "How Williams' Rare Talents Brought About His Downfall" (I'm not making this up), and then a link to this story: Storytelling ability connected Brian Williams with viewers but also led to his downfall - The Washington Post

From the piece:
In his 55 years, Brian Williams has fashioned a life that needed no embellishment, a life so filled with gravity-defying success, with fame and riches, that it might have seemed too good to be true.

Yet some of the very traits that made Williams so irresistible to TV viewers — the intimacy of his storytelling and the eagerness to seal his legitimacy by proving his proximity to the action — are at the root of his undoing.

That makes sense. Neurologists tell us that the way the memory works is not literal like your computer memory but a series of stories we tell ourselves over and over, which inevitably get embellished, modified with what might have been, dressed up, dressed down, etc. I think that's why when you visit some place you haven't seen since childhood it looks so much smaller.

A TV talking head like Williams is in a constant pose, playing the part of Serious Gravitas Suit, because that's what he's hired to be. Apparently he told himself a few embellishments so well he started believing them himself. That's the hazard of living full-time in a fake-fantasy environment. Which is exactly what television is.

I think you may be starting to believe your own 'embellishments.' No, Williams is bold face lying and you're excusing him; and that speaks to your own lack of character.

I'm relating what neurologists tell us about how the brain works. And as usual disdaining the utterly fake landscape of television. If you believe in that fairy tale propaganda box, that speaks to your own lack of intellect. And you probably also believe in the tooth fairy.

They're speaking to mundane events largely. For f's sake, you'd know if an RPG struck your ride (It's not a matter of embellishment). It'd stick out in one's mind like a banger in the mouth. Maybe, not your mind. I'm sure you've taken too many bangers to count.

Whatever "taking bangers" means... :dunno:

The fact remains, whether Brian Williams personally swam naked through exacto knives made out of sulphuric acid in a room full of poison gas while being bombarded with nuclear blasts, or just did it in his imagination, either way it ain't the news. It's personal fantasy. BFD.

Hence the question in post 77. Which you ignored.
I see that all the time here. I make a point, and then a person will respond with a perfect example of my point but wrap it in a personal insult, as if they're disagreeing. I obviously struck a nerve, but they can't deny my point. It cracks me up, it happens all the freaking time.

Anyway, to illustrate your point, HuffPo has a story titled (get this) "How Williams' Rare Talents Brought About His Downfall" (I'm not making this up), and then a link to this story: Storytelling ability connected Brian Williams with viewers but also led to his downfall - The Washington Post

From the piece:
In his 55 years, Brian Williams has fashioned a life that needed no embellishment, a life so filled with gravity-defying success, with fame and riches, that it might have seemed too good to be true.

Yet some of the very traits that made Williams so irresistible to TV viewers — the intimacy of his storytelling and the eagerness to seal his legitimacy by proving his proximity to the action — are at the root of his undoing.

That makes sense. Neurologists tell us that the way the memory works is not literal like your computer memory but a series of stories we tell ourselves over and over, which inevitably get embellished, modified with what might have been, dressed up, dressed down, etc. I think that's why when you visit some place you haven't seen since childhood it looks so much smaller.

A TV talking head like Williams is in a constant pose, playing the part of Serious Gravitas Suit, because that's what he's hired to be. Apparently he told himself a few embellishments so well he started believing them himself. That's the hazard of living full-time in a fake-fantasy environment. Which is exactly what television is.

I think you may be starting to believe your own 'embellishments.' No, Williams is bold face lying and you're excusing him; and that speaks to your own lack of character.

I'm relating what neurologists tell us about how the brain works. And as usual disdaining the utterly fake landscape of television. If you believe in that fairy tale propaganda box, that speaks to your own lack of intellect. And you probably also believe in the tooth fairy.

They're speaking to mundane events largely. For f's sake, you'd know if an RPG struck your ride (It's not a matter of embellishment). It'd stick out in one's mind like a banger in the mouth. Maybe, not your mind. I'm sure you've taken too many bangers to count.

Whatever "taking bangers" means... :dunno:

The fact remains, whether Brian Williams personally swam naked through exacto knives made out of sulphuric acid in a room full of poison gas while being bombarded with nuclear blasts, or just did it in his imagination, either way it ain't the news. It's personal fantasy. BFD.

Hence the question in post 77. Which you ignored.

It doesn't matter what question you think I ignored. In fact, if it was so important, you might have relisted it instead of trying to goad me into going back re-reading your nonsense in search of whatever. The reality is that BW lied. Non apologists aren't looking for excuses to the contrary.
... and continue to ignore.

Hell, you lied yourself on this board and in this thread, and it WAS about news. Shouldn't you be suspended longer than six months?

I still have yet to be informed on what planet telefuckingvision is some kind of oracle of "truth". I have no idea where you get that kind of fucked-up notion.

Thread after thread, I've noticed liberals have not been offended by Brian Williams actions. Some have defended him. Many have attacked his accusers. Others have spun this about other issues. Others have presented moral relativism arguments. The one thing that liberals have not done is show outrage. Why? Cos he's one of their own. And in liberal land, it's okay to lie for the cause.

Liberals aren't mad that Brian Williams lied. They're mad that he got caught.

I think it has more to do with the fact that Brian Williams was penalized for doing exactly what Bill O'Reilly and Shawn Hannity do every day.
Did you care about Dan Rather?

I believe Dan Rather's account of what took place. You probably didn't read this:

Truth or Consequences Texas Monthly

I don't believe that he misled anyone intentionally.
He made the entire story up. What the hell are you talking about?

Not at all. I had already read all of that before CBS aired it, in a biography. Rather didn't originate it.
So he didn't lie?

He and his team clearly failed to properly vet their source as was subsequently shown.

But you said he "made it up". No he didn't. The story had already existed. It was published before the TV show aired.
Did he lie?
... and continue to ignore.

Hell, you lied yourself on this board and in this thread, and it WAS about news. Shouldn't you be suspended longer than six months?
I believe Dan Rather's account of what took place. You probably didn't read this:

Truth or Consequences Texas Monthly

I don't believe that he misled anyone intentionally.
He made the entire story up. What the hell are you talking about?

Not at all. I had already read all of that before CBS aired it, in a biography. Rather didn't originate it.
So he didn't lie?

He and his team clearly failed to properly vet their source as was subsequently shown.

But you said he "made it up". No he didn't. The story had already existed. It was published before the TV show aired.
Did he lie?

Are you illiterate?
... and continue to ignore.

Hell, you lied yourself on this board and in this thread, and it WAS about news. Shouldn't you be suspended longer than six months?
He made the entire story up. What the hell are you talking about?

Not at all. I had already read all of that before CBS aired it, in a biography. Rather didn't originate it.
So he didn't lie?

He and his team clearly failed to properly vet their source as was subsequently shown.

But you said he "made it up". No he didn't. The story had already existed. It was published before the TV show aired.
Did he lie?

Are you illiterate?
Are you stupid? I'll go ahead and answer my question. Yes he did lie. Whether he made it up or not, he reported a story he knew was false. In order to hurt a sitting president, and you stick up for him. It used to be funny how liberals stuck up for a one another, but after what all you've done for obama. It just shows you have no morals and are just plain stupid.
... and continue to ignore.

Hell, you lied yourself on this board and in this thread, and it WAS about news. Shouldn't you be suspended longer than six months?
Not at all. I had already read all of that before CBS aired it, in a biography. Rather didn't originate it.
So he didn't lie?

He and his team clearly failed to properly vet their source as was subsequently shown.

But you said he "made it up". No he didn't. The story had already existed. It was published before the TV show aired.
Did he lie?

Are you illiterate?
Are you stupid? I'll go ahead and answer my question. Yes he did lie. Whether he made it up or not, he reported a story he knew was false. In order to hurt a sitting president, and you stick up for him. It used to be funny how liberals stuck up for a one another, but after what all you've done for obama. It just shows you have no morals and are just plain stupid.

Where do you see "sticking up"? You are illiterate.

You said that he "made it up". He didn't. It was all in this book, published in 1999 -- five years before Rather's broadcast (and later suppressed):


It may well have been stated in other sources as well but this one I know of.

So you're wrong, like it or lump it.
Last edited:
... and continue to ignore.

Hell, you lied yourself on this board and in this thread, and it WAS about news. Shouldn't you be suspended longer than six months?
So he didn't lie?

He and his team clearly failed to properly vet their source as was subsequently shown.

But you said he "made it up". No he didn't. The story had already existed. It was published before the TV show aired.
Did he lie?

Are you illiterate?
Are you stupid? I'll go ahead and answer my question. Yes he did lie. Whether he made it up or not, he reported a story he knew was false. In order to hurt a sitting president, and you stick up for him. It used to be funny how liberals stuck up for a one another, but after what all you've done for obama. It just shows you have no morals and are just plain stupid.

You said that he "made it up". He didn't. It was all in this book, published in 1999 -- five years before Rather's broadcast (and later suppressed):


It may well have been stated in other sources as well but this one I know of.

So you're wrong, like it or lump it.
Can you not read? I said whether he made it up or not, my gosh dealing with liberals are like dealing with five years olds. You gonna stick up for a liar?
Thread after thread, I've noticed liberals have not been offended by Brian Williams actions. Some have defended him. Many have attacked his accusers. Others have spun this about other issues. Others have presented moral relativism arguments. The one thing that liberals have not done is show outrage. Why? Cos he's one of their own. And in liberal land, it's okay to lie for the cause.

Liberals aren't mad that Brian Williams lied. They're mad that he got caught.

I think it has more to do with the fact that Brian Williams was penalized for doing exactly what Bill O'Reilly and Shawn Hannity do every day.

Moral equivalency....That's what you're going with?
Thread after thread, I've noticed liberals have not been offended by Brian Williams actions. Some have defended him. Many have attacked his accusers. Others have spun this about other issues. Others have presented moral relativism arguments. The one thing that liberals have not done is show outrage. Why? Cos he's one of their own. And in liberal land, it's okay to lie for the cause.

Liberals aren't mad that Brian Williams lied. They're mad that he got caught.

I think it has more to do with the fact that Brian Williams was penalized for doing exactly what Bill O'Reilly and Shawn Hannity do every day.

Moral equivalency....That's what you're going with?
If you believe the good folks at FOX News are anything like honest, about anything, then it's you who promotes an equivalency of lies.
Sorry, Great Gasbag, but I don't get outraged by the actions of newscasters/journalists from any side of the political spectrum. I have more important things to do. But I'm sure you've said the same thing about conservatives and Fox News' daily lies, right comrade?

EDITED: (You can see my original post in sock's reply). Just gonna note that sock's post is case in point of what I was saying in the OP. And sock's follow-up post isn't even worthy of a reply (much like sock's first post).

I see that all the time here. I make a point, and then a person will respond with a perfect example of my point but wrap it in a personal insult, as if they're disagreeing. I obviously struck a nerve, but they can't deny my point. It cracks me up, it happens all the freaking time.

Anyway, to illustrate your point, HuffPo has a story titled (get this) "How Williams' Rare Talents Brought About His Downfall" (I'm not making this up), and then a link to this story: Storytelling ability connected Brian Williams with viewers but also led to his downfall - The Washington Post

From the piece:
In his 55 years, Brian Williams has fashioned a life that needed no embellishment, a life so filled with gravity-defying success, with fame and riches, that it might have seemed too good to be true.

Yet some of the very traits that made Williams so irresistible to TV viewers — the intimacy of his storytelling and the eagerness to seal his legitimacy by proving his proximity to the action — are at the root of his undoing.


"Embellishment" No, they were lies. And yes, Brian Williams did have a persona made for TV, and he could have had significant success while being on the level. But let's not totally downplay the extent to which his lies helped his career. Being a guy that survived a missile made him the talk of any town he went to. And BW's Katrina lies had all sorts of political ramifications as well as gaining great glory for himself. In fact, that coverage catapulted him to the anchorship. So, yea, BW saying dead bodies were floating down the French Court was a sound bite that built his brand. He was no longer just a guy standing in the rain when he could paint a picture of surviving chaos instead.

Looks to me like you want liberals to defend him and take the situation as a personal defeat. Sorry, but not everybody is so protective of news sources as fox viewers are. It was the same thing when Republicans took the Senate in the recent midterm. You really wanted us to be wailing and wearing ashes and sack cloth, but it just didn't happen. Sorry that disappointed you.

Fox Noise connects with its audience on an emotional level. They've been played like that so long they think having an emotional relationship with a TV channel is like, normal.
Right-Wingers are extremely emotional. That's why facts are irrelevant to them. Facts don't feel true.
Right-Wingers are extremely emotional. That's why facts are irrelevant to them. Facts don't feel true.

The irony of this many levels.
Climate Change is a perfect example. The facts are in, yet wingnuts won't accept those facts because they can still make a snowball in Washington in February.
Were it not for climate change you'd be hiding from dinosaurs in your basement.

Except that you wouldn't have a basement because you would never have come to exist.

Maybe those dinosaurs should have quit driving their SUVs and parked their computers like good anti-climate change liberals ALL do....voluntarily.

Except they didn't and they don't.
Right-Wingers are extremely emotional. That's why facts are irrelevant to them. Facts don't feel true.

The irony of this many levels.
Climate Change is a perfect example. The facts are in, yet wingnuts won't accept those facts because they can still make a snowball in Washington in February.

Some on the right may be close minded on this issue. But the left has thrown up a heap of lies when it comes to this issue. You're pretending you have some moral high ground that you frankly don't have.

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